30 September 2023 20:55
Management sucks, had terrible experience with both managers. They were both very condescending with me when i was explaining my fraudulent case and basically told me they couldnt help me. Even had accused me of being at fault for some sketchy stuff that happened with my account. Ur better off to just call BMO customer service, dont waste your time going to this branch. Also one of the managers couldnt provide me any service in english. How can a manager be so incompetent and unhelpful. Also i see that someone is responding half heartedly to the reviews here. Dont even try with me, I already know u all are useless.
22 July 2023 16:30
Pire agence bancaire du Canada & de l’histoire de BMO
Le personnel incompétent de A à Z
Dommage que je puisse pas mettre Zéro!
08 May 2023 5:17
Terrible experience, the teller was very nice but Josée Massy was very hostile. I came in to do a withdraw and she started asking me questions about transactions in my account and telling me she was conducting an "investigation". I was very confused as i was not given a clear response as to what was going on. I kept asking question because I didn't understand and was told several times to "stop talking" so she could "investigate". Only at the end was I told that she was just trying to do her "do diligence". I didn't not appreciate the way I was spoken to and when I asked for an apology she told me "for what". Very unprofessional.
17 April 2023 12:37
Manager here only speaks French and demands that people speak French to her. Very stuck up and horrible management at this location. Not only that, but they have over a dozen employees sitting around on their computers while they have 20 people in line and one person attending to them. Horrible service. Expect to wait an hour only to be poorly treated.
27 May 2022 12:32
Toujours 1h d'attente au comptoir quand 2 préposés font de ladmin a côté quand ya un lineup de 12 personnes.

La conseillère ma perdu comme client a 2m$ d'hypothèque pour 2000$ de pénalité
27 May 2022 4:32
Très déçu du service de Raphaelle ce matin. Elle passe devant moi sans me regarder ni me dire bonjour alors que mon rdv est passé déja depuis 5 minutes, pour aller jaser avec une autre emloyée. Quand finalement elle se décide à venir me voir cela fait plus de 15 minutes que j'attends. Ensuite elle ne veut pas me croire quand je lui dit ne pas avoir reçu la notice de renouvellement de mon placement l'an passé. Elle me répète plusieurs fois que je l'ai reçu. Une chance que William était là pour me donner un très bon service ensuite. Elle c'est une vrai chippie. Cela fait 55 ans que je fais affaire avec la BMO, j'ai toujours eu un excellent service. Mais une telle arrogance et un tel sans gêne c'est incroyable. Finalement, je vais devoir prendre un autre rdv pour mes placements, comme si j'avais juste ça à faire grrrrr
25 February 2022 11:21
Service exceptionnel de la part de Mme Berrada, en espérant qu’elle sera à cette succursale pour longtemps. Merci à Mme Berrada
26 December 2021 15:18
I call then so many times no one take the phone and i left message to call me back no answers.they should check there phone ️ probably its not working!
15 July 2021 2:53
Si j avais pu mettre 0 je l aurais fait. Ne rappel jamais quand vous les appelez. Ne tienne pas leurs engagements promotionnels en vous expliquant que c est vous qui n avez rien compris.
Personnel sans formations et arrogant.
LA pire banque avec qui j ais fait affaire.
Je penses que c est un problème d agence dirigée par une personne totalement incompetente.
Il serait judicieux que la direction de BMO prenne le temps de faire un Audit sur cette agence pour evaluer son personnel.
Juste une chose a preciser l equipe numerque ne reponds pas non plus apres plus d une semaine en ayant ecrit a l adresse indiquée.
Bravo BMO.
21 May 2021 6:05
Je suis étonnée de voir autant d'avis négatifs. J'y suis allée aujourd'hui pour une ouverture de compte et obtenir des informations, et j'ai été très bien servie: un service courtois et rapide, et on a répondu à mes questions avec professionnalisme.
08 January 2021 20:53
The manager Lian is very unprofessional and you can tell she’s one of those separatists that only likes French people unfortunately. Overall very warm staff that work hard but the management needs an update, herself and the other assistant.
29 December 2020 23:15
The worst BMO branch!
A clear lack of professionalism from many of the front desk people. I’ve had a series of bad experienceS. I’ll tell you about the last one: I went for a bank draft, one of the ladies had to write the bank draft 4 times to finally be able to write the name of the recipient correctly, then guess what? She went to the printer to print the amount on the bank draft itself. The printer printed the amount on top of the recipient’s name (btw, the recipient is a Quebec ministry). I told her that the name is not clear anymore and that she has to link the bank draft to my account number. She insisted that it should be fine and she looked at me as if I’m a very demanding person. I sent my paperwork to the ministry, three weeks later, I received my file back with a letter saying that I should include the payment because they couldn’t accept that bank draft. I went back to the same branch to cancel that bank draft at 4.50 pm and the lady told me to come back some other day because it’s almost 5. Remember, this is only part of their very bad service.
21 November 2020 10:01
In general the service is good. I want to make an appointment through the phone, I called and left a voice message twice, received a call almost a week after. The morning before my appointment, the stuff called me for preparing my documents, I really appreciate this. When I arrived, two other employees came and ask if they can help, very thoughtful. The only thing I didn't like it is taking too to wait a call, maybe they are just too busy.
23 October 2020 1:46
Worst banking service I have ever received. Even worst than the CIBC on Taschereau. Did not think that was possible, but these guys have done it.
17 October 2020 0:03
Pire service recu. La directrice est arrogante et aucun service de la part des autres employer. A chaque appel (que ce soit moi ou au service a la clientèle qui tente de les rejoindre, il ny a aucune reponse. Et dois parler a 4 personnes differentes pour finalement avoir une reponse qui ne regle pas le probleme mais l’amplifie.
25 August 2020 10:28
Jutilise le service commercial et je suis obligé de faire affaire avec BMO. J'ai fait parvenir mes commentaires a 3 endroits differents, entre autre a votre service a la clientele et je n'ai pu observer aucune amélioration. Je fait maintenant un détour et plus de km (qui ne sont pas remboursés par la compagnie) afin de ne PAS faire affaire avec cette succursale. Je préfère perde mon propre argent dans du gaz que d'avoir un service aussi pourri. Comme on dit, le temps c'est de l'argent. Le service dans les autres succursale est généralement plus courtois et surtout plus rapide.
14 July 2020 1:39
C'est pire banque qui existe sur terre. Très bientôt je change de banque.s'il y avait 0 étoiles je l'aurai donné sans hésiter
29 June 2020 14:27
En 7 ans de client avec la BMO, depuis 2013 c'est la pire succursale que j'ai connue.s'il y'a plus bas qu'une seule étoile, je l'aurais donné. Ne respectent presque jamais leurs RDV avec la clientèle qu'ils les modifient à la dernière minute ou ne se présentent pas à l'heure.la directrice de la succursale Liane Osteguy incompéhensive et intransigente.je ne ferai plus jamais affaire avec cette succursale en particulier.
06 April 2020 9:23
The service here is absolutely atrocious. The branch manager shows a high level of unprofessionalism. Very dissatisfied with the service at this particular branch.
18 January 2020 13:01
My parents have been customers with BMO for almost 50 years, and never have they received such HORRENDOUS, DISRESPECTFUL service as they did today at the Brossard, Lapinière branch.

When in frustration after a 30-minute wait in line (which at least 4 other people abandoned without raising a fuss) my father called out openly to ask for more service people, the manager finally emerged from her office and yelled in a RUDE, DEROGATORY, CONFRONTATIONAL tone: "Parlez-moi français! " (Speak to me in French.) We are accustomed to receiving bilingual service at this branch, and have no issue waiting longer when on rare occasions only unilingual francophone CSRs are available. But to be attacked like this has motivated us to search for a new branch certainly and possibly a new bank. I am prepared to speak with someone one-on-one and provide further details of this incredibly unprofessional and prejudiced behavior.
13 September 2019 13:31
The worst possible wait times. Unfortunately I don't have many options, so when I need to come to this branch to see a teller, I can expect wait times of over 30 minutes. Always understaffed.
19 May 2019 5:02
I was too generous by giving 1 star because I had no option to use 0 stars. I have been dealing with banks for over 30 years and I had never came across such unprofessional and incompetent management. They don't care about their clients needs and they keep forcing you to buy or opt in to their products. I am taking all of my money out of that branch and going back to my previous bank where they do care. I really regret opening an account with that branch. Thank you.
Thanks you for your reply but I am not interssted in your bank anymore. Train the management at that location how to speak with people and give your clients access to their own money. Again this was one of my worst decisions to join BMO; it was a waste of my time.
02 November 2018 22:36
La banque de moyreal encaise pas les cheque du Quebec ci ta pas un conte seulment les cheque du canada
17 October 2018 16:52
Gens qui ne peuve pas t'aider lorsque problème, puis conseillère avec un ton tres condescendant.
03 October 2018 12:22
Mauvaise expérience avec 2 conseiller (ere)
1.eric belhumeur, mauvais service
2.evelyne picher, avec cette madame je suis aller pour ouvrir un compte entreprise elle ma mal servit comme si je n’étais qu’une moins que rien. Elle n’as rien voulu savoir m’expliq comment sa fonctionne les forfaits rien elle me dit toi tu as une compagnie? Quesque tu fait avec une compagnie? Mes employers non rien avoir mon compte de compagnie elle me dit (ils) c’est qui ils ben ce sont mes employés ah toi tu as des employés, ELLE ME REGARDAIT COMME UNE MOINS QUE RIEN -0 respect. JE LA CONSEILLE A PERSONNE

je ne leur donne pas une seule etoiles -0 si je pouvais

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