31 October 2023 14:34
Looks like I’m not the only one who’s bumped heads with the owner, the guy with glasses. Just a heads-up: pinching pennies on the small stuff could backfire on the business.

To everyone else: I used to dig Sabra because it reminded me of a joint I liked back in Laval. They hooked it up with the full deal — a good mix of meats and all the fixings, even on a half-kilo order. But lately? You’re lucky if you get some potatoes on the side.

Last time I dropped nearly 200 bucks and didn’t get any bread. Today, I had to practically beg for a smidgen of garlic sauce. When I tried to talk to the owner about it, he snapped before I could even get a word out. It seems like he’s got his defense ready because he knows the score — skimping out and skirting around good service.

Keep pinching those pennies and watch your customer base disappear — it’s almost like a magic trick. And to the owner, the maestro of savings: your refusal to listen might just be your shop’s swan song. But who am I to tell you? You’ve got it all figured out, right? At this rate, you won’t need customers anyway.

Best of luck with that strategy.
30 July 2023 23:41
Une expérience désagréable, jamais vécue à Montréal. Un combo poulet pour 30& qui a fini dans la poubelle. Puant et fané. Personne n'a voulu prendre de ca à la maison. Je vous déconseille ce restaurant. Le service de protection du consommateur doit faire un saut en urgence dans ce resto. Il est à noter que le resto a changé de nom. Ce n'est plus Sabra, mais revêt désormais un autre nom. Certainement c'est plus les Mmes propriétaires.
17 March 2023 5:54
Maintenant en 2023 ce n'est plus mangeable. Merguez pas cuit. Probablement changement de propriétaire. C'est dégueulasse.
01 February 2023 3:46
24$ + taxe pour un repas et il veut me chargé 30$, je reviens le confronté il me dit qu'ils ont augmenté le prix de 2$ la veille, pourtant les prix affichés n'ont pas été changé, du vol
17 October 2022 5:55
Le pire service a montreal! Propriétaire tres désagréable, arrogant et mal poli!
le chef tres simpatique

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