28 October 2023 15:41
It's impossible to contact them. I try calling at 3pm and it just says to call between 1 and 4. I try emailing them and I get an email saying my email address was blocked. They don't send me new appointments, which I need every 90 days to stay healthy. What am I supposed to do. Can't call them, can't email them
01 August 2023 20:36
Je suis une patiente en neurologie depuis 3 ans. J'appelle la clinique environ 1 ou 2 fois par année pour prendre rdv après l'IRM qu'a prescrit le neurologue. Chaque fois, il est impossible de les joindre par téléphone pour prendre rendez-vous pendant les heures d'ouverture.

Soit la ligne coupe comme si c'était accidentel.sauf que la même chose se reproduit une 2e et une 3e fois de suite. Soit je suis placée en attente pendant 30,40,50 minutes sans que personne ne réponde. Je dois donc passer par les infirmières du Neuro (l'hôpital neurologique de Montréal), qui prend les appels seulement 2 matinées par semaine, pour avoir un rdv avec mon neurologue.

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi une clinique médicale ne répond pas aux patients. Ça me dépasse. Je me sens comme si ma santé n'avait aucune valeur aux yeux du personnel de réception.

Ceci dit, les 2 neurologues que j'y ai vus sont extrêmement compétents. Le problème est du côté de la prise de rdv et du suivi infirmier. Mais aussi professionnels soient les spécialistes, sans accès au système en première ligne, on est laissé à soi-même pendant que la maladie progresse.
06 July 2023 9:00
Plus d'une heure pour une reponse. Aucun suivi. Demenage sans aviser leurs patients à la prise de rdv ou avec un rdv tres proche du dit demenagement. 0 professionnel
04 June 2023 0:06
Just had the most rude conversation with the receptionist at the neurology department. There was a miscommunication between myself, reception and my neurologist. The receptionist was very short with me and seemed exasperated from the start. She hung up on me while I was trying to inquire about my insurance.

My neurologist however, is absolutely amazing and this review does not reflect her and her amazing care.
31 May 2023 19:23
Was seen at the neuro clinic and Dr Diorio was great, but otherwise the service here leaves much to be desired, especially whoever is calling to book the appointments. The first time I was referred I got a call back after a few weeks but missed it, and was left a message to call for my appointment. When I called back the "gentleman" I spoke to was extremely rude, did not even give me a chance to speak before he starts lecturing me that it hasn't been long since my referral came in and people wait longer than that blah blah, with the most condescending tone ever. I know a few weeks is not a long wait in our unfortunate healthcare system, but someone who is in excruciating pain and needs help does not need a lecture from some power tripping receptionist. Finally he realized I was just returning the call and shut up and gave me my appointment. I had to cancel my follow up and called back today to rebook, I had the misfortune of speaking to the same person. First thing he says to me is "are you actually gonna show up this time? " I'm not a child who skipped class, and I don't know who he thinks he is to speak to people this way. As someone who works in healthcare, I know first hand that you need a lot of patience and understanding when dealing with sick and vulnerable people, which this person has zero of either. People like this should not even qualify to work at a Pizza Pizza call center, let alone at a medical center with a sick and vulnerable population.
23 May 2023 2:28
Best service on the city. You call by phone and a real person talks with you in less than 2 minutes. Steps from metro station, easy to access. Very recommended.
17 April 2023 6:17
I have faxed my referral over 3x now since December, tried calling but the voicemail is always full. I want to get my tubal ligation, this is the 5th time in 10 years I keep getting jerked around (ie: no call back after I send the referral and if I go in person they tell me to fax my referral and they can't even confirm if they got my fax). This feels like medical gatekeeping and misogyny. I am 38. I do not want a child. This is ridiculous.
04 March 2023 23:23
Cette clinique a le pire service de secrétariat. Personne ne répond au téléphone et lorsque j'ai finalement réussi à avoir un rdv, je me suis présentée et la clinique était fermée.
Mon rendez-vous est annulé et personne ne m'a appelée pour m'en informer. Dommage parce que les médecins sont bons. Mais bonne chance pour réussir à en voir un. Si vous avez une autre option de clinique, choisissez l'autre sans hésiter.
18 November 2022 4:14
The administration desk and phone line of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology department have serious issues. Can never get hold of anyone over the phone - super long wait (sometimes an hour), and then the line hangs up. Cannot speak to nurse directly, and there is no call back number. Option 1 that’s supposed to be connected to a nurse is directed to the Montreal Children’s hospital Neurology department. (Why?) Was able to leave a message once regarding something urgent and no one calls back. Reception staff often has no clue what’s going on.

Spoke to a nurse once and was promised a call back in an hour because I wasn’t available to talk, never did. And cannot get a hold of the nurse when I call. Extremely frustrating.

Once you are there, the doctor is generally on time or with minimal wait time, and is efficient and pleasant to deal with.

My best advice if you need to talk to someone quickly and if you live nearby is to drive by, park at the parking next to it, go in and ask for what you need then leave. Keep it under 30 mins so the parking is free. If you don’t leave nearby, best of luck.
11 November 2022 11:41
Horrible clinic, nobody answers, i have an assigned dermatologist and i can't even talk to anyone or get an appointment even though the dermatologist asked for a follow up. If you get a first appointment there, don't rely on follow ups appointments because it might never come. I don't understand how doctors can get away with patient mismanagement that easily and keep their right to practice.
10 November 2022 17:49
I’ll give it one star for efficiency because they process patients pretty quickly, however everything else is terrible. Staff (reception, doctors, everyone) range from disinterested to aggressively rude and consistently make patients feel like they are an irritant and an inconvenience. The doctor I saw was incredibly patronizing and made a mistake on the prescription he gave me. When the pharmacist pointed the error out, I called the clinic and was told that someone would speak to the doctor and get back to me. Guess what never happened.
05 November 2022 7:43
If you do not live in a neighbourhood and are able to just walk there to speak to someone if you have an emergency, try to find other clinic.

Whatever other one star reviews describe is exactly why I’m also frustrated with this clinic.always too busy to answer the calls but when I’m actually at the clinic I see the receptionists doing nothing after checking patients in or booking new appointments which usually do not take too long… receptionists are not knowledgeable either as I have been given wrong information couple of times making me walk back and forth at 31 weeks pregnant.
And doctor Alice Benjamin.do not let her reputation fool you. She’s either lost interest in her job or has too many patients to handle and she simply cannot keep up… if I had listened to her saying that me passing out and feeling extremely weak 11 days after giving birth was totally normal and all I needed was a ‘sit-tub’ to make me feel comfortable, and if I had not decided myself to do the blood test anyway, I would probably have been dead right now from sepsis. She’s been super careless with me throughout the whole pregnancy and based on what I have heard about her I’m shocked myself…
29 September 2022 14:37
Zero stars really. So frustrating trying to make an appointment in this place. It's like they really don't want you to call them. You call and kept on hold forever only for it to hang up. You try another way oh it rings, you get excited then it just ring and ring and ring then click! You're disconnected! You try the app and same garbage treatment. Very useless. My gynecologist of 25 yrs moved there and it's too bad. Gonna have to find a new one.
20 August 2022 5:26
Dr Buckett did not show up 2 times! Really? If you cannot come why giving appointments to people. There is a serious problem in this clinic.
22 July 2022 3:01
The worst experience eve I had in my life seriously before I leave my house I called them I reach there in 40 minutes I still was on hold but when I avarice in clinic I checked there’s 3 receptionist they were talking with each other and I just shocked how they worked I don’t recommend this place please go anywhere but not there even the doctor is so in rush everytime zero star very bad service
03 July 2022 8:03
Bon service client, bonne équipe infirmières/médecins.
Par contre difficilement joignables par téléphone. Mais sérieux dans leurs suivis et rendez-vous.
22 June 2022 23:41
If you do not live in a neighbourhood and are able to just walk there to speak to someone if you have an emergency, try to find other clinic.

Whatever other one star reviews describe is exactly why I’m also frustrated with this clinic.always too busy to answer the calls but when I’m actually at the clinic I see the receptionists doing nothing after checking patients in or booking new appointments which usually do not take too long… receptionists are not knowledgeable either as I have been given wrong information couple of times making me walk back and forth at 31 weeks pregnant. I honestly do not understand the idea behind having such a horrible administrative side while nurses and doctors are actually amazing.
15 June 2022 22:56
It's been years that they've been extremely difficult to get in touch with and the admin staff aren't very helpful if you do get ahold of them. It's a degrading experience, and if you weren't already sorry you needed to see a doctor, they'll make sure you're sorry.
12 June 2022 11:25
I was referred to an OBGYN at the Brunswick medical centre as I am 9 weeks pregnant. Sent in my referral and called them multiple times and left messages. Needless to say it has been two weeks and I have not received a call back. Do not recommend.
12 June 2022 8:12
Worst service I've ever seen. My family doctor works there, and I've been trying to reach her for months now. They don't answer phone calls (and don't waste your time trying, the system automatically hangs up after some waiting time) and they don't answer emails neither.
PS: My family doctor is great though, my comment is really about the clinic. I would put 0 star if it was possible
26 May 2022 12:26
I love my doctor here however the administrative side of this place is THE WORST! It is impossible to get ahold of anyone, and you cannot leave a message. I received a call saying to call back right away so I did.after trying for 1 hr finally got to speak with something and they said they don't know who called me but they're too busy to deal with it and if anything someone will call back. Now I am sitting here, 36 weeks pregnant, stressed out of my mind something is wrong and getting no answers.this is unacceptable.
12 May 2022 4:16
Je n'arrive à rejoindre personne. Lorsque je laisse des messages, on ne me rappelle pas. Cela fait 8 semaines que j'ai accouché, je devais avoir un suivi et à chaque fois, aucun retour d'appel ou la boîte vocale est pleine.
Pourtant, j'ai eu mes suivis de grossesse à cette clinique, les médecins sont très courtois et professionnels.
Quand c'est eux qui nous appellent, c'est correct. Mais le patient n'arrive pas à les rejoindre.
09 May 2022 2:49
Super frustrating! Impossible to reach out! I called them several times to have a 5 minute conversation regarding pregnancy follow-up. 9 out of 10 times, they don’t pick up and after 30 mins waiting on the line, they end the call saying they can not take a message right now. If you’re lucky, you can leave a message but they never call you back! They also have an app where you can request for appointments. No response there, either!
I’m just wondering if they can not accommodate the patients with a simple call, why they keep accepting new patients? !
08 May 2022 13:49
As everyone else has said. HORRIBLE administrative capabilities. Can't call. Can't get fax confirmation. Can't leave a message.
They've lost my file and did not send it my family doctor. Also, had a procedure booked and done in 2019. They call me in 2022 to book it with the same requisition. As if it was never processed. Honestly, do better.
29 April 2022 12:48
They clearly had printed on my blood test document “No appointment needed”. After waiting for 2 hours at the blood clinic, they said that I should take an appointment and these guys are in the wrong.
23 April 2022 18:08
Best Doctors working there but takes a lot of time and energy to BOOK them
I called 6 times and waited each time 30 minutes, no one pick up the phone.left a message to call me back. Never happend.
Why booking system and administrative so WEAK!?
20 April 2022 18:45
After initally being frustrated at how hard it can be to get through to the clinic I was reminded that there is 1 person taking care of 31 doctors and saying short staffed with that number is an understatement, I hope that there can be some staff hired to help and make the day to day of the current staff easier and make us the patients less upset at people who are truly trying their best
20 April 2022 16:46
Excellent service Dr Fournier avec l'infirmière à l'accueil.
Il faut faire une demande de rendez-vous et la personne te rappelle très vite. J'ai reçu plusieurs confirmations pour mon rendez vous par texto. C'est un service qui est très bien fait.
12 April 2022 1:03
Impossible to reach the clinic through phone call. Total waste of time calling them since the line hangs up automatically after 20 minutes’ wait. Can’t even leave a voice message because you have literally only 5 seconds to record your msg.

You could possibly book an appointment through their online APP though. But it normally takes over a week before they throw you a date that is 2 months later (that’s if you are lucky). If it’s an emergency, then forget about it. They don’t deal with emergencies.

The pregnancy follow-up doctors don’t do deliveries, don’t do ultrasound, don’t do other tests required to monitor your health and pregnancy. You would be referred to another hospital for deliveries ultrasound and other check ups. All they do is refer you somewhere else or give you some “information” which you can find more easily calling 811 in a more timely manner, or even from the internet without having to waste your time calling a machine that never answers, and bearing their attitudes that make you feel your health problem is bothering them and you would have to beg for their medical advice.
04 April 2022 13:11
They will never answer your call. I'm really disappointed that I was referred to dr. Siriki for the prenatal care. They wasted my time and now after being 3 weeks in their waitlist I need to re-start the process from step 0 somewhere else.
28 March 2022 8:16
After all of these reviews of terrible phone lines you’d think they would have changed something by now but no! Waiting forever on hold to just be hung up on, leaving messages that never get called back… if it truly is an urgent inquiry you have no way of telling them! Yikes!
27 February 2022 0:23
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi une clinique ne répond jamais aux patients. De plus, la boite vocale est pleine. Comment communiquer avec eux?
13 January 2021 7:21
Après une consultation expéditive avec un gynécologue dans un autre centre, j'ai finalement rencontrée la Dr Papillon Smith et elle est vraiment super! À l'écoute et professionnelle
Un peu surprise que toutes les internes ne parlent pas français, mais très bon service
01 October 2020 4:09
The receptionists are always very cold, rude and impolite. They help or provide information in the minimum way they could, that's if they provide any! Even one star is too much for them!

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