26 December 2023 17:07
I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the outstanding service provided by Employee Jean-Louis at bureau en gros. Throughout my interactions with Jean-Louis, I consistently experienced a high level of professionalism, dedication, and efficiency.
Jean-Louis not only possessed in-depth understanding of the services offered but also demonstrates a genuine commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction. His positive attitude and willingness to go above and beyond expectations have truly made a positive impact on my overall experience.
I believe that Jean-Louis's exceptional work ethic and customer-centric approach significantly contribute to the success of your team at Burean en gros. I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge their efforts and convey my gratitude for the excellent service provided.
Thank you for having such a valuable team member. I look forward to continued positive interactions and purchasing at Bureau en gros.
08 December 2023 9:55
J’imprime chez eux depuis longtemps, très pratique et bcp moins cher que les autres. Merci bcp pour ça
14 October 2023 8:44
I always get my prints and copies done here. Super happy the staff is able to help an Anglophone like me!

Last time, one staff member went above and beyond with customer service by offering one free print with my prints. Really made my day!
03 October 2023 7:45
I went to them at 770 Notre Dame Ouest to purchase "Logitech G332 Wired Headset" that in their website says "2 in stocks". But they had nothing. Wasted my time going there. There was one in the vitrine but they said it is "Opened". Don't waste people's time!
12 July 2023 17:39
I recently visited Bureau En Gros to print my passport renewal application, and I am deeply disappointed with the service I received. The situation was time-sensitive as I needed my passport urgently. After paying $5 for just four pages, I discovered that the first page had random characters printed from the printer. Despite seeking assistance, the staff failed to resolve the issue promptly. I was asked to refill the application multiple times, causing unnecessary delays. Shockingly, I was charged again for their mistakes. The lack of urgency, unhelpful customer service, and overpricing make this a highly frustrating experience.
08 July 2023 0:38
Good online purchase. The confirmation email only indicated that you only must bring a valid ID and the email itselt, as an international student living in Montreal I only have my passport and my student ID, however the General Manager insisted in that weren't enough to confirm my identity. He practically wanted me to show all my documents (I did show all the copies that I could find my phone) and then he insisted in see the credit card that I used for the purchase. I had to return home for the card and after all these he even said "you make me have a hard time" when finally gave my package. WHAT? Even in the post office or the airport I've had to show much less documentation.
09 June 2023 0:42
In and out fast. They generally have what I need. Tons of parking and very friendly staff. Also, pretty much the only option for the old Montreal and griffintown
07 June 2023 0:40
I purchased a few things during my stay in Montreal from this BEG location. The prices were amazing and the service was excellent. Super conveniently located in the old port, near all the touristic hotspots, it is perfect for those to need to get office / travel goodies without going to downtown.
25 May 2023 10:33
The General Manager is arrogant and disrespectful.
It is as if he gets upset when a customer asks a question or wants to buy anything.
16 May 2023 12:41
I recently went to purchase a laptop and had a slight problem when paying. My credit card was not accepted for some reason and it had to be a glitch in a system. When I asked the sales person if they could put the laptop aside and hold it for me until the credit card problem was solved. The sales person told me it would not be a problem and they would need to confirm with the store manager. Well what a surprise, the store manager refused, no valid reason and they behaved arrogantly and made me feel insignificant. The credit card issue was not my fault and I will never shop at this store again.
27 April 2023 9:30
Pour l'expérience en magasin, je donne un 5 étoiles! La personne (je regrette de ne pas connaître son nom, j'aurais bien fait une dédicace) m'a fourni un super service pour l'impression de documents d'ingénierie. Le seul commentaire constructif que j'aurais à donner: lorsque j'ai appelé pour avoir une information, il était très difficile d'avoir une réponse claire de la part de mon interlocuteur. En espérant que mon expérience au téléphone n'aie été qu'une exception.
10 April 2023 9:16
Difficile de trouver ce que j'avais besoin. Service au photocopie a été très courtois et rapide pour me répondre
09 April 2023 3:04
Expérience client ORDINAIRE Je suis allé récupéré un ordinateur on nous dit qu'il faut attendre dehors à cause des mesures sanitaires, c'est même pas vrai (et tant mieux), étiquette de la boîte d'ordi faisant de sorte la vérification qu'on a le bon produit est difficile, et on doit tout faire à la place du préposé qui tout ce qu'il fait nous donne un papier à signer. Ils n'ont même pas de sacs réutilisables de la bonne grandeur (au prix que je viens de payer ma machine ça devrait venir avec, franchement!) J'ai été obligé de me prendre un sac réutilisable chez Jean-Coutu pas fort. Et l'autre magasin où je commandais le préposé disparaissait et a oublié de m'offrir les garanties, tant mieux j'avais assez payé pour ce service horrible. Et une autre fois j'avais acheté un speaker Bose dans ce même magasin, là non plus même pas d'offre de sac réutilisable et on le charge après un achat de 300$ sinon on peut bien s'en lasser franchement service cheap. Et si je me promène avec mon achat dans l'allée on me dit de déposer mon achat à la caisse pour éviter de voler. Oui mais pourquoi tu m'as pas donné de sac la merguez? Alors je suis parti, too bad pour d'autres achats. J'espère que mon ordinateur va bien marcher ça risquerait de traîner. Vraiment chez Staples, on a le don de vous faire sentir important.
13 March 2023 19:13
Used to be my go to place a few years ago, but changes in staff made things really bad.i wonder if it's because management decided to cut costs, and the resulting impact is showing through a disgruntled staff, or if it's because if they had some real superstars who have since moved on, hopefully, to greener pastures. I assume it's a mix of both.too bad, i really liked getting my print jobs here - now it's not worth the headache and stress.
12 March 2023 14:52
Service here is AWFUL. The guy sees me standing there waiting to pick up a package and he doesn't move. Had me waiting a long time for no reason.
15 February 2023 5:20
Interesting store. There aren't that many employees working, but the ones that do, they do their best.
Their liquidation section has very good deals. I got a brand new top of the line Logitech mouse for 40% cheaper than Amazon. Found an office chair for $62.
However, the chair did not come with the screws, and I had to go back a second time to get a bag of screws that were lying around in their office. I ended up installing the screws in a non-reversible way (they were slightly too large, so I used an impact driver to screw them in). Wasn't ideal, but it gets the job done.

Bureau en Gros (or Staples) needs to fix some things, but the employees working there are great.
07 February 2023 19:36
Personnel courtois, serviable, disponible et à l'écoute des besoins du client: chapeau!
10 January 2023 4:42
Attention: Ticket de stationnement de 80$.
Après avoir fait mes emplettes en ce vendredi début après-midi (comme je fais régulièrement à différents moments et ce, depuis des années pour mes fournitures), au magasin Bureau en gros du Centre-Ville au 770 de la rue Notre-Dame, j'ai eu la mauvaise surprise d'avoir une contravention de 80$ sur mon pare-brise d'auto dans le stationnement.
Lorsque je suis entrée dans le magasin pour poser des questions sur cette situation pour le moins étonnante au gérant, celui-ci s'est adressé à moi sur un ton arrogant, m'indiquant que ma voiture s'était retrouvée à plusieurs reprises dans leur stationnement (évidemment!? Puisque j'achète régulièrement des items lourds ou volumineux qui ne se transportent pas à pieds) indiquant de façon sèche que pour cette raison, il était normal que j'aie eu une contravention.
Pourquoi ne pas mettre une guérite et/ou faire payer le stationnement? Bref, une gestion étonnante.

A noter que pour ajouter à une certaine frustration, la caissière n'arrivait pas, pour la X ème fois, à programmer dans le système l'association entre mon courriel et mon numéro de téléphone comme Membre privilège et ce, malgré que j'aie fait 3 tentatives pour mettre à jour leur base de données. Processus de gestion clients et de mise à jour non maitrisés?

Suite à ces expériences désagréables, je me questionnaire sur la notion de qualité de service à la clientèle et de cordialité pour les clients réguliers - de la part du gestionnaire de ce magasin. Dommage.

Alors attention à vous si vous fréquentez ce magasin du Centre-Ville.
A vos risques et périls de contravention!
Ouf! Bonne chance.
09 January 2023 0:34
Bon Bureau en Gros (propre, disponibilité de produits) mais manque de personnel (plus dû à la pénurie de main-d'oeuvre qu'autre chose). D'ailleurs, le jeune caissier qui m'a servi avait 14 ans! Good for him. De commencer à travailler jeune, ça forme le caractère. Il était très gentil et professionnel (bien plus que des gens plus âgés ailleurs).
03 January 2023 16:23
The manager at the Notre Dame Store has no people skills.
If they tell you a job will be done same day it wont. Full of excuses.
25 December 2022 19:32
Good Bureau en Gros at 770 Notre-Dame Street. I arrived 15 minutes before closing time for the copy center. Ali greeted me with a smile. I had some voluminous binding to be done with Cerlox for the Court 9 h am tomorrow morning. I was stressed out. I asked Ali. He answered normally NO not right now but for later tomorrow. And then he said I will make an exception for you. So he did it all even after hours. WOW! Ali is really 5 stars! Thank you so much!
26 September 2022 7:03
Extremely poor service! All staff works very slowly. As if they don’t know their work. The worst service in the world! You have to spend much time for little thing!

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