10 September 2023 13:50
Its good to get office or school supplies. But for the customer service, they need to work on that especially on photocopy machines. I asked 2 employees to help with photocopies, machine was not printing but i was getting charged for every blank paper. Both 2 employees were not interested in helping customers, and they just show me how to print which I already know, but they didnt check why is the paper coming blank. The payment on my card was charged for blank papers and nobody did anything. This happened to other customer too.
06 September 2023 4:21
Temps des ventes de retours à l'école mais seulement un casier pour l'ensemble du magasin.temps d'attente excessivement long au caisse
23 August 2023 21:39
I went the Print & Copy counter for taking a photo, the staff took the photo and left. Then i was standing there and waiting 20 mins, that staff just doing something else whatever she thought need to do. After 25 mins, still no one took me the photo and I lined up again to ask the photo, the cashier staff went to check the photo and came back, said: " No more Inks", so I should come back later if I really want the photo, but they not sure when they will receive the ink. Seriously? At least let me know there is no ink 25 mins ago! So thank you for your fantastic service about 25 mins for NOTHING!
08 August 2023 0:30
Products of choices are okay
But seriously Understaff.
Seems they do not care reviews.
How can you leave only one lady working at the FedEx area. She is looking stressed. All by herself. She couldn’t even give a smile or say nice things because of how busy she is. Good Service lacking because of Management is lacking.
She ended up giving me coupons which I appreciate a lot. But those coupons are spend 20$ get 5$ off spend 50$ get 10$ off, other stores similar has better offers? Seriously?
Your products are so overpriced, you can’t afford to have Staff?

When I go to the printer area. No employees around for help. I would ask the lady on the FedEx area but she ignored me when she completely heard me. I felt stupid there and It made me look like a crazy person.
I would understand her because she’s all by herself and line ups were there but the experience was just really worst.

Finally one customer went to go search for a employee.
Even that employee doesn’t know how to solve my problems…
I wasted my time there.

Geez! Give them a biscuits, Juice or something, they are all depressed.
Lack of good management
05 July 2023 6:46
This store is bright and clean extremely well organized.
The staff are friendly and very helpful
17 May 2023 5:52
J'ai envoyé une impression grand format (24x36) pour une affiche, après 10jours je me suis présenté et finalement l'employé présente m'a mentionné qu'il l'avait déjà reçu 4 jours plus tôt et qu'il l'avait détruit. Le tout sans m'informer.
L'employé a tenté de la réimprimer, comme c'était pour un événement pour le jour même, mais après 2 heures, elle n'était toujours pas capable de procéder à la ré-impression.
J'ai finalement été remboursé et je n'ai jamais eu mon affiche.
Le service de l'employé présent était satisfaisant, mais pour le reste, c'était plutôt ordinaire comme service.
24 March 2023 1:52
Un accueil chaleureux j'ai aimé, vous avez fait une coupe superbe pour mon fils, je vous recommande coiffure karina style, vous n'allez pas regretté, merci.
05 January 2023 12:31
Le service d'impression laisse à désirer car il n'y a qu'un employé. Ce n'est pas de sa faute mais tout de même il faudrait avertir les clients. De plus, je n'ai jamais reçu ma commande même si j'ai déjà payé. Impossible de parler à quelqu'un pour me faire rembourser. Je suis à deux doigts de contacter la protection du consommateur.
06 December 2022 19:41
Expensive and understaffed.

I've come here multiple times to print and ship stuff, there's typically only one employee managing the entire printing and shipping area which, at certain times of the day is probably fine but I'd say that 75% of the time I go, there's a couple customers before me with really long complicated things that seems to take foreverrrrrrrrrr to troubleshoot, or the employees spend half the time pacing back and forth looking for parcels. I'm that customer that's served and gone But 30-60 seconds: scan, drop off, gone.but typically I end up spending 15-25mins at this location just waiting to get served. It's brutal. Brutal because poor experiences like mine are what's going to continue to hurt retail stores as consumers continue to turn to online services with better prices and less time wasted. The only edge a retail store has over an online one is service, and when there's no employees on the floor or you have to wait more than 15 mins to be served, it's going to hurt the customer experience, resulting in lower sales, resulting in cut backs and understaffed locations -oh, did I just hit the nail on the head? Poor big box store, hope you figure this out before you Blockbuster yourself.
14 November 2022 1:14
They had few options of what I was looking for and I have a hard time to find out the price for some other items that I was going to buy.
13 November 2022 22:28
Great place for anything and everything you need for your office or home office. They have whatever you need from chairs and desks to photocopy services or fax service. My friend bought a new office chair at a great price that fits his needs perfectly. Basically if they don't have it, chances are you don't need it.
29 October 2022 3:23
Mon père y a acheté un ordinateur portable et tous les ports (usb et micro-usb) de celui-ci ont cessé de fonctionner deux semaines après l'achat. Le magasin a envoyé son ordinateur à la réparation et ils ont mis un mois pour conclure que les ports étaient défectueux et qu'il fallait changer la pièce. Il appelait régulièrement pour avoir des nouvelles de son ordinateur et, lorsqu'il parvenait enfin à parler à quelqu'un, on lui répondait qu'ils ne savaient pas. C'est seulement lorsque le gérant est revenu de vacances que la situation s'est réglée.
21 October 2022 17:08
Superb service! Props to Hasan Ahmed for the amazing tips on buying the printers and the fun jokes he pulled through. Amazingly helped my friends and I!
15 October 2022 11:19
Le service a périclité en seulement 2 ans et demi. Très déçu. Il y a longtemps que je n’avais pas été au BEG et ça va prendre du temps avant que j’y retourne. Service imprimerie, deux truc à faire plastifier et l’employé m’a dit de revenir entre 24 et 48 heures. (Elle la fait et ça pris 3 minutes.) rendu à la caisse, elle me demande comment je paye. Je lui dit comptant, elle prend mon argent et me redonne le change. Aucun mot excepté « vous payer comment » Je comprend qu’elle avais un nametag « en formation » mais peux être commencer par le service client.

Aussi, j'y suis retourné le 5 octobre pour un chargeur, je me suis fait servir par le directeur, Wasali (Je suis pas sur comment s'ecris son nom) et l'expérience était aussi mauvaise qu'avec la personne en formation. Une plainte a été fait au bureau chef.
27 September 2022 15:53
Horrible service à la clientèle. Directeur non courtois, insensible et intransigeant sur la politique de retour. Refus de rembourser ou de donner une note de crédit pour un retour fait 3 jours après les 30 jours prévus à la facture, et ce, malgré que la marchandise était en parfait état et non utilisé. De plus, il y avait une erreur de prix en ce que le prix initialement facturé était trop élevé eu égard à son étiquette et il a refusé d’ajuster le prix et de rembourser la somme payée en trop et ce en raison du même 3 jours.
22 September 2022 16:00
C'est le seul endroit où je peux retrouver le service dont j'ai besoin.
Ça ne répond jamais lorsque l'on téléphone et c'est long avant de se faire servir.
Aussi, on nous complique la vie pour les transferts de documents et pour les réparations de produits informatiques.
19 September 2022 7:54
Prix parfois hallucinant, service inexistant et facturation douteuse.
Service de cueillette inutile. Items manquants à la récupération et montant prélevé différent de la facture? Pas la peine d'appeler, ça sonne dans le vide.
Quand on est pas capable d'assurer un service, on ne le propose pas, c'est simple. Le client ne doit pas subir vos incapacités, c'est contreproductif.
Une fois pas deux.
08 September 2022 23:21
Asked for help for an office chair the answer was "theres no one here to help you" no solution, no please wait. Just nope bye
05 July 2022 16:59
Thank you very much to the young ladies who took a good time and many shots to get a passport picture of my two years old boy. Very patient and friendly stuff. Very appreciated service
06 June 2022 18:34
Do not go to this bureau en gros. Went there to print my wedding pictures, came back to pick it up 3 days later. After a 10 minutes search, an employee told me that someone may have picked it up. Since i want buying their story, they called in their superviseur Hassan who is in my opinion the rudest person i have come in contact with. Go to that store if you want a complete stranger to pick up your order. I wont be going back
Ps i am not allowed a refund because someone that i dont know picked up my order
01 June 2022 10:39
Avoid online pickup they do not have enough training and will take forever. Best to order from another branch or make sure you can buy from the aisles
27 May 2022 10:31
Je suis allé pour qu'un certificat de localisation soit photocopié et numérisé. L'employée pris un temps assez long et, arrivant chez moi, j'ai réalisé que seuls les côtés "recto" ont été photocopiés (pas les côtés verso) et que le clé USB ne contient aucun document numérisé! J'y retourne le lendemain et prenant soin de m'adresser à une autre employée: tout fut bien fait, en quelques minutes! Morale de l'histoire: la qualité du service dépend de la personne qui vous sert.
13 April 2022 15:10
Bon choix de produits à bon prix. Les employés sont vraiment gentils et prêts à aider en cas de besoin.
06 April 2022 11:54
Service poche et personnel peu intéressé à aider et servir la clientèle.j ai déjà vu mieux dans d autres magasins de cette bannière. Il y a beaucoup de produits sur les tablettes. Disponibilité de produits de plusieurs grosses compagnies.
05 April 2022 9:07
Great old business, but it is like it gave up and not moving forward with the times? If old products and technologies are going out, get in the new stuff!?
21 March 2022 5:33
Celia is the best. She was helping 4 customers at the same time. She deserves a bit more since she gives way more.

Give thanks to her efficiency
20 March 2022 21:17
The print shop was closed with a sign stating technical issues. When I inquired with the manager for help with a self-print machine error, he was rude and made no attempt to help.
02 October 2021 7:00
Worst experience ever! Cashier closed at our turn without any notice. We waited for several minutes with my young kids, I even asked for an updated, she it would not be long. Suddenly she asked another people to pass on another cashier and completely ignoring us. Zero respect with customer!
27 August 2021 16:13
Les employés sont disponibles et souriants. Ils m'ont aidé et conseillé avec ma recherche d'imprimante.
Nous sommes bien servi à ce bureau en Gros.
04 August 2021 8:36
Wonderful place for stationeries, bit expensive but thousands of varieties & options available
21 July 2021 0:32
Worst customer service that I have ever experienced. The girl working at the shipping/printing dep kept walking around talking on the phone and ignoring me.she made me wait 15minutes in the shipping department just to skip my turn and help other people who came after me. Thats so rude.and i know for a fact that she had noticed me the first minute that i arrived as she LITERALLY walked past me, so i don’t want to hear any bs. I recommend EVERYONE to stay away from this location.at first, i didnt want to post my parcel through Canada post, but when im treated like i don’t even exist as a customer at bureau en gros, then Canada post it is lol.
The staff is very lazy every-time that i try to ship something at this location compared to bureau en gros westmount.but this was the last time for me.
05 July 2021 11:46
I went today to print a letter there was 2 workers there who was rude and when I ask for help they both said wait on the code with a nasty attitude anyways I just left I will never go back to the store
17 April 2021 15:17
A disappointed experience there, i was there to ask for a ship service.i said i want to ship my parcel to a certain location, she told me she suggested one company's service, and then i was asking for a price, i think it's pretty normal right.i told i have been at canada post before, then the girl said " canada post is cheapest one" and she didn't even weight my parcel and ask more information, she just left to greet another customer even she said "i'm sorry" but clearly i haven't fished our conversation, i was still standing there, but she left the counter and made me frozen there. OMG this is so rude, so in your mind, an "poor" guy didn't deserve your time or what? I just asked for price not saying i just have 1 dollar in my pocket.
06 February 2021 18:27
Had such a horrible service I went on amazon and bough my printer there so they lost a sale amazon won one bad customer service will be the end of in store!
03 February 2021 21:26
Très professionnel depuis que je suis au Canada j achète les fournitures là mes impression aussi etc.excellent service
21 January 2021 18:44
ONE STAR REVIEW for the staff. Everyday the service is so bad. I run a company and unfortunately i have to come to this specific store for shipping supplies. The staff is lazy, rude. Really bad service compared to the old port or westmount location.

FIVE STAR REVIEW for maxime. The blond tall maxime helps me without hesitation. Always there to help customers inside the store (9/10 of the time there is nobody)

Sorry i had to make this review!
12 January 2021 18:31
Poor customer service everytime I call their printing services. They let the phone ring without ever answering and I need to call other departments so that they bring the printing department the phone. Unhelpful with their website services as well, which is poorly designed. I can't believe I can't get round labels printed at Bureau en gros.
05 January 2021 21:04
Slow service to pay Always one cash open. Ridiculous. No sales people to help you. There is nobody working in the store it seems.
20 December 2020 17:58
The store is over price for the cheap quality they sell. Their 'marketing and copy' center doesn't have enough employees to deal with the work and because of that It's been twice that they don't have my order on time.
18 December 2020 4:47
1 day delivery on 2 occasions, different days and wow wow wow, best customer experience. Better than Amazon! Bravo
14 December 2020 20:01
It's a bureau en gros without basic notebooks for kids. It didn't have a single notebook or notepad for 1st graders writing practice - how? They had plenty of time to restock after the rush of August.
18 November 2020 19:33
Staff on the ball- found needed toner listed under new coding & afforded pro understanding of my new laptop needs.
I value pro service.
17 November 2020 17:01
Well organized, clean, regular prices. It is not easy to find somebody in some areas when you have a question.
15 November 2020 4:32
Bureau en Gros #CA-31
Le pire service que j'ai eu dans ce magasin, les préposés du secteur de la copie ne sont pas des professionnels pour traiter avec le public. Ils attendent plus d'une heure en attante, ce ne sont pas des coupures. Il y a 3 employés dans ce secteur qui décident de fumer en milieu de journée et personne n'est présent. J'ai demandé à quelqu'un de venir travailler et j'ai attendu une demi-heure et rien ne s'est passé. Manque de professionnalisme. Terrible
09 November 2020 16:52
The store has the worst printing & marketing department with rude and lazy clerks. Instead of helping customers they send you to go to another service provider. It has been more than 2 times already I had the same issue. I go there to scan something and I ask the clerk to do it for me because I don't want to use the computer station (their self service is terribly slow too) and I am ok to pay the more expensive price. The first time it took them 30 min for 3 pages and today I was told that I have to live the 4 pages and come back in the afternoon, the scan would be done.
Can you imagine it take them one day to scan 4 pages? After I explained the clerk that this doesn't make sense, she told me to go to other stores.
Great, I can go but you might not have a job.
27 October 2020 17:22
J'y suis allé pour acheter une chaise de bureau. Après avoir fait mon choix je me rends compte que la grande majorité des modèles qui sont en démonstration ne sont plus en stock, ni dans ce magasin, ni dans les magasins avoisinnants et ni même sur internet. Je ne comprends pas l'intérêt de les laisser en démonstration si on ne peut pas les acheter nul part? 3 étoiles quand même pour le bon service.
24 October 2020 16:19
Coin liquidation, rabais sur etui ipad. Dans le rayon, le prix “réduit” liquidation est le prix régulier normal. J’ ai laissé l’étui pour un autre poisson. Je voulais encourager le commerce local mais je vais retourner sur Amazon.
23 October 2020 20:40
It had very little school supplies, had to go to Jean Coutu pharmacy they had everything I needed.
04 October 2020 13:34
The workers are so nice, helpful and knowledgeable. I have been there several times and they were always able to help me. They have a wide range of services and merchandise.
20 September 2020 15:09
Aucun service dans les rayons. Plus de 20 minutes d'attente sans recevoir la moindre aide! Sans parler des prix qui sont très ordinaires. Je passe mon tour!
02 May 2020 1:08
Great customer service. Never very busy. Lots of parking.

Wheelchair accessible with parking.

Huge selection of everything from hard drives and computers to school supplies and markers.

Great staff!
23 April 2020 18:07
Decent selection of office goods. Office chairs are awesome, as my backside will happily attest to. From a technology standpoint, a respectable if not sightly underwhelming selection of products. For office supplies, work the visit. If you're looking to fulfill your technology needs, look elsewhere.
20 April 2020 17:21
Found the coolest upside down large lightbulb with tiny string lights inside (light bulb made of plastic)
10 April 2020 8:08
I love the variety of office/school supplies and the full stock of computers, laptops and printers, as well as all the paraphernalia associated with it. They do printing/copying of all kinds and have a generous area for photocopying, collating and computers that you can use to access your documents for printing. Staff is knowledgeable and friendly. Bathrooms are clean. Specials are always available as well as a section with discount items.
06 April 2020 1:06
Everything you need for back to school in one place. Easy to find, well marked items and prices, and a variety of price points for all items.
27 March 2020 4:00
J'avait commandé une imprimante qui, selon l'information sur leur site, aurait pu être ramasser dans 2 heures après commande dans un magasin séléctioné. La commande avait était payée, mais dans 2 heures, quand j'était prêt d'aller chercher ma commande, elle était annuler, car le magasin ne pouvait pas « fournir un/des article (s) ».
J'ai perdu le temps, et l'argant est gelé pour 7 jours à cause de leur inresponsabilité.
09 March 2020 15:58
Les quelques occasions où j'ai visité le BEG de LaSalle, il m'a semblé que le personnel était peu nombreux. On m'a dit qu'il y avait un employé par département, ce qui est trop peu en informatique. Les interactions avec la clientèle prennent plus de temps car elle a besoin de conseils. Par contre, après avoir attendu notre tour, le conseiller prendra le temps qu'il faut pour nous répondre.

Le choix des marques des laptops est restreint. Deux modèles Apple et de l'autre côté, du ASUS, HP, ACER, MS. Moins de "vrais" Intel, plus de Celeron et d'ADM, rien au-dessus du i5 et du 8Go de mémoire vive. J'ai un i7 de 4e génération dont je vais me contenter et j'irai voir ailleurs lorsque viendra le temps de le remplacer.

Du côté de l'informatique et d'autres produits électroniques, il y a moins chez ce BEG que dans les autres succursales.
24 May 2019 21:39
Bad service, scanners doesn’t work and pcs are slow they are just making money.plz don’t waste your time and money.
23 May 2019 0:25
Staff is very helpful, there was a pricing error on one of my items after speaking to 3 people it was resolved.
09 March 2019 2:57
Purchased an unlocked cell phone for about $300.00.
I know that it’s not the best cell phone on the market but should be good enough for a teenager.
Cell phone stoped charging after a few days and the store manager’s response when I expressed my dissatisfaction was “well what do you expect for $300.00”. After blowing my fuse I answered that I expect a working phone.
Poor manager attitude.
09 January 2019 13:57
For the 1st time ever, I used the self serve printer with my android phone and it was fabulous and easy

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