18 November 2023 20:10
The officer’s was very gentil and faster.
I went for flagpole and everything was good, I cross USA border at 8 am and at 9 am I’m returning to Canada.
17 November 2023 14:22
Retour pour le Flag Pole (tour du poteau)
Je suis arrivé à la frontière US vers 8h du matin, il n’y avait personne! J’ai donné mon passeport à l’agent et lui est dis directement que c’était pour le flag pôle, un autre agent est venue et m’a fait garer la voiture puis je suis rentré dans les bureaux, ils m’ont posé quelques questions basique mon prise en photo et j’ai donné mes empreintes. Ils m’ont raccompagné à la voiture qui était garé dans le sens du retour vers le Canada après m’avoir donné une interdiction de rentré sur le territoire US (ce qui est normal).
Après être arrivé à la frontière canadienne j’ai alors dis la même chose, que jetait venu pour le tour du poteau afin de valider un visa/ ou résidence permanente, l’agent m’a demandé mes papiers, ma demandé de me garer sur le côté et de rentrer dans les bureaux. Ils m’ont fais patienter environs 30min pas plus, ils étaient tous très gentils, et je suis repartie assez rapidement avec mon visa validé!
Je suis contente d’être tombé sur cette agence frontalière pour mon tour du poteau et je recommande pour ceux et celle qui doivent faire cette démarche!
24 October 2023 15:25
Recently crossed this one and no issues with them, random questions, needles to say coming back from muricaa j'ai parlé en français avec l'agent.
11 October 2023 21:15
I had my car searched as a random inspection so I was told, and I have now been unpacking for half an hour looking for my keys which I saw them pick up. I cannot get into my house, I cannot call them since it is after office hours and I won’t be able to call them until Monday. I do not understand why they would take my keys out of the centre console and make them so hard to find. I am a Canadian citizen to uses this crossing at least monthly. What a horrible experience
15 September 2023 15:20
No problems in and out. Didn't speak French to the agent (but I could if he asked for). Was smooth and quick and efficient as possible!
11 September 2023 16:06
Bonjour j'ai une question, je suis français avec un passeport français puis je passer par la en voiture ou en bus pour des vacances?
03 September 2023 2:09
J’aime les douanes, surtout celles de Saint-Armand. 6,7-8 autos, max. Rendu à 15, un·e douanier·ère se mobilise pour nous faire gagner du temps.

C’est pas comme à Lacolle où tu as le temps d’écouter Thick as a brick.
29 August 2023 13:26
Canadian returning home was subjected to an uncalled for and unwarranted vehicular search. Seems to be because I don't speak French? The officers searching the vehicle were respectful but couldn't possibly fathom why I would be so stressed.because they were going through all my stuff? It was a very odd situation. Overall, not sure if I want to cross back through this border again. A shame because the I-89 drive through VT is beautiful.
28 August 2023 5:57
Je suis aller et le jeune homme était très beau mignon comme tout, mais je sentais qu’il jugais mon couple avec mon petit sugar baby il était très bête et désagréable les douaniers doivent être neutre pas dans le jugement. Mais il a été rapide ma posé les questions et ma beaucoup attiré. Bonne journée xxx
01 August 2023 23:52
Had a bad experience while flagpoling.
Sent us back at 10 am stating that there were no more slots available. While the office was completely empty.
27 June 2023 19:33
For those who are going to do the poteau/flag pol tour, you have to arrive at the US border, say that you want to do flag pol, hand over passports, they make you park and get off to take your fingerprints, while they check your car. Then they give you a piece of paper. You leave there, you show up with the car at the Canadian border, you hand in the documents and they ask you for a phone number. They send you to a parking lot before the Bienvenue au Québec sign on the right (there is little signage) and then they call you to show up at the office to complete the process.
I hope it has been useful to you. This is the step by step. They open at 9: 00 in the morning for these procedures
11 June 2023 3:33
Quotas for the day gone at 9: 15am?
They don't want to provide work permit and they will show it to you
25 April 2023 18:06
Excellent! Nous sommes venus faire le tour du poteau pour faire un permis de travail ouvert à mon conjoint (il était en permis de travail fermé) et c’était super. Tous très gentils et compétents, on avait tous les documents avec nous et ça nous a même pas pris 1h. Thank you all!
25 March 2023 21:52
First note, most people stopped and/or pulled aside were people who were not white (I am so I thought it was note worthy). Kinda noticed a pattern after being here for an hour. I was waiting here for an hour over an issue that was kinda silly and not our fault. Also had a baby and a four year old with my friend and I and had to wait in the office while they did whatever they did.
01 March 2023 23:11
He was not pleasant very rude.
We told him we visited in Lake Placid and he made a face asking why would we have gone there.
The first time we experienced anything like this.
06 January 2023 5:04
We had a really pleasant time at the boarder this morning. Agent was in high spirits, very friendly and straight to the point. He asked the relevant questions and wished us a great day before sending us over the border.
07 December 2022 4:56
Quite abusive waiting time outside without any justification, we came to apply for a new work permit, we turned from the US control, and at the first control in Canada the officer asked us for our passport and my cell phone number and he sent us to wait outside in the car until they call us on the phone, I imagine to start the process and ask me for my documents. 3 hours have already passed! And counting…we are still waiting outside in the car, very cold and from time to time turning on the car to warm up, already with back pain and all for no justifiable reason, I haven't even started to process my work permit, it's just The wait for an officer to finally receive my documents.is really abusive, inefficient and inhumane treatment of those of us who pay our taxes and contribute incredibly to the Canadian economy, the immigration procedures at this border point are truly disappointing, I do not recommend it at all and less if you have family and children
31 October 2022 16:55
First trip across the border and not only did the patrol officer profile and target my fiance, but upon a full search of the vehicle without telling us why, vaguely threatened us, and tore my jacket by carelessly throwing our belongings around (is my best guess). They held us for almost an hour with no explanation. All of this just to let us go to our concert anyway. Only one officer was kind. That star is for him. I think we'll keep our visits to Canada to a minimum. I don't think they want visitors, especially if they're not white.
09 October 2022 8:46
Waiting time one hour. Single lane but people keep cutting from the truck lane. No personnel to manage chaos. Nexus is useless as the lane is always closed. No clear signs.

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