31 December 2023 20:20
Always 2 lanes open when I cross to the United States.there's always a long wait to cross the border.
14 December 2023 8:37
No issues with the american boarder, just the french-canadian side.it's not ALL french canadians like this, but there are some that are rude, confronting and threatening in tone. But again.not all french canadians.

Just today, i was visiting the US to pick up some stuff (not out of the ordinary). And of course you're taxed on goods coming into canada, which I don't like, but it's been like this for a while.anyway, i approach the booth with some brown haired, cheap-looking guy fieri boarder agent. This agent from the beginning had zero respect. I don't know when it became their goal to start interrogating regular people like criminals, but this leaves a sour taste in the mouths of people who want to visit quebec. Such a disappointment to have encountered this sorry individual.

The agent then asks a question about bringing in 'goods' (to which i thought was strictly related to food, clothing, other little things) to which i answered "no", because that was true. Then the agent asks (after 6 annoying questions) about picking up a parcel from a package depot known as "freeport", to which i answered "yes" (just very fishy and specific, like he knew already.) The agent then proceeds to call me a "liar" (NO JOKE) because I didn't say anything about a small snowblower engine i purchased in cash.online.which was delivered at the "freeport". It fit in my trunk.

Before this, the agent was just a real piece of work.just a miserable individual who just needs to learn to be a courteous, and not a border thug. I hope that this agent is proud, considering that this agent I'm sure has been responsible for MANY of the low reviews here. But only for the border crossing entering st-bernard-de-lacolle, QC. The american side is fine and what i expect.

To anyone who plans to visit or return to quebec: if you see a brown-haired, guy fieri rip off, don't return kindness to him. He's just rude under any circumstance. No prodding necessary at all. If anyone had similar experiences, let it be heard.
07 December 2023 6:32
The only place that make me second-guess if I'm a national security treat for going at Target in Plattsburg XD. Watch out for the red head Chad (some inferiority complex going on there I think).
25 November 2023 15:18
My family and I took the train from NY to Montreal to visit for a couple of days. The behavior of the Canadian officials on the night shift was poor and unacceptable, as they demonstrate a negative attitude without showing any courtesy to those entering the country. Starting from the way they interrogated passengers on the train to their behavior at the office. Very RUDE, Totally uncivil and discourteous. I have no intention of returning to this country. Canada is not a destination I recommend.
29 September 2023 19:19
The staff today in the booth station was really mean, we planned a random short 2 day trip for Montreal since we are only 3 hours away. But he questioned us a tons of questions as if we are doing something bad and send us into a room to meet immigration office? Is that necessary? Though the immigration officer is super nice in there. We went to Toronto in August and there were no problems at all when passing the boarder
15 August 2023 12:06
Agents were very rude and disgruntled. I was first in line for hours for them to then say they cant help. Do better
14 August 2023 1:53
Merci pour le professionnalisme de l'agent Mr M.qui nous a accueilli.

Service impeccable
27 July 2023 3:39
Asks good questions. Great listeners. Excellent at finding material fact patterns. Really strong looking fellas. Definitely Canadian and not American. Make sure to bring your get of jail free card if you have one - it might just save you!
15 July 2023 0:22
Super bad service to enter Canada they treated us very badly and that is the first visit and I did not like anything and that we are EU citizens and emigration from Canada very rude
12 July 2023 18:38
Pleasant and short experience!

We entered Canada on a Friday evening around 10 PM after waiting approximately 5 minute in traffic. We were met with a professional and friendly lady custom officer and in less than 2 minutes we were on our way. Overall very smooth and simple process.

I guess people who are complaining about the service or staff never crossed international borders before. Being prepared saves a lot of trouble and time. Be ready to answer questions, even the silly ones, be informed about immigration and custom laws, have your passport open on the first page, show some manners like saying ''hello'' and ''thank you'', show a smile (no one cares if you had a bad day at work or that you waited half and hour in traffic) and most importantly - be polite. It's not that hard!
07 July 2023 15:55
Some agents are very normal quick and good, but some are very rude trying to show power with no brains, it's terrible to give power for non sense, but in general they're good smooth and if u get in trouble with them there are ways to complain to the head office and things are definitely being taking care.
Thanks to the great people on the world!
04 July 2023 22:33
First and last time to go to Canda, Not Welcoming and not helpful to give you the guidance, US border they very nice officers and friendly and helpful
god bless USA
24 June 2023 6:07
Very bad officials. Bad attitude and no cordially welcome to the country abuse authority. On Canada officials
23 June 2023 21:59
Les douaniers canadiens sont bien plus gentils que leurs confrères américains! Jamais eu de problème en passant la frontière
20 June 2023 10:45
Excellent service, attention and kindness. All agents with a very good attitude but always inspiring a lot of respect. My wife and I went to renew our work permits and everything went very well. I wish all public institutions were like this.
12 June 2023 10:56
The US officer had a very professional attitude. We spend around 45 minutes in the traffic but I am sure they had done a good job
11 June 2023 7:16
What a bad experience I hade today June 19 at 5: 30pm the boarder patrol guy on the left (the last one) was the nastiest guy I've ever met by any other boarder crossing, even in third world countries it's better the this. If you don't answer his question as loud as he wishes and within one split second the he closes the window for two minutes and then opens it again and gives another (growl) nasty attitude. He should loose his job (he was wearing sunglasses)
16 May 2023 2:57
Comme tout le monde, nous voilà partis a LACOLLE pour faire un tour de poteau pour un permis de travail.
On a quitté Montréal un lundi vers 8h45 avec une voiture de location.
La route est agréable et on admire les trucks américains.
On arrive devant la douane US a 9h38.20 mns de queue plus tard, c'est a notre voiture d'avancer vers le guichet.
Je tends les passeports en marmonnant FLAGPOLE, car je parle anglais aussi bien que ma grand mère joue au rugby.
On nous prend les passeports et on nous montre un parking sur la droite.
Je me gare, un douanier US vient nous prendre les clés de la voiture en échange d'un badge, puis nous dirige vers leurs locaux. Malgré tous les commentaires négatifs, on est seul et on passe de suite.
Deux prises d'empreintes numériques, une photo webcam, un papier "accès refusé" (logique on avait même pas fait le visa numérique) et nous voilà de retour à la voiture où nous récupérons les clés.
On nous montre la route en face et on nous demande de repartir côté canadien.
On s'exécute en remerciant tout le monde.
Guérite canadienne, "bonjour c'est pour quoi? ", On explique qu'on est venu faire le tour du poteau, il nous pose 5-6 questions, nous demande si on a des armes, des explosifs, de la drogue, un cadavre dans le coffre, un portrait nu de Brigitte Bardot etc etc.
Il nous dirige ensuite vers leurs bureaux sauf que là on garde les clés.
On rentre, miracle le poste est désert, on est seul encore. Du coup on va au guichet direct, une agréable douanière nous délivre le permis tant convoité et nous dit au revoir. C'est fini!
On est donc arrivé à 9h38 et a 10h30 on roulait direction Montréal en comptant les 20 mns de queue en voiture.
Bref, ne soyez pas inquiet, tout le monde fait ça et ça se passe très bien.
Je ne comprends pas les avis négatifs. Évidemment si on se croit a Marseille et qu'on ouvre sa gueule, les US et les Canadiens, c'est pas la municipale de Marseille. Si on est respectueux et poli, tout glisse.
Pour info, on a cherché, y'a pas de poteau.
Amis travailleurs, soyez rassurés, dites carrément la vérité aux guichets et ne cherchez pas à les prendre pour des cons, ils savent très bien pourquoi vous êtes là!
30 April 2023 5:26
Passage toujours rapide côté canadien. On peut malheureusement pas dire de même du côté américain.
08 March 2023 14:43
March 13th 2023 around 4pm, an arrogant man wanted to make us pay taxes on 20$ worth of clothes for a family of 5 and he made fun of us when we told him the reason for our short visit in the States was for grocery shopping. He seriously should lose his job, anyone else had a similar experience with him?
31 January 2023 23:45
I wanna find the first person who started the myth of Canadians being nice people, and have a convo with him. I met the rudest staff with the least respect for human beings on this border. They didn’t give me any service after a long waiting time, with this explanation that we’re understaffed. Not even apologetic or polite, with the most ignorant indifferent voice. Shame.

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