22 November 2023 13:38
My initial experience at Canada Goose was disappointing. The staff allowed line jumpers at the entrance, and inside, I received little assistance. It was frustrating how the team neglected to acknowledge or answer any of my inquiries regarding the jackets. Probably because they think they already have all the sales they need. Hopefully, they improve customer service for others.
18 November 2023 13:51
Store is empty but they make you wait for 1h to get in. Just left and bought myself a mackage. Complete garbage.
17 October 2023 11:15
What a terrible customer service. They make you wait to enter the store until there’s a sales rep free even if you just want to browse around. I can also see a few reps chatting it up near the cash doing nothing.
18 August 2023 16:15
Au premier abord, les vendeurs de cette boutique sont très agréables quand il s'agit de vendre. 2500$ CAD plus tard (2 jackets), les relations ne sont plus les mêmes.

Service après vente exécrable: après 3 mois d'utilisation, je constate une usure anormale du tissus causée par le zip de la fermeture éclair (voir photos). Je l'envoie en garantie m'indiquant qu'il s'agit d'une "usure normale du tissus" et donc qu'aucune réparation ne sera effectuée. Je dois en revanche payer le nettoyage, inadmissible.
Aussi, les interlocuteurs du SAV ne comprennent pas vraiment le français (ce qui n'est pas du tout un problème en soit mais dans ce cas, il faut retirer la possibilité de pouvoir parler à un interlocuteur français), les informations transmises sont donc la plupart du temps erronées ce qui vous oblige à les recontacter plusieurs fois.

Ce sera mon unique expérience avec Canada Goose, je suis très déçu. En termes de rapport qualité prix, un manteau The North Face est bien meilleure et vous êtes bien mieux reçus dans leur shop situé quelque mètres plus loin, rue Sainte-Catherine à Montréal.
À éviter!
16 August 2023 4:49
Joseph is the man. He was so friendly, consciously helpful, and truly created a lifetime once in a chance experience for my 16 yo daughter to try on jackets in the cooler. We WILL be buying online this fall BECAUSE OF JOSEPH.
31 January 2023 21:03
Amazing staff! Everyone is kind, respectul and knowledgeable. I had a very positive customer experience. Shout out to Wiliam C.who helped us a lot (honestly I would give a shout out to everyone but I unfortunately don't know their names!)
27 January 2023 7:49
Poor return policy.

I got the wrong size for my jacket. They returned me twice asking for me to clean up and bring it back. If it’s something acceptable by cleaning, then they’re definitely capable of doing so. Employees working there are really awesome though. But company policy needs serious improvement. Doesn’t build positive relationship with customers.

Why should I go back if you don’t care to give me what I want? Of course, this is gonna be my first and last Canada Goose jacket.

It doesn’t matter how much a thing cost, if a customer doesn’t like something about your product, you have to fix it.
20 January 2023 6:50
Moment agréable. Je recommande la chambre froide, qui est une expérience amusante présente au sein du magasin.
07 January 2023 12:38
Dès notre arrivée à la boutique, ma conjointe et moi avons senti un fort jugement de la part des employés concernant notre habillement. Nous n’étions pas habillé des vêtements de marques mais plutôt confortable pour faire les magasins (Jeans et manteau sans marque). Certains employés nous ont évité du regard lorsque nous essayons d’avoir de l’aide. Une employée est même partie du sens opposée lorsque ma conjointe est allée la voir. J’ai demandé assez fermement a un employé de l’aide pour trouver un manteau. Celui-ci m’a répondu qu’il allait voir dans le backstore. 15minutes plus tard, il parlait avec ses collègues et avait servit d’autres clients. Je n’ai jamais été en mesure d’essayer le manteau et ma conjointe non plus. Nous avons décidé de quitté et l’employé en question a dit au revoir aux personnes avant nous, mais nous a complètement évité. Sincèrement déçue de cet expérience en magasin. Je suis consciente que il y a le service en ligne, mais j’aime beaucoup mieux essayer en personne avant.
06 January 2023 9:18
Politique de retour complément ridicule. 30 jours. Ne pas pouvoir couper l’étiquette qui retient les gants de son emballage. Sans cela, impossible d’essayer adéquatement la taille. Plusieurs jours d’attente pour un retour du service à la clientèle qui ne répond pas à la question, me demande le reçu, d’autres détails et gardent le poing fermé à ne pas vouloir rembourser une paire de gants non portés, intact, et dans les minces 30 jours. Seul problème, le tag coupé. J’ai encore les plastiques qui retenaient l’étiquettes. Plus jamais cette marque. Acheter canadien…mais pas Goose!
06 January 2023 3:38
Beautiful store display! I came in looking just to browse and was helped by a lovely associate. Zoey was our sales associate that greeted us at the door she explained how the store works and how the temperature of each jackets were ranked. She was very knowledgeable with all the products. Although I did not make a purchase I will definitely be coming back and will only ask help from her. The manager at the door was very nice as well.
25 November 2022 17:03
I had the pleasure of being assisted by Jesse at this store location. He gave me the best customer service and was very helpful and friendly. I recommend asking for him when trying to find your perfect coat.
08 August 2022 15:56
We have visited this Canada Goose location twice and both times had a great experience! If you are going to buy a Canada Goose.do so in Montreal. The first time we visited it was in late December. We had to wait in a line outside which was REALLY cold, but once inside their customer service is top notch. I love that they assigned us a salesperson to find the right selection. The cold room is such a great way to test out your selections. The second time was in summer and there was no line. The sales staff were very attentive and helpful. I noticed the summer trip had less in-stock options (sizes/colors) but that didn't stop us from finding some great items. I always have a list of items I am interested in to make the process go faster, but they never rushed us. Would definitely go back! My only wish would be if they had sales or offered free items with purchase. Thank you!
18 May 2022 15:07
This store has the friendliest service and offers a unique experience as with any other luxury store. Would recommend good quality products.
19 April 2022 22:14
Yesterday the store smelled so strongly I could barely breathe and I am not sensitive to perfumes. 24 hours later, my own clothes smell strongly like the perfume they spray in the store and I did not touch anything.

Very attentive employees and easy to shop when it's not busy.
30 March 2022 8:08
La seule boutique a mtl. Et son même pas capable de suivre leur inventaire qui manque! De plus qui on enlever tout leur vêtement sur la rive sud. Je prend temp de me déplacer pour acheter et me faire dire qu'il en on plus! Très déçu!
04 March 2022 20:53
I never intended to buy a Canada Goose garment, particularly because the company does not have sales even though every other clothing retailer in Montreal (and around the world) offers significant discounts during Black Friday, Boxing Day, and when a season is ending and new merchandise are arriving for a new season.

While Montreal has had a "mild" winter so far this season, it did have several extremely cold days and snowed a few days. My beloved Kanuk parka, rated for -25 degrees C, came in handy when it was very cold on 11th January. But I wish I had a warmer parka with more pockets that day. (On most winter days, my Icebreaker base layers and North Face Gore-Tex down jacket are plenty sufficient to keep me warm outside.) Thus, I kept going back to the Canada Goose Montreal store to learn more about its parkas and to try to understand why its garments are so much more expensive than competing brands.

I read reviews and checked out competing brand's parkas. But I kept going back to Canada Goose's website and its store in Montreal to learn as much as I can about the Expedition parkas, which I understand are all made in Canada, like other Canada Goose parkas and garments.

I was always treated courteously, respectfully, and professionally by every team member who I met at this store. I asked a lot of basic questions, especially the difference between goose down and duck down, down fill power and why Canada Goose uses duck down for the Expedition-why call yourself Canada Goose when you use duck down, why not change your name to Canada Duck, eh.

After speaking with Jesse Nasielski, an assistant manager at the store, at length on several occasions (even after the store closed), I felt sufficiently informed and then purchased an Expedition parka, rated for -30 degrees C and below. Jesse had me try out the Expedition inside the "cold room" and answered all my questions, making me confident about the Expedition and enabling me to make an informed purchase decision.

After I took my parka home, I noticed a cologne emanating from the jacket-it smelled like a men's Versace cologne. I went back to the store and asked Jesse about the odor. He explained that the odor is a result of the building HVAC system that adds various natural "fragrances" to the circulating air inside the store and that the odor would dissipate from my Expedition in about a week or less. (Jesse is right; the odor from my parka has been fading.) I found the fragranced air inside the store refreshing but then again I was wearing a face mask, in compliance with the Covid-19 pandemic health measures. (I can understand why some other customers would find the fragranced air uncomfortable, unbearable and obnoxious.)

My friends tease me that wearing a Canada Goose parka is like wearing as Gucci bag, which is NOT my thing. (Noooo; I am NOT a Gucci man!) I bought my Expedition parka because it fits me well and it keeps me warm outside against the extreme cold, albeit that happens on rare occasions in Montreal in recent years. And the parka has lots of useful pockets. The built quality seems and feels very high. I wish it were significantly less expensive but I do feel that it was worth the money, hopefully time and usage will prove me (and Canada Goose) right.

Thank you to all team members who helped me, especially the tireless Jesse Nasielski, who imparted sufficient product knowledge to me to enable me to make an informed and confident purchase decision. I'm hoping my Expedition parka will prove its worth for years to come, at least for the life of this garment, hopefully that will be decades. (Canada Goose provides a "lifetime" warranty for each of its garment-its for the practical lifetime of the garment, not that of the buyer or wearer. Another selling point for me is that I can bring my Expedition to the store for dry-cleaning.)
25 November 2021 20:47
It’s insane that they keep customers including seniors and families waiting on the street regardless of the weather condition. Just to create the marketing hype while the store is nearly empty with a couple of assistants and customers. Think about what you will face when it comes to return. There are surely better places to spend your $$$.

Update: Using COVID as an excuse in their response would just make CG look even more insincere. All stores are opened up and we don’t really see lineup anywhere else. We all know it’s a marketing trick at the cost of the customers.
04 November 2021 19:32
Très mauvaise expérience! 40 minutes d’attente, des personnes arrivent et passent devant vous sans explication… une fois à l’intérieur mauvais accueil du vendeur, aucune considération (ma femme portait une Canada goose récente pourtant…). J’étais venu pour acheter, à ma question il m’indique « le rayon homme est là bas… » alors qu’il ne fait rien il ne s’occupe pas de nous. Finalement on décide de repartir, nous n’avons rien acheté…40 minutes d’attente, 5 minutes dans le magasin, par ailleurs mal agencé, on ne comprend rien, on ne voit pas les articles… expérience déplorable, autant acheter à Paris, au moins on est bien reçu! Magasin à fuir ….
26 October 2021 18:11
Very bad service, you have to wait at least 40 min in the line to get in. I spend 1h to go to the store, 40 min in the line before to give up and to come back home. REALLY! To spend at least 2000$ you have to stay in line for so long time!
30 September 2021 12:39
For the prices they charge they do not let you use a toilet. After waiting to be served and looking at the jackets. I was told to go outside and find a toilet. How rude! Did I mention we did spend money there. Just paid 2000$. You would think they will let you use a washroom.
23 August 2021 6:27
Je vien de me procurer un Faber bomber jacket, Canada goosse a tenue sa réputation, une très bonne qualité, c'est un must! Et de plus le personnel sont très accueillant, poli et courtois. Je vous recommende cette endroit.
22 July 2021 7:00
Le personnel est courtois, accueillant, bon service. Cependant, je déplore que le client apprend le montant de la facture une fois à la caisse. J 'aurais apprécié que la vendeuse m'avise du montant du manteau avant de passer à la caisse.
07 November 2020 3:05
Petite boutique, sans une très grande variété de choix sur place mais un service à la clientèle excellent qui s'assure que vous trouviez sur place ou sur leur site internet ce que vous cherchez. On prend vraiment le temps de s'assurer qu'on soit satisfait.
13 September 2020 6:28
Amazing service; friendly staff. Took my 5yr old parka in for cleaning. Super helpful. I feel the quality of the parka is really good.
11 May 2020 8:39
Tu vas te faire niaiser si tu veux du XL. Tu cherches pendant 5 minutes avant de te faire dire qu'il y en a dans le back store Tant qu'à épurer le magasin, gardez donc seulement un medium de chaque modèle!
29 April 2020 1:20
I am only giving a one star review because there’s no options to keep zero star. For a place that sells $1000 plus jackets, the service is subpar and I feel like Ive received better service at H&M. Management needs to retrain their employees on customer service. If you are gonna get CG, just go to holt renfrew or harry Rosen to get the proper service.
28 April 2020 6:21
Ce concept est le suivant: rentrée, essayé acheté. Voilà, les vendeurs ne sont pas là pour vous accompagner tout au long du processus dachat car je pense que les acheteurs ont une idée bien précise de ce quils veulent
23 April 2020 4:13
A very good store with amazing staff. You get there a really high standards assistance from the store staff.
18 April 2020 20:11
Cruelty is NOT fashionable. This disgusting excuse for a store and a company needs to be shut down!
16 April 2020 23:45
Produits de qualité et service client haut de gamme mais les vendeurs sont tout de même sympathiques et accessibles.
15 April 2020 11:18
More staff in the store than customers. Smelled sooooooo much the ambiance perfume, too much. Prices are ridiculous, as always, and the model assortment is very poor and unflattering designs.
15 April 2020 1:58
Best customer service. Josh and his team members were amazing. Happy to see their smily faces and they make our journey happy by doing that.
Thanks guys great job.
11 April 2020 23:00
Worst service. The Chinese clerk inside the store was very rude. For the price tag do yourself a favor and choose other brands instead!
Plus, it is for the animal welfare, the way CG sources its materials is UNETHICAL!
10 April 2020 22:10
12 appels à la boutique sur 3 semaines, pas une seule fois quelqu'un au bout du fil, toujours un répondeur après une longue attente.
04 April 2020 0:02
Staff is super helpful, professional and very friendly. There’s no question that you are definitely taken care of when walking in. They’ll help you find the right jacket for you and answer any questions you may have. You can even test it out in their cold room and see how well protected you are from the cold with different models
26 March 2020 3:56
Waste of money.winter coat ripped from the inside sent to hq for repair response was your coat is to old we don't have that material any more.service and quality completely garbage
26 March 2020 2:21
If you live in Canada you certainly need a jacket from here. Try out their freezing freezer to see how good their jackets are
12 December 2019 6:53
The manager is very sour ans not very friendly. I bought canada goose in another store a minute ago (since they dont have my size) and she refused to help and provide the suit cover for my canada goose product. As i know, the shop that sold me the jacket told me that their costumers have been helped there. Please review this manager CG. I read through the review. This specific compain is not the first.

Btw, update: i got the suit cover just like that in canada goose toronto. It just a suit cover for god shake:)
09 December 2019 17:02
Friendly staff and there was no line! Water was offered and personal stuff like coats stored in a closet while shopping.overall great experience.
09 December 2019 3:35
Excellents produits et personnel aux petits soins pour ses clients. Bien vue la chambre froide pour tester les manteaux!
25 October 2019 7:58
J’y suis été un lundi et la boutique était remplie. Ça a pris un peu de temps avant d’être servie. Par contre, le service a été extraordinaire par la suite. Je le recommande fortement: très bons produits.
15 October 2019 0:08
Très beau magasin et spacieux.
Nous avons été très bien reçu et conseillé par un français, Frederic.
Nous avons testé la chambre froide à -21 degrés.
Nous sommes ravis de nos achats.
10 September 2019 0:07
Canada Goose, in this store has the friendliest service and offers a unique experience as with any other luxury store. Would recommend good quality products.
03 August 2019 11:09
The people are super nice. They really know the product and explain it to you well. Laura was super attentive to us and brought us to the cold room. The difference the jackets made was insane.
05 July 2019 20:46
All of the workers here are extremely friendly and helpful. Prices are much more affordable than the US l, by far the best branch of the company. Most helpful worker was Laura, she gave my entire group her full attention and had a very detailed, helpful, and interesting conversation with us for around 30 minutes. If you’re in Montreal, visit this store!

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