14 November 2023 20:41
Bonjours/Bonsoirs, jai passer commande il y a un mois de cela. Puis je n'est jamais reçus de papier pour aller chercher ma commande a temps. Je l'es est reçus presque un mois apres. Un papier pour aller chercher ma commande. Puis un papier qui me disais que mon colis sera renvoyer a lexpediteur. Je suis très décus de votre service.
23 August 2023 8:51
2 fois que je vais là, les deux fois j'ai l'impression que je les dérange. 0 service à la clientèle.
26 July 2023 4:20
Got a call from a male employee working there on August 1st, 2023.

He called to tell me my community box keys were ready for pickup and that there would be a 30$ charge for these replacement keys.

I explained him that these keys are not *replacement* keys, as we never got the keys in the first place.

He sounded irritated by this information, then told me there wasn't going to be any charge, then told me the address of the post office (number and street name, but not in which town), then hung up on me.

I was half-happy of the call, knowing I would have to search for the town in which this address fits with a post office. But that's a minor inconvenience.

When we got there to pick up the key, my gf went inside, and I stayed with the kids in the car.

When she came back, I asked her if she was charged 30$. Guess what?

Of course she was charged, and there was no trace of what that person told me on Aug 1 in "the file", (or in "the order", not sure of the term)

(Did that guy on Aug 1st lie to me?)

So I went in and explained to the male employee on duty (who weirdly gave me the exact same vibe than the person I talked to on Aug 1), and he seemed similarly annoyed/indifferent, referring to the paper with the request on it, mentioning a *replacement* key with a 30$ charge.

I explained the whole story, again, then he agreed nonchalantly to proceed with the reimbursement, but just to be stopped by "the system", which can't refund these things, apparently.

He instructed me to call customer service, which I did, and it went *exactly* as you'd expect.

A mix of miscommunication, repetition, powerlessness, customer service catch phrases and, of course, the final escalation talk after an hour of firm and polite verbal gymnastics with the honest agent who's the poor interface between a dysfunctional system and a customer in need of a sensible resolution.

It ended, of course, with me getting a voice message from a supervisor, telling me she was "sorry about my situation", and then she pulled out an irrelevant "policy" to justify the inaction. I tried to call back, but of course it rings busy non-stop.

All in all, this experience is the archetype of the (almost) end-to-end interaction a customer has with a dysfunctional system, combined with disengaged employees in a state-funded organization (which doesn't need to perform like any other normal, private company, because public funds).

From the rude employee on the phone, to the powerless and detached on-site clerk, to the powerless agent and the distant, non-reachable supervisor, that company really sucks when a non-standard event happens.

Will avoid at all costs from now on.

No wonder Canada Post was in the red of 548 Millions (before taxes) in 2022.

Competition sure knows how to serve and delight their customers.
03 June 2023 3:50
I am not sure why they have such bad reviews. I spent months avoiding this place thinking I’d be mistreated but so far I’ve received great customer service the 3 times I’ve been there. No line and very cordial staff.

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