25 December 2023 8:57
Staff would not help as my French was not very good manager was rude owner did not call back
21 December 2023 0:38
On se fait dire que le Canadian Tire de Verdun est ouvert le 26 décembre ce qui nous convient pour notre horaire afin de faire l’entretien de notre véhicule. 40$ de taxi plus tard, votre établissement n’est pas ouvert une perte de temps et argent pour une jeune famille. Au pire communiquer vos heures si modification dans vos porte pour avertir votre clientèles: management incompétent.
01 December 2023 3:25
They're okay to swap your tires but nothing else.
I asked them to replace the cabin air filter: "our technician couldn't find the air filter box", when I checked myself, the box was open and the filter half pulled out like they gave up midway.
Another time I asked them to replace some bulbs on the brake lights, they billed me 45min labour and FORGOT to do it.
After I realized I came back for them to actually do the job, they apologized, replaced one and FORGOT AGAIN the second bulb. The employee at the desk said they were extremely sorry and their customer service would contact me to arrange some compensation.guess what? They never did
27 November 2023 2:09
AUTO SERVICE: Terrible terrible service and management!

I had my tires changed there. They threw the old tires in wet dirty bags all over my seats and refused to admit their mistake even after I showed them the stains.

I spent $1000 there for the manager to tell me “those bags are complementary and I can charge you for them” after he saw how dirty they were.
07 September 2023 14:14
Jam packed with merchandise and given the small footprint, a bit difficult to navigate at times. Nonetheless, it ticks most of the boxes. Staff can be somewhat oblivious, so you may have to search them out if you need assistance. Prices at Canadian Tire are generally higher than at their main competition, such as Walmart. Frequent sales help bring them in line.
07 September 2023 11:50
Très déçu de ma visite il manquait d'électricité alors il fallait aitre accompagner part une presonne comme le monde pouvait pas utiliser leur téléphone avec la lumière et de plus Très bête tu les dit excuse moi pis il de répond pas je passerai pas part se canadien tire la prochaine fois
29 August 2023 15:59
C'est MON Canadian Tire depuis de nombreuses années!
C'est comme un super magasin général où il est difficile de ne pas trouver ce qu'on cherche.
L'endroit est très propre et les rayons sont bien rangés. Le personnel est toujours disponible pour répondre aux questions. J'y vais toujours avec plaisir!
30 July 2023 17:31
One of the best Canadian tire stores. Guys working at the garage are really nice and patient. I highly appreciate their efforts. Will definitely bring my car to the garage soon
26 July 2023 4:24
Ce n'est pas la peine de faire de l'historique avec ce garage. On est client depuis plus que 10 ans et quand on appelle pour un service mécanique simple mais urgent, on nous donne un RD d'un mois et plus. Pourquoi je viens chez vous si vous me dépannez même pas quand j'ai besoin.
17 January 2022 4:11
Went in for RIV inspection. Once I got checked in it took about 30 minutes to get done. I was impressed as I had called almost 8 other Canadian Tire location to get this done to no avail.
10 January 2022 7:27
Not my usual store; this one in Verdun, QC was well-stocked even if it's a smaller outlet.
The staff was pleasant and very helpful. I was guided exactly to the item I needed in their seasonal department.
28 December 2021 13:50
Waste of time. Trying to buy an item which is listed available. I try to call them to make sure it is there aand they keep putting on hold around, and after 30 min disconnect.
27 November 2021 15:49
Certains items apparaissent en stock quand on regarde en ligne, mais impossible de les trouver en magasin
08 November 2021 0:17
Mediocre Canadian tire. Apparently things get stolen a lot because I couldn't find something they said had inventory and 2 employees right away told me someone probably stole it. So not a great location/clientèle I suppose.

Another time I had a manufacture coupon and the manager charged me taxes, I was pretty sure that's not supposed to happen, we argued a bit but she's the manager, so she knows best apparently. I left and then checked my second coupon, and indeed, you aren't. Ao I went back in to show the fine print, she insisted on reading the entire thing at that point even though I pointed out the section, but apparently she didn't feel the need to do that beforehand. I don't mind if someone doesn't know, I mind if they insist they know, and then proceed to mess up.

The inventory there is always bad, half the things are missing, I don't think this is covid related because other Canadian tire are well lit, clean, well stocked.
07 September 2021 14:09
The only thing a can say of CanadianTire is that they have lots to offer, but the waiting time at the cash is.sadly long
06 September 2021 18:12
UPDATE: Classic Canadian Tire. See that number down there where they want to talk to me about my experience? It takes you to the same automated system I called where they told me they had no idea about my order. It's just the main CanTire line and there is no option for complaints or problem handling.

If I could I would remove another star.

- Original Review -

Garbage shopping experience.but I don't know why I expected anything else.

So I went to the Verdun Canadian Tire to pick up a tennis racquet that was listed as being in stock. I got there and of course they did not actually have it. They told me it was in stock in LaSalle. This time I called and had the LaSalle store check. It also wasn't actually in stock there. Of course it wasn't - this is Canadian Tire!

Defeated by getting it that day, I went on the Canadian Tire website and ordered the racquet for store pickup. The next day I received a text saying my order was ready. I was about 50% sure the racquet still wouldn't actually be there, but I needed some propane canisters, so I went down there to pick up the canisters, and hopefully my new racquet.

Turns out they still did not have the racquet, just the tennis balls I had decided to add to the order. Awesome. They also didn't have the propane canisters btw.

I then called the customer service number on the website to find out what the status of my order was. They told me they didn't know, and I would have to call the Verdun store.

Seriously? Wow.

I called the Verdun store and was asked (in an unfriendly manner) for the order number. The first person seemed to have trouble understanding the order number so she put me on hold to get someone else, and I remained on hold until I gave up and just called back.

At this point I spoke to someone who asked for the product number instead of the order number. Once I spent some more time on hold I was informed that they didn't have the racquet in stock. Thanks! I know that.

What is the status of my order? They don't know. It's on order.

When can I expect to get it? They don't know.

I cancelled the order. All in all, a perfect Canadian Tire shopping experience: it was complicated, they didn't have what I wanted, their stock information was wrong, the customer service was bad, and in the end it wasted my time and I will have to find the product somewhere else.
31 August 2021 19:20
Verdun's magazine is limited and it lacks a variety of articles, specially if you want furniture, toys or bike parts. Besides that, the gardening, the camping and the automobile sections are quite complete.
20 August 2021 11:25
Pas de services, vous êtes livré à vous même dans les rayons. Les employés se cachent afin de pas avoir à aider!
10 August 2021 2:34
It's a canadian tire. It's not like the fancy renovated one in Alexis Nihon but its perfectly serviceable.
25 July 2021 8:25
Attention a la qualité du travail au Garage: quand on change une timing Belt a 900$ faut pas oublier d’ajuster le timing du moteur lol, ça l’ avait pas été fait, à fallu que je retourne vous voir ensuite la semaine d’après je prend rendez-vous pour les freins et pose de pneus, lol le balancement des pneus avait pas été fait ma voiture vibrait comme un tank, tout a été bien refait, mais moi je perd du temps et vous aussi, c’est pas parfait comme on dirait du côté des mécanos, les boys, ils y en n’ a qui vous disent pas, mais moi je vous le redit Attention! Critique constructive (avec mon avis, vous avez descendu à 3,7 ça baissé un peu)
23 July 2021 13:34
Garden centre was lack lustre… maybe I’ll try again closer to May long weekend and they’ll have a better selection and quality of product.
23 July 2021 1:46
Sérieux, il faut ouvrir la caisse extérieur (section jardinage) quand la section grouille de clients. 10h20 et rien de fait. Trimballer 10 sacs de terre dans le magasin? Non.
11 July 2021 5:57
My favorite store, no salepersons following us around and prices are great, however salespersons6 are kinda few and hard to find.strike this.someone charged me three times the amount on my td debit card and not I have lost my money because they can't even find the transaction! I lost my stupid bill.
02 July 2021 0:47
No summer products anymore, and they aren't expecting to get any more either before late August.
29 June 2021 9:40
Are you kidding me? $30 bucks to ship a 5,000 btu a/c unit and it's going to take from May 25th to June 1st to send it 3km. It would have been cheaper to send my son some money to take an Uber.disgraceful service.
24 April 2021 2:52
Équipe dynamique et professionnel!
Merci à Caroline et Stéphanie qui avec leurs magik touch rendent tout possible et si simple!
Un gros bravo!
28 March 2020 23:30
This Canadian tire is full with incompetent workers, I spoke with three different people and nobody had a clue what I was talking about. I had a flat on my tire and just needed to get repaired, that simple. Instead, they wanted me to buy new tires and charge me installation. Seriously, I'm tired of going to any Canadian tire.
24 March 2020 4:22
Un des meilleurs C T en ville grâce à son personnel, souvent bien intentionné et disponible (ce qui fait souvent défaut dans plusieurs autres succursales.) Croyez-moi, celui-là vaut le detour si vous n'êtes pas prêt. Évitez les 2 autres a proximité (centre-ville).
24 March 2020 1:01
CANADIEN TIRE VERDUN.presque tous lesp employés ont caractère exécrable irrespectueux et même entre eux il y a des chicanes devant les clients.
17 March 2020 14:22
Pour vrai, le pire service à la clientèle que j'ai vu. Pas moyen de trouver quelqu'un pour t'aider dans les rangées. Après 30 minutes à chercher, tu arrives à la caisse. Il y a 3 personnes derrière le comptoir, personne ne te regarde, pas de bonjour, personne s'occupe de toi et ça continue à jaser entre eux. On a scanné mes articles sans jamais me regarder et ça a pris encore du temps que je puisse payer avec ma carte car la personne ne me portait aucune attention.
Allô, tu es à la caisse, occupes toi des clients qui veulent payer.
10 March 2020 1:10
I went to their Verdun Garage to have my winter tires installed in late November 2019. They told me that I needed to have my Inner and outer tie rod replaced and gave me a quote for $800.00. I took my car to another garage and had the tie rods checked. They told me that the tie rods were in good shape and did not need to be replaced. They charge, parts and labor around $150.00. Needless to say I was shocked! I WILL NEVER TAKE MY CAR TO CANADIAN TIRE AGAIN!

Je suis allé à leur garage de Verdun pour faire installer mes pneus d'hiver à la fin de novembre 2019. Ils m'ont dit que je devais faire remplacer mes tie rods inner et outer pour 800,00 $. J'ai emmené ma voiture dans un autre garage et j'ai fait vérifier. Ils m'ont dit que les tie rods étaient en bon état et n'avaient pas besoin d'être remplacés. Ils facturent, pièces et main-d'œuvre environ 150,00 $ pour la jobe. Inutile de dire que j'ai été choqué! JE NE PRENDRA JAMAIS MA VOITURE au CANADIEN TIRE Verdun!
29 February 2020 20:40
3: 30 PM on a Saturday. I've been waiting for over 10 minutes for some service and there's no one at the online pick up desk. They also gave me the wrong order when I first went to pick it up. If I could rate it lower, I would.
23 February 2020 2:09
Brought my vehicle in for service today (Feb. 06. '20). As it was being driven into the garage, I attempted to get a glimpse of my car through the service counter window. I apparently invaded the space of ONE of the two service managers. Oooh! That is VERBOTEN! I was asked to move a foot or two to my left. When I lingered for a moment, I was summarily TOLD to move. In turn, I asked this individual to relax. He immediately asked me if I wanted him to remove my car from the garage.twice. At that point, I could not have cared less! Whether they put my car up on the lift or not, was immaterial to me. This dude is much too officious and needs a personal development lesson on how to treat customers!
In the end, the problem with my car was assessed.one I feel will be best handled by my HYUNDAI dealer when I return home.
Finally, here is the ONLY REASON for my rating of 4 stars as opposed to 0. Jeremie! Now, THIS manager knows how to deal with customers. He was helpful, courteous and, most importantly, UNDERSTANDING. Although one manager (you know who you are!) gets 0 stars from me. Jeremie, on the other hand, gets 5. I split the difference with an extra star thrown in for the sake of being positive.
09 February 2020 1:26
They had the tires I needed and are at least 65% Canadian, so the name isn't a lie. Also the service was good, so there's that.
29 January 2020 2:32
Service très long plus que 200$ pour changer des lumiere oui oui 200 $ pour des lumiere plus que 130 $ mains d oeuvre pour travail de 10 min et ils ont gardé la voiture à l'intérieur sans rien faire moi non que les autres employés faisais le ménage pour justifier le prix (pas de travaux juste les remplacer)
26 January 2020 11:00
Petit Canadian tire du coin qui n’as pas nécessairement tous les produits que tu as de besoins. Ça dépanne quand tu as vraiment besoin de quelques choses en plein rénovation!
23 December 2019 19:18
Lots of products on sale. Games an toys, look at flyer online.take down product # an call first. Might save a trip, if its not in stock.
16 June 2019 8:15
Patron (likely high) threatened to call the cops on another patron in the parking lot as I left the store. Turns out he was a cop. The hunter became the hunted. 3 stars cause the interior is kinda cramped and they stack the back wall to the ceiling, but the parking lot entertainment was decent. Would not go back.
11 June 2019 17:12
Le produit correspondait exactement à la qualité et la quantité de la recherche faite sur le site internet
09 June 2019 17:39
I made a reservation to fix my car for 10: 00 am this morning (26 Apr 2019) and when I got there they told me my appointment is 3: 00 pm.
I try to tell them my appointment is at 10 and I don't have time to wait for 3, the guy said: "leave your car or not? What is your problem. ”
so guys, if you have to make an appointment with them, ask for the prove
07 June 2019 23:37
NEVER trust the quantities listed online for this store. Multiple times I've gone to buy something when the stock reflected at least 14 only to find they had none.
05 June 2019 0:47
After a similar experince from another Canadian Tire, I called them up to verify the timings for Vehicle Import Inspection. The guy asked me to come any time before 1 and no need for appointments. Because i had similar experience at another place, i called today morning to confirm this and he said just come over. When i reached by 10am, the person at the desk says that its not possible and I would have to come the next day.
The general rudeness and unapologetic behavior adds to the misery. Would not go here again.
03 June 2019 12:00
Found everything I needed. A very wide selection. Helpful staff. Ample parking and cash registers to cash clients out.
24 May 2019 5:02
Deux employées n'ont pas la formation nécessaire à servir les clients. L'une d'entre elles a un certain âge manque de politesse. Non-accueillant du tout.
19 May 2019 23:24
Super service! Les vendeurs sont d'une grande disponibilité et au service des clients un grand merci continuer comme ça vous êtes merveilleux
18 May 2019 14:15
Very close to Lasalle metro station, great variety of products, kind service and very good prices, I love it!
14 May 2019 10:43
One of our main CTs we go to and we go 3-4 × a week, every week throughout the year.
Although, the last time we were there, 2 employees from the car dept were screaming obscenities at each other for a good couple of minutes. We were standing at the cash near the entrance and we could hear them. Not so professional.
09 May 2019 16:07
I love Canadian tire. I remember going there as a child with my father and saving up his Canadian Tire money for fishing tackle. Now I get to do the same thing with the next generation. A Canadian institution, I can't think of Christmas without thinking of saving like Scrooge.
03 May 2019 9:10
Des crosseurs au garage, ils surchargent comme ça se peut pas. Côté magasin ça fait dure aussi pas moyen d’avoir du service de la part du staff. À éviter.
02 May 2019 11:03
Service à la clientèle atroce. CERTAINS de leurs employés démontrent un manque de professionnalisme et utilisent un langage de rue grossier devant les clients, il est très facile de constater qu’ils ne sont pas éduqués et irrespectueux. Vous achetez un item chez eux avec une garantie et vous aurez toutes les misères du monde à faire respecter celle-ci. En plus ils perdront patience, commenceront à sacrer et manqueront de respect envers vous sans problème, sans remords. Ça fait partie de leur mode de vie.
J’ai vécu ceci aujourd’hui et j’ai déjà vu ça à quelques reprises avec d’autres clients auparavant.
15 April 2019 23:48
Un canadien tire ou on du mal a avoir du personnel soit pour renseignement ou trouver quèce quon cherche
06 April 2019 11:10
Dear Mr. Roy,

I had a flat tire on my car which I drove to Canadian Tire Verdun. The assistant at the counter took my car and said they would call me when ready. Thirty minutes later he called me to say that they did not have the correct tire to change my flat and that one was available at LaSalle; by this point I had already returned to work and could not go back to drive my car to LaSalle. By phone I asked Verdun if they could request the tire from LaSalle to be delivered to Verdun, but the assistant said they did not offer this service. When I arrived in LaSalle the following day, the supervisor at the counter explained to me that indeed Canadian Tire in Verdun could have asked for the part to be delivered to them from LaSalle. Why was this not done, and why did the assistant in Verdun not check if he had the tire in stock before accepting my car?

I live near Verdun and would prefer to have a canadian tire at that location that I can trust. Otherwise I am forced to look for another service provider for my car- which I'd rather not do because it is time consuming, as I assume you would also prefer to keep your customers.

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