15 November 2023 20:32
Super école!

L'un des meilleurs points est le fait que l'on peut avoir un job étudiant au sein de l'école. Et ca c'est génial!
05 November 2023 16:32
Très bonne école, j’ai fait ma formation de À à Z la bas si c’était à refaire je referai la même chose. Je l’a recommande sans hésitation!
03 November 2023 14:16
As an international student my experience at Cargair was and still is incredible, people are very welcoming and the school is very committed towards the students and improving constantly for a better education and equipment. Instructors are great, always with the intention of making you a better pilot. The fleet is one of the greatest things, being able to book every day one or even two flights specially when the weather is beautiful, allows you to really advance into the flight hours. The team is great from lineman to all the way to coordinators which makes the environment very cool the be around. Definitely best decision I had ever made to achieve my dream was to come at Cargair.
19 September 2023 20:25
Waow! L’équipe est géniale et super accueillante! Je capote, une expérience hors du commun!
23 August 2023 22:44
VERY unprofessional. If you're not white, don't go here. Disrespectful. I got my money back and will be spending my money elsewhere.
09 August 2023 7:09
Ecoeurer de ces avions qui survolent mon quartier résidentiel sans arrêt pollution sonore et environnementale inacceptable
Meme le dimanche soir vacances d été ces parasites nous écœurent aucuns respects pour la population ils prennent trop de place l’été des règles devraient leurs êtres imposés
17 July 2023 17:29
Expérience incroyable chez Cargair! L'équipe est formidable, les instructeurs sont hautement qualifiés et passionnés.

Je les recommande vivement à tous ceux qui souhaitent se lancer dans le monde de l'aviation.
04 February 2023 0:41
Worst school ever, unprofessional instructors, changing instructors frequently, internal management is a BIG mess, they only care about your money in your pocket instead of your safety, Cessna 152 is older than my parents, they are from 1970!
09 October 2022 16:34
J’ai acheté une carte cadeau pour un vol de pilote d’un jour il y a un an et à chaque fois que je prend rdv, il est toujours reporter à moins de 24h d’avis. Je comprend quand c’est en cause de la météo mais quand on me dit que l’instructeur n’est plus disponible ou ils essaient de changer l’heure de mon vol pour x raisons et qu’on me dit que ce sera annuler si je ne peux pas venir plus tôt ça devient ridicule. J’ai déjà payé et je change mon horaire de travail à chaque fois pour le faire et on me texte la veille pour le déplacé c’est très décevant comme service. Je souhaite me faire rembourser car j’ai aucune envie d’encourager un lieu qui traite sa clientèle comme tel.
26 June 2022 0:57
Excellente école, j'ai adoré tous les moments de ma formation et les opportunités que l'école m'a offert. Je recommande Cargair à n'importe qui, qui veut commencer sa carrière dans l'aviation.
07 October 2021 15:41
This was a gift to my son, a one-hour behind the controls of a cesna, the briefing was appropriate, the welcoming has good, the instructor was great and the plane was very well maintained. Overall experience according to my son was excellent.
21 August 2021 4:16
Super expérience que j’ai vécu aujourd’hui! Mon baptême de l’air à eu lieu avec Mathieu. Très bel accueil au dispatch, instructeur super calme qui explique parfaitement comment se déroulera le vol ️ Rien n’est laissé au hasard, belle petite routine de préparation avant de décoller, vol sans embûches! J’ai adoré je donnes donne 5 belles étoiles
08 May 2021 21:39
Journée extraordinaire de pilote d’un jour. Je recommande cette super expérience avec Nicolas Delrieu tout spécialement, pour son professionnalisme et courtoisie.
Bravo à toute l’équipe
12 April 2021 3:34
Par où commencer. Cargair a toujours eu une place dans mon coeur. J'ai commencé à fréquenter Cargair en 2010 afin d'y passer mes licences de pilote commercial et Multi IFR. J'ai continué d'y aller au fil des années pour faire des vols, puis en 2020 j'ai décidé de passer ma qualification d'instructeur et je n'ai jamais hésité quand au fait que j'allais la passer chez Cargair.
Vraiment une très bonne école, dirigée pars des professionnels dans un esprit très convivial! Je recommande cette école énormément!
06 April 2021 4:39
Superbe expérience Pilote d'un jour. C'était vraiment génial de pouvoir piloter l'avion et d'avoir cette superbe vue. L'instructeur Nicolas Delrieu a vraiment très bien fait ça et a été de très bon conseil! Un très beau cadeau de la part de mon chum. Merci Cargair!
07 January 2021 17:50
Très belle équipe: professionnelle et dévouée.
Ils ont a coeur la réussite de chaque étudiant.
04 November 2020 21:53
IF you are LOCAL avoid this school at any cost.
They ONLY CARE ABOUT Chinese students, they have contract with a company in china, So their priority is not going to be YOU, Its the Chinese student.very bad chief instructor, bad communications, and instructor change every few months (get ready for ride checks once)
04 November 2020 12:14
Je suis venu pour me renseigner sur le PPL/CPL j'ai été super bien accueilli, petit tour de l'école avec la plupart des réponses que je cherchais.
Hâte de commencer ma formation
05 September 2019 21:43
If you are not a perfect person and except to learn, avoid the Cargair at CYHU. My main complaint is the chief instructor. She does not help students with their problems and is not interest in her students. She avoids helping her students when they have problems or make mistakes. She is always too busy to care or be of help herself stuff. If you do need help she will yell at you or make conclusions before you can even explain yourself to her. She did not even try to understand why I wanted to talk with her, and was not interested in helping me find a solution when I had problems. Most of the time she is already annoyed with you before you can even ask. She is not there to teach, instead of showing you how to be a good pilot; she will be demeaning and insulting.

Secondly, there is no administration or anyone you can talk to if you are having issues. The people that work there come across as arrogant, rude, callous, and overcritical impolite, cruel and inconsiderate. At best, they show a casual indifference to their students at worst they show outright disdain. I do not know how they can keep this business if they treat their students like this.

People are starting to avoid this school, for good reasons. They show bais against their students, especially if you are a visual minority, they will treat you poorly. They do not teach, if you make a mistake, they will not be constructive and try to teach you to do better. It is an extremely negative approach to education. It is very unprofessional; they will treat you as a child. I suggest looking for a better school where you will be welcomed you and respected.

Find a school that will treat you like a human being and is not too busy for your needs. The ATC will deny your circuit training all the time, you will waste your money on the taxiway long line up to take off and land. You also have to pay a landing fee, it looks small amount per time, but it is a big amount end of the training.

Your first solo will be after 6 months minimum or 1 year with lots of dual hours, which means you have to pay extra for no reason. You have to wait for many weeks to take every test, and they will cut you out of the program without notice if you make minor mistakes. If you go here, you will lose a ton of money and months of your time. You do not need to waste money and time waiting for all the long processes in a busy airport or at a school that does not care about your education.

Many of my friends, who were this school, are considering and have changed schools for the reasons above. Find a school that treats you as a human being; respect you as a human being and shows loyalty. I would never recommend this school to anyone, why would anyone want to pay over 70k for unprofessional and unorganized school.

This school will not teach you what you need to know and will cut you from the program suddenly. They do not care about your dream or your future. They only do care about their name and money. It is a huge waste of money and time. It happens to many students; do not think you will not be the one. Do not take a risk for your career.

The only good thing about this program are the instructors that I met at the school. They are friendly, polite and professional. However, they cannot do much to help you because the school and airport and poorly managed. There are many great schools to choose from with good size with better atmosphere. Do not go Cargair if you really want to be a pilot.
07 May 2017 0:56
Worst school! They screamed at me because i wanted a refund! And they said they wont refund classes that havent started yet!

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