19 September 2023 7:18
I mean, it's definitely an experience.

Very primal vibe to the whole ordeal. Everyone for themselves, but there's some comradery to be found, too. Prices are unbeatable, and there are definite treasures to be found (Paraboots, Versace, Chanel, Gucci are all examples I've either encountered personally or had relayed to me first-hand).

Tips for first timers:
• Bring gloves and hand sanitizer
• The rule is don't touch anything until the last tub has been rolled into place, then dig away
• Keep an eye out for when they start taking away an aisle of the tubs. They're going to replace them shortly, so get positioned nearby if you want to be front row
11 September 2023 23:52
Beaucoup de monde, mais les gens sont fous, quand les bacs arrivent les choses révoltent et si ça tombe par terre, ils ne ramassent pas
09 August 2023 2:04
Prix imbattables! C’est très mélangé mais on trouve des trésors à coup sûr, il faut y aller tôt et apportez des gants!
27 April 2023 11:54
Apparemment, les centres de liquidation n’acceptent pas les animaux de compagnie. Connaissez-vous une place où les déposer?
06 July 2022 18:27
L'agent de sécurité ne sait pas comment parler respectuesement aux clients. Très déçu aujourd'hui.
27 June 2022 21:21
Depuis l arrivé de Lynn cme assistante oh mon Dieu j arrive pas à croire ds un centre de liquidation renaissance elle dit que St Laurent lui donne le plein droit
20 May 2022 4:15
Awesome place! Everyone is so kind, whether it is the patrons or the staff. Great prices too, filled two 5l bags for 25$
16 May 2022 16:11
So- first of all, it’s really like a warehouse; bad lighting, everything is pretty messy, etc. BUTTT the stuff you find there is so cool and literally dirt cheap. However, it’s better to go on weekdays or at uncommon hours since there are a lot of people who jump on the new bins and search though them like animals + those people always get the good stuff so you have to be quick. Also if you go there and buy clothes it’s better to deep clean them because they are very dirty (and they stink!) also PLEASE BRING GLOVES; it doesn’t seem like a lot but when i was done looking for clothes they were brown so everything there is pretty dirty.
02 May 2022 20:58
L assistance gerante lynn c est l enfer en.plus elle dit que le bureau chef l a donne carte blanche pour escroquer les gens
19 April 2022 21:24
I have been there a couple of times and I must say that it’s a huge place and there is everything for everyone. Nevertheless, expect to be intimidated by the regulars that hang around that place… There is a gang on that place that is always there, and they seem to be organized to always get the good stuff before everyone else. I heard from people that frequents the place regularly that before the coronavirus pandemic there were a group of people getting there 3 hours before opening hours waiting to literally ransack the place. Like others have comment here there is no social distance in place so if you are afraid of catching COVID-19 this is not the place to come, you might as well wonder why the need to wear mask in the first place when one is in there. God forbid if two people grab the same item at the same time… only the more uncivilized will be the winner. If you leave your trolley unattended, expect that your hard fond item, be taken away any time. If you don’t like big crows and people shouting at each as if they were arguing but surprisingly, they are only talking… Any ways, there is so much more things going in there, it will take me a week to write about it.
11 April 2022 6:59
There’s a lot of people, this space is always crowded and not a lot of distanciation.if you’re someone that takes precautions and scared about covid-19 exposure risk then I wouldn’t recommend it to you. BUT, the place is huge, there’s a lot of good finds if you spend time and dig well, it’s the paradise of the thrift shopping. Since it’s by weight, you will be paying a fraction of what you would’ve payed in a regular thrift shop (and regular thrift shop are really affordable to begin with). I didn’t buy anything when I went, just wanted to take a look of what I can possibly find next time I come, but it’s truly a gem spot to have great deals a various type of items (there’s a little bit of everything, not just clothing!). I wished it was more covid friendly and more clean, but the overall experience is great for what you can get out with as little as $10!
07 April 2022 22:50
Absolutely amazing experience every time! Staff is great, friendly and helpful.

It can be chaotic at times, and I recommend bringing work gloves to make digging in the bins easier.
01 April 2022 1:02
No distancing during the pandemic, people do not respect the rules and management staff doesn't seem to care, this place is always packed, I m a regular, you can find many used staff that you can buy at very good prices but in terms of cleanliness if you don't mind. I recomend the place.
There's a large parking for free, a ramp for wheel chair and the staff is very gentle and friendly.
26 August 2021 4:36
Jai travailler la jai super bien travail sans faute mais quand on tembauche et que la personne qui te recrute est nouveaux et ils tavise meme pas pour te dire que on ta renvoyer mais quand jarrive la je travail ils remarque meme pas que jetais suposer de ne pas etre la entrin de trvailler parce que mon punch fonctionne toujours la le gerant vien fais des tours autours des ranger pendant 1h et audebut jai dis au gerant assistant que mon nom pour quoi est pas dans la liste il ma just dis c correct et il a ecrit a la main la quand jai eu le temps de respirer unpeu jai vu les gerant marcher falalis je le dis moi meme que mon nom est pas dans la liste. Il me dit vien a mon bureaux et me dis tu es renvoyer cest just tu peux pas me laisser travailler et ne pas me payer pour lheure que jai travailler cet journee parce que vous avez pas de comunication dans votre equipe.
10 July 2021 16:06
Did not enjoy it. Crowded and no control whatsoever. Had a kid slam me with a cart several times with the mother watching. People with stools sitting down sorting what theyre going to take not letting other people choose. And prices are pretty high for the clothes.
14 June 2021 16:07
Great value, very friendly staff. I have found MANY useful items here. Would give it 5 stars but there is an omnipresent chemical smell from what I suspect it is some kind of decontamination process (even after a year, I'm still not used to it). Weekday evenings after 18: 00 is the best time to avoid the rabble.
04 June 2021 14:31
This one of those thrift places that some days you find treasures and some days you waste time, since covid 19 the place is disorganized, they mix and match products, it's not like it was before, everything was in the proper place.
21 March 2021 2:35
Très belle endroit avec une multitude d'objets, de vêtements, accessoires, etc. Le tout est à très bas prix puisque c'est au poids des items. Les employés sont très gentils également!

La règle d'or: 1 personne par bac!
23 September 2020 3:16
You have to be really good in looking and spotting and take your time because it’s worth it.wear gloves too please.
13 September 2020 18:20
Bad working conditions on this warehouse. Backbreaking working pace with heavy bins and hard to push big carts. Very fast pace to unload trucks with hundreds of bins, several transports daily. Harsh team supervisors.
08 September 2020 2:08
This place should not be open it is unsafe at this time because of the pandemic it should be closed until next year
19 August 2020 15:28
Be prepared to dig through a lot of junk. Can be disgusting at times but if you're up for the challenge, you can find a lot of good clothes for next to nothing in price.
18 January 2020 6:01
Les prix sont très abordable! Je vous conseille d'y aller un soir de semaine et non la fin de semaine, car il y a énormément de gens. Il faut usé de patience afin de chercher dans les nombreux bacs. Je vous suggère de vous amené des gants de plastique pour fouiller, car les vêtements n'ont pas tous été nettoyer. Bref, avec un peu de patience on peu trouvé des petites perles dans tous le bazar!
03 January 2020 16:55
Toujours amusant d’y faire des découvertes. Apportez votre masque pour la poussière, des gants pour fouiller le linge et de quoi se désinfecter les mains. Bonne chasse aux trouvailles!
18 November 2019 19:19
This friperie is not for the faint of heart. There are bins of products, which you have to have patience to sift through, along with the other customers. If so, you will be surprised with your findings.
17 October 2019 18:18
J'aime beaucoup, car malgré le chao, on trouve de belles choses pas chères.

Est ce que quelqu'un connait un autre endroit similaire à celui-ci?

Merci d'avance:)
06 October 2019 19:34
Good place to buy used and unused stuff like Shoes, books, Bags, Electronics and many more at reasonable price
26 August 2019 3:10
This is a liquidation store, and prices here are better than the other extremely pricy regular thrift shops.

On the downside it’s quite far and you have to walk almost 10 mins for the closest bus.

Also, I noticed a raise of prices on the video games since that first time I came here. If they start raising prices too, I will start avoiding thrift stores entirely.

Got this 1984 book there, which I was looking for.
16 April 2019 2:34
This is place someone can get all kinds of used items, almost any thing you name it. Some times new items also available able. My wife call it surprise store. Because you don't know when you will find what. Lots of fun inside. One problem for me is big que at the cash. I can't wait that long. So most of the time I go before closing, so that I don't have to wait long at the cash que, but again problem is that at the end all the good stuff are gone. Some workers are very good behaviour but most of them are not.
28 March 2019 7:50
Forcé d'y aller pour raison X. Depuis les chaises mises à votre disposition, un spectacle désolant se déroule devant vous. Les règles de civisme et d'humanité ne valent plus rien à cet endroit. Les gens se déchaînent sur des vêtements et autres produits. C'est vraiment de la sauvagerie. C'est tellement intense que des tonnes de vêtements se retrouvent par terre, et que des employés sont là quasi exclusivement pour les ramasser. Désolant et pathétique.
21 January 2019 8:04
This is a great place for amazing bargains. Be prepared some customers are a little rough and can even go as far as shoving you to get what they want.
26 November 2018 8:27
J’adore cette place. Oui il y a du monde sauvage. Mais il faut juste avoir beaucoup de patience pour fouiller dans les gros bac de vêtements. Lorsque le monde sauvage termine de prendre leur pile de vêtements c’est le moment idéal pour trouver de belle chose et parfois en très bon état.
23 May 2018 3:12
If you've never been to a Goodwill Outlet: the premise is simple, it's a last chance shopping experience where most things are sold by weight or cheap fixed prices. Everything is placed in large bins and swapped out multiple times a day. The pros: the prices, although increasing over time cannot be beat. This location does a rough sort of types of items: books and media, technology items, housewares and clothes, clothes and more clothes. Bins are mostly safe: chances of broken items are always present, but gloves are not strictly necessary. Cons: severely understaffed, the customers are rowdy, leave their children to run and scream free, checkout is inefficient at best (no weighing by the cart load as in US locations) and dirty bathroom.

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