08 January 2024 9:35
I’m so disappointed in this clinic. Dr. Finkelstein is a great doctor but it is absolutely impossible to get an appointment. He is either on vacation or they haven’t received his schedule yet. Online is horrible! Please help!
08 December 2023 15:08
I received a call back from this clinic and indeed the staff over the phone is very rude! She didn't tell me why she was calling or who she was, just asked if I have a doctor, when I said yes I recently found one, she said "you can't have more than one" then hung up. This clinic's staff needs to be retrained or replaced ASAP. Patients should be spoken to with care and respect.
28 November 2023 21:52
Mon médecin de famille est la meilleure! Par contre, le service à la réception est expectable; inhumain, aucune compassion de la part des réceptionnistes à peine si elles disent bonjour, so rude and judgemental! Impossible de parler à une réceptionniste au téléphone non plus
26 July 2023 12:35
Honestly one of the best experiences I've had with a clinic in over a decade. I went on a weekday after 6pm after getting an appointment through 811 and was pretty nervous because of past medical experiences but Dr. Buch was very attentive and nice. He addressed all of my concerns, and gave me all of the referrals and help that I came in looking for. The reception was also a breeze and very pleasant to deal with. Thank you so much!
23 July 2023 0:49
J'ai été bien passé, je suis arrivé à l'heure et j'ai attendu 20 minutes.une attente raisonnable.le médecin m'a prescrit des exame et me donne des réquisitions.
11 July 2023 22:58
Very nice staff and doctors. Every time I went there, they were very helpful and nice. Thanks to all.
08 June 2023 17:47
This review isn't really for the clinic, but for Dr. Klein who works there. Easily one of the most compassionate family doctors I have ever had. He always takes the time to listen to me when I describe the symptoms I'm experiencing and never brushes me off. I'm truly grateful to be his patient!
08 June 2023 16:39
The staff is unfriendly and unwelcoming. There’s a particular staff person with gray short hair that it’s just so mean and condescending with the patients. She went on and on about how the website was simple and easy to manage even tho she was told multiple times it was confusing. So basically gaslighting the non English people old person and displaying just mean and rude behavior. It’s hard enough to go to the doctor then to deal with rude staff first thing in the morning? Awful. It is confusing and if she thinks is simple good for her but that’s not ours experience so it’s not for her to dismiss. Not sure why it’s so hard for the clinic to train and be nice and welcome to their sick patients
30 April 2023 15:39
Quelle clinique.
Le médecin ne s'est même pas présenté, de plus je dirai que moi et ma conjointe on l'a derangé dans sa sieste.
Ma conjointe lui dit je suis enceet il répond comment puis je vous aider. Bref, une légère auscultation puis il tend une ordonnance, je lui ai dit est ce que on peut faire le suivi ici auprès d'un spécialiste il me répond je t'inscris sur la liste mais d'ici vendredi si tu ne reçoit rien il faut chercher ailleurs. Je lui dit donne moi une requête et je pourrai voir un spécialiste, il me répond non, car c'est à moi de chercher un spécialiste.
Je pense qu'il n'a jamais exercé dans sa vie, car il ne sais même pas que pour voir un médecin spécialiste il faut une lettre de référence par un médecin généraliste.
Bref, si je pouvais revenir en arrière pour oublier ce Dr et cette clinique je serais heureux
11 February 2023 18:18
Les secrétaires sont très gentilles mais une médecin là-bas absolument médiocre! Elle me reçoit je ne sais pas si cest une infirmière ou un médecin car elle ne se présente meme pas.aucun signe vitaux n’a été pris avant de la voir. Je me présente pour de lourds symptômes de voies respiratoires elle me dit que jai absolument rien que tout le monde est malade et que ca va passer avec des pastilles et quelle ne me donnera pas d’antibio…. Pas convaincu je reconsulte, finalement j’avais une sévère bronchite qui sest empirer puisque je n’avais pas recu mes antibiotiques rapidement…. JE VOUS DECONSEILLE!
08 February 2023 4:13
Très bon service! En passant par la réception, la propreté et surtout le professionnalisme de médecins!
03 February 2023 14:52
Pour ma part je fût découragée lorsque j'ai pris connaissance des avis. Néanmoins, j'ai été très satisfaite de la clinique. La courtoisie à l'accueil ainsi que le professionnalisme du médecin. Je recommanderai cette clinique à mon entourage. Merci à vous et continuez votre merveilleux travail!
24 December 2022 2:41
I really love my doctor (Dr. Monahan), but the admin needs work. The new on-line TELUS platform for booking appointments constantly states that there`s no appointments - from what I`ve conjectured, the clinic and website only have the doctors`availability 3 weeks to one month in advance. So I phone the clinic. I then am told to phone back in 2 weeks time when the schedule comes out. But when I phone back, I am told to phone back again the following week. Either the admin do not have the correct information (or are not individually consistent with what they are telling patients), or the doctors have taken on too many patients that they can no longer keep up with the demand. My family has serious health concerns but there never seems to be a perfect time to book (online or over the phone) without the schedule always being completely booked. I feel our health and safety is at stake.
28 November 2022 8:11
Everyone in this clinic is super nice. I don’t have a family doctor, I made an appointment by phone. The receptionist and nurse are kind, I didn’t wait for too much time. And doctor barbara, she is very patient on me! Always smiling.
Thanks for all the service you offered me today. You guys are the best!
10 November 2022 9:36
Everything was good at this place except front desk, only one lady in the middle talk very rudely to all people.
19 October 2022 22:56
I am a patient of Dr. Monahan. She is unbelievable. Patient, extremely kind, knowledgeable, accessible, very thorough, attentive, so easy to talk to.
When I was unable to get an appointment with her for an urgent matter I used Sante Mont Royal’s Urgent Care clinic. (With a little help from Pearl @ reception who was extremely kind and helpful).
I booked my appointment online, easy, received confirmation immediately and a reminder.
The day of my appointment, I was feeling a little uneasy about seeing a new doctor. Boy, was I pleasantly surprised!
There was virtually no wait and I had the pleasure of being seen by Dr. Lori Kahwajian.
Dr. Kahwajian was excellent. Very kind, listened carefully, investigated best course of treatment, sent me on my way. The perfect “treatment experience”.
Thank you SMR for doing a great job @ taking care of your patients! An example of extraordinary care in a system that has significant challenges. An example what other clinics should be like!
Stay well, be kind!
18 October 2022 17:15
After feeling really ill for several days, I was lucky enough to be examined by Dr. D. Guttman, today at the Santé Mont-Royal Emergency Clinic. Unfortunately in my experience, it is rare to find a doctor who adds high expertise and kindness at the same time in the emergencies. Thank you so very much Dr. Guttman.
25 September 2022 7:42
Vraiment désagréable!
J’avais un rendez vous d’urgence vers 13h40 mais ils mon fait attendre 50 minute pour voir un médecin. Les médecins sont payés par heure donc ils font exprès de prendre plus de temps avant de passer un patient. Prendriez pas vos rendez-vous ici vous allez attendre plus que votre heure de rendez-vous jessus!
01 August 2022 9:18
A few days ago, I consulted Dr. Busch for hair loss. I was expecting to be quickly brushed off for taking an appointment for such a ‘‘trivial/taboo’’ matter. Waiting for my turn got me anxious because it was my only way to obtain a dermatologist’s referral since I didn’t have a family doctor. However, I was astonished to see how comprehensive Dr. Busch was. He didn’t judge me at all. Instead, he examined my hair, comforted me and gave me the referral. Simple, quick, efficient, yet caring. To think that I had prepared all my arguments in advance to convince him. At the time, I was too stunned to properly thank him, so I am using this review to do so. Hopefully, Dr. Busch sees it and knows he made my day.
20 June 2022 18:54
I have never been to a public clinic that was as professional and as quick as this one. I am blown away with the service. The urgent care was fantastic. I wouldn't recommend anywhere else.
03 February 2022 16:57
J'ai voulu aller à cette clinique pour me faire tester pour le Covid. Il y a plusieurs dans lesquelles j'ai été déçu:

1- C'est une clinique qui faut payer 100$ pour avoir un rendez-vous "expres" (il n'y a que des rdv expres)

2- Lorsque je suis rentré, il y avait plein de personnes collé les unes contre les autres, et tout ça pour se faire tester pour la Covid. Les mesures n'étaient pas vraiment respectées

3- Le niveau administratif était mal gérer, il était difficile de comprendre où aller. Par ailleurs, il y avait juste 1 secrétaire pour un lign up de 20 personnes.

4- Quand l'infirmière est finalement arrivé, une personne lui a demandé l'heure d'attente qui restait et elle a rétorqué de façon bête: We'll talk later in private

5- Et dernièrement, j'ai attendu jusqu'à 6h15 pour un rendez-vous qui était du à 5h. Il y avait même une personne qui était là depuis 4h30 et son rdv était à 4h15.

Je me suis tanné et suis parti (pas le seul d'ailleurs)

Finalement, je déconseille cette endroit si vous voulez passer un test rapide.
12 January 2022 9:02
Rdv de soin d’urgence pris très facilement en ligne, personnels très sympathiques et consciencieux. Sont même restées plus tard pour s’assurer que tout était ok.
05 January 2022 16:50
Worst doctor ever, he was really rude, talking so fast, not even listening to what I am going through, and at the end, he told me, it is probably THIS, probably! And nothing he can do.useless!
I Went to a private clinic right after, the doctor was amazing and right away was able to help me.
31 August 2021 6:33
Restez loin de cet endroit.

Le seul point positif est que la clinique est propre sinon:

- Les réceptionnistes sont incompétentes et mentent.
- Le système automatisé pour prendre rdv ne fonctionne pas même si on a un médecin de famille.
- Lorsqu'on finit par réussir à avoir un rdv, celui-ci dure moins de 5 minutes montre en main et n'espérez pas ressortir avec un diagnostic.
- Je suis proche d'un de leur patient qui a dû revenir à plusieurs reprises pour demander des tests sanguins pour la mononucléose et autres parce que les médecins de cette clinique les lui refusaient. Après plusieurs essais, il a fini par avoir sa demande de test sanguin pour confirmer qu'il avait effectivement la mononucléose.

Cette clinique est un nid à charlatans
26 December 2020 21:17
I had a stable and friendly family doctor for years and was super satisfied.

However a few weeks ago they changed their appointment scheduling service, and I'm not recognized as having a family doctor there and cannot book appointments anymore.
Sad because I always found this clinic friendly, helpful, and well ran.

Either they wanted to reset the list of patients with a family doctor, or they plain messed up the migration to the new system.
21 November 2020 13:14
This is a nice friendly and clean clinic compared to many others I have been to, and my family doctor is respectful and attentive. I would normally give 5 stars, but I had a terrible experience with the secretary today when I called.
I was phoning to explaing that my family doctor had told me, during my telephone appointment last week, that she would be emailing me some paperwork. The secretary kept rudely interupting me saying doctors don't email patients, I kept trying to explain to her that this is what my doctor told me but she did not give me a chance to speak. Despite me remaining polite she quickly grew irate and hung up the phone on me. I understand these are stressful times and volumes can be considerably higher than normal, but this is not an excuse to lack such basic manners and be rude to this extent. Unfortunately I could not get her name, but if anyone cares to follow-up on this the call was answered today around 11: 30am. By the looks of some of the other reviews, it sounds like it could be the same person (and for a while now). Should there not be a bit more courtesy and professionalism as the liason between patient and doctor?
01 November 2020 6:11
Great doctors. Secretaries are very rude and slow to answer the phones. Just booking an appointment was an ordeal and the receptionist had attitude the whole time. This is a recurring issue and I have even been hung up on before because she "didn't see my name"
23 October 2020 2:33
I received quick and efficient care booking through the TAP medical app, the doctor I spoke with was kind and provided me with the care and prescription I needed. I docked one star only because when trying to book with them again it wasn't possible and there were no appointments available.
12 October 2020 5:38
I wish I could put zero stars. Complete BS clinic. Booked appointment online, got confirmation that it will be by phone, then again received an e-mail it would be by phone. On the day of the appointment nobody called so I reached out to them and they were like: ''oh you were supposed to come in person.oh it's our mistake''. The ''specialist'' wont talk to me because ''she's gone for the day' (2.30 PM) and they will know if there will be any appointments only next week.
16 August 2020 0:05
While my experiences with the doctors here have mostly all been great, the receptionists are repeatedly rude to me. I have never been disrespectful but when I chose to stand up and address the nasty tone the receptionist used with me, I was interrupted, gaslit, and “politely” hung up on. This creates an atmosphere that I do not feel safe or respected in. It’s disappointing to see grown adults behave this way rather than apologizing and taking responsibility for the tone in which they speak to patients. The only reason I return here is because there is short wait times and the doctors themselves are mostly professional. I don’t expect anyone to be overly friendly but it’s highly unpleasant to always be spoken down to. The lack of respect reflects poorly on the clinic as a whole as the receptionists are likely the first interactions patients will have.
29 April 2020 3:40
I love this clinic. They are always there for me and my family. I love that if we want see out dr that any of the doctors in the clinic can see our files and help us. Our family dr is dr Buch and he is really amazing. I mean all of the staff is really!
15 April 2020 13:10
The doctor was fine BUT I have never been treated so rudely by reception in my life. The woman at the front desk was rude, hostile, and disrespectful. It was so bad it was honestly shocking.
07 April 2020 3:03
J'écris ce mesage en français pour augmenter les chances de quelqu'un le lire. J'ai appelé pour inquirer comment si c'est possible à commandez un renouvelment de mon ordinance pour des SSRI's. J'ai choisé l'option 9 pour service en anglais et je demandé parler avec une secretaire. Elle a répondé en français toute de même et ça ne me dérangeait pas tellement. Mais, quand j'ai commencé parles en anglais, simplement par dit << Hi >> elle a placé moi en attente immediatement sans un mot en plus. Je comprend que ces sont temps difficiles, mais c'était très unprofessional donc j'ai terminé mon appelle.

Les deux étoiles sont seulment car j'ai du succès de obtenir un rendez-vous l'octobre dernière à votre clinique pour l'obtention d'une ordinance pour le gravol.
27 March 2020 14:36
My experience with the clinic was far beyond what I expected, especially for a first time visit. I very easily made my appointment online yesterday in the afternoon and there was two spots available for the morning, so I grabbed one. Received email confirmation right away. I arrived a little early, the clinic was quiet and clean. The doctor that I saw was very thorough and kind, and honestly, it was probably the best experience I’ve ever had at a clinic.
14 March 2020 12:11
It was a hassle free experience, although they don’t have an eye doctor, the doctor who saw me Dr. Gasse was very accommodating. She did necessary tests like visual acuity, fundoscopy, anything that can be done while im there at the clinic. She referred me to an optometrist and eventually to an ophthalmologist. Er here in Quebec and other walkin clinic will let you wait 7hrs for nothing. It’s the process i know but they can do better than that. The appointment system is also efficient and they are answering emails if you can’t get through phone calls. It’s way better than other clinics. Keep it up.
13 March 2020 22:49
The receptionists are very rude. The woman at the front desk was rude, hostile, and disrespectful.
It is better to mention them that they are just receptionist, and not a boss
05 March 2020 21:13
Belle clinique et mon médecin de famille est super super gentille et tu prends le rdv via le site c est vraiment efficace
04 March 2020 6:41
I had cough and High fever which lasted more than 10 days and doctor advised me to wait for couple of more weeks and come back if doesn’t go away and sent me out within 2 mins without even prescribing any medicine! Wow!
A must visit clinic!
I will surely visit again if i am alive in 2 weeks!
These are the best doctors in town!
10 February 2020 12:25
I used to be able to book an emergency apt easily, now I need to show up in person the day before to book one. Their system isn't beneficial for people who don't have a family doctor at the clinic.
06 February 2020 7:58
Great and efficient service.
Parking may be the only problem.
Dr J Simons spent time answering all my questions. I would highly recommend this centre for walk-in's.
16 January 2020 20:20
If you have a simple question don't bother calling them they always put you on hold for at least15 minutes and up,
that's if they ever get back to you, I just give up, it's incredible
08 January 2020 3:06
I was sent for a throat culture in October. I just saw on carnet Sante it was positive and nobody informed me
29 December 2019 4:56
Super clinique! L’application tap permet de prendre RV en ligne et d’attendre chez soi. Heure de rv respectée à 1/4 d’heure près! Du jamais vu! Médecin tres gentil, pro et à l’écoute. Merci
10 August 2019 20:39
Première visite aujourd'hui après avoir pris un rv en ligne la veille. Très bien acceuillie par la réception. Pratiquement à l'heure pour mon rv et le médecin super chouette. Quel dommage que nous ne pouvons décider de notre médecin de famille, car je suis toujours en attente depuis un an et ce serait un plaisir d'avoir ce médecin dans cette clinique.
04 August 2019 21:26
This is in response to ESTEFANIA MORALES' s comment. It is really despicable (especially from someone that works as a Health care professional) to write such an unprofessional & slanderous comment towards someone that you don't even know or met before!
This person that you are slandering, has been in the health care for over 25 years and has been nothing but helpful to absolutely anyone and NEVER would she deny anyone of any race the care that they need. It's just plain disgusting how you are playing the victim with the racist remark. I believe your anger has been injected to the wrong person - you should redirect your anger towards the Government and how they manage our Health care.
I would highly suggest to remove &/or modify your comment as Karma will find you. I feel very sorry for you and if you have children I hope you teach them the correct morals of life.and to not walk in your foot steps.
28 July 2019 13:19
Super clinique: heure de rendez-vous respectée (il fait beau soleil et presque pas de patient dans la clinique, il faut dire), personnel ultra courtois et sympathique. Rendez-vous pris en ligne via tap médical - cette application est tout simplement géniale.
23 July 2019 11:54
This is in response to the complaint of ESTEFANIA MORALES. I have worked for over 16 years with the person in question, in an area that served mostly immigrants and she was always nothing but professional and courteous and always went above and beyond for every patient. Your complaint is clearly slanderous probably just because she stated you a fact on how long doctors have to fill out forms and you DIDN'T LIKE THE ANSWER! I have worked 20+ years in medical clinics and see this on a daily basis. A patient brings in a form and wants it ready the next day because it is "urgent", not thinking that most doctors have over 2000 patients and receive about 50 forms a WEEK and are all deemed URGENT by patients. What is the doctor and staff suppose to do in this instant? ! What's is worst is that in 90% of cases patients get the forms in advance and bring them in 2 days before they are due! I am also a patient at this clinic along with my entire family and can state as a FACT that everyone working there is exceptional! You should definitely remove your false complaint.
08 July 2019 17:11
I’ve been going to this clinic for the past four years. Never have I been refused for an appointment. The receptionist which I don’t have the name, a white Caucasian girl with glasses has been the most rudest person I have ever encountered in entire life. Now, apparently all of sudden it’s not a walk in clinic? Does it mean that the four or five appointment I’ve had in the past we’re only given by chance? ! I walked in many times and no one has ever told me that it isn’t a walk in clinic. First thing she did was to cut me off when i didn’t even finish my sentence, and with her disrespectful tone proceed by telling me it’s not a walking clinic! Loudly! Then refused to acknowledge I’ve been a patient in the last year, and after she looked on her server, that i was in fact there last summer, she changed the entire story saying I got the appointment because there was a slot available at that time. I don’t normally make complaints but when you’re sick and have had a fever for the past three days and being talked back the way she did. Sorry this girl really needs to get to look at herself and talk with patient in a different matter. Even after I told her she was rude, she didn’t apologize but only continued brushing off, telling how there are cameras and «  go ahead make a complaints » How unprofessional. Also there was literally no one at the clinic today at Monday8 am. Funny she didn’t even ask why I came by for.my appointment would have lasted literally only 5 mins but instead have to redirect me to some other Clinics.right girl.
I have close friends and family in the medical field and I’ll make sure everyone knows about this shitty clinic, or I must say this shitty receptionist. I hope you lose your job.

I can only vouch for Dr Barbara Monahan. She’s a great one.
I’ve been examined by Dr smith in the past for strep throat, he didn’t believe I had it but I insisted and we finally took the test and I did had it. Funny how I felt uncomfortable with him the entire time. With all the new allegations against him, not surprised. Glad that he only had to examine my throat.
02 July 2019 0:45
Incompetent doctor. Went there for flu that wouldn't go, doctor refused to listen, All he cared about is having me in and out in less than 5 minutes, kept on telling me that I'm cured despite that I was feeling worse. Now, three days later and after a visit to a competent doctor, turns out I have pneumonia.
23 June 2019 22:33
We wish to address the complaints Estefania Morales has made against the "Older lady" There must be a misunderstanding concerning your mom. My wife and I have known this lady for many years and she always shows respect and concern to everyone, including immigrants. This is a terrible accusation and we know for a fact, it is untrue. This clinic is a great place, however it is very busy and we all must wait our turns. It's not fair to give this lady a bad name. You would make many people happy if you removed your post. Thank you in advance. We hope your mom has a much better experience next time.
22 June 2019 12:51
My family and I all go to this clinic since it opened.
The clinic is clean and well organised.
Appointments are done with a phone app, so no need to wait there for hours on end, like at other clinics. Very civilized!
There is a CDL lab on site if you want to have blood tests done privately, which is convenient, and nurse Jackson is really friendly and good with needles.
The clinic provides masks for coughing patients and recommends boot removal in winter, but people are not very compliant. That is a shame!
Lack of adjacent parking; you must find a spot on nearby streets.
22 June 2019 3:37
If I could give this clinic 10 stars I would. I came on the site to write a positive review after spending time with the team today booking follow-up appointments for my family. After reading the negative review below I am very glad I did. My whole family is followed at this clinic, including my two month old son and my husband's elderly (and coincidentally immigrant) grandmother. The quality of the service we receive every step of the way is top-notch. The receptionists are extremely polite, accommodating and regularly go out of their way to help us. Our physicians and nurses are kind, empathetic, incredibly up-to-date and knowledgeable. Despite being incredibly busy, the clinic runs very smoothly and is a clean and positive environment. In fact, my husband's grandmother is over-the-moon when she has the opportunity to run into the clinic's manager who always makes her feel welcome and cared for. Thank you all so much!
20 June 2019 15:29
I have been coming to this clinic since it first opened a d can tell you that the service is excellent. The staff and doctors are thorough and professional. Appointments are fast and wait times are kept to a minimum. I highly recommend this clinic! One visit and you will see what i mean.
14 June 2019 23:56
Receptionist Mellisa refused to take my appointment over the phone. She insisted that all appointments need to be booked online. I mentioned that I booked an appointment last week for my husband over the phone and she said “maybe you got a receptionist that wanted to help you out for that time! ”
14 June 2019 15:29
On me laisse un message pour prendre un rendez-vous avec le service gynécologique vu que je suis suivie à l'hôpital juif! Je rappelle presque 40 minutes d'attente et personne ne repond! Je rappelle le le lendemain et 20 mn pour qu'une secrétaire me repondent enfin! Je lui dis pourquoi c'est pas normal d'attendre tt ce temps pour avoir une personne au bout de la ligne! Elle me réponds avec ironie! Elle me donne à rendez-vous et me raccroche au nez! J'ai même pas eu le temps d'entendre l'heure! ##
Je trouve ça scandaleux! La direction doit prendre des mesure pour satisfaire sa clientèle et répondre aux exigences! La direction réclame 30 $ pour un rendez-vous Nn annulé! # avant de damader vos droits il faut d'abord accomplir vos devoirs envers votre clientèle!
04 May 2019 11:28
Aujourd’hui le 26 mars 2019 j’ai appris en lisant le journal de Montreal a la page 9 que Dr Craig Smith qui travaille à la clinique santé Mont Royal risquait une radiation du college des medecins pour avoir photographié sa patiente nue durant un examen. J’ai communiqué avec la clinique pour savoir si mon dossier medical pouvait être transféré à un autre médecin. La rêceptioniste n’était pas au courant de la situation mais m’a dit que la gérante me rappellerait. Apres 3 appels logés a la clinique aujourd’hui par mon conjoint et moi-meme, personne n’a jugé important de nous rappeler! Nous sommes abasourdis de cette situation!
14 February 2019 11:18
Très bon service.on obtiens un rendez vous vite.il faut passer via leur application tapmedical.personnel attentioné. Dr. Smith très bon médecin!
17 January 2019 7:26
I'm glad to have discovered this clinic. The staff is great, super helpful and friendly. I love that i can book my appointments online, whether it is to see my doctor or go to the emergency clinic. There is no stress. My GP Dr. Smith is great. I never feel rushed, he takes the time to listen to what I am saying, and gives me the proper medical advise or treatment.
09 January 2019 21:14
Excellent service! All the doctors, nurses and receptionists are bilingual. I've been there a few times now and I've felt heard and welcomed everytime.
15 December 2018 13:28
Mon fils a passé chez le medecin pour qq chose de grave (pneumonie) il l'a pas osculté du tout se contantant de la regarder de loin et m'a envoyé faire une radio que j'ai demandé. Et puis la radiologue m'a dit qu'il faut retourner en urgence pour la traiter chez le mdecin qui a demandé la radio alors que lui m'a dit qu'i avait rien.

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