13 October 2023 15:27
They are pure saints supporting humanitarian aid abroad and their community.
10 October 2023 14:24
Thank you for everything you’re doing. Sharing the truth and fighting for justice in a world of misinformation and propaganda is a courageous act.
16 October 2022 22:51
Incredibly selfless and compassionate individuals who run this organization.
27 February 2020 9:37
Love this organization. It needs more volunteers and funding.
28 January 2020 0:17
If you post any comment on their social media pages that can be seen as pro-Israel, they delete your comments, contrary to their statement about promoting discussion with fairness. They are fixated on Israel as the majority of posts are about knocking that country. If they truly cared for justice & peace as their name implies, perhaps they’d aim their BDS campaign at England, colonial master of Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland. Or China which occupies Tibet, Xiangian etc or maybe Spain and France which share occupation of the basque people. Or Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey, which all occupy a part of Kurdistan. Kurds, 20 million strong, have no country; Arabs have 22! In sum, the organization appears to be not much more than focused on the Jewish people.
17 January 2020 13:58
Nine out of ten posts on your page is about one country and one country only, it's clear to see what's going on. Miranda will never become an MP by just focusing on one country in the region when so many of the other countries need to change.

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