29 May 2023 15:24
J’ai eu un premier soin pour une douleur au genou en 2018. Mon médecin me conseillait d’avoir des injections que j’ai refusé. J’ai été soigné par le Dr Cai et mes douleurs ont disparu et mon genou est toujours en excellente forme.
Il y a quelques semaines, j’ai eu de violentes douleurs au coup et il était tout naturel que je consulte le Dr Cai. J’ai retrouvé la mobilité de mon coup, après quelques séances et la douleur est pratiquement disparue. Un grand merci pour vos excellents soins! Vous êtes certainement un des meilleurs dans votre domaine.
05 November 2022 14:09
I have had overactive bladder for years. I suffered from urge to urinate every time when I was out or sleeping …. I've tried everything.different meds, etc, etc.and it did not work until I started acupuncture in Cai clinic. After 6 acupuncture’s session I feel better, less urge for urination and more confident when I am out. My bladder stopped bother me as before. Dr Cai did a great job by treating my symptoms of overactive bladder and not only it, but his treatment has also improved my overall health. I highly recommend Dr. Cai to everyone who has problem with bladder and urination.
18 October 2022 10:06
I started seeing Dr. Cai about 3 months ago for back and neck pain and without a doubt, there has been a lot of improvement. Not just with pain, but I would say overall both physically and mentally! I had been to an acupuncturist in the past and it was pleasant experience, but I understand now that there is a BIG difference. Dr. Cai has the experience and knowledge to make real changes for you. He is professional, kind - he says sorry when he hurts you:), and cares about my health.
30 September 2022 5:15
Very professional. He has a lot of experience and we can notice it. After just a few appointments for a big headache, my situation improved considerably. Great treatment!
23 September 2022 13:53
After having Covid earlier this year, I had shortness of breath while exercising. A friend of mine suggested that I try acupuncture so I went to see Dr Cai. Dr Cai is very patient and professional. After 2-3 sessions, I started seeing results. Now I no longer have shortness of breath when I run or play soccer. I recommend seeing Dr Cai if you have shortness of breath after covid.
31 August 2022 15:55
Dr. Cai is professional, knowledgeable, and is a very kind person.
Highly Recommended, I've known him since 2013, He knows the cause and how to cure the pain.
Also, very beautiful office and relaxing environment.
27 July 2022 12:49
I have been going to the Clinique Acupuncture Caí twice a week for already 3 weeks and I can honestly say that I am seeing so much progress in my physical and mental health. For the last couple of months I have been having a lot of headaches followed by feeling dizzy and just extremely tired and anxious and on top of that some TMJ. As soon as I came to the clinic, Dr. Cai was able to determine that the source of the pain was coming from my neck. After 3 weeks, my pain has incredibly decreased (headaches are not persistent, dizziness is almost gone, and TMJ pain is decreasing). I can’t wait to see what the next 3 weeks of treatment will do for me! I highly encourage you to try acupuncture with Dr. Caí- he listens to you and always provides the best recommendations. So grateful!
14 April 2022 12:53
Je recommande fortement le Dr Cai. Je suis arrivée à sa clinique avec de graves problèmes d’anxiété (maux de tête, acouphène, douleurs à la poitrine, etc.), et avec des douleurs à la nuque. Après le deuxième traitement, mes maux de têtes ont commencé à diminuer. Après un mois et demi de traitement (deux fois par semaine), mon acouphène est presque imperceptible, les maux de tête semblent être chose du passé et la douleur au niveau de ma nuque s’est apaisée. J’ai hâte à mes prochaines visites.
13 April 2022 7:58
Dr. Cai has helped me many times with leg, foot, neck and back pain and discomforts. I would definetely recommend him.
13 September 2021 23:39
Quand j'ai été voir Dr. Cai pour la première fois, j'étais complètement désespérée. Je souffrais d'acouphènes très invalidante avec douleurs et pression dans l'oreille ainsi que des gros problèmes aux cervicales. Les docteurs avaient aucunes solution pour moi sauf d'apprendre a vivre avec ca.mais c'est pas eux qui était dans mon corps!
Dr Cai c'est le meilleur! Je recommence a vivre, mes douleurs aux cervicales sont partis, les douleurs a l'oreille sont passés d'un 9/10 a un 3/10 et mon acouphène se tait de plus en plus.du moin j'arrive a les supporter. Merci Dr. Cai on se revois bientôt:)
01 May 2021 0:37
Amazingly knowledgeable and refreshing experience. Go to western doctors and they either say nothing is wrong with you when you’re bedridden or you have 900 diseases all separate from the other problem. Here, you can tell him what hurts, what you’re experiencing or even your diagnosis if you have one and he knows what to do. Very very very good Accupuncturist. He should be considered one of the best in this city because he is!
22 March 2021 15:38
M. Cai helped me with severe back pain. I am grateful for his professional services, expertise and overall customer experience!
08 March 2021 19:27
J'avais un problème de manque de force dans ma jambe droite depuis plusieurs année.j'ai fait plusieurs tests dont des IRM sans succès. Je me suis décidé a aller voir un accupuncteur pour la première fois. On m'a référé Dr. Cai. En quelques sessions seulement Dr. Cai a réussi a renforcer ma jambe.je vous le recommande fortement.
29 September 2019 14:40
Dr. Cai has helped enormously with stress, insomnia and occipital neuralgia. Acupuncture wasn't something i really believed or tried in the past but Dr Cai has shown me that it works wonders for me. Truly talented person.
06 August 2019 17:26
He knows what to do. Very highly recommended. He is Good and honest. He does his best to help you. Trust in him.
01 June 2019 10:25
Il y a un an, j'avais des problemes de sommeil, des epaules et du dos. J'ai decide d'aller chez Dr. Cai, et j'ai decouvert que ses traitements sont tres efficace. Il a toujour un moyen pour faire querir. Il est tres passione, tres patient et un tres bon medecin.
17 May 2019 20:53
I am very pleased with my experience at Dr. Cai's clinic. I had pain in my neck for around two years before trying acupuncture. After numerous visits to the chiropractor, I felt little to no results. After a few acupuncture treatments, I could see significant results. I would definitely recommend Dr. Cai as he is very professional, knowledgeable, and highly experienced.
15 May 2019 1:51
1, punctuality: always on the
right time
2, Friendly and professional:
He is way more than that, always make sure
And more focused on what he is doing, he is
not doing it for money unlike other, he loves
what he is doing with smile and family
3, I am Very satisfied with the maestro Dr. Cia.
I have been suffering with bell's palsy for
almost 2 month and thanks to God almighty
and Dr. Cia I'm fully recovered. Had back pain
that also gone with his magic things
(acupuncture, smile)
4, Excellent care:
I have been seeing Dr. Cia for almost 2 months
now and all my health problems, back pain,
neck pain all resolved.

The bottle line:
Clinique Acupuncture Cai made me feel that I
am in safe hands.
I am very pleased with my experience at clinique acupuncture Cia. My first time at Clinique Acupuncture Cai was a world away from previous experiences elsewhere. It was good to be treated with professionalism and care. When I say the doctor Mr, Cia who is very professional with modern, Chinese herbal and acupuncture and His Care made me feel
that I am in safe hands and even made me smile when I left, then you can believe he is the best. I am still in his follow -up and I'm truly grateful and and big time thank you Dr Cia the Maestro. I highly recommend to Montoreal city residents he is simply The Best!
05 May 2019 19:44
L’acupuncture et la médecine traditionnelle à leur meilleur!
Elles ont un champ d’application très vaste et varié, comme le mal de dos, les tendinites (mains et coudes dû à une mauvaise position), les crispations/blocages musculaires, le rhume, l’arthrose, l’amélioration de la vision.
Contrairement à la massothérapie, l’acupuncture agit en profondeur et sur le long terme, les améliorations sont notables entre chaque séance.
Monsieur Cai est un authentique expert dans la pratique de ces disciplines, et il se fera plaisir de répondre à toutes vos questions les concernant.
29 April 2019 2:31
Got into a major car accident 10 years ago. Suffered for those 10 years.
Couldn't move my neck and left arm. I went to three different physios. Got referred by my wife's friend. What doctors, physiotherapists, pain killers couldn't do, this man did it in 11 sessions. Now treating my wife, seeing good results. I have the ultimate respect for this man, I highly recommend him.
28 April 2019 2:59
J'avais un douleur dans mon dos et je suis allé voir un médecin et lui m'a dit, désolé je ne sais pas que tu a, alors j'ai décidé d'essayer l'acupunture, et après d'avoir commencé le traitement avec le docteur cai mon dos à amélioré beaucoup.
24 April 2019 4:34
I have been with Doctor Cai for many years - at old age (70+), I have chronicle pain with my back and legs. After each treatment, it is always a big relief. Over the years, he has also treated my digestive, prostate and insomnia problems with great help. He is very knowledgeable and takes a systematic approach treating different problems. He is also very patient and spends time explaining things. For me, it is always the place to GO. I highly recommend him as acupuncturist as well as Chinese medicine therapist.
16 April 2019 6:01
Dr. Cai is the best acupuncturist in Montreal. I have a lower back herniated disc problem, and I had tried physiotherapy, osteopath, chiropractor, and acupuncture in other clinics before I met Dr. Cai. Only the treatments from Dr. Cai effectively release my pain and help stabilizing my back. Dr. Cai's treatments combine traditional herbal medicine and acupuncture with precise needle points. I highly recommend Dr. Cai for any pain related treatments.
13 April 2019 6:05
Good treatment for my lower back pain and tennis elbow problem.very effective.like it much and highly recommend.
07 April 2019 19:19
I go to this clinic for many years. I bring my family, even my children for various issues. We are always satisfied with the results! I even suggested it to many friends and family and everyone was happy about the service. I can highly recommend it!
06 April 2019 13:43
Ce que nous recherchons tous lorsque l’on a des douleurs musculaire est une bonne référence pour faire un traitement pour mieux vivre dans notre corps, et je vous recommande fortement ce thérapeute à aiguille (acupuncteur). Vraiment remarques les effets thérapeutique pour une (multiple) tendinite, cela vaut le détour pour rencontrer ce spécialiste. Tout est question de temps et/en fonction des douleurs naturellement, mais la satisfaction sera au rendez-vous.
07 November 2018 18:29
I was diagnosed with disc hernia for more than 10 years. I suffered a lot from leg and back pain during those years. I consulted multiple doctors and took different kinds of medication. Nothing really worked for me and I experienced many side effects, especially stomach discomforts. I have also been treated by physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopathic doctors and acupuncturists. My physiotherapist is the one who helped me the most. However I was still in a lot of pain. Whenever the weather changed or I did more yard work, the pain got much worse. My friend told me about how he use to have the same problem and that Dr. Cai changed his life. So I made an appointment! Dr. Cai listened to me very patiently. He carefully looked at my tongue and checked my pulse. It felt very strange at the time. I was thinking why would he look at my tongue, but now, I understand that it is part of the physical examination. At the end of the consultation, Dr. Cai said that I needed acupuncture and herb creams treatment together. After two treatments, the pain and stiffness got much better. I felt that my body was relaxed again; a sensation that I have not felt for years. After 10 sessions with him, I felt really good (the pain was almost gone). Now, almost one year later, I still feel amazing! The acupuncture and herb creams are magical! I want to thank Dr. Cai for saving my life! I want to share my experience with other patients.
13 June 2018 11:03
Ça fait plusieurs années que je consulte pour divers problèmes et je suis très satisfaite des traitements.
Je le recommande fortement.
06 May 2018 5:25
Excellent acupuncteur et médecin traditionnel chinois. Il a beaucoup d’expérience à faire acupuncture et massage. Merci à vous!

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