14 October 2023 20:21
Mon seul commentaire est celui-ci, la chiropraxie n’aide absolument en rien pour l’arthrose, ne dépensez pas votre argent pour ça. Voilà!
16 September 2023 8:53
I don’t know where to start, I have been having back pain for the longest time, I used to play a lot of sports, especially basket ball.

I’m 6,4” 325 pounds, for the last 6-7 years, I had back pain that was restricting me to do my daily tasks, even regular walking and regular sitting, you may think I’m exaggerating but it’s the truth, to a point that, I had to apply for a handicap card, because I was not able to walk more than 10-15 meters at once.

Until I did my research online, on google and I met DR Lachance, he works miracles, by the first visit i was already 40% better than before, i have never seen or worked with a DR so attentive to details and so passionate about his work and his patients, I have tried Physio before him with 0 luck, Dr Lachance is a very knowledgeable person and I highly suggest giving him a visit, he will work with you to fix any issues you have, especially migraine, now I myself do not have migraine but I see a lot of patients when I visit and I hear a lot of positive comments on that. But I can assure you, if you have back main, Dr Lachance will work miracles. He’s my go to place, the one and only, to visit if I have any back pain. Oh, and my wife had pain on her right arm, he’s the one who figured it out and now she’s great, after 9 years of pain. Dr La chance, thank you for giving me my life back.
03 September 2023 7:14
I love to thank you very much DR DANIEL LACHANCE. You made my days pain free, 3 months ago I came to u with very bad Neck pain and very bad migraine headaches, but now no more neck pain and the headaches been digress a lot.also you and your staffs are wonderful team. I wish if I know you 10 years before. It‘a nice treatment, Pain free, no medication,
Thank you very much
16 August 2023 0:06
I went to Dr. LaChance because of back pain, even though I had done some x-rays and I had the results with me with MRI. He still asked to do his own x-rays.that’s not the problem. When I went back to see him the second time, he had no recollection of the MRI results until I mentioned it to him and then he’s like OK I’ll look at them. The problem is he diagnosed some issue in my back which I don’t think that was causing the pain maybe he was right but it’s not the issue that he diagnosed that was causing the problem.
The first session he charged me $84 plus a $60 for the x-rays and he didn’t do any treatment. I came back the second time and he did the treatment for five minutes for $66 which is extremely expensive.
I came back another time and there was no improvement at all so I stopped going because for five minutes $66 is ivery very expensive and to top it off no improvement
the third time, he tried to push me into an agreement for like almost $3000 so he can treat me from my back pains so I told him I have to check with my doctor, and I went to see a physiotherapist from the first session of the Physio I started feeling better, the physio therapist spent a full hour with me and he charged me 100$ and I had to go once. He gave me exercises to do and I’m doing them and I’m getting better.
Dr. Lachance seems to be a nice person but I got the feeling it was more about the money more than the well-being of his patients and this is unacceptable
14 August 2023 4:52
Tout le personnel de cette clinique agit avec un grand professionnalisme, avec respect et discrétion. Quant au
Dr Lachance, ses compétences sont indéniables, mais ce que j’apprécie le plus est la façon avec laquelle il partage ses connaissances pour nous expliquer les maux qui nous affligent et comment les traitements reçus peuvent contribuer à les soulager. Je me suis présentée à cette clinique avec beaucoup de douleur, mais plus le temps passe, plus elle diminue. Je recommande chaudement la Clinique ChiroLaval à tous ceux et celles qui souffrent et ne savent pas où trouver du soulagement.
09 August 2023 0:54
Dr Lachance is so dedicated to helping his patience feel better. Everyone is so welcoming and friendly. In just a few sessions, my backaches and headaches have improved significantly.
25 June 2023 22:19
I am extremely grateful for the outstanding care and service provided by Dr. Lachance.
Dr. Lachance is an expert in their field, offering personalized treatments that provided immediate relief and addressed my specific needs.
The receptionists were always efficient and attentive, ensuring that scheduling appointments and managing paperwork was a breeze.
Overall, my experience at Clinique ChiroLaval was exceptional. Dr. Lachance's expertise, compassion, and commitment to excellence truly transformed my health and well-being.
27 February 2023 16:16
Pas satisfait de la qualité de services obtenus dans cette clinique et par ce Dr. J'ai eu l'impression que la motivation est seulement l'argent et pas la bien être du patient.facturer trois fois le montant des radio X alors qu'on ne m'a pas avisé du montant au préalable, payer 66$/session de 5 minutes, c'est trop chère payé à mon avis.
Dépensé 360,00$ zéro résultat, je regret vraiment avoir été dans cette clinique. Toujours au point de départ aucune amélioration!
Je ne retournerai jamais dans cette clinique ni ce Dr.pas satisfait du tout: - (: - (: - (

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