30 October 2023 10:21
I had the pleasure of being treated by Dr. Lara and Dr. Phan for the removal of five teeth, and I couldn't be happier with the experience. Not only did they make the procedure painless, but their professionalism and skill were truly impressive. What amazed me most was that I couldn't even tell which teeth were gone until they explained it to me afterward! Their expertise and caring demeanor made the whole process stress-free. I highly recommend Dr. Lara and Dr. Phan for anyone seeking dental care.
18 October 2023 10:58
Pire clinique n’y allez pas, j’ai eu affaire avec eux et ils m’ont conseillé de retirer 5 dents à la fois le même jour, je n avais jamais retiré auparavant et n’avais aucune connaissance, n’ont pas bien extrait la totalité de la dent ils veulent juste de l’argent, s’en fiche complètement du patient.
17 February 2023 20:32
Ils ont réussi à me dépanner pour me faire arracher mes 4 dents de sagesses à moins d’une semaine de préavis parce que j’étais dans le pétrin! La dentiste et la secrétaire sont super sympathique, ont pris de mes nouvelles par la suite et continuent de faire le suivi pendant les semaines qui suivent. Je n’ai eu aucune complication et du super service!
06 February 2023 1:09
J’y suis allé à plusieurs reprises pour des nettoyages, la docteure a vraiment pris soin de mes dents.elle était patiente et professionnelle et l’accueil était chaleureux.
Je recommence vivement cette clinique.
29 January 2023 4:32
Super service, merci à Dr Phan, Dr Lara et Audrey qui a nettoyé mes dents et Mahroo l'assistante.
Je recommande fortement l'endroit!
24 January 2023 16:15
Je suis plus que satisfaite du service de chez Orozen. L'équipe de Dr Lara est très accueillante. Dr Lara travaille de façon minutieuse, elle s'assure que son travail soit parfait! Merci Dr Lara, Mahroo, Audrey, Dr Phan, Rico, Marie-Chantal, Dr Lena! Une équipe efficace de feu! Je vous remercie pour tout!
12 January 2023 11:13
I would like to thank the whole Orozen team especially Dr. Lara, Claudia, Mahroo, Marie-Chantal, Dr Firas for taking such good care of me. I’ve always been self conscious with the position of my teeth and was afraid to smile. Now with the help of this amazing dental team, I feel more confident with my teeth and smile. Keep up the great job! You have a patient for life!
12 December 2022 13:11
Dr. Abarna Thurairatnam is super nice, she knows her limits and referred me to a specialist when a problem became too big for her, she also was honest and knocked off some money off the final price of a service because the procedure ended up being easier than it looked.great place!
11 December 2022 6:47
Excellent service, ils m'ont convaincu, suite à un nettoyage, à prendre soin de ma santé bucale en profondeur. Je me suis engagée avec eux à reconstruire le haut de mes dents qui étaient abîmées. Le résultats est fabuleux, le service client est extraordinaire, je me sens chez moi grâce à leur accueil et leur gentillesse. C' est le meilleur investissement que j' ai fait. Merci à Claudia, Rico, Marie Chantale, Mahroo, Lara la dentiste et toutes l 'équipe d Orazen de s'occuper de moi. Vous êtes adorables.
28 November 2022 2:22
En me rendant dans cette clinique, j'ai vraiment compris beaucoup de choses que j'ignorais et négligeais notamment sur la prévention avec Rico qui a pris le temps de m'expliquer en détails ce qu'il faut faire pour maintenir une bonne hygiène et éviter des désagréments et aussi il m'a trouvé un financement incroyable qui rentre dans mon budget pour mes différents traitements, Sans oublier Dr Lara qui est formidable dans le traitement et aussi dans le suivi. Bref toute l'équipe (Dr Phan, chantal.) est formidable. Je recommande vivement!
24 November 2022 18:41
This place saved my life! When I was having such pain in my teeth that I couldnt sleep in the middle of the night, Orozen was the first dental clinic in my sight and I didnt even hesitate to come in here, and immediately I got an appointment the same afternoon, and the doctors helped me, I am always grateful for that, and since then for a whole year the doctors had been helping me correct my brushing habit, teach me how to floss and basically keep my mouth clean! Again, thank you for helping me!
18 November 2022 21:11
Merci à vous tous. Super belle équipe, l’accueil est merveilleux et Lara est minutieuse et attentive. Un gros merci ;)
04 November 2022 12:05
If "Going beyond" was a service, Orozen made it on top of the list. I am thankful for turning a simple appointment for Xrays into a life changing hope to fix my dental problems. You did not only find solutions on every detail related to how I can benefit from your services, I felt valued by how you fought right and left to make it easier in my context. I appreciate your humanity. Thank you Rico, Dr. Lena, Marue and the rest of the staff I got the chance to interact with.
31 October 2022 19:55
J’ai eu une urgence 1 journee avant de partir en vacances et tout le personnel a ete tres courtois pour maccomoder et faire les traitements

03 October 2022 21:07
I’ve been going to Orozen for several years now and it’s a really great clinic. Dr Abarna is always very honest and informative. I highly recommend Dr Abarna if you’re looking for a dentist in the downtown area. I have been to other dentists that exaggerated what my needs were in order to make more money. So it was a relief to find a dentist with integrity.
05 April 2022 15:08
I first went to this dental office for an emergency, and was so pleased with the friendly and efficient service provided on every level, that I decided to stay. The office staff is always helpful and a pleasure to speak to. The cleaning done by hygienist Li was gentle and thorough. Dr. Abarma's treatments are always excellent; as well, she has guided me patiently and with great expertise through all the important interventions. Dr. Phan also provided excellent treatment.
I thank everyone at Clinique Orozen!
15 March 2022 7:26
Mon nom c'est Mathurin Fritz
J'avais un problème au niveau de mes dents
J'avais beaucoup de douleurs la ou j'ai subi un traitement de canal
L'équipe de la clinique Orozen m'a pris en charge je peux vous dire qu'ils ont fait un superbe travail dans ma bouche
Merci A
De Abarna
Et à Li
Si vous avez un problème au niveau de vos dents et vous n'arrivez pas à avoir une idée de quoi il s'agit n'étiez pas ils sont là pour vous guider et vous accompagner dans vos démarches
Merci l'équipe Orozen
11 March 2022 13:43
Excellent clinic, very professional staff, I can’t thank enough Dr Abarna D. M. D, and the hygienist LI, with the assistant Amirta, and the super kind receptionist Samar for their exceptional work, I’m totally satisfied and grateful for the good job they’ve done on my teeth ; it’s been more than 2 years I’m with them and my teeth and gums are in perfect condition since then.
09 March 2022 11:09
Worst experience ever. I went to the clinic as my gums are bleeding. The dentist suggested of getting all the 3 wisdom teeth removed. I got that done on 30th Dec. He didn't give any antibiotics. The next day one side of my face was swollen and I thought it was common after the extraction but it even got worse and one of my eye got closed due to the swelling and literally no one could recognize me with that face (the swelling was worse). I contacted the clinic on Saturday and explained my situation and I said I can come to visit the dentist as it might be serious. The dentist wasn't available and he gave some tablets by phone and mentioned he will see me on 5th of Jan (he isn't available then again), and I believed I might be get to normal state after using them. It even got worse on Monday and I called the clinic again, the receptionist said my dentist wasn't available and if I come to the clinic they need to pay to another dentist. My situation was critical for what they have done, they're not even baring the expenses after my surgery for the review (they mentioned review was free after charging me around 1600$ for whole treatment). I got an appointment in another clinic and went for the checkup, he suggested to rush to the Emergency in any hospital, as the infection was spreading from face to neck and he mentioned I might face breathing issues. I went to Emergency that night in Jewish hospital and got my treatment done and I went to Jewish straight for 4days to get treated. I never suggest this clinic as management is not good.they let the patient even die if the dentist who treated isn't available and they won't even suggest for another dentist in the same clinic.
11 February 2022 9:06
I've gone there for a few procedures now. They were both professional and warm every visit. Dr. Abarna Amirtha was thorough and thoughtful. Overall, a great experience.
10 November 2021 2:21
Some newbie cleaned my teeth.
1. The teeth were visibly thinner with a lot of gap in between the teeth after the cleaning
2. Had continuous sensitivity issues after cleaning
3. First there was intermittent gum bleeding which became frequent so had to see another doctor with additional expense for no reason

Maybe it was that one 'dentist' but Don't recommend it at all
21 October 2021 3:53
Some newbie cleaned my teeth.
1. The teeth were visibly thinner with a lot of gap in between the teeth after the cleaning
2. Had continuous sensitivity issues after cleaning
3. There was intermittent gum bleeding which became frequent so had to see another doctor with additional expense for no reason

Maybe it was that one 'dentist' but Don't recommend it at all
18 October 2021 6:43
This is a great place to go take care of your teeth. The team was very professional in examining and providing solutions by priority. They teach you how to take care of your teeth. I am a nervous person with ADHD, let me tell you something, it's a challenge to make me sit on a chair for an hour, imagine 8h. I did a total smile makeover and Dr, Phan was extremely patient with me. His calm and patience are very reassuring. Dr. Phan, Dr. Lara, Maroune, Richard, Caroline, Alisha, Audrey and Sandra were there for me from Day one to the end, They are extremely professional and very accomodating (I have a busy schedule) Picture this: 7 employees for one client, this is the dedication you Will get at Oro Zen, a Family that's there for your needs, not for the money, for your needs. No one enjoys a visit to the dentist, but the Oro Zen team knows how to make you feel at home. The professionalism and friendliness of the whole team are outstanding. I’ve been going with them for a complicated process and then for keeping up and cleaning. I couldn’t be happier with the results I would highly recommend them to anyone!
13 October 2021 17:32
À partir de ce site, j’aimerais témoigner de mon expérience vécue à la clinique Orozen, rue Sherbrooke. Tout d’abord, je tiens à remercier tout le personnel de leur bienveillance, en passant par les réceptionnistes, hygiénistes, assistantes, Dr Pham, Dr Nguyen, Dr Lena ainsi qu’une mention toute particulière à Rico et Claudia pour leurs précieux conseils prodigués.
Ma première visite remonte en février dernier, après avoir vu passer dans La Presse une promotion sur un nettoyage et radiographies. Comme j’étais à la recherche d’un nouveau dentiste, j’ai pris aussitôt rendez-vous.
Dès ma première rencontre avec Dr Pham, il m’a fait part de consultation gratuite offerte par Rico et Claudia qui m’expliqueraient l’historique de mes dents, l’enseignement sur l’art de bien se brosser les dents et de bien passer la soie dentaire, l’importance d’avoir des dents alignées, le tout appuyé par des photos, vidéos, articles et revues scientifiques.
Je me suis déplacée à trois reprises afin d’assimiler toute cette matière. Je me sentais comme une élève qui retournait sur les bancs d’école. Il faut également souligner que la philosophie de la clinique est axée sur la prévention d’où l’importance accordée sur ce volet.
Bref, j’ai décidé d’aller de l’avant et d’investir dans ma bouche afin de corriger les problèmes détectés à l’aide d’aligneurs, comme premier traitement.
En conclusion, avec toutes les heures d’enseignement données par Rico et Claudia, nous avons développé une belle relation de confiance. Merci encore pour votre beau travail, votre gentillesse, générosité et disponibilité.
Marie-France Lavallée
28 September 2021 7:27
UNE CLINIQUE DE MANIPULATEURS ET DE CHARLATANS! J'y suis allé pour une consultation gratuite. Je savais qu'il y avait beaucoup à faire sur mes dents, et à la première visite le dentiste me répétait que je serais financé et paierais $100 par mois. Ensuite il m'a refilé à un "agent" qui a pour fonction de vous fidéliser à l'avance et de vous faire accepter des prix exorbitants. L'agent m'a fait revenir trois fois, pour un total de douze heures à regarder des vidéos et à essayer de me faire peur avec des histoires de plaque dentaire. À la dernière visite, alors que je n'avais encore reçu aucuns soins dentaires, j'en avais assez et l'ai sommé de me dire combien tout ça coûterait. Il m'a fait écrire à la main le prix de chaque traitement - une autre manipulation pour me faire accepter la facture à venir. Au bout du compte, j'aurais eu à payer $38 000 pour des soins qui seraient faits sur trois visites, en 9 heures seulement. J'étais outré. Le temps venu de parler de leur fameux financement, ce n'était plus $100, mais $600 par mois. Quand j'ai dit à l'agent/vendeur qu'il m'avait menti, il a fait mine de se mettre à pleurer. BREF, UNE ARNAQUE POUR EMBOBINER LES GENS ET LES SURFACTURER! IL Y A SUFFISAMMENT DE CABINETS DE DENTISTE À MONTRÉAL, N'ALLEZ PAS LÀ!
06 September 2021 7:10
One of the only dental offices that took me in right away from a toothache pain during my visit. I would give this clinic a ten star rating. Dr Abarna is a nice and caring person. I would highly recommend to see them before any other because I called several places all but this turned me away because they do not accommodate for out of province visitors! The staff were awesome! Merci encore une fois!
22 August 2021 17:18
I am enjoying my experience overall at Orozen. The staff is hospitable and cares about their patients. I have engaged in interesting conversations and discussions on the importance of dental hygiene and its implications. Before Orozen, I was searching for a dental office that would assist me in my dental needs. Now I can say that I am looking forward to starting my process of teeth alignment and I couldn’t be happier.
21 July 2021 11:13
I had an unfortunate experience at this dental clinic and I see in other reviews that I am not alone.

I went in for an emergency procedure about a month ago. The retention wire I have behind my lower teeth broke and was digging into my tongue. It was painful and was causing me to have a serious headache. I called them to see if they could help and gave me a quick appointment for later that day. I went in and everything seemed fine until I began to ask for further information: What the dentist recommended, how much it would cost, etc. For every question I was met with extremely vague explanations that were not helpful at all. I couldn't even get them to tell me the cost! They told me "it'll be a few hundred, don't worry about it". A few hundred was what I was expecting so I thought ok, let's get this done because I am in pain, and I'll deal with the price later. Then, as I am prepped, fully reclined in the chair, with the dentist about to begin. Someone comes in with an invoice that I must sign before they begin. 600$. More than "a few hundred" as they had say. And all of a sudden I am alone in the room with a pen and the contract. I must sign now. So I do. Not much a choice there or much chance to talk to someone. I am alone in the room. Then they come back and continue prepping for the procedure. Again, as I am fully reclined, in pain, prepped for the procedure, someone comes in and shoves an interac machine in my face. No words, just a machine in my face. I ask them if I have to pay now, and they say "well, it'll make things easier for everyone". Something told me they were not going to actually start to help me until I payed. It was incredibly rude.

After the procedure, I was asked by the dentist if I had a dentist in the city (I used to live elsewhere) and said I didn't. He then basically told me that he would be my new dentist and to book an appointment for a cleaning right now. Any questions I asked was not answered. He would avoid them, or ask me condescending questions in return. If I asked if I should do something, he would answer with something like "well, do you want your teeth to look bad? ". That's not an actual answer, really.

Anyway, when he insisted I get an appointment he had me book something right then and there. I told him, sure, but I want to go home first and check things out before I book (not because I didn't want to, I actually did, I just wanted to check my schedule before because I hate rescheduling). He didn't like that, he said just book now and we'll see later. I said I'd prefer to call back and book later. He looked at me and said "What? You don't know your schedule? Don't you work from home, you can come whenever.) So I thought, you know what just put me down for whatever date, I just want to go (thinking I can cancel later). They booked me and immediately I am met by another person who hands me a document with info about my appointment with the price included and tells me to sign now! And then they all leave the room! I was shocked. When finally someone came back I asked them, what exactly am I signing? If I sign this, can I cancel my appointment or will there be a fine? She.couldn't.even.answer.me.

She got the dentist and he gave me this lecture and by then three people surrounded me and were pressuring me to sign and agree to come back and pay this amount for the cleaning (a month before the appointment). I told me no. I would call them back.

They then escorted me to the front desk and quite loudly told the receptionist "HE DOESN'T WANT TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT HE WANTS TO GO HOME AND CHECK HIS SCHEDULE" to which the receptionist reacts with a confused face and says "Don't you know your schedule? ! " I left.

And guess what. The retention wire they fixed fell off completely within two days.

They did not charge to fix it at least. But they continued to pressure me to book a cleaning. I said no. They wouldn't take no for an answer and insisted I have a "reason" so I told them I found another dentist.

They then called me TWICE to ask me if wanted to come back.

14 July 2021 1:26
Best experience ever. I did not know much about my teeth problems and what was causing them until I sat down with Claudia and Rico during one of the prevention sessions (which is free btw). Really opened my eyes to what was going on and they have me on this journey of taking care of my teeth.i have been to different dentists and i dont usually make comments online but OROZEN blew my mind. It's just not about money with them like these other clinics, they actually want to see do better not only in health but they also follow up how you doing in everyday life, family tings.if i could give 10 stars i could really, they deserve my money!
13 July 2021 2:28
The first time I came here was 2019, when I had wisdom teeth. And after that I visit here regularly for the tooth cleaning. Dr. Phan and Rico take care of me, and helped me a lot when I was in trouble about my life and provide solution to me for free. They treat me as their family. Their serves are also the best and the priceis reasonable and worth every penny. They are not like some other dental clinics that only want your money, they really care about their customers and tried their best to help everyone. If you need to do some dental things, this is the place you need to visit.
12 July 2021 5:24
Le personnel est vraiment sympa et gentil. Le Dr Phan est professionnel et m'a permis de suivre des séances de prévention avec Rico. Je n'oublierai jamais le changement que j'ai eu au niveau de mon hygiène dentaire depuis que je fais mon nettoyage chez Orozen.
16 June 2021 11:42
In general it is a good dentist if you are going for regular cleanings, and it shows they care about your dental health. The procedures are explained well and the after care is thoroughly given. Never had any problems with my healings. Clean and professional environment.
Only concern is when it comes to taking care of more specific matters it does get complicated in which the consultations will take a very very long time when it does not need to be (3hrs+). Additionally certain information won’t be mentioned on time so be sure to double check and ask the right questions or certain things will go unnoticed. They also pressure you into going through certain procedures without inquiring you of the cost or the time so once again just make sure to ask the right questions.
01 June 2021 19:57
Me and my partner went to this clinic for an urgent appointment because she was having very bad pain in her teeth. The technician started by doing ex rays, she seemed completely not trained to do so, she needed two ex rays but the technician kept messing them up and took and around 6-7 the get the right pictures. During one of these x rays the technician put the plastic to far into her mouth and it almost made her throw up. After running some tests the dentist concluded that she would need a root canal or extraction. She said the root canal would he around 3000$. My partner asked what the cost would be of for an extraction which was 200-400$. We asked if we could go outside to get some air for a mintue so she could decide if she would go through with the extraction or not, thats when it got really weird. The dentist left the room and sent in the technician who said we could take a minute but not leave the room. When we insisted on going outside for some air she said we couldent leave the room before paying, so we said okay and went to pay at the reception, at that point they said we cant leave and that we would pay in the room. The receptionist came and the dentist for us to pay, the dentist kept insisting she needed her tooth pulled otherwise she would be in pain, we were cornered in this small room by the receptionist the dentist and the technician, it seemed that they thought we would leave without paying if they let us out of the room which was very discriminatory. We paid and left, i would never recommend going to a dentist this unprofessional and judgemental with untrained staff, this was a horrible experience and is a terrible place.
26 May 2021 3:40
Ask for Dr. Phan, he’s the best. Extracted my four molars and has seen me twice since for emergencies with complications. Find me another doctor that will take the time out of his day to see you TWICE since your surgery (5-6 days ago lol)

Personally I hate the dentist but he specifically has helped me overcome that bias.

Highly recommend!
15 May 2021 12:09
Merci a toute l'equipe! Je suis une patiente depuis décembre, je suis aller pour une urgence.
Dès mon arrivée ont m'as fait sentir bien, une approche humaine et familial. Le dr.phan a été très clair sur la procédure et ma santé buccal, très attentif et délicat (j'avais une phobie des dentistes) Ensuite j'ai rencontré l'équipe d'hygiène dentaire. Rico et Claudia m'ont expliqué en détail ma situation, il sont à mon écoute. Claudia m'a éduquer sur l'hygiène dentaire, consoler, encourager mais surtout à garder espoirs, elle a pris le temps qu'il fallait.merci énormément! Je débute une nouvelle étape depuis peu grâce à eux, une nouvelle bouche en santé et de bonne habitude qui me suivrons toute ma vie! Je ne pourrai jamais vous remercier assez pour tout ce que vous avez fait et ferai pour moi! A très bientôt, j'ai déjà hâte à la prochaine étape!
01 May 2021 5:04
My comment is not showing up from the original account i posted it from so here it is again. Like many people, I have a bit of a phobia about going to the dentist but OROZEN really changed that for me. Not only was I warmly greeted by the secretary and staff.my cleaning (done by their kind and gentle dental hygienist) did not hurt one bit! I learned so much from Dr. Phan on how to properly brush and floss and what was actually going on with my mouth. He helped me get rid of all the misconceptions and false information I had been given throughout the years by many other dentists. The best part I must admit was the consult with Rico. It was so informative but yet fun.yes I said fun! Who would have thought I could have fun AND learn at a dental clinic? ! Being someone who has spent alot of money through out they years on different dental clinics I can honestly say that I felt like a friend and not like just another patient or number. Everyone took their time and was sure to explain everything I I needed to know in order to continue to maintain a healthy mouth and why it is so important. I felt at ease and comfortable and this is the reason why I will make Orozen my go to Dental Clinic:) -Alisha B.
15 April 2021 12:29
Excellent Experience! They care for the patients, treat very friendly and try to provide the best service. The consultation program they provide for prevention is fantastic and would definitely change the way you treat your mouth. It seems they don't want you back there haha!
20 March 2021 8:29
Orozen dentaire is a top notch clinic. After trying to postpone an urgent matter due to financial constraints. I had been contacted by nurse (Samar) who was very helpful in not only French and English but also in Arabic which is my mother language. She took her time to explain to me and told me "here in Orozen we are concerned about the health of the mouth, and hand to god we don't worry about the money" hearing those words in my mother language relieved me; and seeing how much work and dedication. Both staff and doctors are truly the most honest, dedicated and Noble staff I have seen. Again I cannot emphasize how much Orozen dentaire is a top notch clinic
19 March 2021 17:44
Ça fait seulement 3 ans que je suis cliente à la clinique et tout ce que je peux dire c'est MERCI! Est-ce que ça m'a couté cher? Oui c'est vrai, mais est-ce que je suis satisfaite? Totalement! On ne va pas se mentir, le dentiste c'est cher mais j'adore l'équipe. Lorsque tu prend le temps de leurs parler de tes craintes, ils t'écoutent, te conseil et s'adapte. Ce sont des gens humain et proche de leur clientèle. Avec Rico (prévention) on a pleurer mais rit aussi, avec Dr Phan, on a rit et on c'est obstiné parfois haha et avec les hygiénistes et secrétaires j'ai eu de superbe discutions. Je n'avait pas été chez le dentiste depuis plus de 10 ans dû a une mauvaise expérience et ils ont réussit à me redonner confiance.
22 February 2021 15:32
This clinic giving very best service to their patients and here you will find reasonable prices for dental services but unfortunately you have to wait long because they take long time for procedure, otherwise overall experience is not bad.
29 January 2021 7:31
Je suis tombée sur le Groupe Orozen en détresse alors qu'une dent me faisait extrêmement mal. J'ai été bien accueilli et bien traité. Le service à la clientèle est excellent. J'apprends beaucoup durant les sessions de préventions. Rico (le Mr qui le donne) m'a touché de manière particulière. Le Seigneur m'a richement bénit à travers lui et chacun des membres de cet office. Et j'en suis reconnaissante. Je recommande fortement!
21 January 2020 22:11
SCAM do not go to this clinic.

They will offer low prices for dental cleaning but once u r there, they will tell you have multiple dental problems when its not true.

I almost fall for this scam.

They were saying i had gum issues and that it will cost me 12 thousands to fix it and that they will help me get a loan in order to have money for the treatment. When i told them i was going to think about it they didnt want to let me go until i sign a contract with them. That is when i start to realize it may be an scam. Then i wen to see a dentist that my friends recommended me and he told me i didnt have any problem with my gum or my theeth.
26 December 2019 17:49
Called this clinic at 2am in the morning, somebody picked up the phone and told me what to do, and I was given appointment next day in the morning, the staff was very professional.
24 December 2019 2:10
I have been patient of Orozen Since 2012. I have done inlays, crowns, root canals and my regular cleanings and whitenings since then. The treatments have always been painless and efficient and the service is superior.
23 December 2019 22:26
Salut je m, appelle Stanley Noel, jai vecu une experience innoubliyable chez Orozen dental clinic of Montreal plus particulierement avec Rico Qui m, a soutenu tout debut de Mon intervention et je Le regreter pas davoir faire affairs avec eux.merci Rico tu es un homme de Dieu.
19 December 2019 23:43
I did my cleaning hear I feel so fresh after and it was so good. In the other hand the staff are so kind, funny, respectful with a greate team work They are the best. I recommend it to my friends also.
02 December 2019 16:27
I have recently become a patient here and am extremely happy with the service I received. The dentist made me feel comfortable and took her time to explain how to improve my oral health and answer any questions I had. The cleaning went very smoothly, painless compared to my previous dentist.
03 June 2019 17:15
Dr. Pascal has extracted my wisdom tooth. Procedure was quick and painless. He also did my orthodontic treatment many years ago.
02 June 2019 15:38
Very nice clinic, the staff iw very polite and professional and the dentist did a great job with the extraction of my wisdom tooth

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