24 September 2023 8:47
I've tried 3 days in a row to get an appointment at 9: 30 pm. Never any availability even though I'm there on the dot. Last time I visited this location, the Dr visibly didn't care about my health and barely checked anything. Checked my throat from 3 feet away (this was before covid). I was suppose to have a follow-up ultrasound to try to find the problem but never heard back from the hospital. I called the hospital and they told me that my Dr put it in as low priority and the waiting period was LITERALLY 2 YEARS. I'm in chronic, almost unmanageable pain, and that was his help. I can't believe how awful this place is. It needs to be shut down. This isn't medical practice.
11 June 2023 13:57
La clinique a été fermé définitivement ne perdez pas votre temps a appelé ou regardé sur internet pour avoir un rendez-vous
24 May 2023 4:08
J’essaye de prendre un rendez-vous tout les soirs depuis 3 semaines et je ne suis pas capable d’avoir de rendez-vous! Avant j’étais capable d’en avoir 1 en 1-2 jours mais maintenant sa ne fonctionne plus! C’est ma seul option pour voir un medecin et je ne sais plus quoi faire d’autre …
04 August 2021 13:55
J'ai essayé d'appeler pour un rendez-vous. Le service automatisé ne COMPREND pas les lettres de notre nom. 3 fois de suite et on dois abandonner. Très déçue car j'ai été référée par un médecin et je dois absolument voir un médecin de famille.
27 July 2021 4:14
To be fair, because it's a Clinic exclusive for Emergencies, I can comprehend protocol of ignoring other issues without service of any kind, but as many have claimed, the Doctor is arguably incompetent for definitely being dismissive and useless to consult for being ultimately uninformative.

To my fault, I wasn't aware while expecting in hope that I could get a quick general health check-up with answers to my concerns of; (anemia, inflammed liver, and a reducible inguinal hernia) which he 'only' confirmed as being present which I didn't need because I diagnosed myself 7 months ago.
He assumed I came for a reference for surgery of which I didn't ask for.

Basically, my visit was unfortunately meaningless since he only referenced me to a family doctor (Like most, I'm on a waiting list), and to wait for the answers I want from my online doctor of which is somewhat all I can do I guess because I have to wait anyway for a new blood test and what she has to say about my radiology that had "no issues".
. Again, this might be somewhat unfair criticism but he was totally unresourceful.

I'll have to consult a normal clinic.
Too bad bonjour-sante recommended me this one.
03 July 2021 9:57
The doctor wasn’t listening at all, he just assumed and he start talking without give me the chance to explain my symptoms. The customer service is very poor and people in this clinic are very rude.
29 June 2021 0:12
Back then before I gave up on this clinic for its poor and sometimes rude customer service, this was the only one available. For hours you waited for a md to see you. It looked as if the system was failing on all of us there. Still looks like nothing much changed for good. Maybe for worse.
04 June 2021 7:54
Je trouve in service de bonne qualité aussi en especial la Md johana m'aide beaucoup commet ça marche le site pour prenez rendez vous en line.merci a la clinic
08 June 2020 16:47
J'avais un rendez vous à 14h15, il est rendu 15h00 et toujours dans la salle d'attente. Totalement inacceptable considérant que les médecins/docteur sont parmis les plus haut salariés de l'état et que l'on est pas à l'urgence.
05 June 2020 22:25
Honnêtement je ne comprends comment se fait -il que le Dr Aboud garde encore son emploi la-bas. Ou bien, il est incompétent et les gens ne disent rien, ou bien il y a vraiment un manque de médecins et on n'a pas le choix de la garder. Je vous recommande d’éviter cette clinique et si vous n'avez pas le choix allez à Ottawa. De toute façon avec lui, vous perdrez votre temps.
19 May 2020 19:53
I travelled 40 minutes on public transit to get here. Why? Because this clinic advertises itself as a walk in clinic. When I showed up, I was told that I needed to call the night before in order to have an appointment. That's not what a walk in clinic is! If I can't 'walk in', it's not a walk in clinic. False advertising!
10 May 2020 2:22
Bien situé, amplement de stationnement, salle d attente suffisante aux besoins. Les deux réceptionnistes sont très efficaces et gentilles. Ce ne sont pas elles qui ont le contrôle de la lenteur des médecins sur place.
06 May 2020 18:19
Given the reviews I was expecting this place to be terrible, and it was defiantly satisfactory.

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