26 October 2021 14:55
Never received my order. Everytime I call, they tell me that they will call back but never received any call back to know what's going on with my order. Don't go there.
17 October 2021 9:28
Patient over 4 years and the all the time is the same problem: No place available or so far dates. Even with a nice area they do not have regular nurses to do the treatments. Each time is a different nurse that receive you. The secretary (Sherbrooke address) Is another negative point in the clinic, always clumsy and moody.
28 September 2020 4:39
He's the worst ever, He's a money hunger, doesn't care about doing his job properly. IF YOU CARE ABOUT AND YOUR MONEY DON'T GOOOO
07 May 2020 3:56
Alerte à la fraude. Abuse des gens, profite de leur ignorance quant à la matière. Je fais un signalement à la protection du consommateur.
13 April 2020 19:34
I am very glad with the result that I’m getting because I feel more happy now then before. My foot is getting better & better & I would recommend my friends & family to visit Dr. Bochi Podiatre. The pain that I had to go thru was worth it. Now I’m getting a new clean nail growing back.
09 April 2020 15:45
Dr Bochi is by far one of the most professional and well versed podiatrists in the country. I have gone to see podiatrists all over North America for my feet and Dr Bochi was by far best of the best. Very clean office and professional staff. Sometimes the waits are longer than expected and it might be pricey for some patients. But all is well worth it for the best of the best. Dr Bochi has an extremely busy schedule and he always makes the time for his patients. Dr Bochi might not always see everyone but he does analyze all patient files and makes sure his footprints (pardon the pun) is on all his patients files. I would recommend Dr. Bochi to everyone I know. Thank you again for all your time and patience with me. Best of the Best is well worth all inconveniences.
28 March 2020 21:40
Le Dr Bochi m'a fait des semelles pour les pieds qui m'ont aidé à guérir mon problème d'épine calcanéenne, 6 mois après je n'avais plus rien! Très gentil et à l'écoute.
21 March 2020 2:38
Je suis allé à la clinique du Dr Bochi il y a environ 3 ans pour un problème de mycose de l'ongle. J'ai reçu des traitements et des conseils judicieux qui m'ont aidé, bien que la guérison fut un peu longue. J'ai aussi fait part au Dr Bochi d'une douleur au pied, qui s'est révélée être une tendinite. Il m'a aussitôt fait fabriquer des orthèses qui m'ont soulagé. Le personnel traitant est aussi très courtois et méticuleux.
29 February 2020 16:20
I have been there twice. The first time they were late by at least 45 min. The second time they call to ask me to come 30 min early but i was seen 30 minutes late. Now the rates. They explain the treatment they propose but not the rates which by the way are outrageous for the light condition i had. At the front desk there is a list of treatment and rates but the one you just got is not on that list.so no transparency. I will not be going back.
27 February 2020 19:00
Quality service. My mother has received excellent care from this clinic. The fungus on her nails have completely gone after the laser treatments.
26 January 2020 17:07
Je vous recommande la clinique du docteurBochi pour leurs gentillesses dr Boci est un vrai connaisseur des le premier rendez-vous il m’a dit ce que j’avais il m’a suivi et aujourd’hui grâce à mes prothèse qu’il m’a prescrit sur mesure j ai retrouver une qualité de vie car je n ai plus aucune douleur merci et bravo à toute l équipe de la clinique et joyeuse fêtes je vous le recommande milles merci
22 January 2020 7:18
Mon fils est patient à la clinique depuis deux ans. Lors de nos visites, le personnel est accueillant et le doctor Bochi fait preuve de professionnelisme. Il a considérablement amélioré la qualité de vie de mon enfant. Merci!
20 January 2020 21:30
Waited an hour for a consultation that lasted less than 2min leading to a hefty bill. After going to another clinic and getting a cheaper and longer full evaluation + tips and tricks to manage my pain I can say with assurance that you should not go there!
01 January 2020 2:34
Good clinic.very friendly and helpful staff, thanks a lot! Dr. Bochi is able to work even with shy kids:)
Will see the results of orthoses using.
27 December 2019 13:34
Tres décevant pour un prix exorbitant. Ils chargent 95 dollars pour une consultation de 30 secondes et 250 dollars pour couper un ongle incarnet! Pensez à demander un devis avant de vous asseoir croyez moi.honteux!
09 December 2019 18:34
Je suis très satisfaite de l'expertise du Dr Bochi qui a résolu en quatre rencontres trois des problèmes pour lesquels je le consultais.

J'avais un champignon sur l'ongle du gros orteil droit depuis plus de deux ans et ça me faisait très mal. J'avais de la difficulté à me chausser et tous les souliers que je portais finissaient par me faire mal. J'ai eu quatre traitements au laser et maintenent je peux porter les souliers que je veux sans problème. Ce fut de l'argent bien investi!

Je pensais que j'avais une verrue plantaire qui avait déjà été brûlėe à l'azote par mon mèdecin. Dr Bochi m'a informėe que ce n'ait pas une verrue plantaire mais un morceau de vitre qui était entré dans mon pied, probablement à la plage, et s'était entouré de peau. Il a retiré le morceau de vitre et après guérison je n'ai plus eu mal.

J'ai l'arche du pied très prononcée et j'ai beaucoup de corne sous les pieds à des endroits précis où mon pied touche au sol, vu que mon arche de pied ne touche pas à terre. À partir de l'heure du souper je devais porter des pantouffles tellement le dessous des pieds me faisait mal et la corne (callositės) me brûlait. Avec des orthèses bien adaptées (Dr Bochi a pris le temps de les modifier à deux reprises) à mes pieds je peut porter mes différentes paires de souliers toute la journėe sans douleur aux pieds à la fin de la journèe. De plus, les orthèses ne sont pas trop grosses. Je peux porter des souliers féminins. J'ai déjà eu des orthèses dans le passé mais j'avais tellement mal au dos quand je les portais que j'avais renoncé à les mettre dans mes souliers. Avec mes nouvelles orthèses, après quelques semaines d'adaptation et un suivi par l'équide du Dr Bochi, tout va bien. Je ne pourrais plus m'en passer. J'ai encore un peu de callosités mais beaucoup moins.

Je suis donc très reconnaissante face à mon conjoint qui a trouvé la clinique du Dr Bochi sur Internet et qui a fortement insisté pour que je le consulte.

Ginette Biron, 3 octobre 2019
14 November 2019 4:04
I'm having trouble understanding why this clinic has such a high rating.

I've been going there for nearly three years (3-4 visits per year). Every time I've gone, they've never taken me on time. They always take me 30-45 min late. A 30 minute appointment should never take you 1.5 - 2 hour long at a private clinic. This is a common complaint they seem to have had (based on my discussion with one of the employees) but yet, nothing is being done about it.

Also, Doctor doesn't seem to care about your situation. As long as you come in for regular maintenance with the technicians, he wont follow up unless you ask for him.

I will no longer be going there, and i wouldn't recommend this place.
18 October 2019 9:14
Busy clinic, knowledgeable doctor and nice staff, however long waiting time and a total of 30 min (consultation and treatment) costed 295$.
Each dr can price as they wish however treatment cost should be shared with the patient before doing it so no surprises are left at the payment specially that when I booked the appointment over the phone I specifically asked if the consultation fee would cover the treatment for what I described and the answer was yes.
16 October 2019 17:33
The office staff and Dr. Bochi have been very easy to work with, even with the language barrier of me not speaking French. I went in for severe pain in my feet and was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. My custom insoles have helped tremendously and the pain has yet to return to the severe level, almost a year later.
03 October 2019 6:27
Depuis 20 ans pris avec un problème mycose des ongles.

Je me suis tourné vers le traitement au laser, c’est un long processus, un peu coûteux, mais ça semble fonctionner. Très heureux de la tournure des événements.

Service courtois de toute l’équipe, si on a un problème ou des questions, on a des réponses rapides et précises.
22 September 2019 1:53
I have seen Dr Bochi on several occasions and he is always professional, kind and knowledgeable! My custom orthotics are very comfortable, and made at a reasonable price. The clinic is very clean, well located. The appointment times are always well respected, Ive never had to wait too long. Highly recommended!
20 September 2019 6:29
I’ve been going to Dr. Bochi’s clinic for laser treatments. Appointments have always been on time and staff very professional.
15 September 2019 1:49
L’équipe de Dr Bochi est professionnelle et courtoise. J’ai toujours bien été servie lors de mes différents rendez-vous. Très satisfaite.
10 September 2019 21:39
Clinique sur St-Denis dans un édifice glauque et malentretenu. Personnel incompétent qui ne respecte pas ses engagements. Un assistant agressif qui infantilise ses patients. Et un Dr Bochi qui n'ose pas prendre position pour ses patients devant cet assistant. Vraiment, une clinique à éviter À TOUT PRIX! C'était la deuxième et la dernière fois! Et c'est sans oublier les retards et l'attente interminable. Cette clinique ne mérite même pas une étoile.
05 September 2019 2:14
Went back for a follow up after wearing the orthotics a couple of months. Foot still hurt. Waited in the lobby for forty minutes after my appointment time. Was told I was next and shown to an exam room (an obvious ploy to pacify me). Waited five more minutes and decided that my time was worth to me than to them. Then I left. Now I have to find another podiatrist and start the process again. So, if you want orthotics that sort of work (I give my obscenely expensive custom orthotics a B- and Dr. Scholl''s a solid B) and to waste your time waiting around in a clinic that is clearly way, way overbooked, this is a great place for you to go. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
16 August 2019 9:12
Accueil très aimable et service courtois. Le traitement laser est sans douleur. Mon seul bémol est le nombre important de traitements requis.
13 August 2019 23:28
All of the staff were very polite and friendly, Dr. Bochi especially. They've helped me with both insoles for my shoes and ingrown toenails. I can't say I have any complaints.
10 August 2019 15:20
Expérience globale bonne, le Dr Bochi à été professionnel le peu de temps ou j'ai eu la chance de le voir, j'ai eu un RDV très rapidement
Les tarifs sont cependant élevés, surtout les frais d'ouverture de dossier que je trouve excessif et les services qui augmentent très vite la facture globale
Je conseille mais ayez une bonne assurance
30 July 2019 3:44
Je n'ai pas aimé mon expérience dans cette clinique (sauf pour le technicien qui a fini la job et qui était super gentil).
Partant, j'ai attendu 35 minutes que le Dr arrive à la salle où on m'avait installé, pour ensuite me faire dire que pour «régler» mon «problème» je devais passer une chirurgie qui coûte plusieurs milliers de dollars (je suis allé pour un cors au petit orteil).
Finalement, le Dr a «traité» mon petit orteil (enlevé le cors) environ 10 min pour ensuite me laisser avec le gentil technicien.cela m'a coûté 225$ (95$ consultation et 130$ ledit traitement).
Il va sans dire que je ne retournerai plus là. Je suis allé juste par commodité (proche de mon travail), mais «mon podiatre» d'Anjou me charge 85$ et il me donne un traitement complet de mes pieds et ne me charge pas 95$ pour un diagnostique que je connaissait déjà et n'essaye pas de me «vendre» toute sorte de traitements. Cette clinique fait du commerce avec les patients.
De plus, l'assurance refuse de me rembourser au delà de 90$, montant qu'ils considèrent comme étant «raisonnable» pour ce genre de service.
07 July 2019 1:12
Save you time and money.
I saw the Dr. Bochi about a year ago and after one visit I left the office and spenting over $750 on orthotics and and an I njection for my foot which he told me was a heel spur which it was not! I have been in terrible pain this last year.then until I was examined by another dr. Who sent me to a Specialist for x-rays and ultrasound for the cost of $175. I had 3 visits to her office cost for $80 and my new orthotics which she told me to go buy a Birkenstock insoles and for cost only $60. Which she adjusted. She did me a huge favour since I was leaving on May 14th and I saw her on May 9th, I was going to be away for a few months and she managed to get this all done within 48 hours.
I found out I didn’t have a heel spur but a tear in my fascia and appreciated deep in the fascia. I was missed diagnosed by Dr. Bochi,
this doctor is nothing more than money grabbing business. Long wait in the office. Uncomfortable expensive Orthotics. Also I called his office to get a tax receipt and I never got it.
26 May 2019 10:55
I waited 1 hour and 15 minutes in the doctor room bare foot waiting for him. After 1 hour and 30 minutes i just left. Thank god i didnt have to pay.
04 May 2019 1:55
Worst service ever the woman at the front desk was extremely rude. They wanted to charge me to pick-up my orthodics which was suppose to be included in the price, that they also never told me were ready 2 years prior. I asked repeatedly that if I was to be charged for something that I already payed over 500$ I do not want an appointment and she could never give me straight answer. Absolutely ridiculous and overpriced.
16 April 2019 6:13
I just called regarding my 6: 15pm appointment (it's currently 14: 30pm). The receptionist rudely told me to reschedule because there is no professional on site today.

I told her I was never notified & she just changed the subject by suggesting another time & day. I asked her if it was normal for them not to notify people of a cancellation and she replied "we confirm the appointments only". Luckily for them I already paid for my product and I need to pick it up anyway.

This is very unprofessional, I have never seen this before.

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