24 August 2023 9:51
Ma fille qui n’est pas canadienne est suivie régulièrement par un medecin de famille. Très bon service. Merci
15 July 2023 22:19
The best CLSC in the city. I have no family doctor, however my file here. Walked in, waited only a few minutes. Teaching CLSC linked to Mc Gill University Medical Department. Dr Cartlin was amazing. I was concerned and he asked me to get tests done. The staff are friendly bilingual. As a native English speaking Montreal, happy to have service in English, ensuring full understand.
So happy Dr Reed registered me hear.
Thanks to an awesome team. I am greatful.
10 January 2023 0:04
I booked a blood test prescribed by my doctor; I had the option of booking either by phone or on the clicsante website.
Although they ran a few minutes late (compared to my appointment time), the staff was super kind and the nurses worked gently and efficiently. Thank you for that.
12 December 2022 0:11
Do you clean anything, like ever? Three times now I’ve gone in there for some administrative duty or vaccine, and I catch a cold or some infection. You staff also can’t seem to run the numbering system without skipping a few and letting people cut the line any time they want. Felt fantastic having to sit there for an hour because you couldn’t be bothered to stop chatting with your coworkers and check the room until I decided to do like everybody else and badger in. It’s such a pain to renew the health card. Ridiculous.
07 March 2021 7:22
Une vraie usine: production, vitesse, informatique, numéro. Centre-ville et ses maladies de ville.
21 February 2021 15:53
I took a blood test here, it was quick without appointment, the nurses were very efficient and kind
10 December 2020 23:11
They are really bad at communication and information. I had to do the blood test and I called a day before to make because of covid clinic does not apply new regulations and I asked them twice do I need to make an appointment and they told me NO.
I got off at work the next day and in clinic they ask me if I took any appointment? I explained that I called and your colleague told me I don’t any
First they try to prove me that I call a wrong number which she was wrong and then she accept that the clinic was not sync with the operators. I don’t know if it is lack of leadership or responsibility but in both case I don’t really recommend the clinic to anyone.
08 November 2020 5:26
I called one of Iranian social worker (mrs. R. B.) of clsc three times in 2016 and 2017 and left message and asked her to call me back because of an emergency situation for my 10.month kid, but she did not call. I'm wondering why when we pay tax, some social workers dont like to answer and communicate with Men!
24 October 2020 3:51
CLSC Metro clinic discriminates Asian patient

I am an Asian patient, I experienced discrimination at CLSC metro clinic located at 1801 Boulevard de Maisonneuve O, Montréal, QC H3H 1J9.

When I finished on the 3rd floor and was about to take elevator to descent, a white lady was waiting too. By regulation, 2 persons could take 1 evaluator. But the guard came over to hold the elevator and said to me, “1 person. ” When elevator opened, there was another person already, so the guard let the white lady in and I did not go. I asked him, he said, only 2 persons each time. There were 3 other white patients after me who were very close to each other no social distance at all, they claimed to take 1 elevator together. The elevator came so I took it, not another person came so I assumed I was the only person so I pressed going down, then the guard shrugged to the 3 white patients, saying something to them, it’s like I did something wrong.

The guard did not correct the patients for social distancing but forbid me to take the elevate with another white patient, and teased me or accused me for what I did correctly. Obvious discrimination against Asian patient. Shame.
24 September 2020 4:58
Nurse Emily is amazing, the best nurse ever, very professional, considerate, truly caring for each patient:)
07 August 2020 14:26
Avoid consulting with psychologist Annabelle Gagné: she's nasty, condescending, inarticulate and mean spirited. You try to explain your feelings and what you've been going through. She just cuts you off and starts screaming at you (no exaggeration). Then, when you tell her you are no longer interested in pursuing the counseling, she hounds you with phone calls at your home (again, no exaggeration).
10 July 2020 1:43
Ayant une prise de sang a faire, j'appelle la réception pour demander si il faut prendre un RDV. On me répond que c'est premier arrivé, premier servi, ce qui est parfait pour moi. On me demande ensuite mon code postal, et m'informe que non il faut que j'aille dans un CLSC proche de chez moi (3 semaines d'attentes minimum). Le ton de la réceptionniste était vraiment condescendant en me disant que «3 semaines est la normalité». Je comprends vraiment la situation actuelle, mais pourquoi proposer du sans rendez-vous et dire non par téléphone après avoir consulter l'adresse? Le professionnalisme laisse vraiment a désirer quand on appelle pour un renseignement et qu'on se fait limite raccrocher au nez de façon expéditive.
14 April 2020 1:22
Je suis arrivé à 9h15, un vendredi, pour des prélèvements. J'ai passé vers 10h15.

C'est propre, mais petit. On est un peu coincée dans la salle d'attente. Il y a de grandes fenêtres ce qui apporte beaucoup de lumière. Il y a une section Zone d'isolement et une autre section pour l'Allaitement.

Le service est très sympathique. Les infirmières sont très organisées. Pour des prélèvements c'est très simple juste à prendre un numéro et attendre avec sa carte d'assurance maladie et son papier du médecin.

Ils ouvrent à 7h30 et ferme à 17h. Ils font des prélèvements toute la journée. Je conseille à tous d'aller à ce CLSC.
10 March 2020 18:17
Best CLSC in Montreal. The doctors and nurses are incredibly professional, understanding and kind. I’ve never had such a comfortable experience at a clinic. Waiting times are to be expected so i don’t know why anyone is complaining.
20 February 2020 16:16
Be there early to be one of the 10 people they will see for walk in. Tried to see a Dr today I couldn't I asked the reception to make an appointment she said no. Wow really? Is this what my taxes go to?
08 December 2019 23:25
Très achalandé et populaire.je suis toujours très bien aidé et traité. Mon médecin de famille y travaille.
12 October 2019 18:20
Conveniently located directly next to Guy-Concordia Métro station. Facilities were clean, service was fast and the staff was friendly. A surprisingly pleasant experience overall.
27 September 2019 4:35
Bring the baby to the vaccine, waited for an hour and a half to get close to lunch time, and the nurse is very rude to treat the baby, just because her lunch break is up.
19 September 2019 5:08
F¥£€ all you cheep assed haters and fiends? These folks do a remarkable job of taking care of some of the undeserving.undesirable people mtl has to throw at them!
And they do with a kind word, a caring thought and a sometimes the amazinglyneeded smile FREE OF CHARGE. ALWAYS so haters, keep ur unkind B. S 2 ur self.
Sincerely WILEY p.s ahhhhh
11 September 2019 8:14
I've been going to CLSC Metro for over 20 years and I love it! I love the test clinic in particular. The doctors have always been amazing and sure the wait is long, but that's expected. Sorry some felt like they didn't get what they were hoping for.
30 August 2019 2:49
I haven't had a bad experience at all at this CLSC. Mind I've never been for emergencies or chronic pain. Just regular scheduled tests. The last time I went things actually moved way faster than before

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