09 November 2023 21:06
Asked for an amaretto sour, the bartender told me they only had 10 different bottles, from which only 3 different kinds of alcohol were used to make cocktails. I thought that they were supposed to have a minimum of bottles to be called a "bar" but apparently not. I took a Cuba Libre because it was the only acceptable choice and was absolutely deceived since it was so diluted that I couldn't taste rhum at all. They were cheap on the coke as well. Later on, my friends asked for 3 shots, to which a different bartender said; you can only take 4 shots because I decided, she said. Then, my friend wanted to leave a custom amount of tip (before taxes) on a 42$ bill for 4 shots of Ciroc, which were overpriced, to which the bartender took back the machine and then proceeded to cancel the transaction and added 15%, he then paid because he didn't want to be kicked out, and the other barman came back and said that it didn't pass so he had to try to pay again. Fortunately, my friend showed him the receipt. Also, the music choice was bad and we could not ask for songs, unless you had bought a bottle.

I would definitely not recommend visiting that club/bar unless you don't drink or you pre drink because there is no cover charge if you arrive before 11 p.m. So you may have fun without having to pay anything.
07 October 2023 13:20
Almost empty on a friday, sucks that you have to pay a 20$ entrance fee and then you get inside and there is nobody. Requested a song, but the dj never played it:/ girl at the bar was super rude and had an attitude. I don't know if its because I am a woman or because I tipped 18% for 3 shooters (that werent even filled to the rim) and not 35% like the machine suggests lol I really don't know why she felt the need to act like this I was super polite with her. The two stars are for the girl at the coats because even tho my friend was super drunk, she was patient and helpful. And the other star is for the security guard inside. He was super helpful.
05 August 2023 18:54
Asked bartender for a vodka cran. Two ingredients, no skill involved. When i went to pay, i selected no tip. He grabbed the machine from me, canceled the transaction, and demanded a tip. He then entered a 21% tip himself so I asked him to reset it. I ended up complying in the moment and provided a 10% tip, but wish I hadn’t. He said that wasn’t a big tip and said that’s how he makes money. That is not my problem. Will never return again. Drink was 80% ice anyway.
04 August 2023 23:33
La sixième étoile est pour le gars qui travail à la porte (l'arabe), il est très professionnel et agréable à regarder. Son collègue le bouncer est également super gentil. L'ambiance était incroyable, vraiment un incontournable, je recommande!
29 June 2023 20:40
No recommend at all! I've never written review for any club before, but this one I feel I need to do it, because I found it the worst club I've been to. It shouldn't be called a club. It's more like a bar to me. It's very small, and it's way too dark with the terrible smoke. I think it's unhealthy to breathe that smoke in. My boyfriend and I stayed for a few mins, then we left. What a waste!
25 June 2023 10:43
Worst nightclub I ever visited, very small in space, expensive drinks, had to pay 25$ entrance which was waste of money. Not worth it, but it they had cheap price private party option only then book it.
17 June 2023 15:06
En règle générale, l’ambiance est toujours là et j’ai toujours eu de belles expériences au Peopl. Par contre, au bouncer qui était la samedi soir dernier, il n’est pas la peine de parler agressivement aux gens qui de base ne s’adressaient même pas à toi…et de les menacer de les faire sortir s’ils osent dire un mot de plus…se faire parler comme des gamins alors que tout le monde est calme, sauf toi…c’est pas génial.faut se calme et respirer par les deux narines parfois…je comprend que ton travail peut être stressant et demandant mais il y a tout de même une façon de s’adresser aux gens…
09 May 2023 0:48
Mean bouncers, expensive cocktails, terrible ambiance with stiff people and terrible music transitions from the dj. Mind you this was a Friday night. Don’t waste your money and night on this terrible club
02 May 2023 17:50
Je peux pas mettre moins mais ça merite pas plus. 20$ pour des zombies debout y'a plus d'ambiance dans la queue.
22 April 2023 11:11
Out of all clubs I’ve been at in Montreal, this is by far the worst. The doormen take themselves way too seriously. Type of men that hit their peak in high school and have nothing better to do then acting tough. Type of men that could put themselves in the wrong situation and get sued because of their wrongful threats thowards someone. Low value men that have no respect. This club is shady and it’s not worth it. Wish I would’ve filmed what happened because if I had footage of what transpired I could sue them. Don’t act tough with people half your size that haven’t done anything wrong. Low value men with no respect. This club is the worst in Montreal by far. If you want to act tough and pick fights with clients that spend money at your club, go back to the hood and act like no life degenerates over there.
18 April 2023 11:15
Club with no Peopl!

Went there on a Good Friday night. Misleading reviews got us to sign up for the guest list. We reached there at 11: 30, there were literally 6 people inside the whole club with DJ playing some remixed pop & reggae sounds. Didn’t feel the beats were any good to get us to even move our one foot for dancing. I asked the guy at entry and he told me the club will get filled at 1: 30 AM. Not sure why people would come here just for an hour, but sure… Almost felt like these 6 people were actually brought in by the club only to show that it isn’t completely empty.

Literally people were coming and then walking out 2 mins after entering it. Drinks were also overpriced!

Not a good experience at all! That too for someone who came all the way from Toronto to check out the Montreal night scene.
28 March 2023 22:12
Bonne musique, bonne ambiance! Variété de drinks et service excellent, j’ai vraiment aimer mon expérience, je retournerais!
16 February 2023 8:55
Visiting Montreal for a few days went out last night to club peopl we did bottle service the bottle service girl Melanie was amazing she made our night super friendly the vibe in the club was fun I would definitely Caine back next time I’m in Montreal
09 February 2023 8:50
You thought that you fell to the bottom, but they knocked from below and dragged you even lower into the club Peopl
14 January 2023 14:58
The worst club I been to. Racial profiling was done and the worst DJ ever. There was no space couldn’t even buy drinks because there was no space. The bouncer charged $30 extra just because I’m not black.
14 January 2023 0:52
Worst club experience I’ve had in my life. Bouncer overcharged us and finessed us. NEVER GO HERE
01 January 2023 12:46
Nous avons fait une réservation il y a un mois à votre club. Une fois arrivée, hier soir, celui qui s’occupe de l’entrée nous a dit de nous mettre dans la file des réservations. Une fois arrivée devant lui, il nous a dit qu’il n’y avait aucune réservation et nous a demandé 40$. Il n’est inscrit à aucun endroit le prix du club. Nous avons essayé de lui expliquer que nous avions nos billets depuis longtemps et le doorman voulait simplement nous sortir de la rangée. Il était bête, aucunement compréhensible et méchant avec nous. Une fois rentré parce qu’après 15 minutes à attendre sous la pluie, ils ont dit nous faire une exception mais nous avions tout de même dû payé le 40$. La réservation était inexistante, le club était vide à 11h et les prix étaient exorbitants. Le personnel était désagréable et notre expérience était horrible, vous avez gâché notre nouvel an. Nous aimerions moi et mes 2 amies ravoir notre argent qui était d’un total de 120$.

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