16 March 2023 6:55
Horrible college, definitely not for international students, my whole life is ruined because of you guys and I will never recover.
25 February 2023 0:15
J'écris cette critique afin d'aviser les gens de ne pas faire la même erreur que moi

Je ne sais pas par ou commencer. J'étais vraiment excité à l'idée d'avoir un programme spécialisé en jeux vidéo et ce sans avoir besoin de pré requis autre qu'un secondaire 5. Tout d'abord, plus de la moitié des professeurs sont incompétents, annulent des cours à la dernière minute, on reçoit nos notes 1 semaine avant la fin de la session et le niveau de connaissances et d'apprentissage qu'on reçoit n'est pas à la hauteur des standards requis dans l'industrie. Les plans de cours ne sont jamais suivis par les enseignants et à partir de la 3e session pratiquement rien de nouveau ne nous a été appris, nous n'avions que des professeurs pour nous superviser. Certains des professeurs engagés sont des élèves qui viennent tout juste de finir leur programme et qui sont engagés afin d'enseigner ce même programme à d'autres élèves la session suivante alors qu'ils n'ont aucune expérience dans l'industrie. La communication avec l'école est catastrophique, on fait la demande d'une license ou bien de logiciels supposés être inclus dans le programme et cela nous a pris 4 a 6 mois avant de recevoir ceux-ci. Même après avoir obtenu ces logiciels, ceux-ci posaient des problèmes de serveurs qui nous forçaient à faire d'autres demandes à l'école qui prenait encore une fois beaucoup de temps pour nous répondre. Aucune aide concernant des activités extrascolaires comme des visites de studios et des évènements concernant l'industrie n'a été apporté. Nous étions supposé, à la fin de notre dernière session, avoir a présenter nos projets finaux devant un jury constitué d'experts de l'industrie et d'enseignants. Cela devait avoir lieu le 12 décembre, puis a été reporté au 20 janvier, tout était prêt, mais à cause de l'incompétence de l'administration une erreur a fait en sorte que cela a été annulé 3 jours avant la date et reporté au 17 février. 1 semaine avant le 17 février, l'évènement a été annulé pour de bon. Je rappelle que c'était inscrit comme étant l'étape finale de notre programme la partie où tout se jouerait pour nous quant à notre avenir dans ce domaine. Le collège Lasalle se trouvait toujours des excuses: problèmes de logistiques, de budget, de local etc. Nous n'avons reçu aucune aide pour se placer dans l'industrie que ce soit pour un stage ou un emploi en tant que junior. Le collège Lasalle voit les gens qui fréquente l'établissement beaucoup plus comme des clients que comme des élèves. Aucun des élève ayant complété leur diplôme de notre cohorte n'a obtenu le moindre emploi ou stage et ce en 3 mois.
20 September 2022 22:48
I would like to start off by saying if you’re a local student who wants to do a computer science course try getting in the public sector first, this should be the last resort to doing this program.

4/10 teachers here actually care about the students and will go out of their way to actually make sure you understand the material, the other half forget it.

Administration doesn’t exist they only exist until you pay your fees and then after that forget it it’s hide and seek with them.

We were taught some useful things and also things that were outdated when I went to interviews some of the people were shocked that this is still in the curriculum.

The only good thing about this school is it’s kept clean and secure.

By the way they won’t give you Microsoft programs when you need it for some of your courses, they will tell you buy it after paying the hefty school fees!
18 September 2022 4:04
I would never ever recommended this college to anyone. There are a lot of reasons I say so but don't know where to start. First of all, I want to say there are just doing business meaning that they just care about the money that coming in and everything else about study or teacher they don't care.
There are some good things about the college like cleanliness, brand new computer etc but they can't outweigh the bad side of college. I have studied in Computer Science DEC program and delt with many teacher. Some of them are really nice with students and always there for the help. At the same time, there are teacher who don't even know what to teach, how to teach in there class and the same are in the college for god knows how long. Sometime I felt like I have wasted whole day listening to there lecture and got nothing in the mind. You can't even complain about teacher because it's unionized. Even if you do complain they will just say they are working on it and that's it, that is what you gonna get all the time.
There has been may instances when I need some paper or help from administration staff. I can't even say one time they helped me right away. They always do late replies sometimes weeks and by then you get their reply you have already solved your problem that you were dealing with. I have spend three years in this college and by the the end of last year I lost all the hopes that this college will ever help or do some better job in providing service to their students.
Moreover, the local students also says that we international students are getting the worst experience of college life at LaSalle. As they have attended other colleges in Montreal so they know the difference. Still I think it's a lot better from other private colleges in Montreal but can't recommend to anyone to get admission in this college.
The only good thing this college gave me is my friends and some teachers that I can never forget. (adding one star only for them)
14 September 2022 21:12
Ne touchez pas à cet établissement. Ferme les programmes sans préavis aux étudiants inscrits. On se ramasse devant rien.
Juste bon à prendre votre argent.
28 August 2022 21:39
Pire pire pire cégep que j’ai jamais vu de ma vie. Et en lisant les commentaires je me rend compte que je ne suis pas le seul à penser cela. C’est incroyable de voir autant de mauvaise expérience, et que ça change toujours pas. Je comprend comment c’est autant chère pour un service qui est du n’importe quoi. Sérieusement c’est du vol d’argent, ceux qui lisent on devrait tous s’unir pour faire une grande plainte parce que c’est pas normal.
25 August 2022 20:57
Hmm, seems like the rating of the College has drastically changed from 4+ to 3.2 and As a future international student i think i would reconsider to take a admission as people complaint about TEACHERS AND STUDENT ADMINISTRATOR being unresponsive and uncomplying for the past few years and seen no changes taken into account even after we pay good amount of money for a private college. The infrastructure and courses seems nice but people also complaint about not having software and enough devices for students that wasn't expected tbh.i will wait few more months if review doesn't change this college ain't for me and so does our money ain't for u guys. (plz work on the teachers according to students they are speaking in french when we are english speaking students, some say they are intructors not teacher so u guys know better what to do than me and try to make administration and international students administration better.heard late response in email, no calls pick-up and even unresponsiveon admission letter, duh people pay for that sh! T atleast be responsive to that xD) all the bad reviews got 17+ HELPFUL rating. I think all international students will watch my review and looking for you guys response on this, let's see how you guys will work on this. Hope you guys can make it better again. Also i encourage current international students studying there to update us with your experience and review, i think we need it more than ever right now, thanks in advance.
10 August 2022 19:24
Admissions answered my questions very patiently and provided me with useful information. Thanks a lot.
16 July 2022 2:20
Pire expérience en terme de communication avec un collège, les informations diffère d’une personne à une autre de plus responsable au admission un peu ‘’ hautain ‘’ …
L’accueil que l’on m’offre est de me demandez d’entrée de jeux quelle est mon niveaux de scolarité …
La personne a été d’une froideur assez glaciale…

Plusieurs critère d’admissibilité pour être admis à un programme via leur site web, mais une fois sur place il ne sont pas d’aide du tout en regardant encore sur leur site je vois que je pourrais être admis mais ce n’est pas ce que la personne que j’ai rencontrer m’a dit! Vraiment très déçu de se college!
11 July 2022 7:25
***mise a jour de ma critique***
******Je suis sans mot! Une employée du collège m'a appelé pour me dire, de façon sèche et quasiment bête que mon programme est annulé faute d'inscriptions D'après moi, les astres se sont alignés pour que je n'ai pas à étudier là-bas. C'est un signe! Un service aux étudiants pourri avec des employés qui se fichent de vous dire que votre beau projet d'études tombe à l'eau. Ah! Et en plus, je ne serai même pas remboursé dans la totalité! Même si j'ai signé un contrat, je vais me permettre d'appeler lundi à l'office de la protection du consommateur, juste voir s'ils ont le droit de faire ça. Parce que à quelques part, c'est pas de ma faute s'ils n'ont pas tous eu leurs étudiants pour débuter la session ******
C'est du gros n'importe quoi! Je me suis inscrite, toute contente de mon choix de programme à ce collège. Depuis ma confirmation d'inscription, je n'ai que des déceptions. Je n'ai JAMAIS de retour d'appels des gens qui y travaillent à savoir comment recevoir mon materiel, le déroulement des études en ligne, bref, m'écouter et m'aider en tant que future étudiante. ça part bin mal! Je laisse des messages, de nombreux messages a n'importe qui du personnel et je n'ai pas plus de nouvelles. On me dit finalement, va sur Mio c'est la meilleure place pour parler aux gens. J'attends depuis plusieurs jours le message de mon API, qui semble être absente, ou qui ne prend pas ses messages. Quand vous appelez au zéro, comme ailleurs dans tout autre endroit, habituellement, c'est le service à la clientèle.et bien devinez quoi? Au collège Lasalle c'est une belle boite vocale qui se met en marche dès la composition du zéro et on te dit que personne n'est disponible pour te répondre. Si j'avais pu, j'aurais mis un zéro (et non une étoile) je compte bien faire une plainte dès demain
27 June 2022 18:22
I have never seen a college with communications this poor. The very first class I attended at this college, the teacher was new, they didn't know that the classroom didn't have computers, they didn't know what program that the students are taking, worse of all, THEY DIDN'T KNOW THAT THE CLASS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN ENGLISH.
Next, we had problems getting our licenses for the software that we were going to use. The school didn't mention to the profs that we need to buy it ourselves. Which if I'm paying $4000 per semester, the licenses really should be provided.
Teachers now. There are some really good ones, and there are ones that are SO bad that I don't know why they're teaching. I'm not going to name anyone but this teacher that I had stresses me out. If I miss something and I ask "can you repeat that", he starts making a big scene "what are you doing? Why are you behind? ", how are you supposed to learn when you are afraid to ask questions? After I swapped to an online program, some teachers are impossible to reach (they don't respond for weeks), and when they do corrections, you don't know what you did wrong at all. Again how are you supposed to learn when you don't know what you're doing wrong?
After the first semester, I really enjoyed a particular class, so much so that I wanted to specialize in it. I went to the admission office, talked to someone about switching programs and they said no problem, it is done. Fast forward a few months, I asked "why am I still in this program when I asked to change", the student coordinator told me that they don't see any indication of me requesting a program change.
That completely messed me up and made me miss 3 weeks of class. Unfortunately it is happening YET AGAIN because of my uncertainty with the program that I swapped to. Hence why I requested an admission advisor. But I get no replies from them whatsoever. I call them numerous times and nobody is ever there to pick up. WHY? I am running out of time and my classes literally start next week. Where is my help? Where's the communication that I needed?
10 June 2022 19:11
Completely horrible experience. I’ve never talked with such an arrogant and rude human being. It surprised me how stupid, insensitive and condescending an admission officer can be. I can’t imagine what kind of institution hires admission clerks like this, so I figured I’d better stay away from this school
09 June 2022 18:40
Une énorme déception. Des enseignants décevants. Une poignée de compétent seulement. Vraiment pas digne de la hauteur des frais de scolarité! Une rentrée désorganisée et à n’importe quel moment tant vous payez. Un système de comptabilité astronomique et tout aussi désorganisé. JAMAIS JAMAIS personne en resource d’aide mais très rapide pour vous envoyez en recouvrement pour un solde qui ne m’a jamais été expliqué malgré des messages sur boites vocales et des demandes de retour par courriel. Je suis parent d’enfant qui a fréquenté ce collège. Ma fille en rêvait. Maintenant, c’est un vrai cauchemar. Collège LaSalle PLUS JAMAIS. Je me demande comment vous avez fait pour avoir cette notoriété.
04 June 2022 15:49
Pire établissement scolaire dans lequel j'ai malheureusement pu étudier, malgré un décennie d'étude post-secondaire et plusieurs diplômes à mon actif. Une seule des professeurs était compétente et pro-active, le ridicule du niveau d'enseignement des deux autres est à peine descriptible en mots. Niveau de français de certains professeurs équivalent à celui d'un adolescent de 14 ans, ne semblent même pas posséder de diplôme réel après rapide enquête. Modules en ligne enregistrés, semblent piratés ou ne pas posséder la licence. En conclusion, une vraie honte pour le système d'éducation québécois.
25 May 2022 0:17
Finalement c’était juste un problème de communication. Un grand merci à Nadia qui a été très efficace.
20 May 2022 9:32
I’m so glad with the school. I have never felt alone in the all adaptation process. The school has very good teaching quality and great installations.
05 May 2022 8:10
Tellement une mauvaise expérience… Des profs qui ne font pas leur emploi en 3 mois et demi 6 cours différents sa donne a peu prêt une 40 taine de travaux remit aucun a été corriger. Même les examens ont à reçu aucune correction. C'est un cours comme Programmeur analyste ça te donne zéro document pour travailler ou au pire de livre à acheter.a la limite tu va recevoir un pdf de 3-4 page tout croche. La CLASSE a faite une plainte pis la direction c'est planté en envoyant la plainte directement au prof. Sont la pour votre argent that sit! J'en ai faite des mauvais choix dans ma vie. Mais Lasalle vient de se placer en première position
03 May 2022 4:39
Vraiment très déçu. Grand manque de communication entre les professeurs et les conseillers. Service plutôt exécrable et nonchalant. Je recommande à tout ceux désirant faire un AEC de chercher ailleurs. Prix beaucoup trop élevés pour la qualité du collège.
30 April 2022 4:27
La qualité de l"enseignement en design graphique, les professeurs et la formation en ligne sont super! Le cheminement d'apprentissage est tangible dès les premiers mois d'apprentissage, voir semaines.
21 March 2022 23:23
It was an alright experience but definitely not worth the price given the software and teaching that was given to us. Get ready to dish out $$$$$ and put yourself in debt for below average teachers.
04 March 2022 9:03
J’aime beaucoup mon expérience au Collège LaSalle. J'aime que le collège soit situé au centre-ville de Montréal – j’adore la diversité des étudiants et faire partie d’un environnement multi culturel. Les profs sont super et tout le monde s’entraide. Mon expérience est positive et je suis heureuse d'avoir fait le choix de cette école.
26 February 2022 7:16
This institution needs to be shutdown!
They DON’T care abt your education ONLY abt money!
27 December 2021 13:16
Plus de 3 semaine que nous essayons de rejoindre par téléphone le collège sans aucun appele en retour. Malgré les nombreux messages laissés. Le service a la clientèle est mauvaise de plus, les cours sont chers et décevant. Ils ne valent pas le prix.
28 November 2021 6:56
Loved the interview I did with Vanessa Haynes. It made me so much more interested in my program of choice!
07 November 2021 12:47
Very Professional tour. Great Campus. Everything was very well explained. Definitely, my son wants to study here.
11 October 2021 8:40
Bad network bad omnivox bad student service !Boo!
Really unhelpful student and no enthusiastic. School teach hospitality but they do not have any hospitality at all!
07 September 2021 7:40
Hi Sir/Mam, I'm Shubham Agrawal from India. I have applied for the course Hotel Management Technique for Winter 2022 intake. I have paid my deposit of 200$ CAD. So when can i get my official Letter of Acceptance so as to complete the further process. Thank you so much for your time. I'm really very excited and so looking forward to study there!
01 September 2021 14:07
Jim called me for some further discussion on my registration process. She was knowledgeable and nice. She had a patient to explain each and every details. Nice talking to her
24 August 2021 0:48
The Admissions Team from La Salle College Vancouver was VERY helpful! They cleared out all of my doubts, explained everything without worrying about time, we went through all of the details of studying in LaSalle as a foreign student and thanks to them I have all the tools I need to make my decision! Thank you.
02 June 2021 16:23
Compliqué d'être étudiant étranger dans cette école. Au prix que cela coûte, on s'attend à des services de qualité en terme d'accueil, d'orientation et de soutien aux élèves. Les responsables de formation ne viennent pas se présenter de manière officielle à leurs élèves. La communication avec ces personnes est compliquée, par courriel, les réponses sont vagues. Puis lorsque que je me suis déplacée voir la secrétaire, elle semblait agacée du fait que je ne sois pas au courant du fonctionnement de certaines démarches propre à l'école, contradictoire dans ces explications, a même jeté à la poubelle le document que je lui tendait.
La personne au libre service d'imprimerie m'a demandé 1 dollar pour imprimer 2 feuilles, la semaine d'après 5 dollars pour ces mêmes feuilles, les semaines suivantes ce sera combien? Pareil pour les livres obligatoires, un budget d'environ 300 dollars, ce serait utile de le préciser avant la rentrée.
Gros point positif cependant: des professeurs géniaux, à l'écoute et avec beaucoup de pédagogie positive.
31 March 2021 4:44
I had a terrible experience with the admissions department. I had to send all of the required documents several times, write many emails and, yet, I received no reply from the admission advisor. Because of the delay in their response, I missed the date when classes started and could not start my studies in the winter semester. In the end, I gave up on going to this school altogether. Overall, this has been a truly frustrating and disappointing experience.
27 March 2021 18:51
They are holding my refund and not processing to my account and now they stopped replying to my emails. As the are hiding something. Really desperate to get my hard earned money.never never try to get in this college. Very bad service.
16 March 2021 15:05
My experience was very good as fully understood what was being said also the tips and information was very helpful and interesting
15 March 2021 14:27
Most teachers here are friendly, only a few of them are not good. But, remember this is a private school, or I should say it's a BUSINESS. The admission and coordinators are very rude, disrespect, racism and proud. Again, if you have another choice, just go there.
14 February 2021 7:09
Very bad experience with them I don’t recommend it any more for any one they try to take money only with out any services
21 January 2021 5:06
Le pire collège sans doute de la ville. Ils ne m'ont pas ouvert mon dossier pour leur faute et mon chargé une fortune pour fermer mon dossier. This is not a serious School, do not lose your money with them, They do not complete a file and charge you to close the file
04 January 2021 0:12
This is by far the most unprofessional and disorganized institutions I have ever encountered. Dealing with them has been an absolute nightmare. I regret ever considering them. The school is a scam.
03 December 2020 15:45
Vanesa Haynes did a great job explaining me the different programs that you have at La Salle. She is very kind. Thank you
12 November 2020 5:34
Mes critiques concernent directement le service administratif (admission, financier, etc.). Pas professionnel du tout, ne répondent ni aux messages téléphoniques ni aux courriels envoyés. Je les ai relancé à plusieurs reprises pour des questionnements importants. Aucune considération pour les étudiants, par contre quand il s'agit de régler la facture, là ils savent vous trouver. Pathétique, une honte cette école!
01 November 2020 6:19
One big mess, no one answer the phone, i tried different times over a week. No one answer emails, sent 5 on different days, over 2 weeks ago. No answers in the website or in person, the program should start in a week, no one knows when and where the classes will take place! They only promise to tell all that once you paid and sign.feels like a scam to me: bunch of non professionals play in a college.so sad.
28 October 2020 5:17
I have noticed the reviews here are a bit contradictory, half says it is great and the other half says it is terrible.

I have started the application process as an international student and will be updating this post with my experience.
Extremely unresponsive. Advisor never replies appropriately to my questions and asks very irrelevant questions.

I have been applying since the beginning of July. Advisor was a little responsive in the beginning but now he has stopped replying completely.

My application is still ongoing and I have made every step they asked me to and I have never went through such an experience with any other university/college.

I’ll keep updating about my experience here even if my application is finalized or withdrawn.


I have been trying to apply since July. Advisor stopped replying. I probably should have took people’s advice and not apply there. My advisor’s name is Aziz Kasbaoui in the admissions office. I have been waiting for a reply for more than a month now.
09 October 2020 7:50
Being here was the best student experience that I had! I'm Mexican, my school gave me an scholarship to study English in this place and truth is that I'm still in love of Canada in specific this school because I met so special people to me and the facilities of College LaSalle are amazing
06 October 2020 17:13
Ecoutez-vous commencer a me faire peur! Je suis une futur etudiante pour la session septembre 2020, J ai eu quelque petit démêler au début de l inscription qui ont été régler cette été par un directeur adjoint tout simplement a son affaire et très ouvert et a l écoute et surtout pour régler la problématique et passer a l action pour la satisfaction de étudiant.j ai rien a dire un vrai professionnelle! Par conte j en suis a un autre problème aide financière est accepter depuis longtemps et hier ont me dit que le collège la salle a suspendu mes bourse j essaye de entrer en contact avec la personne responsable et envoie un courriel et pas de retour je ne sais pas la suite mais.si se serait juste pour l argent il m aurait pas suspendu mes bourses il y a plus de commentaire négatif que positif ici es ce que quels q un peux me rassurer ici merci
21 September 2020 23:44
I can say that if you even think to come here and study. Studying or learning things from this college is absolutely terrible, I do not assume all professors. Some of them are good, but mostly.you know!

My friend tried to contacted her coordinator even advisor in order to figure it out two not to have two extra semester even last semester she had a conversation with them and to re-arrange her schedule for her to catch up her graduate, but the answer of the current coordinators and advisors is "NO, NO, NO, and NO".

In addition, I had had experienced it myself, but luckily I graduated in my country as a Software Engineer.i have done some equivalences for some courses in order to catch up my graduate.
14 August 2020 1:26
Do not come to this school, they only care about your money. They will purposely make sure you can't pass your test so they can charge you for an extra year or years of tuition.
02 July 2020 2:36
Good college with good facility of communication with the agents and the agents really help to answet your questions. I have only communicated with this college from the website of this college and really helpful but some questions were not answered by the agents because they were not sure. Otherwise, you can have a good communication with this college through live chat internationally and ask your questions.
16 October 2019 2:03
If you are planning to go for LaSalle College then I would recommend you not to go there you will be in trouble specially if you are from india! Hats off to their management.i paid registration fees and got LOA and after that they increased the IELTS requirement saying i need to enroll in their English language programme either repeat IELTS! Now they aren’t ready to return my registration fees! They are just in business woth the in international students if you want a got future then you should choose other colleges in Montréal. Would never ever recommend this institution to anyone
14 October 2019 22:45
If you would like to have a quality experience in a clean and well kept environment, LaSalle College wins the award for best managed institution.

The cost of attending LaSalle is worth every dollar;
The building is spacious and spotless. The bathrooms are always clean and stocked. The classrooms are well aerated without ever being over capacity in numbers of attendance. The students are all well kept and presentable, some even are exceptionally stylish. Nobody at Lasalle college comes in wearing the same old sweatpants and dirty hair in a bun for a week.like most other colleges I’ve noticed this to be a common thing and it can be repelling. Who wants to wake up and shower and put in the effort to make it to class only to sit in a room with 40 other students who came in their pyjamas and possibly haven’t brushed their teeth? Unfortunately that is the case in most public or lower end colleges and even some universities, which is a pity and ultimately a turn off from the desire to remain committed and show up every day.

The professors at LaSalle College are passionate about their courses. They visibly enjoy discussing the subject of each course. They truly wish to engage and connect with the student body. Unlike other colleges where professors may feel neglected by their students which in turn makes their job dreadful instead of joyful and subsequently they lose interest in giving their best discourse, which is unfortunate.leaving everyone disappointed.

LaSalle College is evidently managed by a team of exceptional coordinators who clearly take into account every aspect of the student body’s experience as well as choosing educators who are not only specialized in their subjects but have a stand out quality about the way they teach, how their programs are organized in proper sequence and most importantly their apparent knowledge that teaching isn’t simply giving a discourse to a small audience — Teaching is an art in itself, it goes without saying that LaSalle College makes the effort to discern and hire professors with real talent.

This is in turn, is the ultimate highlight of LaSalle College. The experience is meant to be inviting and exciting, the notion is that learning should be fun.
It’s impressive to know and feel that the investment students make in their education is rewarded in more ways than one. Thank you to everyone who goes the extra mile to keep the establishment running at top performance, assuring LaSalle’s students feel they are supported and encouraged to achieve their goals.
07 October 2019 4:57
Well i am trying to contact admission and fee authorities of this institute and not able to have any response.can anyone suggest me any email address to which the institute may responde? If possible provide me email address of Kokila Kundu.
02 September 2019 2:20
Cette école ce n'est rien d'autres que faire de l'argent pour eux. Les formations ne sont pas du tout approprié.

Un collège qui manque de professionnalisme, de ponctualité et j'en passe. J'ai payé 8 000$ (beaucoup trop cher) la formation en ligne de design intérieur et je n'ai aucunement eu l'apprentissage pour pratiquer le métier. Les profs ne respectent pas leur délais ni leur plan de cours (ex: Ne réponde pas au questions, remettre les travaux en retard, ce qui nous retarde et nuit au prochain devoir.) Lorsqu'on a un problème et que l'on s'adresse aux personne sois dit en passant en charge du programme, on nous répond des choses inacceptable et nous n'avons aucun support.
28 August 2019 12:12
The day i entered the college i felt positive vibes.and what to say about Mrs. Kokila ma’am. She was so helpful throughout the process in canada. Overall it's a good experience till yet in college.she is purely good enough for international students. As well as always takes stand for students.
17 August 2019 18:04
The College is most popular for its Education and Reputation since 50 Years
You would love the International environment surrounds you
If you really want to study then you’re most welcome
Especially, Sandeep who works in Admission department is so co-operative.
Overall, it’s so sophisticated and powerful connection of LCI Education in 5 continent with 23 Campuses.
14 August 2019 2:39
My visa was refused by embassy in the mid of January. However applied for refund on 23 January 2019 but got refund in the end of May. Waited for such a long time. I was scared that college will refund my money or not. Moreover, that money was issued by bank as a loan and rate of interest of each month was approx 7000. Faced big loss due to lasalle college. Don't take admission in such colleges. Mailed regularly on the official email ID of college.such a cheap college of Canada. Mr Saini was helpful for me because I always get update from him. He was mediator due to which he can't do nothing. Many students like me were waiting for refund but administration of college was sleeping. I will suggest don't take admission in the cheap college lasalle (QUEBEC)
14 August 2019 2:37
College provide good student service especially Kokila who gives the proper advice and solutions for any problem regarding study and work and faculties are also teaching very well.
06 August 2019 20:47
A horrible institution. The teachers are a joke. They often cannot spell or pronounce words properly, and barely understand the material they are teaching. Worse is the administration, good luck getting a call back if you are having issues with one of your classes. I waited three weeks after multiple unanswered MIO messages and voicemails before I barged into the admins office to get answers. No one can or will give you advise. The teachers will pawn it off to the admin and the admin will tell you to speak to your teachers. The whole place is a bureaucratic zoo of ineptitude. Avoid it like the plague.
06 August 2019 10:50
Lasalle college provides excellent service to their student.
Especially, Kokila Mam who is international advisor. She helps student by regarding their queries, always ready to response as well as kind hearted person.
04 August 2019 15:48
Have been here for the last 5 months and the experience has been amazing! Teachers are great but there are a few exceptions.
The management is also friendly and helpful at most instances, the library is also good and the courses offered are well structured.
Would have given a 5 star but there are always areas where a place can improve.

PS. To the people posting stuff like "I didn't get offer letter" in the reviews, how about you email the authorities?
Won't it be better and more efficient instead of ruining the college ratings and providing irrelevant reviews?
17 July 2019 22:27
Une très bonne école. Les programmes sont très riches, très spécifiés. Cela plus particulièrement dans le domaine de la Mode dont j’ai eu la chance de faire partie. Là, les enseignants nous montrent les bases et n’hésitent surtout pas de nous aider en cas de besoin. On nous fait savoir que l’erreur est humaine et que l’on peut toujours se reprendre. Les programmes sont chargés mais complets. Nous pouvons y retrouver tout ce dont on a besoin pour notre carrière.
15 July 2019 3:47

She is very helpful advisor for students, she is always answerable for any queries related study and laws regulations for international students at Canada
12 July 2019 23:05
I am a student of this college and I just love m college. All my teachers and the staff of my college are just amazing, helpful and great people. They do listen to the problems of the students and always tries to do the best for us. Kokila ma'am from the administrative department and my course coordinator Valerie Masson helped me a lot me a lot in resolving my issues regarding the misguidance of my previous course. Thank you Lasalle College for your support.
12 July 2019 7:58
I am trying to make inquiry for my cousin in Africa who will like to come and do Business Management. The advisor for Africa Aziz is never around, he has his own work hours that are not posted online, he does not answer his phone and he does not return calls even when you leave him a voice mail. The admissions office is a disaster and the front line secretaries are very rude. Can someone tell me the best way to reach Aziz. I work 9-5pm on week days.
06 July 2019 2:15
When you are an international student in a Country like Canada, you are probably planning on immigrating. Being an international student is a very vulnerable status in Canada. You expect your college to have your back somehow specially when you are paying a lot of money. At La Salle College Montreal you will find very nice people scattered around, including some amazing teachers. Unfortunately the policies of the college are something totally different. All they care about is the money. They are not after your best interests, they are after your money. To them you are not a person but a third world idiot who needs to be milked no matter what. They will charge you even for breathing their precious air. And if you'll ever want to move to a different college because you are not happy with them then they are going to charge you 1300 dollars penalty, if you'll ever want to change to a different program because something changed, they are going to make it so hard for you and they are going to deny you all the studies you've already done. They are going to make it so difficult for you that you're going to make you feel hopeless, kind of a little hell. They are going to make you sign a contract yearly and make pay each time for the contract. They are going to milk every cent you have because believe me, to them we are nothing but giant walking pockets that need to be squeezed and emptied no matter what.
21 June 2019 9:27
J'apprécie le respect du corps enseignant.l'entretien du collège est exceptionnel et les dames qui font ce travail sont particulièrement sympathiques.
08 June 2019 6:04
Loved my experience at Lasalle College! The experience is for the eager student, wanting to learn all there is about life and the possibilities of the professional world. I believe that any student making the life decision to study at Lasalle College has ultimately made the right decision.
07 June 2019 4:58
Service is Absolut fantastic, people at the administration are very helpful and always with smile! Le service absolument fantastique, c'est un collège incontournable
06 June 2019 16:38
Quand tu appel pour annuler ton abonnement, ils te disent que c'est beau. 2 ans apres, un agence de recouvrement te contact pour te dire que tu doit 800$. Quand tu appel tu parlent avec des beaux cornet qui te disent que l'annulation a pas été fait.
02 June 2019 21:49
Bias and Discrimination towards foreign student. Unprofessional teacher. Careless about student and useless to complaint. Will never recommend any one to join this college.
29 May 2019 3:29
Amazing program/teachers, better than any other school I've attended. Mediocre administration, admission office is a nightmare, be prepared for slow responses. Good and clean facilities
10 May 2019 1:06
Si vous avez besoin des services adaptés lors de vos études au Collège LaSalle, bonne chance. La personne qui s'occupe du service est exceptionnelle et prépare des plans d'intervention extrêmement pertinents tout en offrant un accueil chaleureux et empathique. Quand vient le temps, par contre, de faire appliquer les mesures par les enseignantes et les enseignants dans les cours pour assurer l'accessibilité, ce n'est pas fait ou si peu que ça ne vaut même pas la peine d'en parler.
En réponse à la réponse du collège: j'ai parlé de mon expérience à plusieurs reprises avec les services adaptées et la direction de mon programme. J'ai même demandé à ce qu'une de mes lettres soit envoyée à la direction du collège. Dans tous les cas, sans résultats positifs.
14 April 2019 16:08
Its been a more than three week, i had sent my offer letter to your college including my transcript, but i don't receive a reply yet. Can someone tell me how many days it will take to send a letter of acceptance.

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