09 September 2022 1:58
Besoin de prendre conscience des besoins urgent de famille surtout quand il y a enfant. Beaucoup de paperasse aucune flexibilité arrangements pour documents manquant même ayant les revenus.
11 April 2022 1:48
Non Mais QUELLE professionalisme Hors pair wowwwwwwwwwww. JAI même pas reçu mon second jugement et Maître Fleurimond Epée ne cesse de m'épater. Il est Humble et est un vrai de vrai Professionnelle. Il ne prend pas son travail à la légère et ne fait aucun travail à moitié. Il s'y donne à 100%
Un Humble et Bon avocat.
10 November 2020 2:33
Depuis déjà plus de 2 ans que je fréquente l'établissement; le programme d'administration financière à été et demeure toujours un outil de prévention géniale pour moi! Felicia à l'accueil est extraordinaire! Merci à toute l'équipe d'être là! On a besoin de vous!
22 August 2020 0:14
The first lawyer I had here was great, really efficient. Unfortunately when I had to come back for another case the new lawyer (Me Lafreniere) I was assigned was not efficient with follow-through and also extremely forgetful, with the last time having more than 2 months pass before sending me an email actually saying she had forgotten about me and asking if I still wanted her help. Considering my situation has still never been resolved and I had been waiting for her reply all that time, this was an unexpected and upsetting followup on her end for me. I reached out to legal aid about getting a new lawyer, but they told me they can't do that since they are a 'team'. I don't know what that means or why it is relevant to my experience but they said since I breached confidentiality by reporting Me Lafreniere's forgetfulness of me that I now had to find my own lawyer elsewhere on mandate through them. I have already been waiting over a year for the same issue that has gone unresolved and my having to reach out many times to remind her I needed help and nothing ever came of it, after waiting weeks+ each time. The very last time I gave her time to to reply (worried I was being annoying for calling back after weeks of no contact from her about my situation and not wanting to be pushy at all, even though it had now been several months with no step towards resolution at all) she literally forgot about me after more than 2 months of my waiting for her and wrote me an email saying she forgot about me. I'm so disappointed and it feels like I'm the one being punished by the 'team' for calling them to request a new lawyer because of it, even though I told them there are no hard feelings on my end (although I was internally upset, I just wanted to keep it peaceful), saying I'm sure she is a nice person, but as a lawyer I need someone that makes me feel they care about my case and won't forget to help me. This whole situation has already been personally stressful for me so having this happen with the one place that is supposed to help is not a good feeling, leaving me to go through more effort now to find a replacement that accepts mandate and start the whole process over. The receptionist was very dismissive on the phone saying I needed to call barreau de montreal. Also relevant to this review, one of the receptionists (not sure who) asked me to reveal personal details over the phone about my case I was not comfortable sharing unless to my lawyer and I later found out she was not supposed to do that and it wasn't pertinent to scheduling my appt. A receptionist also stood there reading my medical file when all she was supposed to do was photocopy it and bring it back to me to give to the lawyer, not stand there for a minute just reading it first. That made me really uncomfortable too, not at all professional or okay. I'm not sure if any repercussions happened to her for it since they are a 'team' but that is basically my experience and I wish it could have been different and I would have been assigned my original lawyer who was extremely competent and caring, but sadly this is how it turned out for me at this place.
23 March 2019 19:57
The human quality of Me Lemoine is unspeakable. Best lawyer! Always thankful

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