04 January 2024 14:46
What to do at Place Royale

Take a break in Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Church. Erected in 1688, it’s the oldest stone church in North America.
See the outline of Samuel de Champlain’s second house. It’s on the ground near the church.
Take pictures of the magnificent historic buildings in a square that symbolizes the birth of French North America.
Pull up a chair on the patio at Maison Smith, a fine café where you can soak up the square’s unique charm and history.
See the bust of Louis XIV, the reigning king when New France was founded.
Take an evening stroll in the winter when the snow’s falling. It’s simply magical!
The History of Place Royale

During the French regime, up until 1686, Place Royale was known as Place du Marché (Market Square) and served primarily as a marketplace. Of course, Indigenous peoples had been coming there well before the first Europeans arrived. The oldest traces of Indigenous activity on the site indicate that small nomadic groups spent time there hunting, fishing, and gathering.

In 1682, a terrible fire consumed all of the buildings first erected by the French, which were made of wood. The authorities then compelled the owners to rebuild their houses in stone, with common walls higher than the roofs as a fire barrier—a feature that still exists today.

A few years later, in 1686, a bust of Louis XIV was installed by the intendant of New France as per French custom. That’s when Place du Marché became Place Royale. In 1700, market vendors put the bust in storage, saying it got in the way during deliveries.

In 1759 the buildings were damaged once again during the Battle of Québec, only to be rebuilt under the British regime. The market was moved to another part of the city and the neighbourhood slowly and sadly declined until the mid 1900s.

Thanks to extensive work in the 1960s and 70s, Place Royale has been restored to its former glory—bust of Louis XIV and all—and has new businesses, the better to welcome locals and visitors from the four corners of the globe.


Church Construction of Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Church began in 1688, which makes it one of the oldest churches in North America. It was built on the ruins of Samuel de Champlain’s first home. Unfortunately it was damaged by bombardments during the Battle of Québec, but was rebuilt according to the original plans in 1763. A service is still held there every Sunday at 11 a.m. And visitors are welcome.
04 January 2024 11:18
Un grand merci pour Mr Thomas et le chauffeur pour notre voyage à New york.on a était bien satisfait. Il a répondu à tout nos questions, un guide professionnel, je recommande vivement cette agence et de voyager avec Mr Thomas et avec cette agence Concorde.je retournerai certainement avec eux la prochaine fois.merci beaucoup.
Cordialement: FOUAD. O
31 December 2023 21:32
We visited Quebec City, Montomorency Falls, and Ice Hotel with Concord Tours. It was one of the best one day trip, everything was very well organised and efficiently managed by the drive and especially by the tour guide, Mr. Thomas, he explained the history very well and also gave some important tips that were relevant for the trip. I would strongly recommend their service!
26 December 2023 19:35
Except your, our guide Tomas was extremely nice and informative of every stop of our trip and the destinations were worth it.
11 November 2023 23:03
It was a great experience, I felt like I was walking into a fairy tale story, great history and stunning views. I highly recommend it, this tour won’t disappoint you.
11 November 2023 2:10
I went to Quebec City, and I was satisfied with the guide Thomas, who explained Quebec City, talked about its history, and guided us kindly. The driver was friendly and made driving comfortable, so I had another good memory.
02 October 2023 8:59
On est satisfait de notre voyage et notre guide Mr Eddy. Cest un bon guide il est a l'ecoute de tout le monde il donne des informations claire et precise je le recommande pour d'autre personne.
06 September 2023 5:52
Lovely trip. Niagara falls were impressive and CN tour allowed to have a nice view of Toronto City.
Not a luxury bus but has AC.
Eddy the guide used three languages and was very friendly, helpful and professional.
Time was limited so had only time for fast food.
The hotel was very good. They forgot to fill the conditioner bottle in the bathroom. However the bed was very comfortable after a long trip from Montreal to Toronto.
Overall good trip with nice people so I recommend it for an express visit to Ontario from Montreal.
16 October 2022 14:07
J'ai acheté le forfait de 5 jours pour visiter les provinces maritimes et c'était magnifique. On a visité de beaux endroits. Les hôtels dans lesquels nous avons séjourné étaient bien, ainsi que le choix des restaurants. Le guide touristique (Yu) est gentil et patient, il s'assure que tout le voyage se passe dans de bonnes circonstances. Je recommande vivement!
16 October 2022 3:41
Très bon séjour de 3 jours à Toronto et Niagara! Le guide Eddy était incroyable et il avait une belle alchimie avec le chauffeur Robert. D’ailleurs le chauffeur était très ponctuel. Expérience plus que satisfaisante et on nous laissait de longues heures pour visiter les différentes villes sans avoir la pression de rentrer rapidement dans le bus etc. Compagnie très sérieuse et hôtels propre et bien situés.
11 October 2022 15:13
Nous avons pris l’excursion de Niagara Falls en famille de 3 jours. Nous somme dégoûtés.l’organisation ne reflète pas ce qu’il affiche sur leur site: a été marqué que nous devrions passer une première nuit à Toronto et la deuxième à Niagara.toute fois, il est arrivé autre chose! Le séjour a était fatigant, sans que nous puissions visiter comme il faut la destination principale qui est les chutes parce que ils nous ont fait une partie de Toronto ville la première journée et on est arrivé à Niagara la nuit de la première journée pour vous dire avec des enfants nous somme arrivés à 21h30 à l’hôtel alors que le guide nous laisse juste la nuit pour manger car oui nous n’avons pas souper encore à cet heure ci et aussi oui on doit visiter le quartier car demain matin à 8h00 le départ pour les activités! Et hop il faut partir et passer la nuit dans un endroit entre Niagara et Toronto et gâcher toute une soirée. Tous ceci et le choix d’hôtel nous n’en parlons pas le premier était Ramada à 25 minutes de marches en soirée très fatigante avec des enfants pour profiter au Max des chutes et le deuxième c days inn a Brantfort: aucune propreté, il était sale …, d’ailleurs une rénovation est du pour cet hôte, auparavant j’ai été avec concorde tour et tout se passer bien mais cette fois c’est la DERNIÈRE.ni le guide était bien ni leur organisation. Je vous dit juste une remarque un voyage organisé qui rassemble des jeunes adultes, des vieux et des familles avec des enfants doit considérer l’horaire et la planification qui correspond à tout le monde et surtout que il devrait être une destination de plaisir …. Très très mauvaise expérience
26 September 2022 0:21
Un très beau voyage 5 jours dans les maritimes du 23 au 27 juillets 2022, le guide Yu Tang super bon, tres serviables, avec de belle hotels, de belle activiter, de tres belle endroit a voir, le chauffeur d autobus Gaetan etait tres gentil aussi, jai bien aimer concord tour je le conseil a tous, c etait mon 2 ieme voyages avec cette agence.
18 September 2022 18:37
Great two-day trip on 3 &4 August 2022. Very well arranged. Excellent driver. Would have been great should the air-conditioning been checked before departure. We suffered everytime we were on board the bus because it was hot inside. The guide has very good knowledge of the sites and he is capable of providing proper and precise information about them. Yet, it would be great if he could work on improving his spelling to make it clearer and easy to understand. Thanks concord tours and travel for the great experience we had with you
15 September 2022 4:30
We had an absolutely wonderful time on the 5 days Maritimes trip. Mr. Yu was very helpful, polite, genuinely cared for everyone, and was funny too! The itinerary is very packed and of course there's a lot of bus time but that's go be expected on a bus tour. Overall I highly recommend!
04 September 2022 7:58
I had Yu as a tour guide for the east provinces/maritimes for 5 days. He is such an amazing tour guide. Very nice and calm. He took the time to talk about touristic spots and made sure we enjoyed the trip. He truly cared for the people travelling. Would take him again.
28 August 2022 14:36
La semaine dernière, on est allées au Gaspésie. On a utilisé cette compagnie, Concord, quelques fois auparavant et à chaque fois c’était amusant, mais grâce au guide, Thomas, et les 2 chauffeurs, ce voyage était le plus amusant.
28 August 2022 11:51
Très bonne excursion, toutes les activités proposées restent inoubliables, hôtel avec chambre exceptionnelle! Thomas, notre guide, est très sympathique soucieux de contenter le groupe dans sa totalité, très disponible, à l’écoute mais parfois il est difficile de le comprendre en français principalement dans le bus! Mais bilan très positif: sortie de 2 jours 1000 îles, CN Tour, Toronto et Chutes du Niagara est recommandée +
26 August 2022 16:49
C'est la première fois que j'utilisait cette agence de voyage et je peux vous dire que je l'aime beaucoup. Pour ma première expérience j'ai été en Gaspésie. Malgré tout les petits pépins qui est survenu lors de ce premier voyage tel que la panne d'autobus, des averse de pluie a n'en plus finir, ce qui a causé l'annulation d'activités. Malgré tout cela j'ai adorer mon voyage et j'en garde que de beaux souvenir. Notre guide Thomas ainsi que les chauffeurs d'autobus étaient d'un Fun. Je me suis vraiment amusé du début à la fin.
17 August 2022 17:19
J’ai fait un voyage à Gaspésie pendant 3 jours, j’ai passer des moments! Merci au guide Thomas et au chauffeur Simon Pelletier pour le long voyage, il conduit très bien, on se sent en sécurité, bon conducteur, le duo est très gentil!
11 August 2022 16:05
We just had a very nice 3-day trip to Gaspesie with Concord. Although a bit pressed for time (3 days for such a long distance), the trip is well organized. Our guide Thomas Cui did a good job along the way. He’s very patient, caring, helpful and always explains everything in detail. A nice little getaway into the nature beauty!
26 January 2022 14:17
The trip to NY was great. Our guide was awesome. Big thanks to the driver as well. It was really like a family trip so thank you so much. À la prochaine.
04 January 2022 21:27
Nous avons fait le tour Gatineau- Parc Oméga le 05-06 Novembre avec Mr Bin. C`est un guide serviable et très gentil. Le parc Gatineau a été fermé et il a proposé une autre solution, ce serait de nous amener à Ottawa sur les collines du Parlement. Aussi, nous voyagions avec un bébé avec beaucoup de bagages: poussette.et Mr Bin a proposé de nous ramener chez nous après le tour. Nous apprécions énormément et recommandons ce guide et le service de Concord Tours. Merci!
23 December 2021 1:02
Very nice tour and and very professional tour guide. We went to Mont tremblant. Everything was well organized
19 December 2021 14:05
I went with my fiancée to Mont Tremblant with Concord Tours and we had a really nice time! Our tour guide Thomas was very friendly and helpful and the tour was well organized and we did so many things in one day. We also visited Saint Agathe des monts and Saint Sauveur and we took very nice photos as memory of the day. I highly recommend Concord Tours!
19 December 2021 13:01
We went to mont tremblant with them. It was a great tour. Our guide was Thomas. He was a great guy and told us a lot of historical info. Overall highly satisfied.
29 November 2021 17:51
Le voyage est très bien passé. On a aimé les activités et le trajet. Monsieur Toma est un bon guide nous a bien expliqué tous merci beaucoup.
26 November 2021 21:17
I have been on two one-day trips with Concord Travels. I recommend them for their value trips and friendly guides and drivers, especially to students who want to explore locations around Montreal. The location information is shared on the bus in good detail in english, french, and mandarin. The buses are clean, well maintained, and comfortable. They have toilets as well but they dont recommend using them due to the current situation with Covid. I went on the Quebec trip last month and Mont Tremblant today. The pick up point is conveniently located near downtown and hotel pickup is offered. The itenarary is not packed with activities so gives ample time to explore locations or just chill out a place. The only feedback I have is that the your descriptions in three different languages can get a little overwhelming and it may be a good idea to just use an audio interface in the future. Many thanks to Thomas, our guide; and driver Eric for the pleasant trip.
23 November 2021 17:56
I enjoyed the trip to Mont Tremblant. The tour guide, Thomas and the driver,
Eric, were terrific at their job. Thank you.
21 November 2021 5:38
We went in group to the Toronto-Niagara 2-days (Eddy), and Mont Tremblant (Thomas), both were very punctual and organized. The itinerary was completed in a timely manner and they are very good Guides. We recommend the tours.
01 November 2020 21:23
Had an amazing whale watching and canyon Sainte-Anne trip with Concord Travels and tour guide Mickey!
20 October 2020 12:48
I had a great time to travel to Quebec City with Concord Your Agency. Especially, I strongly recommend our guides Mr. Jian Shen. He is professional and welcome.

我很高兴和Concord Your Agency一起前往魁北克市。 特别是,我强烈推荐我们的导游剑深先生。 他很专业,很受欢迎。
06 October 2020 2:08
Excellent trip je viens de faire quebec 1 jour c'était super agréable.bus a l'heure le chauffeur Antonio conduit super bien on sentait pas le bus bouger et le guide Jian tres serviable et très sympa il connais bien son travail tout les monuments et il a toujours le sourire merci concorde pour cette journée cest sûr je vais faire d'autres destinations avec vous.
30 September 2020 2:54
This is a great trip, every place is beautiful. The tour guide is responsible for leading all of us.
Gaspe 3 days.
25 September 2020 15:03
Ce que je n'aime pas c ces accompagnateurs qui exigent des frais de 7$/jour alors qu'ils ne sont pas obligatoires, c très bien écrit sur le site que c'est des frais exclus et pas obligatoires, les responsables doivent le savoir ça car c au client de décider de donner ou non la somme qu'il veut.
09 September 2020 5:19
My mom booked a plane ticket to China with one of their agent: Ivy. The flight was later cancelled by Air Canada due to covid. We then contacted Ivy to ask Air Canada to refund us since the tickets she booked for us were refundable.
However, Ivy forced us to pay 100$ of service fee to Concord in order to get that refund from Air Canada. This is completely a hidden fee. We got blindsided, why do we have to pay in order to get our money back for a flight cancelled by the airline and not us? We paid them for a service that we never got. I contacted Ivy regarding this fee. She replied in a very rude manner: I don’t wanna talk to you since you’re not the passenger”.
Very disappointing company, AVOID AT ALL COST!
17 August 2020 12:50
Was good and provides best price value for tour and travels.and last thing they are very time precise.
31 March 2020 15:09
I did my first one-day trip with Concord Tours yesterday to go to the Ice Hotel and Quebec City Carnival! It was the third time I went to Quebec City (twice on my own) but this time was probably the best! We were with the guide JIAN and it was AMAZING! He's such a good and kind man! Really the best! I think we were so lucky to have him in our bus! This trip was an extraordinary experience and I recommand Concord Tours 100 %, don't hesitate! Thank you again Jian if you are reading this, I will always remember this day and I send you lots of good positive vibes from France! Hope to see you soon xx!
26 February 2019 7:49
It was really a good trip to Quebec city.well organized.and our guide mr.shuo was very nice and funny and we had a great time with him and with all the group
18 February 2019 9:46
Voyage très mémorable.shuo le guide connaît très bien new York, très ponctuel et minutieux.je conseille tres vivement et la compagnie et le guide, bonne continuation.
10 February 2019 2:34
Notre guide Shuo est trop sympa et professionnel très bonne maîtrise de langue.tres bon voyage j'aimerais bien qu'il soit mon guide le prochain voyage.
09 February 2019 17:47
Thomas the tour guy is so kind and he gave a very good explanation of every place we visited. I really enjoyed the trip to Quebec, it was an incredible experience.
26 January 2019 5:11
The travel was wonderful! We really enjoyed New York, it was full of energy and we never had time to feel bored. Everything was well organized from the stay at the hotel, to the travel in the bus. I recommend it and I want to thank Thomas, our guide, who managed the travel and made everything go well. Thank you!
25 January 2019 5:33
It was a wonderful trip with Concord Tour. We went on a one day Quebec City tour and a two days Toronto and Niagara Fall tour. We are very satisfied with the experience and the tour guide Amber was an excellent tour guide for both tours (She was our tour guide for both tours.) She is very helpful and is a very nice person that can speak many languages.
Our drivers Carl and Roberto were excellent drivers.
I would recommend these tour to anyone that want to experience the two places above. It was a nice trip that my family and I could sit down and relax and get to know so many places that I never thought of. It was a good deal in-terms of price. The buses were always
nice and clean.
25 January 2019 1:12
Changement de programme de dernière minutes quand j'avais reserés dejd en conséquence 140$ de Uber car lhotel cetait trop loin de la ville (70km)
Buffet dejeneur décevant.
22 January 2019 1:58
On avait été au Québec city ce jour là. C’est bien ce que je m’attendais. Beaucoup appréciée le guide qu’on a eu, super sympa et patiente. Ça mérite bien. Merci encore une fois de m’avoir donné une aussi belle expérience.
19 January 2019 9:01
Me and my wife had a wondetful time going to ICE CASTLE IN QUEBEC. Thomas our tour guide was absolutely professional, gentle and convenient with us. We plan to go again with Concord Tours. Daniel.
14 January 2019 4:23
My family and I had a great time on our three days vacation in New York. Our tour guide, Thomas, was very helpful and nice; every step of the trip was explained beforehand, and we had time for all the activities we chose to do. The bus was comfortable, and easy to find at the meeting places in the city.
07 January 2019 0:03
Wonderful Quebec city trip with our guide Amber today. She is very friendly and responsible. She was so patient to introduce the pretty sites for us. Thank you Amber! Will come back for you again!
03 January 2019 17:27
Très belle expérience pour le voyage à Ottawa, Anglia la guide est très professionnelle, confirmation la veille et explications, on peut pas demander mieux, merci encore Anglia et concorde

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