30 August 2023 4:20
I initially had a bad service from Sales person Eric, but when I escalated their branch manager JF is a super star, and went above a beyond to resolve the issue.
In addtion, Mageed in service is amazing, and provided great recommendations and tips.
The customer service lady is a super star.
Their parts shop, Shan is amazing as well.
Overall great experience.
14 August 2023 20:41
Comme première expérience, ce fut extrêmement plaisant et agréable. Ils ont un choix très varié de véhicule récréatif et aussi pour l’équipement. Le staff est très gentil et connaît extrêmement bien leurs produit et comment conseiller le client. Le seul bémol lors de notre première visite c que l’inventaire de casque manquait beaucoup de couleurs haute visibilité tél que la couleur jaune. Mais, notre conseillère a su répondre à nos besoins en dépit de la couleur que nous cherchions, les prix sont très bien et il y as tout le temps des rabais sur les équipements, ce qui rend l’expérience encore plus intéressante. Je conseille hautement le groupe contant vaudreuil pour tout vos besoins, moi et ma femme allons certainement retourner pour le reste de notre équipement moto que nous aurons besoins.
11 August 2023 10:57
Merci à l équipe Contant au service qui ont travaillé pour moi avec mon problème de valises. Malgré que cela a été long de régler le problème dû à BRP CANADA. L équipe de Contant Vaudreuil a enduré mes appel mon impatience mais ont tout fait pour me satisfaire pour cela il mérite un 5 étoiles
09 November 2022 21:25
Service 5 étoiles de la part de mon représentant aux ventes, Eric Fournier. Des retours d'appels prompts, bonnes explications, super sympathique, très disponible, même au début, malgré le fait que j'avais dit que je n'achetais peut-être pas tout de suite. Même excellent service des réceptionniste, super gentille et serviable, ainsi que de Cathia Richard pour la finalisation de la vente. C'est loin de chez moi mais ça valait la peine. Merci!
29 October 2022 4:13
All i can say inwas very happy with Martin Dupuis he is very knowledge and a great dales person. Congrats to the entire team
25 October 2022 8:42
I rode a Harley for many years and decided to go Spyder.

First incident, I was given 1 working key and 1 blank and told to go have it cut and return to have it programmed…The programming took about 1 hour as no one knew exactly what to do so they followed the book, they had to take the front part of the bike apart.

The back luggage case did not lock, had to return to repair it.

Side luggage compartment did not open, went back, left the bike and was told the handle broke while they we're repairing it and ordered a new lock. Went back again. They washed my bike, I left and noticed the bike must have been washed with a dirty tag…It was, with an oily tag, washed again.

Someone was supposed to program my radio, no one knew how, I had to go back, someone worked on it for over an hour, did not finish, I had to go back again, the guy did not work there anymore.

I tried to program the radio system myself, was not able to and a year later, I still do not know how it works.

It would be nice if someone there called me to return again and program the system for me, this should have been done when I took the bike out.

I love my machine, the service manager Mark goes out of his way to satisfy clients, but with the shortage of staff, it is pretty difficult.

Will I purchase another Spyder? Yes, but I will not take delivery of it until everything is working and the radio system is programmed. Also, the GPS that comes with the machine does not have any maps in it, this is an extra, you purchase through an app.

2 of my Sons who will be looking for trikes, they are undecided what they will get.

There some other small issues that were resolved.

It is not easy to have to keep taking off work, driving to Vaudreuil and waiting for the bike to be serviced. It would be nice if they had a loaner program.
21 July 2021 20:49
Ils sont très occupés et malgré cela toute l'équipe continue à offrir des services de qualité. Quentin aux accessoires est incroyable, et l'accueil de toute l'équipe est remarquable.
12 July 2021 14:50
Recently purchased at Dirt Bike from Contant Group and was not the happiest customer by the end. My first issue with the company was the lack of communication between the employees I dealt with. The first bill was sent by the finance deptment missing a 350$ crate fee, (I had the bike shipped to Ontario, this is where I felt they lacked communication). This took a few days of calling to have it added. SECOND, (This is the reason for the 2 star) Before purchasing this bike I was looking for company's willing to build me a wooden crate. The salesman said he would get a quote for material and this came to $350. The bike was only put back into the original Kawasaki packaging. When I complained about this the salesman explained that my $350 went towards servicing the bike and putting it back into the original packaging, this is not what I was told my money would be put towards. Why didn't the first bill include this? I felt ripped off. The shipment company also left the first day the showed up because it was not in the proper packaging I requested. Just to kick it all off after spending more then $10,000 I had to call the company to find out my bike was ready for pick up on a Friday after I was told a call would come the Tuesday prior. After all that, my best guess is that it was ready all week for pick up. I understand people have other jobs and customers to deal with but, as a customer sending money like that I felt like I had to chase to many people down.
18 June 2021 18:39
Un peu déçu Ont as fait le tour du magasin personne est venu nous rencontré sauf la réceptionniste qui nous as saluer en entrant dans le concessionnaire
26 May 2021 3:19
It is now my go to place for motorcycle gear, the staff is helpful and knowledgeable. Prices are the same as what you would find online, but with excellent service as a bonus. I would rate 6 stars if it was an option.
22 May 2021 19:50
Flexible et font tout ce qu'ils peuvent pour plaire et répondre au demandes du client. Malgré les limitations de la pandémie! Chapeau!
04 May 2021 19:41
Interested in buying a Ryker, the salesman was so blasé. I wanted to test drive one, he said there were no demos, didnt say he would take my number and call me when there was one. I tried to lead him there.lol.but either he could care less cuz they are selling so fast or he just doesnt get it. Poor service and I havent even bought from them yet! Can you imagine once they've sold to you how poor the service is? Wont go back there anytime soon.
13 April 2021 16:56
Contact Vaudreuil’s service was A1. From Nick who worked with me to buy my Skidoo, to Larissa who was kind, welcoming and very professional, and not to forget Synthia from the boutique, who was sweet, friendly and also very knowledgeable. Can’t recommend them enough if you need anything from Contant!
10 April 2021 3:57
Fait evaluer mon echange en ligne, personne me rapelle. Acheter neuf chez performance nc (ca fait 2 fois). Appelle aujourdhui pour des pieces, on me dit qu on va me rappeler, pas d appel, rappelle tombe dans boite vocale. Rappelle 3 ieme fois on me met sur hold (pieces un instant svp.) 10minutes puis ca racroche. Acheter mes pieces chez Maximum a hawkesbury. J ai l impression que contant fait trop d argent. A plus. Note il faut mettre au moins une etoile pour poster, en realitee il devrais y en avoir aucune.
13 March 2021 10:29
Numéro un pour tous les services demander depuis des années que je fais affaires avec eux vent service etc.merci aux groupes contant
22 October 2020 9:59
Retourné acheter d' autre vêtements can-am. Un super service De Roxanne Roy.merci encore je vais y retourner sans aucun doute
23 April 2020 22:48
As I work during the week the only time I have to go is the weekends. I have been there twice on a Saturday to have my key reprogrammed and nobody can help, all they say is there is no technician on the weekends. Very frustrated.
12 April 2020 10:26
Votre site internet ne répond pas correctement. J'écris collections pré-saison 2020 fxr, le résultat de la recherche me montre des mules Kawasaki. Le résultat de la recherche est toujours le même.
30 March 2020 22:24
Excellent service dans le département du linge la vendeuse a su me renseigner sur les différents modèles FXR pour la motoneige
24 March 2020 14:53
J'ai fait faire un tune-up présaison de ma machine. Ils n'ont jamais vérifié mes bougies, ils étaient complètement fini, même chose pour mes supports de ressort arrière. Deux pièce à 7.99$ qui m'auraient coûté une chenille complète s'ils avaient brisés.

C'est la dernière fois que je fais un tune-up chez eux. C'était ma première machine et je n'y connaissait rien, c'est à croire qu'ils en ont profité. 200$ volé de ma poche.
15 March 2020 14:15
Toute est bien disposé et assez facile d'accès Les vendeurs ne sont pas accrochés après toi mais sont 100% dispo.si le cas échéant.
20 January 2020 6:38
J, ai fait l'achat d'un Expedition SWT de la succursale Veaudreuil. Très bonne machine Je suis au grand nord du QUEBEC, NUNAVIK.
Très bon service pour acheter des pieces et livraison aux transporteur aérien air inuit.
28 December 2019 15:18
Great people always listen to your needs and they remember you when you go back. I would like to thank Thierry Blanchard from Contant Vaudreuil for helping with my decision in buying a Spyder F3t.
16 December 2019 16:24
Great help from Phillip and others in the parts dept. Also Martin Dupuis is always very helpful. I hope my experience in service dept goes as well
02 November 2019 21:07
Was looking for trailer to pull behind spider other then the can am they didn't caring any but helped me find one. Went over and beyond to help most would just say sorry no we don't

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