13 December 2023 11:11
Excellent service, livraison comprise. Important toutefois de bien se renseigner sur les modèles susceptibles de convenir, les vendeurs ne les connaissent pas tous parfaitement.
09 December 2023 19:10
Les livreurs ont fait un service hors-pair. Ils ont vraiment forcé pour monter la laveuse dans les fameux escaliers en colimaçon typiquement Montréalais.
25 July 2023 8:41
Corbeil stores are well known enough. This review is about this location where I bought a dish washer, very friendly and knowledgeable staff. I couldn’t be any happier with my experience and purchase.
20 December 2022 21:59
At first I was happy with the salesperson she was kind and very helpful.but after that I was extremely disappointed with the delivery team. The guy who arrived for the delivery was very nasty and aggressive. After the first try that the machine didn't go through the doorpost he did not want to try again when I showed him exactly how it can fit through without a problem. Lastly When I checked online I saw that my signature for the delivery was forged because I never signed anything for him. I was also charged for delivery and i'm not sure why because i paid over 2000$.
26 August 2022 11:35
Je suis une cliente fidèle de Corbeil et de cette succursale depuis 15 ans et ai toujours été bien servie.

Par efficacité j’ai fait un achat téléphonique sur le site général de Corbeil. Temps de réponse au téléphone: immédiat. A répondu à toutes mes questions et a suggéré un modèle parfait et par surcroît rabais qui n’était pas affiché en ligne. Lave vaisselle reçu exactement dans les délais. Service 10/10, je demeure une cliente fidèle de Corbeil.
18 July 2022 10:48
Mise à jour de cet avis en date du 19 mai 2022
J'ai pris la garantie prolongée chez Corbeil, depuis févier 2022, mon lave-vaisselle est en panne. La société Comerco qui gère cette garantie est d'une incompétence totale et je ne sais pas quand mon lave-vaisselle sera réparé!
Je déconseille de prendre la garantie prolongée, ca ne sert strictement à rien, juste à rester des mois sans pouvoir utiliser vos équipements
Mise à jour de cet avis en date du 7 juin 2022
Corbeil ne fera absolument rien dans ce genre de situation, donc je déconseille d'acheter chez Corbeil, ils sont heureux de vous vendre leurs électroménagers mais par la suite, en cas de problème, plus aucun service.dommage, ils viennent de perdre un client!
17 May 2022 20:48
I am baffled as to why I must pay a $30 "Frais de ramassage en magasin. " Isn't it the business' responsibility to move products from store to store, or to replenish inventory? It's not a special order. It's an item on display in store. No other store I've done business with has ever done this before.
08 April 2022 13:33
Excellente expérience! Excellent service de Mathieu, au Corbeil sur Parc. Merci Mathieu! Nous avons apprécié ton service. Excellent prix pour l'ensemble! À notre grande surprise, tous les appareils que l'on voulait, les marques que l'on recherchait, frigo, cuisinière, lave vaisselle, laveuse/sécheuse étaient en stock ce qui veut dire: livraison à la date désirée (pas le cas ailleurs) en cette période pas évidente. Nous sommes bien satisfaits.
13 March 2022 19:32
Excellente expérience! Nous cherchions 5 appareils et ils avaient tout en stock livrable aux dates désiré. Très bon prix. Excellent service de Mathieu. Merci beaucoup Mathieu! Je recommande fortement ce magasin.
10 February 2022 9:07
Service vraiment professionnel. Après une visite au magasin j'ai fait livrer un frigo qui s'est avéré trop gros. Deux jours plus tard un frigo plus petit est arrivé et tout le monde est content. Merci Corbeil.
10 January 2022 12:42
We were quite pleased with the amount of time that staff is willing to spend with customers in order to explain things about their products.
30 June 2021 19:48
Pretty weak salesmens walking in wanting to buy washer dryer fridge stove for a rental property, came in with all the measurements ready to buy.salesman couldn't bother to add anything up, didnt make suggestions didnt seem motivated at all. Better experiences at other locations.
04 May 2021 7:42
GRANDE DÉCEPTION! Je suis client depuis plusieurs années, mais c'est la dernière fois à ce magasin. J'ai acheté un frigo en juillet 2020,6 mois plus tard: rien! On attend encore. Je comprends le temps de pandémie, mais quand même! Pas de téléphone, aucun signe de vie, silence radio. J'appelle et c'est le répondeur, je laisse message, on ne rappelle pas. Ce mois de février, j'ai exigé un remboursement. Aucune excuse, pas un mot, rien. Et je suis certain ne pas être le seul. Terminus, tout le monde descend! The end!
20 February 2021 2:00
Je suis retourné chez Corbeil après 3 ans en espérant que le changement d'actionnaire avait amélioré le service client. Niet sur toute la ligne. Réfirigerateur bossé et on me ment aussi sur la garantie laveuse Whirpool (c le même employé Marcdel avec qui j'ai déjà une mauvaise experience dans le passé qui est encore là pour offrir un médiocre service!). Je passe mon temps au téléphone pour régler ces problèmes sans fin sur près de 2 mois, et heureusement que j'ai acheté le cellier ailleurs!
11 January 2021 10:22
M. Proulx a été d'une aide incroyable. Nous avons acheté Laveuse-sécheuse, frigo et cuisinière à un bin prix. Service 5 étoiles.
18 November 2020 20:57
Today, for the third time, my husband and I unplugged and emptied our refrigerator, anticipating the delivery of a new one we’ve been waiting on since we placed our order on August 2nd. For the third time, the delivery truck arrived but did not bring us a fridge. For the third time, we plugged our old fridge back in and put our food away—only on the top three shelves, since anything in the bottom half freezes, which is why we’ve been trying to replace it for almost 3 months with a nearly identical model from a different brand.

The fridge was ordered from Corbeil Electro on Parc, the same company that had delivered our old fridge years earlier to the previous owner of our condo. We placed an order on August 2nd for a similar model to our old one, a 36” side-by-side GE, and were told it would be about 4-6 weeks. 8 weeks later, on September 25th, we were finally scheduled for a delivery. I rushed to the store to sign the papers and secured a verbal promise that the delivery drivers had looked at the photos we’d sent and would be able to carry the fridge up our curving Montreal stairs. When the drivers arrived and began to remove the fridge doors, which was necessary to get it inside, they noticed that a cord had been severed at some point during transit, which meant that the fridge would not work. They drove away with it still in their truck, and we had no choice but to plug our old fridge back in and replace the contents.

Over the next two and a half weeks, the Corbeil store and customer service line appeared to dodge our calls. When I called them, I would speak to receptionists, who would promise callbacks from supervisors that would never materialize. Finally, on October 14, I returned to the store in person and cornered the manager. Sure enough, on October 15th, I received a call from customer service to schedule a delivery for the next day.

On October 16th, we unplugged and emptied our old fridge again, but when the delivery people arrived, they said it would be better to wait for somebody more experienced who could deal with our stairs. The photos we had sent had apparently not been passed on. We were rescheduled for October 17th.

On October 17th, we again unplugged and emptied our fridge, and the delivery truck arrived, this time with the original delivery people who had discovered the broken cord. When they went to take the doors off the fridge, they found that rather than replacing the cord, the repair person had reconnected it using electrical tape. This meant that it could not be disconnected without undoing the “repair", which meant that the doors could not be removed, which meant that the fridge could not come inside.

Every time this has happened, we have planned our grocery buying around needing to empty the fridge, and spent money on takeout rather than cooking for ourselves. Every delivery date, we have cleared our schedules for the entire day, cancelling and rescheduling important appointments. Corbeil customer service has offered us a rebate of $150 for our troubles. However, considering I paid them the full amount of almost $2000 over three weeks ago, and considering the time I have spent on the phone and in person dealing with failed deliveries, this seems inadequate. I asked them to offer us a complementary extended warranty (a value of about $250) rather than the rebate, since we were now dealing with a refurbished refrigerator, but they refused. I also just filed a Better Business Bureau complaint requesting the complementary warranty as well as compensation for food spoilage due to the multiple failed deliveries.

We would be happy with any equivalent (or better) fridge of the same dimensions, but apparently none are available. Today I was specifically told on by customer service that this is the responsibility of the salesperson at the store; the salesperson told me it is the responsibility of customer service. It seems like a huge scam to me. Absolutely would never recommend Corbeil for any reason.
02 June 2020 15:30
Sur leur site web ils promettent qu'ils vont ramasser les anciens électros lorsqu'ils livreront les nouveaux, mais une fois rendus sur place les livreurs nous annoncent qu'ils ne peuvent pas le faire, malgré par ailleurs que ce soit une obligation légale. Je regrette de ne pas plutôt avoir acheté chez Brault et Martineau.
07 May 2020 9:48
Any idea why this useless machine refuses to drain? Almost new, clean the filter and still won’t drain. What a waste of money!
01 February 2020 12:08
2eme et dernier essai avec Corbeil. Service moyen au mag et tout simplement horrible à leur 1-800 où l'agent qui m'a répondu ne connai pas visiblment son affaire, et semblait occupé parler à son mobile. Plus jamais
28 January 2020 20:05
Be careful! The service worsened both in shipping and post-sale. Advice, do not ever deal with terribly incompetent Marcdel Severin
13 January 2020 15:21
Excellent service avec Francis! Clair, courtois, sympathique.en moins d'une heure tout était réglé!
08 January 2020 20:07
I put a deposit on a washer/dryer and was waiting for Corbeil Electro Park Avenue to send me the contract in English (with the discussed modifications) as they promised. We agreed I would not pay in full until I read and signed the contract in English. They did not send the contract in English with the details and instead charged the card without my consent for the full payment.

I asked for the contract to be cancelled but the saleswoman (Ariane) just laughed at me and told me she will not cancel the contract.

I called the Customer Experience Centre who spoke to Ariane who then called and left a voicemail saying she would cancel the contract with a penalty of 25%. At about the same time, Ariane sent an email saying the penalty would be 20%. WTF? !

I called the Customer Experience Centre again who refused to help me further saying I had to call the credit card company to get a chargeback. This is a HORRIBLE & UNETHICAL place with horrible and unethical practices. I checked for their RETURNS POLICY online BUT COULD NOT FIND IT. Now I have to contact the credit card company for a chargeback.

Why don't you clearly state your RETURNS POLICY Corbeil? Why don't you write detailed contracts? VERY VERY SHADY! Zero stars for Corbeil and negative stars for Ariane.

UPDATE: Corbeil did end up refunding my money entirely so that I did not have to initiate a chargeback. But a few troubling questions remain, namely how can they send a contract without even a delivery date in site? Their policy for charging a credit card over the phone is very questionable. And, most importantly, salesperson ethics seem to be NON-EXISTENT. I changed my review from 1 star to 3 stars because I did get a full refund eventually.
10 December 2019 16:28
Francis knows well all products and was an incredible advisor. I am very happy with the service.
19 October 2019 17:53
A great place to get appliances if you live in the city. They are one of the only places to carry smaller appliances including fridges so they will fit nicely in your condo. Service is good and they have some high quality European brands that tend to last wrote longer than the US names. Prices for these are generally higher though but worth it in the long run as they last longer and are generally quite power efficient.
04 July 2019 13:51
J'ai acheté un kit de superposition laveuse-sécheuse sur l'avenue du Parc. Il manquait les 4 vis requises pour les installer.lorsque je rappelle la dame m'accuse de les avoir perdu et me dit d'appeler LG directement. 100$ pour un kit de 3 morceaux, 3000$ pour les laveuse sécheuse et aucune aide de sa part et des reproches. Le gérant Stéphane finalement m'en a donné après un appel à son installateur, au moins.mais l'attitude de la vendeuse m'a jeté à terre.souriante quand on va acheter mais après quand 0n à un problème aucune prise en charge.je suis vraiment déçu de cette expérience.
15 February 2019 15:38
Service hors-pair sur toute la ligne. Lave-vaisselle brisé le samedi matin.le nouveau acheté à 11h30, livré le lendemain (dimanche le 30 décembre) à 10h00 et installé une heure plus tard par M. Claude Filion. Impossible de demander mieux. Sans compter qu'ils ont ramassé le vieux du même coup!
26 October 2018 6:36
Bon service et conseils pour s'équiper lors de notre aménagement à Montréal.

Des rabais incroyables pour des produits haut de gamme. Il y en a pour tous les prix, suivant votre budget vous pourrez vous équiper facilement. La livraison est gratuite!

Pour information, nous avons acheté un réfrigérateur, un lave-linge (avec l'option vapeur qui fait désinfectant sur le linge, cela vient de sortir, je l'avais vu en France à 1550€) et une cuisinière avec de la Wi-Fi! (Oui, vous avez bien lu! Pratique pour contrôler la cuisinière quand on a oublié d'éteindre une plaque! Lol)

Tout ces produits pour 2800 dollars et tout est Samsung, avec finition acier brossé et la cuisinière en noire.

On peut financer ces achats avec un crédit Desjardins sur 3,6,9 ou 12 mois, sans frais et sans intérêts. C'est l'option que nous avons choisi.

De toute façon, quelque soit votre situation, ils vous trouveront une solution qui VOUS convienne, et cela, nous avons apprécié.

Enfin, ils livrent très rapidement, nous, en l'occurrence, achat aujourd'hui le 2 septembre 2018, livraison le 3 septembre! Je recommande vivement! Et Merci Alexandre!
04 September 2018 5:56
Bought a new stove today. Salesperson was very helpful. Good (competitive) price. Hopefully delivery will be just as good. So far very pleased. ADDING two weeks later. The appliance was defective. The process of replacement was pretty seemless. Took about two weeks. Easy for me, but wouldn't have been nice if you depended on your stove. Corbeil had their person come to install a dishwasher (which I ended up buying as I had a store-credit), and he was excellent and very helpful. The only "hic" for me in the process is that their delivery can not be efficiently scheduled. So I lost a full day waiting.they have to be able to make it more efficient.at least to am or pm delivery! Also, they need to be clear that any "return" of an appliance is a store credit.not a refund.

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