11 January 2024 9:43
Much cheaper to buy a case of cucumbers than a pack of 3 at the regular consumer Costco. If you have a deep freezer, you can buy frozen meats in bulk and save a boat load of money! Fine, I admit it, I'm a Costco-holic.
02 January 2024 6:34
Very nice costco close to downtown montreal. The location is very convenient and it also has a has station (2 gas pumps per lane). They do not have a pharmacy in the costco so if you want to return anything you bought from a costco pharmacy they cannot take it back.
30 September 2023 20:36
Good place, assortment, good prices, good quality, words are unnecessary,
Excellent attention
23 September 2023 11:42
Merci a Costco de garde des prix d'essence moin cher que les autres surtout quand c'est plus que 12 c le litres sa parait beaucoup
05 September 2023 21:58
As a frequent shopper at the Costco Wholesale Store in Griffintown, I can confidently say that it is a shopping haven for all budget-conscious individuals seeking quality products and great deals.

Best Hours: Monday mornings and Wednesdays all day
If you want to experience Costco at its finest, I highly recommend visiting on Monday mornings or any time on Wednesdays. During these hours, the store is relatively less crowded, allowing you to browse through the aisles and make your purchases with ease. Additionally, the staff seems more readily available to assist customers and answer any inquiries.

Worst Hours: Friday all hours and Saturday mornings
On the flip side, I would advise against visiting on Fridays or Saturday mornings. These times are exceptionally busy, with long queues at the checkout counters and a higher chance of experiencing a bustling shopping environment. If you prefer a more relaxed shopping experience, it's best to avoid these peak hours.

Product Selection: Everything is Worth Every Penny!
Costco's selection is unparalleled; they truly live up to their reputation as a one-stop-shop. Whether you're looking for groceries, electronics, clothing, household items, or even furniture, Costco has it all. The product range is vast, and they consistently offer high-quality items at competitive prices. The bulk packaging allows you to save even more, making every penny spent worthwhile.

The Great Deals and Samples
One of the highlights of shopping at Costco is undoubtedly the fantastic deals and promotions they regularly offer. You'll find incredible discounts on a wide variety of items, including their exclusive Kirkland Signature products, which are known for their excellent quality. Also, who doesn't love the free samples that are scattered throughout the store? It's a delightful way to try new products before making a purchase.

Convenient Location and Ample Parking
The Costco in Griffintown is conveniently located, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors to the area. What's more, they provide ample parking space, so you needn't worry about finding a spot to park your car. The store's spacious layout ensures that even during busy hours, you won't feel claustrophobic while navigating your shopping cart.

Efficient Checkout Process
Despite the crowds during peak hours, the checkout process at Costco is impressively efficient. The cashiers are well-trained, and the checkout lines move swiftly, reducing the time you spend waiting in line. Moreover, their return policy is hassle-free, adding to the overall positive shopping experience.

Tips for Shopping at Costco

Bring your reusable bags: Costco encourages eco-friendly practices, and bringing your bags helps you save on extra charges.
Keep an eye on seasonal offerings: Costco often brings in special seasonal items that are worth checking out.
Take advantage of the optical and pharmacy services: These departments offer competitive prices and excellent customer service.
05 September 2023 20:56
Très mauvaise expérience a la caisse, jamais vu ca dans un cotsco. La madame a refuser que ma belle mere qui accompagnais mon mari et ma fille paye parce qu elle etait pas sur la carte cotsco! Elle voulais juste nous faire un beau cadeau et elle a refuser de prendre son payement en plein rush! Ridicule, jamais vu ca.
30 August 2023 14:41
Love this place. Lot of stuff for affordable price if you are ready for wholesale packaging.
29 August 2023 15:48
Nouveau membre depuis peu, je découvre les magasins Costco.
Je n'étais pas un afficionados de la surconsommation et c'est le genre de plan d'affaires que j'ai souvent questionné, notamment la vente aux particuliers.
Si je suis devenu membre c'est essentiellement parce qu'il y avait une promotion sur un site de vente à rabais. Des coupons de plus de 170$ (évidemment, il faut acheter pour en profiter).
Mais là, méchante surprise. Alors que j'avais acheté un article qui était en "démonstration", quelle n'a pas été ma surprise de ne plus le retrouver à ma visite suivante.
Ça a l'air que c'est normal, Costco propose ce genre de produit de temps en temps, régulièrement, mais pas de façon constante.
Je me demande bien comment font des restaurateurs pour se réapprovisionner avec les mêmes produits si ces derniers ne sont pas vendus sur une base régulière.

Je découvre encore cette façon de faire des affaires, pas certain que je vais rester membre, je trouve ça pas mal compliqué à vrai dire. Les volumes changes des épiceries, difficile donc de comparer les prix d'un seul coup d'oeil. Ça prend une calculatrice et bien souvent, les spéciaux ailleurs, reviennent moins cher.
17 August 2023 22:45
This Costco is extremely busy and crowded. Here the usually wide isles of Costco are crammed with additional products making it difficult to navigate through other shoppers.

Ever since the pandemic they have widened up the space and it is easier to navigate.
14 August 2023 20:30
On économise sur certains produits d’épicerie en y allant régulièrement et en s’en tenant à sa liste afin d’éviter les tentations. Et pour le reste, c’est toujours bien de regarder les prix chez Costco avant car les prix sont souvent très compétitifs!
18 February 2022 8:41
Can’t purchase a food court item at the register. Kiosk only takes MasterCard and debit only. That means no cash, no visa, no combined credit and debit card. Never heard of a more restrictive way to get a poutine.
06 February 2022 22:59
Cela es ma dernière année avec vous autres, votre pain pas frais du tout bagel moisie apres 2 jours. Coter variété aussi sa fais dure maintenant, ont peut aller simplement ailleur et sans payer de carte de membre
30 January 2022 11:46
From day 1, for about 4 years I was filling up with the required 91 at one of the big name gas stations.
A few months ago I found the 20 cents price difference at Costco irresistible.
Besides the 15 dollars saving per tank I have noticed, and my driving habits and routine have not changed one bit, that with every Costco tank I get an extra 50 km out of a tank of gas.
On top of the 15.00 fill up savings its an extra 12% range per tank of gas.
In my case it's 3 less fill ups per year on top of the better Price!
Go early to avoid the lines, it's worth it.
27 January 2022 3:01
Amazing place for buying household. Everytime you see some new stuff in isles. Tidy and we'll arranged one. Adding to all these really yummy Poutine.
22 January 2022 10:34
Great place if you wanted to buy things in bulk. But certain products are priced more equivalent to outside market. I took the $60CAD plan. Free parking and the gas is priced cheaper than other fuel stations. Overall we have to buy many items and fill gas in order to recover our loss of 60Cad. One thing I noticed being many years with Costco membership is that you will spend more money everytime to visit as compared to going to Walmart etc.
21 January 2022 3:23
Costco on Bridge Street, Montreal. I give it a 5 stars because this place is always clean and well managed. All the staff at this store/wharehouse are helpful, nice, kind and respectful, always (I mean way before the pandemic) ; they show courtesy and patience. Also I love this place for the great selection of organic food.
15 January 2022 0:04
Concernat le nombre des étoiles, c'est mon évaluation pour le kiosque des téléphones: D'abord pas de sourire, l'acceuil est trop loin de professionnels.
Acheter un téléphone à 1500$ ni même pas inclus un chargeur que j'ai acheté à part. Et quant j'ai voulu retourner le téléphone le responsable du kiosque ne collabore pas et me dit si je le retourne, je n'ai pas le droit d'acheter de ce kiosque! Bizarre portant nous avons la protection de consommateurs! Très insatisfait.
11 January 2022 16:18
Best deals I got my Airpods Pro 80$ cheaper than Apple store. And earlier I got a Apple Tv for cheaper price. You will find almost all types of home needs and home furnitures. Before buying any product just give check it here.
06 January 2022 0:58
Went there for gas, a bit cheaper than in the City
A bit crowded but still find everything I needed
28 December 2021 21:23
This Costco is the closest to public transport in Montreal. Still, walking from the metro station to it was not a good experience. I know, no one expects to take public transit to go to Costco, but I feel left out when they seem to make an effort not to be reachable that way. Hence the poor rate. Nothing about this warehouse in particular stands out either negatively or positively when compared to the 2 other Costco warehouses I've been to in Montreal.
23 December 2021 19:32
Service Nulle désagréable et en vous répond très Mal.je revient plus.
Elle Ma presque insulter paracerque je veux payer avec la carte de crédit de ma femme a la caisse.elle ma dit que j ai pas le droits de le faire parce qu elle n'est pas abonner. """""""""""""" Nullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
18 December 2021 14:27
Best customer service ever Maria Paz and Noel helped me to solve an issue, invited me to join Costco, have me some welcome perks because being invited by a friend's card. With this level of service and the great prices and quality, Costco is certainly the best option in Montreal.
11 December 2021 10:14
The worst place to find your usual stuff, since they relocate everything, do not know the logic behind it.
I spent lots of time to find. Hope they fix this problem.
01 December 2021 20:35
Good products. Great services.
Prices of somes products are the sames if not higher than other stores.
16 November 2021 14:20
Always been my favorite Costco and after the pandemic its the one with the least line ups and hassle. One note to you guys. Telling customers that something is wrong with their card at the cash, making them WASTE their time to go to the side with one of the workers only to be asked if you live at the same address and then try to sell you the executive membership is really disappointing and needs to be stopped. It's complete disrespect to people's time and kinda sneaky, which makes anyone want that service even less. Please tell your employees to cut it out.
17 September 2021 8:16
Excellent service today. Cashier at first check out station made sure not to bang or toss my fruits and vegetables. Her name tag said Manon and I really appreciated her doing her job really well all while being happy! Thank you cashier named Manon!
06 September 2021 23:05
Essence moins cher, excellent service après vente, excellents produits et prix, employés froids et désintéressés, clientèle désagréable
19 August 2021 0:31
C'était un peu fou aujourd'hui, une file d'attente un peu trop long, pas appréciée.peut être une autre fois!
12 August 2021 17:29
Everything you need is there. Now with the pandemic, it's good for even small families, you don't need to go for groceries every 3 days
12 August 2021 6:24
Air conditioning service they offer is the pits! The company Costco outsources to was completely uninterested in an installation contract (I guess Costco prices are too low for them). I called Costco customer service and they did nothing to resolve this.
08 August 2021 19:51
Good Costco, sometimes don’t have all the stock and no pharmacy but otherwise good. Staff are friendly and helpful
05 August 2021 5:30
Customer service is bad. 27 years of Costco shoppers from the US. Bought a TV from them this costco, it stopped working after 4 months and you hear about all the costco warranty.they just gave us run around. I am cancelling my costco memebership after 27 years.good bye and good ridden.
17 July 2021 8:28
Smaller Costco but still has a good selection. Friendly and helpful staff. It's my preferred location.
13 July 2021 11:04
Just like all Costco stores.
Shouldn't miss their bakery products.
I buy POM burger buns, big chocolate cake, roasted chicken and guava juice each time without fail.
13 July 2021 6:19
Prix imbattables mais longue file d'attente en périodes de pointes. Beaucoup de perte de temps causé par des utilisateurs arrivant à la borne de remplissage côté inverse à leurs bouchons de remplissage obligeant des manipulations d'étirement du boyau. Ça fait sourire à tous coups lol
19 June 2021 12:15
My only bad comment is they should have a clear sign saying they don;t take cash and don't take visa -only mastercard-, esp for those of us who are not weekly customers.
07 June 2021 17:43
Nous sommes très bien accueillis et avec beaucoup de respect. J’aime beaucoup ce magasin bon rapport qualité prix rangé et organisé.

J’ai acheté un hydropulseur Waterpik. Excellent produit, de loin supérieur mes dents et mes gencives ne se sont jamais senties aussi propres, le design élégant tient parfaitement dans ma main. Dans l'ensemble pour le prix c'est un très bon choix et je le recommande.
31 May 2021 17:16
Way way way too many people at checkout. We are in the middle of the third wave and there was zero social distancing. What is the point of destroying our small businesses to let the big ones not respect the law and put us all in danger.

I spoke to a few staff members and the store manager about it. They were all very responsive and kind but they also just repeated the party line of "I agree but i can't do anything about it"

That being said this store had way way better mask enforcement than home depot or Walmart. They just had a massive bottleneck at checkout and the exit. It can be fixed they just need to manage the volume of people leaving. A coral style checkout with staff monitoring distancing and masks would resolve things. Also why don't stores immediately kick out maskholes? If you are in a store that enforces masks and you aren't wearing one over your nose and over your mouth the store should immediately just kick the person out. It is the only way those customers will learn to comply.
25 May 2021 22:12
Employees need to be better trained on how to deal with crashed payment terminals, double charging and other payment related issues, notably on the self checkout for the food court.
18 May 2021 20:18
Not as much stuff as the Costco in. Pointe-Claire but it’s alright! No pharmacy section but the staff are very friendly and welcoming
06 August 2019 1:40
What can I say? A Costco here is anywhere else. Have a hankering for a family sized portion of pizza but you're single? This is the place to go. How about tossing in a case of single serve soup to forget forget about the crushing loneliness? Costco got you covered. You can buy enough cheese to make a cholesterol inspired fort, all in once place. COSTCO. What will I ever do without you?
28 July 2019 22:21
Facile d'accès avec un grand stationnement. Le magasin est grand et bien garni. Il y a beaucoup de monde, mais pas de cohue.
27 July 2019 7:10
Wide variety of goods. I don't understand why an American based company doesn't take AMEX as a payment method.
21 July 2019 14:50
C des ostie de cave, ils te demande ta carte en entrant, pis ça te la prends pour sortir de la! Merci Dom Paquet!
14 July 2019 18:53
Petit costco. Seul resto du coin donc ca peut etre pratique. Ils ne font plus de remplissage de propane depuis plusieurs années. Toujours beaucoup de monde pour l'essence. Ça peut être difficile d'accès à l'heur de pointe. Le reste est dans les standards Costco. Un Costco plus gros et dans un coin plus accessible serais *****.
09 July 2019 17:21
Horrible customer service. Exceedingly rude and inept staff. The “greeter” at the entrance needs to learn how to explain things respectfully, it is not appropriate to treat customers as though they are little children.
There are polite ways of explaining store regulations, and I suggest that he learn them.
04 July 2019 20:09
Booked an appointment for an eye exam, which was 20 minutes late. Very "in and out" service which is a shame, but not the main problem.

Worst thing is they accused me of stealing and checked my bags. Apparently having full looking bags makes you suspicious. Where is the trust? Spend $80 and you get branded a theif. Thanks Costco, way to go above and beyond.
03 July 2019 17:10
Costco it's my favorite store! No matter I have time to go or not all my shopping is from Costco! There is no minimum amount or limit for shopping online and it would be free shipping so I order online when I don't have time to go! Isn't it great?
19 June 2019 16:08
The store itself? Good! The people there? So stressed out about shopping. Go there at non peak hours if you want to keep your sanity.
13 June 2019 22:53
We like Costco, good food and good price, but eye exam service with a confused doctor; no I won’t go there for this one. Also it’s been since 8 months that I changed my address on Costco website, but they send still their magasine to my previous address. Each time I go to Costco there’s a long line up which is not encouraging to discuss about the issue. Customer service online is not easy to reach either. Costco needs to be more reliable about its customers’ issue on his website.
08 June 2019 13:07
Meilleur endroit pour effectuer son épicerie! Toujours des bons produits les magasins sont propres.
Seul points négatifs sont les temps d’attente aux caisses.
01 June 2019 0:04
There is something for each one.
You can do big economies if you plan your shopping trip.
The fast food restaurant is also a good one. I love the Poutine from them.
29 May 2019 14:42
No matter what time of day I go its always packed. It's really worth it for some things, including socks and especially merino wool tops and of course many food things go and toilet paper. The lines tend to be long at the cash but they go pretty fast. They don't accept Visa at all ever.
24 May 2019 2:04
A co-worker called "Somayeh" is a very rude person there, she tried to satisfy me to get Costco capital one master card but when I rejected her offer she insulted me
I wonder for how much commission she behaves like this.
22 May 2019 12:56
No pharmacy or halal chicken in this location. Less crowded especially during weekdays than other Costco’s
11 May 2019 22:59
Good location, even we are exchange students without cars, we can easy go here by bus from downtown only 20mins.
Service quality is good and everything is cheap here.
I recommend exchange students find here earlier, you can save a lot and enjoy a lot!
The roast chicken is tasty
06 May 2019 9:19
Going to Costco is always a mini adventure, new products to view and taste. Items you might never have thought of, but now in front of you, make you want to try. The fresh articles are always wholesome in appearance. I am a lover of avocadoes and I've never been dissatisfied. The time you go will surely dictate the traffic within and outside the store.

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