17 January 2024 15:27
- Delais d attente au telephone tres important, peut aller jsq 1 heure
- secretaire imptiente et non a lecoute des demande des clients
18 December 2023 8:31
Dr. Awad is fantastic, he takes the time to listen to your health concerns and addresses them accordingly. The staff at Crea-MeD are polite and professional. I highly recommend the clinic.
02 December 2023 10:03
Je suis abonnée aux services médicaux de Crea-MedD depuis des années, du temps du Docteur Bessette. J'y suis retournée en urgence la semaine dernière et j'ai reçu le même excellent service (d'urgence) qu'avant. Les prix des consultations sont restés abordables. La courtoisie l'efficacit.du traitement des dossiers sans faute. Les infirmières attentives. Bravo mille fois.
25 November 2023 18:34
Dr. Awad has been my family doctor for more than 3 years. He truly took the time to listen to my concerns, discuss with me and explain to me.

He is one of the best ones in town. I strongly recommend Dr. Awad.
25 October 2023 6:40
Super belle équipe, de la réception à l’équipe infirmière et aux médecins. Suivi depuis plusieurs années avec Dr Rousseau. Un médecin extraordinaire!
10 October 2023 9:51
Loved my experience with that clinic downtown. The receptionist were very helpful and kind. My appointment with Dr Awad was wonderful, he really took the time to listen to me, my concerns and to explain each procedure. Finally a place where a doctor actually listens and cares about you. The nurse was also so supportive and empathic. Well i recommend that clinic 100%!
25 September 2023 7:04
Le service à la réception est efficient. Le médecin rencontré connaît le domaine de consultation. Le retour sur le résultat des prises de sang est rapide et pertinent. Service efficient dans l’ensemble et adapté au besoin.
12 September 2023 3:26
Incredibly nice staff and such quick service when it came to getting test results back. This clinic saved my life!
06 September 2023 20:47
Crea Med is always very professional and easy to get an appointment with. Although my doctor is leaving I am hoping to have good experiences with the team of Doctors there. The nurse that takes blood there is exceptionally excellent!
14 June 2023 2:59
Great place. The team is quick, friendly and professional. Dr. Awad is a gem. Human soul, that cares and makes you feel at ease. Highly recommend them.
09 June 2023 23:03
I agree with the review below. Worst private clinic to go to. DO not waste your money or time. Elizabeth the receptionist was unprofessional, horrific and obnoxious at answering my questions. They told me I will get access to my blood tests. They assured me the lab would reach out. Nothing happened. I was transferred to a voicemail to address my concerns. At all costs, AVOID.
05 June 2023 11:44
Never been so well cared for in the last 15 years as I have since last year in this private clinic!
20 May 2023 6:21
It was the only clinic in Montreal who I could reach over the phone and book appointment in English. Very friendly and professional staff. Really nice and comfortable wating room. I do recommend Crea-MeD 100%.
11 March 2023 12:28
Tout le personnel de la clinique est très professionnel. Très satisfait du premier contact et de la prise en charge de ma santé par le Dr. Rohé.
28 September 2022 8:03
Belle accueil, un excellent service de la part du Dr Awad, un homme empathique et très professionnel! Je recommande cette clinique.
21 September 2022 16:31
Depuis 3 ans et demi j’avais des symptômes que je n’avais jamais eu avant.après de multiples visites à l’hôpital.j’étais sans réponses. Ma dernière option était d’aller à une clinique privée et on m’a référé à créa-med, ainsi qu’à Dr. Awad.

Son écoute attentive est exceptionnelle et il nous fait sentir ce qu’on ressent et dit est d’une importance sérieuse. Donc grâce à lui, j’ai pu avoir référence au public pour un scan ou on m’a diagnostiqué une tumeur au pancréas. J’ai été pris juste à temps! Maintenant guéri et c’est très rare. Si ce médecin ne m’avait pas pris au sérieux et écouté vraiment comme les 5 autres que j’ai vu avant.il serait trop tard.

Seulement pour vous dire que Dr. Awad n’est pas seulement un médecin compétent mais aussi un médecin avec un véritable côté humain et ils nous prends au sérieux ainsi qu’on ressent une confiance de ce médecin. Et j’ai TOTALEMENT confiance en lui.

Il prends son temps d’écouter et en même temps j’ai l’impression que je vis une psychothérapie quand je le vois.

Je continue à le voir pour continuer d’améliorer ma santé et surtout si j’ai des questions côté santé.

Merci Dr. Awad sincèrement!
02 September 2022 23:55
Excellent service. J'ai vu les trois médecins (Rousseau, Bessette et Awad) et tous sont très à l'écoute et personnellement j'ai toujours senti qu'ils étaient là pour m'aider. Les secrétaires sont toujours gentilles et professionnelles. Je recommande cette clinique.
29 August 2022 2:57
Staff très professionnel et sympathique, très peu d’attente en venant avec rendez-vous.
Le Dr. Awad m’a offert un service d’une qualité rarement égalée, passionné, empathique et pédagogue, je ne peux que recommander, merci!
06 August 2022 4:06
Second time i come to crea med, and still have the pleasure to have Dr Awad, his professionalisme always help me getting back on track with my health!
09 July 2022 13:00
Pire place, j’ai payé 240$ Docteur Noémie Vézina m’a prescrit un médicament qui n’existe meme plus
Ma pharmacienne était choquée de son incompetence
Svp ne jamais prendre RV avec docteur Noémie Vézina ou dans cette clinique
23 June 2022 3:02
Genecologist is not recommended. No special genecology exam chair. No plenty space in front of exam chair how it should be for correct exam.
Doctor is too young and not experienced. She doesn’t know suggest correct patient location for accurate exam, doesn’t know which tool to choose.
In my case tool was changed 3 times till right tool found. As you know it is the problem to find genecologist in Montreal. Otherwise I would go to another doctor.
19 June 2022 23:46
There are multiple doctors here so the level of service that you received can vary. I was there with my wife seeing two different doctors.

I saw Dr Awad. It was great. I felt respected and Dr. Awad was asking questions and listening very carefully the whole time. It was mentioned by a lot of the others too and most of the reviews that I saw spoke well of him.

My wife saw a different doctor and it was a very different experience. My wife didn't feel respected and she said she would never go back there again after the initial visit.

A week later, both of our test results came back. I was told that I was low on Vitamin D and I was prescribed some Vitamin D pills.

My wife was told that there is an issue, and her doctor requested to see her again. She asked for the test report by email first, but the nurse refused until she visited her doctor. So she booked an appointment and worried. She went. Her doctor said, "Oh, I should have just called you. There is nothing other than that your Vitamin D is a bit low. "

So basically, my wife had to wait for a few weeks, traveled back to the clinic, just to be told that her test result is essentially the same as mine, and was charged 70$ for another consultation. And on top of that, she was not even prescribed any pills.

Cred-med is a private clinic so the service is a bit expensive. But the benefit is that it is faster than the public system. If you decide to go there, I would recommend doing some research and choosing your doctor. Hope this helps!
21 May 2022 17:30
Dr. Awad is an absolute 5 super patient, takes the time to explain to you in detail what he believes the issue is and encourages lifestyle changes. Great doctor and great experience everytime.
11 March 2022 18:54
Had a great experience at Crea-meD! The doctor really took the time to explain and help me understand the steps he was taking and was also very friendly! I would absolutely recommend booking an appointment here.
05 March 2022 14:01
En résumé, si vous êtes canadien, riche et sans problème grave de santé, vous pouvez aller dans cette clinique.

Frais de dossier supplémentaires aux non-résidents canadiens malgré le fait que la clinique soit privée, donc pas de remboursement des frais quelconques pour les Canadiens non plus. J'ai proposé de montrer ma carte d'assurance maladie mais on m'a expliqué que ce n'était pas nécessaire.

Impossible de parler au médecin au téléphone pour faire le suivi sur la première consultation sans payer une nouvelle consultation. C'est scandaleux.

Après m'avoir fait passer des tests inutiles (et coûteux) le médecin ne m'a jamais rappelé pour convenir d'un traitement donc j'ai dû aller me faire soigner ailleurs (dans une autre clinique: traitement obtenu rapidement, à moindre coût et sans les tests inutiles).

Je demande à plusieurs médecins quels tests à passer pour un problème cardiaque, et tout le monde me conseille un électro cardiogram mais refus du médecin de CreaMed de me donner une requête pour ce test à l'hôpital dans le domaine public car ce serait selon lui "du gâchis de ressources" mais aucun problème pour lui de me recommander des cliniques privées qui proposent le même test à prix élevés.

Je me demande si j'ai peut être un problème pulmonaire? Le médecin dit "vous feriez mieux d'attendre d'avoir 65 ans pour faire ce genre de tests". J'ai 29 ans, j'attendrai donc 36 ans pour vérifier si tout va bien de ce côté, merci doc!

Après vérification avec d'autres médecins et patients j'ai confirmation que mon médecin chez CreaMed a exploité mon désarroi et fait preuve de discrimination envers moi (détails ne pouvant pas être discutés ici) et qu'il ne s'intéresse qu'à mon argent, pas à ma santé.

Le personnel d'accueil est dans l'ensemble très condescendant et désagréable.

Seul point positif: les infirmières sont géniales (très professionnelles et sympathiques).

En résumé, j'ai dépensé 1600$ dans cette clinique pour ne jamais avoir de résultats concrets sur ma condition et jusqu'à même ne pas bénéficier de traitement.si vous êtes canadien, riche et sans problème grave de santé vous pouvez aller dans cette clinique.
22 February 2022 17:03
I was charged $110 for a 3 minute phone consultation. It was not explained to me that there is a flat fee for phone consultations. However, they agreed to fully reimburse me this time. They explained that it is cheaper to go in person as you will only be charged for the time with the doctor (~ $7/minute). It's important to enquire about ALL fees before becoming a patient.
04 February 2022 16:42
I injured my shoulder and I did not desire to hassle with emergency room, so I visited private medical provider and took an x-ray. The day after all dr. Vézina told me is that I should go to emergency room.
Now I’m in the er waiting for taking x-ray again. What was all that time, money and hassle for? Lol
01 February 2022 21:29
I really benefited from my doctor's thorough approach though he never diagnosed me in the end, and the whole ordeal cost over $800-$1000 in total for maybe 3-4 appointments, which I imagine is normal in private practice, and might actually be competitive. I am still grateful but ended up on a 1+ year waiting list for a pain clinic with no real progression in an understanding of what is wrong (but at least we ruled out some things). The nurse was also very sweet when he was unavailable and I was waiting for results. However, the staff "problems" some folks have mentioned juxtaposed with the cost often outweighed the benefit of going there, as the staff (or maybe its just one person?) was pretty inflexible, rude and rarely listened and often provide misinformation. I work to be very patient and kind even when being talked over and talked down to / misunderstood, especially to those in healthcare and especially now but patients are also affected by the pandemic (and many of us work in social services etc.) and my patience ran very thin dealing with reception over the last few years.
08 December 2021 1:36
The nurse was super sweet and helpful, but the receptionist was just plain rude and unprofessional (french blonde girl). I will not be going there again since I don't want to deal with her nasty attitude.
28 November 2021 15:02
Just a useless clinic and insulting receptionist. I wanted appointment for the same day and I told minor emergency. They don’t care at all. They don’t care about clients.
20 November 2021 11:58
RV rapide, Dr Bessette à été à l'écoute et a répondu à toutes mes questions clairement.
Efficace et rapide.
P. S.: Ne faites pas vos prises de sang sur place. Ultra-dispendieux à $500, et l'infirmière ne trouvait pas ma veine. Elle m'a piqué aux 2 bras et m'a fait de gros bleus, sans succès. Elle a dû aller chercher sa collègue qui elle a tout de suite trouvé ma veine, finalement.
25 August 2021 14:22
Perte de temps et de l'argent! Jamais j'y retourne et jamais je recommande cette clinique à personne!

J'ai pris rdv pour un pap test, demandé 3 fois pour confirmer que le résultat sera disponible en max 5 jours ouvrables (1ère fois au téléphone lors de la prise de rdv, 2e fois sur place à la réception et 3e fois avec l'infirmière qui m'a fait l'examen). Après 7 jours ouvrables, aucune nouvelle! J'ai du appelé pour me faire dire qu'effectivement il n'y a rien à mon dossier (? !?). En plus, j'ai signé un consentement pour recevoir le résultat par courriel, jamais reçu non plus! Puis, lorsque j'étais dans la salle avec l'infirmière, après 15min de questions, je me suis fait dire que l'examen inscrit à son système n'était pas un paptest alors on doit recommencer les questions d'un autre formulaire (pourtant c'est ce que j'ai pris pour rdv et c'est ce que j'ai confirmé à la réception lors de mon arrivée).
Finalement, j'ai jamais passé un paptest si douloureux de ma vie! Croyez-moi, je fais des paptest à chaque année et ce depuis plusieurs années déjà. J'ai des douleurs et saigné jusqu'à 3 jours après.
Bref, c'est horrible toutes ces expériences! Le personnel est perdu et manque clairement de compétence. Vraiment dommage!

Je n'ai pas de problème de payer presque 200$ si vous respectez votre engagement car j'ai choisi d'aller au privé. Mais c'est totalement de la fausse information quand vous dites que c'est 5 jours ouvrables! Je regrette avoir perdu mon argent à la mauvaise place.
19 August 2021 6:40
Le service est de pire en pire depuis 12 mois. Il faut téléphoner pour prendre rendez-vous et aujourd'hui, 3 appels et plus de 30 minutes d'attente sans rien. Besoin de renouveler prescription, etc. Sincèrement, améliorez votre service, car ça fait pitié.
08 July 2021 10:52
I'd like to give 5 stars to Dr.mohamed Awad. He is one of the best family doctors I have ever seen in Montréal, he is so patient he listens to you and explains the problem very well. He is very caring, as soon as he got my test rusult he gave me a call and even he is helping me to get a quick appointment with an specialist. I like him so much and I highly recommend him. Thank you Dr. Awad.
02 July 2021 8:10
Je suis toujours satisfaite à chaque fois que je viens à cette clinique. J'ai vu le docteur Bessette et le docteur Rousseau. Ils prennent le temps de bien expliquer et d'écouter les patients. Excellent service, je recommande!
19 June 2021 9:58
Je me fais soigner depuis plusieurs années dans cette clinique.
Mais aujourd’hui, c’était la première fois avec le Dr Awad.
Je voulais le remercier pour sa gentillesse, son écoute et son professionnalisme.
18 June 2021 16:43
My wife and I have been going there for years. We both saw Dr. Robin before he took leave to work mostly elsewhere which then to get an appointment with him, you'd be on a waiting list. Was not happy about that.

We then both got new doctors that recently were hired there. I had Dr. Awad and found him to be sympathetic and no complaints about him but the overall experience and administration of this place has gone way down in the last few years.

We had to fill out paperwork on 3 occasions so that my wife and I could have access to each other's files/make appointments etc and each time they lost the paperwork and had to file it again. Finally after they saw we were upset having to do this AGAIN, they put the note in "verbally" in our files.

Today was the last straw as I had an appointment, which I was 10 mins late as there were a TON of unexpected road closures more so than normal downtown woes. I still waited 15 mins which I don't mind at all, I've never waited more than 60 mins to see the doctor and for that, I find good but when my wide called to say she would be 10 mins, they refused to see her and would be charging a cancellation fee!

I could not believe this as we've been going there for many years and when I called to see what was going on they said it was a 20 min appointment and 10 mins late is too much and that my wife had a history of being late/cancelling which is 100% false. The amount of times we've waited for them, even though it is not a long wait, the fact that my wife suffers from anxiety disorder and she called me with a panic attack as they refused to see her, shows me they have no intentions to keep existing clients nor do the administration value medical care. She would have gladly waited to fit in-between appointments if they passed someone quicker etc but I saw 3 people come in TODAY who actually said "sorry for being late" OR mentioned their appointment time to the receptionist (of which they were late) and no issue.if my wife lacked the courtesy to call and advise her 10 minute lateness MAYBE they would have seen her but they didn't, and for this, absolutely unforgivable.

I mentioned today they'd be losing two long time clients and they couldn't care less.

Very poor administration, I would look for a place that truly cares for your health.
10 June 2021 17:05
J’écris très rarement des avis, mais je tenais à souligner l’excellent travail du Dr Mohamed Awad. Il est très professionnel, proactif et à l’écoute. Le meilleur médecin que j’ai eu, je le recommande fortement.
06 June 2021 16:54
3rd visit to this clinic. Dr. Awad is superb; efficient, empathetic, kind, thoughtful and friendly. As opposed to the transactional and rushed public practitioners. The receptionist today seemed distracted and forgot to check me in so I’m hoping I wasn’t charged for the time I waited. In any case, I highly recommend Dr. Awad, worth every penny.
30 May 2021 19:34
Friendly phone service, friendly receptionist and patient Dr listened to my terrified ramblings. Provided info, suggestions and great bedside manner with Dr Rousseau.
10 May 2021 17:23
Toujours une excellente experience, service rapide sur rdv et le medecin nous explique les resultats des tests et fait les suivis necessaires. Dr Robin et Awad sont tres bons.
12 April 2021 13:25
I highly recommend seeing Dr. Rousseau. He is the best doctor I have seen in my life. Super friendly and efficient. I would also like to acknowledge the amazing receptionist and nurse who were also extremely helpful and friendly. Very good atmosphere for patients at the clinic.
08 April 2021 20:51
I had a yearly check up and then a follow up with Dr. Awad. He was very attentive to my concerns and you can tell that he cares for his patient's well-being. He takes the time to explain what he's doing, the different tests and what they mean.
It was my 2nd time seeing nurse Zola and she's my favorite person to let take a sample of my blood.
The receptionist are always super nice and effective.
I highly recommend that you go to CreaMed for all your medical needs because their professionalism and level of care is amazing!
18 March 2021 1:39
My entire household are under risks of COVID-19 thanks to the malpractices of this clinic.

My roommate visited there last week for a condition and, upon return, complained about how they failed to maintain social distancing rules and always kept people waiting for various stuff crowded in limited space or in a small room. He was so horrified by their negligence.

Not surprisingly, yesterday he received a call informing him someone whom he'd been in contact with while in the clinic was tested positive. He has also developed multiple symptoms. This really infuriates us. We had maintained absolute minimal contact with everyone else, often to our own inconvenience, yet we're still under threat due to the carelessness of this clinic. Stay as far away as possible from this clinic that cares not about your safety of health.
13 March 2021 21:48
I visited this clinic and i am very satisfied with the service i received. The staff is friendly and Dr. Rousseau is a kind doctor who took the time with me. Thank you!
14 February 2021 16:37
Very nice staff. My first time meeting with Dr. Rousseau today.
Very professional yet personal in his approach. He also understands my concerns and doesn't pressure you to take any services they have, while offering many alternatives and solutions.

Highly recommend and will definitely return!
01 February 2021 12:56
Great and efficient service for a fair price. I had visited the clinic for the first time and met with Dr. Awad. He listened to all of my concerns with interest and showed me great compassion. All of the concerns that I voiced with Dr. Awad were well heard and solved to my satisfaction. Excellent service and the receptionists were super nice. Would recommend.
24 December 2020 3:51
Complete daylight robbery. From my experience, 'Professionals' here are only concerned with your credit card. Telephone appointment of 2mins 34 seconds cost me over $100 after being advised that an appoint of such a short period would not be this much. After trying to dispute this, no one ever returned my phone call, and they took the money from me anyway. Also, Dr. Mathieu Rousseau was quite happy to advertise during my appointment face to face the fact that he has many degree's/Phd's under his belt, but his lack of personal skills is something that can not be taught. The nurse I saw was the complete opposite, she was lovely and unpretentious. These are the people who should be Doctors. Credit to her only. I would not recommend this clinic if you want genuine care.
14 December 2020 4:31
Doctors are really bad! He misdiagnosed my condition and it put me in critical health situation and I ended up in emergency room!
27 October 2020 17:13
I had an awful experience. I was in need of a doctor and the lady who called me to book me a visit was very impolite and didn’t help me at all. All she carried about was the payment I should make. I said I work during the day and told her my availability but she didn’t have the effort to find a solution. I saw the review and I read all about the clinic and I thought it should be good but unfortunately I will never get to know since the receptionist was unprofessional.
10 October 2020 11:39
I have had good experiences with the other doctors at Crea-Med as well as the receptionists and nurses - all excellent. However, if you are going to the clinic for mental illness, even if just to ask for a referral to a psychiatrist, I would strongly recommend avoiding Dr Awad. He showed a lack of compassion and understanding of mental illness, not even inquiring about my family history (which is extensive and serious). He was dismissive of my depression and gave bizarre and unhelpful advice.
17 September 2020 3:28
Excellent! Le personnel est attentif, Dr Bessette répond aux questions avec patiences. Je recommande fortement cette clinique.
22 August 2020 16:45
I rarely leave reviews but just had to share my experience. Dr. Robin is amazing, she was caring and compassionate from the minute I walked in, highly recommended. Thank you for making me feel comfortable
26 April 2020 13:39
I really like the clinic, got tested twice, fast, price is fair, how ever worse place for parking, I will never go back because of this, last time I got involved in car accident by my fault, I was turning around for 25 minutes being very stressed not to loose the appointment and not finding a place to park.
Bad experience.
To bad as I really loved the clinic, very convenient.
17 April 2020 8:36
Je ne recommande pas la place.
Mon experience fut tres moyenne. Il me semble qu'il y a un desaccord entre les infirmieres et les docteurs. L'infirmiere n'a pu me prendre ma pression, elle m'a envoyé vers le docteur pour le faire, celui ci m'a renvoyé vers l'infirniere et l'infirmiere m'a dit qu'elle ne pouvait le faire. Belle situation. Apres j'ai du attendre, seulement car les infirmieres se posaient des questions les gestions d'emploi du temps et un docteur et venu leur indiquer que j'attendais. Sinon j'aurai pu attendre encore longtemps je pense.
01 April 2020 7:54
It was the first time I've been there and it was an excellent service from A to Z. The secretary was welcoming and the doctor was professional and knew what questions to ask and what he was doing. Overall, he was excellent. The one I saw was Dr Awad. Keep up the good work everybody!
22 March 2020 1:22
I've been using this clinic for a few years. Always great and convenient service. Dr. Luc Besette is excellent and very professional. Have recommended several friends and family to the clinic.
03 November 2019 19:53
Le dr. Marc Robin qui est mon médecin depuis 5 ans à toujours été d'une grande écoute, ce matin il à pris le temps d'expliquer à moi et mon épouse la situation de mon état de santé, et ce sans rien cacher, il nous donnent les outils nécessaire.nb: r-v à 9: 40, passe au local de l'infirmière à 9: 41 et entré au bureau du médecin à 9: 47, qui dit mieux.
06 October 2019 16:38
Got a same day appointment and reception staff are friendly.

However, Doctor Awad seemed inexperienced and did not make me comfortable. He seemed unsure of what to tell me and asked “what do you think it is? ".
25 September 2019 2:57
I had to write a review for my recent expirence with Crea Med and Dr Bessette, as it was very stressful and uncomfortable.
I had come in for some gastro symptoms which I had been expirencing for a prolonged amount of time. I wanted to get the issue solved as efficiently and quickly as possible.

The Doctor did not prescribe me anything. He was condescending towards my diet, implying that I must not be taking care of myself as well as I could be, and that's the reason for my symptoms, or a viral infection. I felt like I was being judged by my age, and that someone as young as I couldn't possibly have a healthy diet, or know how to take care of oneself. I felt dissmissed and discredited. I left feeling pretty frustrated as I was feeling quite unwell. I've had viral infections before, and I think by now I know how to identify wether it is viral or not.

I proceeded to submit some cultures to their lab and was told more than a week later over the phone that everything was negative.

In the meantime I had an intuitive feeling that something was wrong so I had gone to another doctor, who also requested a lab which takes 4 days to process while crea- med takes 8 days to process! (absurdly long if you are having a problem!) this is not only my opinion but other doctors have agreed that this is an absurdly long time to get results from a stool culture.

Anyways, the results returned from my second opinion and I was positive for a parasite! So thanks to all this I lived an unnecessarily miserable time with a parasite without getting the proper medications, and at the same time feeling as if I was deranged for even coming here with my symptoms.
I don't really know how a lab that costs that much can miss that.
19 September 2019 11:28
Very bad experience, went to see Dr. Marc Robin because of nail hematoma, he recommended to do a trephination to relieve blood pressure pain, ended up with a severe infection in my finger because of the trephination
15 August 2019 22:57
Great experience, I came in for an emergency and the doctor called me down. I felt listened to and that I got the best possible treatment. There was virtually no wait time and everyone was very welcoming. You do you get what you pay for and it is expensive but if you don't have health insurance and are in a pinch then this is the best you could get.
01 July 2019 20:42
Had very bad experience here. Not suggest to anyone have urgent issue.
Paid $180 for open file and saw doctor maybe 5 mins. The doctor not really listens to your problems. Told the doctor still have issue after the treatment but the doctor says he don’t see the problems and if anything call back. Call back the second day since I still suffered pain. The reception said will ask nurse call back to see my situation but nurse never call back.
15 April 2019 6:51
The service was fantastic and the doctor is a really nice person. Thanks a lot.because I felt really bad
21 March 2019 13:16
Best private clinic in Montreal. Doctors are so attentive and so are the nurses. Highly recommend and worth going even though it's not free. Excellent service!
13 December 2018 6:21
Je me suis rendue à cette clinique a 3 reprises pour un mal de gorge qui empirait. Saignements de nez, hypertension. On m’a laissé repartir à chaque fois en me laissant entendre que c’etait dans ma tête: arrêtez de vous regardez la gorge, arrêtez de vous inquiéter pour rien, votre gorge va tres bien, ca doit etre viral. Je me suis rendue dans une autre clinique ou on a pris la peine de me faire un simple prélèvement de gorge. Streptocoque! Je suis restée donc plusieurs semaines malade a etre prise pour une idiote hypocondriaque.
09 November 2018 17:40
I came to see Dr. Luc Bessette for follow-up care after I was hit by a car while crossing a major street in downtown Montreal.

I received excellent medical care from Dr. Bessette and his entire staff. Dr. Bessette personally telephoned the appropriate specialty professionals (e.g, a renowned orthopedic surgeon based in Montreal) and services (radiology centers) and secured appointments for me to be seen by them promptly.

The entire staff is very friendly, efficient, helpful and professional - they are all bilingual (sadly, I do not yet speak French).

The clinic, which is mere blocks away from McGill University, is extremely clean and convenient to reach by walking, Metro, or buses.

For visitors like me, this private medical clinic is ideal. Prices are reasonable and highly competitive.

I can't write more now because of the injuries I sustained after being hit by a car.
01 October 2018 14:01
Just wrote them to ask for an appointment via mail. Had to give them my number in the form, but wrote to PLEASE NOT CALL ME. Not one minute after I sent it, they called me. The secretary hasn´t even finished reading my message. I didn´t want to talk about my medical history with people around me, that´s why I wrote them. Could´ve called myself if I wanted to talk on the phone. But respect doesn´t seem to be written in caps with this company.

First try to get an appointment and defo the last.
Thanks for your help!
08 September 2018 20:21
I've been to this clinic a few times in the last year for the same routine blood test and although they are accomodating with the scheduling (I have always managed to get an appointment at latest the following day), the service has never been consistent. I have had many nurses with a wide range of techniques and skills (which ranged from exceptionally kind and considerate to won't say a word and will stab you with the needles many times because they decided to not go with the obvious big veins that everyone usually takes) and been greeted with the same confusing behaviour at the front desk (one appointment goes smoothly while for the other, cards have to be passed on two different interac machines but no good explanation is given for this new way of payment). Asking for the results to be communicated to you as well is never the same procedure (I have to ask the nurse one day during the appointement while the next time I have to wait for the phone call confirming they have sent the results to my doctors to ask) - very confusing! For the price, please make the service more professional and consistent!
28 August 2018 8:35
Nice and speedy private clinic.

As other comments said, I do think this clinic is a little pricey than another one I went in north of the island, but this is closer to where I live. I called on Monday for an appointment and got to meet with Dr. Robin on Thursday morning, probably could be even faster? Staffs and nurse I met with all speak English and friendly, Dr. Robin is professional and answered everything I asked. I recommend to people who need to see doctors but don't want to wait for hours in public. (and don't mind to pay for the services.)
16 March 2018 17:17
Don't waste your time or money. Paid to have file opened and a consultantation and saw the doctor for maybe 3 minutes. Didn't ask any questions already had a requisition printed before I entered his office. Made a suggestion that I needed this particular test done not knowing anybody my medical history which it doesn't take a medical person to understand they the test he wants me to undergo had nothing to do with my illness.
They will gladly take your money no matter where you're from, the nurse will see you for five minutes and the doctor is only there to make money. Has no care in the works why you're there. Very dissatisfied with the service and do not recommend this "private clinic". They are not there to help as they claim

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