01 January 2024 12:46
Je suis un utilisateur d’applications d’échanges linguistiques de longue date. Alors que la stricte vision utilitaire est la norme pour de nombreux usagers, j’ai toujours mis le développement du rapport humain en premier plan. Autrement dit, je ne souhaite pas seulement connaître une langue, mais également, et même surtout, connaître les personnes de bonne compagnie qui l’utilisent.

Il en va de même pour mes séjours en quelconques endroits qui servent nourriture et boisson. Je suis mû par le désir d’entamer une conversation avec les employés sympathiques que je rencontre, question de découvrir ce qui les anime et d’ainsi parfaire mon plaisir. Cependant, le contexte ne s’y prête pas toujours — ils travaillent — et je confesse que je ne me sens pas encore tout à fait dans mon élément.

Rétrospectivement, en écrivant ces lignes, je constate que j’aurais certainement eu envie de lier davantage connaissance avec cette employée aux cheveux tressés de blond et au gaminet « Scène + », image de gentillesse et d’hospitalité et dont l’élan était empreint de sincérité. Elle m’a en prime offert de bon gré et en toute spontanéité non pas un, mais deux morceaux de pâtisseries. Les actes de bonté gratuits m’émeuvent à tous coups, hiver comme été, et je crois qu’ils méritent d’être soulignés !

Eu égard aux viennoiseries en tant que telles, consignez dans votre mémoire que le croissant aux amandes est splendide avec sa carapace croustillante et sa chair bien aérée et tendre. Accordez également l’honneur à vos dents de déchiqueter une délicieuse chocolatine. Pour la suite de votre commande, laissez-vous inspirer par ces appétissantes viennoiseries exposées à travers la vitrine et les conseils avisés du charmant personnel, car, pourquoi se priver si quatre petits desserts peuvent être aussi abordables qu’un billet vert ? Enfin, prenez vos aises à une table et savourez lentement vos achats dans cette élégante et épurée pâtisserie aux murs carrelés blancs.

P. S.
Ma mère a tellement aimé le croissant aux amandes que lui ai rapporté qu’elle m’a, séance tenante, demandé le nom du local.
03 July 2023 11:42
Délicieux croissant fait maison sans oublier les tartelettes un délice
La serveuse est très gentil et tres serviable et connaît très bien son travail
Je le recommande vivement
29 June 2023 5:56
What can I say that has been said about his incredible boulangerie? My highest praise is that I normally hate fruit-filled baked goods and deserts, but their blueberry and raspberry croissants are from another world.
17 May 2023 16:20
Service ok.
Prix assez élevés.
Le pain de nos croque-monsieur était détrempé.
Sinon ils ont une grande variété et la soupe était bonne!
18 April 2023 10:06
Love this store. The tartlets are so fresh and tasty. A great spot for quick sandwiches and fresh bread. I pick up treats from here whenever I invite people over.
02 April 2023 14:35
I walk ~2 kms from home to this place to eat Almond Croissant here. They are so insanely good, my family loves it. I consider them one of the iconic food items of Montreal, I wouldn't believe if anyone told me there was a better one in the city. Love all of their desserts as well as the savory sandwiches. I would highly recommend this place.
08 March 2023 13:37
Comment 4,6? La bouffe là-bas est dégeulasse.
Même un chocolat chaud est même bon dans cette entreprise.
4,6 désolé, mais c'est truqué.
Arrêtez de câcher la réalité.
06 March 2023 6:05
I liked the place. They have plenty of delicious pastries that you would like to try all of em. However, I gave them 4 stars because they don't have syrups like vanilla, hazelnut, caramel, dulce de lache etc.etc.for your coffee.
That would be great if they add some syrups so we can have them in our coffee:) all in all, good place. I recommend it.
03 March 2023 7:49
Lovely pastry shop with awesome counter presentation and large variety of pastries and cakes. Also serves café Union beans coffee.

Their pastries (we tried a pain au chocolat, kouin aman and some Nutella croissant), while delicious, tend to be richer in butter or filling than usual. If they could improve the balance of butter and fillings, they may get their 5th star.

Keep it up!
26 February 2023 5:03
Soit ils ont changé les ingrédients, soit ils ont changé le/la pâtissier dernièrement: (par exemple, le goût du croissant n'est plus le même ni les éclairs sont faits de la même façon qu'avant. Avant cette boulangerie était 5 étoiles pour notre famille, mais en ce moment non: (
11 February 2023 20:45
Les minis tartelettes sont pas chers et vraiment bonnes, à chaque fois que j’en achète quand je suis invitée ça fait son effet.
29 December 2022 12:38
Best croissants I ever ate in MTL. Fresh.

Underrated place.
Coffee is extremely mid though.
24 December 2022 1:09
Their big size chocolatine was exceptionally delicious today. It had the right amount of flakiness and puffiness, with the chocolate stick inside placed perfectly. I’ve had them many times but today for some reason was wayyy better than before. Great job to the pastry cook/chef who made it. Please keep it up
04 December 2022 19:34
Bon service et bon repas! Les jeunes sont gentils et polis. MAIS j'aimerais qu'ils installent une option pour laisser du service lorsque la transaction se fait par visa ou interact!
27 November 2022 11:01
Perfect! You can buy the best frozen croissant and prepare it for the breakfast. Good food, good service. I love that place!
10 June 2022 8:57
Really good pastries and lunch food. Hot espresso-based drinks are fantastic, especially lattes and mokas. I would not recommend their iced coffees, they weren't great. Staff are always polite and helpful. They do not offer dine-in options (no tables or chairs), so keep that in mind if you want a place to sit down and relax. Not wheelchair accessible, nor is there a lot of parking. Overall I like this place very much and will continue to purchase their lattes and other pastries, to go.
25 May 2022 22:02
Lovely people work here. I'm usually here for the croissants and the cookies as they are super yummy. If you're undecided just ask the girlies or guys that work there they're always happy to recommend something for you. Always so patient and friendly.
13 May 2022 23:32
J'adore leurs vienoiseries les pâtisseries mieux que certaine boulangerie francaise. Le personnel est très gentil.
05 May 2022 19:23
The best bakery in Monkland for croissants, bread, fruit tarts, cakes, éclairs… prices are decent and the food is sublime. I go there every week and bring my friends there too. Lots of variety and the service is great, super friendly staff… thank you for the lovely food!
10 April 2022 6:36
En tant que français exigent, quel bonheur de commander chez Croissant Monkland! Certains petits trucs dont je suis pas fan comme la crème utilisé dans les mini tartelettes mais dans la globalité c'est vraiment super bon!
04 March 2022 14:54
Généralement excellent.
Mais aujourd'hui vraiment déçu par la galette des rois.
Ne vaut pas le détour quand on reste à l'ouest du West Island.
14 February 2022 17:02
Awesome! Crêpe sandwiches are delicious and they have a great variety of baked goods. Good quality products, but I don't know if they do anything to reduce acrylamide formation in their products. Most places don't, but a few are proactive about it. Aside from that the woman was super friendly.
13 February 2022 13:04
I've waited a couple of visits before making this review.but I have to say how disappointed I am. Multiple occasions I've ordered a latte and there was absolutely no coffee in it just milk and foam. I'm guessing it's due to the turn around of employees and the lack of proper training and it drives me crazy that the quiche is always burnt. It hurts me to make this review because once upon a time this was one of my favorite coffee/pastry establishments but since the move from monkland to their new location.in my opinion it's been subpar. If there is any improvement in yhe future I would redact this review.
26 January 2022 8:01
Bad and unprofessional. They sold us kitchen scraps, which is insulting to say the very least. These macarons should’ve never been put on the shelves to begin with. Half of them were soggy (2 of which were completely soaked, so I just threw them out). Literally a scam and waste of money.

Owner claims that it was “a simple mistake” but did nothing to remedy the situation and basically told me to shut up. Not to mention that one doesn’t not fill a whole box with failed macarons and puts it on sale for 8$ “by mistake. ” I was deceived by the overall good reviews but avoid this place at all costs. Needless to say, I will not be visiting again.
25 January 2022 16:38
Amazing pastries and cakes, also coffee is great
i recommend the place for everyone looking for delicious, fresh sweety & salty food
11 January 2022 6:07
Je ne suis jamais allée sur place mais j'adore leurs pâtisseries que je me fais livrer à la maison. J'aime tout particulièrement la danoise aux épinards et le croissant aux amandes, toujours frais avec le croquant tout autour, qui est gigantesque! Un gros coup de coeur!
21 November 2021 22:33
Bonnes pâtisseries, notamment le fraisier avec la menthe ciselée mêlée a la crème Chantilly. En salé les crèpes jambon-fromage sont super bonnes.
12 November 2021 3:18
La seule boulangerie où je vais depuis des années! Jamais déçue, tout est frais et les prix sont abordables. Éric le propriétaire est un amour! ️
09 November 2021 7:41
Went with great expectations, but I think I just made weak choices. Should’ve had a croissant, but instead had the almond croissant (too big and bread-like, as opposed to flaky, crispy pastry.) The bullet holes in the window may have shortened the line on this day- to my benefit.
31 October 2021 8:51
Staff is extremely welcoming, polite and sweet. Let me tell you their croissants are out of this world, flaky, buttery, soft and delicious. The closest thing I’ve had to the croissants I had in Paris. Highly recommend coming here for all their delicious pastries. My husband had a crepe sandwich and would highly recommend and daughter enjoyed a delicious chocolate croissant. Do yourself a favour and check them out
06 October 2021 17:51
High priced great food not a place to shop at often open 7am-7pm, 7 days a week. Delish pastries. Fresh baguettes. Prepared sandwiches and stuffed crepes, coffee too.
21 September 2021 0:48
I bought a spinach omelette and a small rhubarb tart. It was phenomenal! Definitely going back and completely understand why there’s a line up every morning!
15 September 2021 17:22
Probably my favourite bakery in the area. They have delicious fresh everything, pre made delicious food and all these little pastries. Deeeelicious
04 September 2021 9:31
I reaaaally like the spinach feta rolls, but the rest of the goods I've tried here are just okay, are fine; I don't find it as great as the reviews suggest here
04 September 2021 4:19
Beware! This place can easily turn addictive Top recommendations: 1) Nutella croissant (to die) for 2) The omelette jambon fromage (so cheesy, so hammy, so good) 3) Their cakes. Anything you eat here will be worth it
20 August 2021 20:36
This place is an exercise in sensory overload. The sheer variety of baked goods, deli sandwiches, and other delights was mind-boggling. Top it off with the combined aromas of fresh baked (baking) pastries, and coffee that smells so good, even the caffeine-challenged would have to think twice, and you have a little slice of heaven.
18 August 2021 12:52
Very delicious croissant filled with jam. Yet, recently I faced with wierd incidents that had happened twice for me during the past 5 months. I ordered 3 crossiants, 3 creps. Paid for it & left.when I reached home I saw that I have 1 croissant less than my order. Check my bill I paid for 3. Came back there same day in 1 hour and they said no your order was correct nothing left in the shop and it may be fall from you hand in the street. Again 1st of August, I went there to buy 3 creps and some sweetes but strangly same scenario repeated again (1 crepe less than my paid order). I think they are weak with service and order fulfillment
My advice to other customers certainly check take the bill and your order before leaving there even if it is crowdy
14 August 2021 16:47
Staff pas super souriant, ni super sympathique! Le pain est médiocre. Cette boulangerie nous dépanne mais le plus souvent on choisi d'aller sur Monkland.
10 August 2021 8:15
Best in Montreal out if I’ve tasted.love their almond croissant, pistachio brownies, butter croissants.everything is so delicious.close to a what you get in Paris.so happy I found the good bakery close to my place.
18 July 2021 21:11
Their Croissants (especially the blueberry one) are simply AMAZING! Although the Nutella one is "mehh". I'm a huge fan. Their other stuff is also good, especially the quiche with spinach and their éclaires.
12 July 2021 16:30
The only thing I don’t like about Croissant Monkland is how close it is to where I live, so I can’t stop eating their delicious croissants, pizzas and sandwiches when I’m trying to cut down. Their almond croissants are a must-try!
26 June 2021 0:40
Staff are welcoming, place is clean and bright. There is a large variety of fresh pastries, croissants and sandwich, pizzas. Everything is super well-priced, not too expensive. Ever since I discovered this place, this has to be my go-to place to get croissants and amandines. Highly recommend this place, Croissant!
15 June 2021 10:55
I used to go there regularly before confinement. (Travelling 45 min by car one way to get there). Went there yesterday, bought my 12 croissants as usual but when I got home I found out how much smaller they were. Same taste, great but much smaller.
30 April 2021 11:32
I have been coming here since they were at Monkland Ave. Simply delicious and out of this world viennoiseries, I have tried all the best bakeries in Montreal nothing beats croissant Monkland. For those who want to have a buttery, flaky and crunchy on the outside croissant, go to monkland you won’t regret it and they have coffee as well.
22 April 2021 3:57
Came to this place since this was on Monkland street. I was living around the area so I went there quite often. Now I live in south shore, I still drive 15-20min to buy their almond croissant! I’ve never seen a place with amazing almond croissant!
09 April 2020 14:11
J'étais à la caisse tôt ce matin et j'attendais mon tour pour être servi cependant la Mme au comptoir ma totalement ignorer et à décider de servir le client qui venait d'arriver.sa réponse: je suis désolé je vous ai complètement oublié. Au retour je vois que les macarons n'étaient pas digne d'une pâtisserie.pour ceux qui s'y connaissent vous savez de quoi je parle
01 March 2020 23:17
I love this place! Fresh and affordable. The breads baked here are fantastic. Soup, coffee, sandwich, desserts. OMG, I love everything from this place. The employees are very nice.
07 February 2020 12:42
Food was amazing as always. The service was very good. However, the tables were not very clean and the place wasn't busy.
14 January 2020 5:47
Bonne boulangerie, mais une boulangerie doit être régulière dans ces produits, exemple un jour les croissants son petit l'autre ils sont énorme même chose pour le pain et les pâtisseries (surtout que c tenue par un français pas d'excuses!)
30 October 2019 18:20
Smell's fantastic. Got their bagel w/cream cheese and their ham and cheese omelet. Excellent breakfast. They also have many different kind of breads and patries. Will go back every time I am in this area of Montréal.
28 October 2019 8:09
Bright, with fresh bread scent in the air. A wonderful place for lunch or breakfast. Had the toasted Saucisson sandwich and enjoyed it very much. Cool to peek in the back and see some of the breads being prepared. Also 11: 00 am Sept 16 staff was so friendly and energetic! Felt very relaxed and respected while ordering. Will come again.
17 October 2019 9:08
Great local bakery with the right amount of baked goods to choose from while sipping your morning coffee. It's a small place if you try to eat there, but people clear fairly quickly. I would recommend going on off hours of the day to get a good seat if you're more than 2. The prices are what you'd expect and the service is quick and friendly.
Plus, if you decide to eat on the spot, you get a side salad to go with your chosen crêpe/omelette/quiche/croque-monsieur, etc.
15 October 2019 3:11
J'y ramasse mes baguettes tous les dimanches matins, rien n'est aussi bon dans le secteur! Le personnel est gentil et courtois malgré l'attitude de certains clients imbus d'eux-mêmes
02 October 2019 4:23
Nice neighbourhood café and bakery. Large selection of premade breakfast omlets. Love the deserts. Try the passion fruit mouse.
01 October 2019 20:36
Service rapide et chaleureux, plusieurs variétés, qualité supérieure avec des bons prix comparé à d'autres boulangeries/pâtisseries. J'y retourne pour leurs viennoiseries?
Dommage qu'il n'y ait qu'une succursale sur l'île.
10 August 2019 2:06
My family and I were customers at Croissant Monkland from way back when their Monkland location was open. Everything is always fresh, and well-priced. Good customer service too- the young Filipino gentleman, whom I believe is manager, is excellent.
07 August 2019 19:55
My daughter and I really like Croissant Monkland
coffe is always good - food is fresh, atmosphere is friendly. Staff are pleasant and efficient
19 June 2019 17:57
One of my favourite croissant-pastry shops. I always find everything very fresh, a large variety of vienoisseries as well as pastries, cakes, and sandwiches. Their prices are quite reasonable also compared to other places I've been.

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