28 April 2023 21:46
Syljack, Tromax, Rick's, all owned by the same company. Disgusting service. Whatever you do, do not chose any of these companies for snow removal. Biggest mistake was to move to Syljack. I'd sooner pay 4X and be assured that my driveway will be addressed than to wait days if they even show at all.
11 March 2023 3:06
Driveway snow removal is acceptable. Cleaning g the stairway and the walkway is another story. I called twice last week befire the stairs were cleaned
08 March 2023 16:15
Absolutely horrible. They never show up, takes days, we paid someone else essentially for us to shovel our driveway is what the reality is. Need to call 100 times anytime it snows and same memo every time we dispatched someone who never comes. Honestly invest more money in a company that actually is organized and cares about their business ethics.
07 March 2023 1:24
Very good price/ quality service in my area. They come at least twice a regular storm and 3-4 times on long storm. Used them for years and always happy with the service
28 February 2023 9:43
Today's snow stopped 12 hours ago. Now it is 9: 00 PM. My drive way was still full of snow. Couldn't be worse.
23 February 2023 5:11
Trash company, won't do the one thing they're supposed to do (Snow Removal), avoid at all cost.
21 February 2023 2:10
Horrible, save your money. They never pass before 6am or 5pm, when they do they literally go in one straight line.my driveway is kot one single straight line
I will tell our landlord to go with Da Silva next year as everyone on our block has their services and it's always nice and clean while we're still waiting. I'm posting this at 3: 47 on a Sunday and it's been snowing all day
18 February 2023 22:39
Unreliable, unresponsive, unprofessional. This is the best description for their services and their customer service line. Spend your money on other companies that will actually get the job done and give you peace of mind rather than headaches. It's actually pretty shocking how bad these people are.
14 February 2023 11:36
I'm on Acres boulevard. I've been using Syljack for the past 7 years, and I'm getting excellent service. Great customer service as well. Thank you Syljack.
09 February 2023 8:02
Do not use this company ever. It’s the worst possible company to use for snow cleaning. It’s never done on time and there’s always an excuse when you call them. We even called this morning to advised them that they didn’t clean the driveway and we needed it cleaned ASAP cause our father (a 62 year old man) has a doctor’s appointment, and they said all the snow truck removals are on the road so they can’t say when they can come clean it. Often enough, they come to so call “clean” there is still a layer on the driveway. We are always one of the last ones to have a clean driveway on our street. Plus, when asked if we cancel if we would get a refund, they simply said NO REFUND. Definitely not a company worth trying. If you don’t want to waste money, stay away.
03 February 2023 21:34
I just wish they would come to clean my driveway sometime in the near future. And the receptionist couldn't be more rude.
30 January 2023 18:51
This company is getting worst and worst every year and they never show up all day and do a worst job u can imagine…never again!
25 January 2023 21:49
THE WORST SNOW REMOVAL COMPANY EVER! Do not… I repeat do not hire this company. It has been two days that they have not shown up not even once! After a heavy snowfall I can understand being backed up but it is unacceptable to be MIA. Multiple tenants have been stuck in the complex parking lot and can not get out due to their negligence. They keep promising someone will pass by certain times but they are a no show. The don’t even deserve the one star we have to give to leave a comment. Garbage!
23 January 2023 5:48
Je paie pour service de déneigement, apre deux jours de tempête aucun signe, aucun réponse de la compagnie juste labyrinthe de messages enregistrés, j ai fait moi meme mon déneigement avec ma souffleuse,
Compagnie a éviter, maybe petite créance!
23 January 2023 1:47
What ever you do dont go with SHITJACK.the worst service. They come when they wanted to come.
21 May 2022 15:59
They just do not come - i understand they use contractors - so i let's say there is a snow storm ro 1 day - they wil be here only the second day in the evening.we are in Ile Perrot - so i think in Vaudreuil or Point claire should be ok. But here in Ile Perrot - DO NOT TAKE THEM!
24 April 2022 4:58
The worst service in the West Island. Garbage service they are scammers they take your money they screw up your property by not cleaning properly and they don’t answer the phones. They are laughing at the residents of the West Island. They do not care for you or your property. Worst snow removal company in the West Island. They overcharge and come when they want. The owner is unworthy of owning this company
13 April 2022 20:21
I live in a condo association. Syljack did our snow removal this winter. Excellent job! We are very happy with their service.
10 April 2022 3:32
I have a two car driveway in the barely remove for one car. The guy literally passes once every blue moon and drives in once and leaves. Doesn’t check where the sticks are placed to remove the snow properly. I pay to end up removing the snow myself. You end up wasting your money AND time.
06 April 2022 15:32
Awful awful service. For the last year year my family and I mostly had to shovel our driveway ourselves. If we’re lucky, someone will come by days after a snow storm to remove the snow at the end of our driveway. Phone number is never available, their voicemail box is full or not activated. Completely unbelievable that they are still in business.
02 April 2022 6:49
I would put zero star if I can. I've had my membership for 15 years. The only time we called to clean my driveway, the reception lady told my wife to move our car at 4 AM In the morning! Don't get me wrong, the cleaning service is good, but the only issue that ticked me off was the reception lady.worst customer service I have ever seen.
23 March 2022 12:05
Cannot go below 1 star unfortunately.
Terrible service, terrible customer relations but unfortunately only game in town for now
22 March 2022 12:37
Very poor cleaning service I have a double driveway and they clean one side improperly around 9am and came back late in the evening around 5: 30pm and complete the other side.my grandmother could of do a better job than that lazyass drive driver
07 March 2022 9:23
You could tell by the terrible service this year that they are dealing with useless gen z employees
29 January 2022 3:38
Our first year with this company and I am not impressed! Did not show up to remove the snow from our walkway and stairs although we paid extra for this service, tried to call them but no response, my husband ended up doing the job himself. Do not recommend this company.
27 July 2021 18:03
They refuse to honor their contract. We must call for them to remove snow. Forget about the holidays, they will not pass by and the "office" is closed. There is still 1/2 inch of snow after they pass when they do. Save your money and wait for Spring.
22 June 2021 12:07
Syljack, une compagnie qui se démarque dans ce merveilleux monde du déneigement dans l'Ouest de l'ile de Montréal!
06 May 2021 11:36
Horrible! I have to call 5 times every snow fall. And then Maybe, I sad just maybe they will come like around noon or later, but only if you will call like 100 times! By the Way first their costumer service will tell you, oh, its so fluffy just shovel!
24 March 2021 10:43
Too bad we cannot rate them with a ZERO! They are terrible in all sense possible, everytime there is a snowstorm we have to cross our fingers they show up on time while our neighboors have their driveways clean, we are the only ones left with their service and it has been a total disaster so far this winter. I will never EVER work with them again! They have horrilbe customer service, they hang up the phone to my spouse telling us to wait as we were probably the last house on the list. The competiton cleaned in 30 minutes TWICE the neighboors driveway while we have to sit down and wait for a miracle!
24 February 2021 3:03
I used to be their customer and I decided to choose other company this year. I would like to say that their service started declining in 2018, not only for snow removing, but also their customer service. If the owner could see this comment, to improve this business, you really needs to work on the Human Resources.
20 April 2020 10:49
C est fou cette compagnie n'offre aucun service la neige passe deux jours devant ma maison apres j'ai du le faire moi même. Un numéro de téléphone que personne ne décroche c'est de l 'arnaque en voici les images ça devrait être des zéros pas des étoiles
18 April 2020 17:31
This company doesn’t deserve any stars at all. First of all, we pay the company for them to get the job done and at the end of the day, we get it down ourselves. Second of all, the company presents theirselves as a first class service but they barely do the services that they are supposed to and they don’t answer their calls. I would never recommend this company to anyone because it is a waste of money and waste of time because they will never get the job done. I would recommend on finding a better company or getting the job done yourself because trust me you would save more money!:)
14 April 2020 12:29
I just drove by their warehouse (8'40pm) and all the trucks were parked there. I assumed then my home was cleared. On my way home I noticed a few houses with Syljack signs that weren't cleaned. And not surprisingly, I got home and my driveway was not plowed.
They dont answer when we call and they barely plow the snow right.
30 March 2020 20:21
Service is terrible this year. During the storm,
They didn’t show up neither on Thursday nor on Friday and when they came, did a lousy job and the snow was sprayed at my door.
You call but always busy.
20 March 2020 22:11
Very disappointed. After a snowfall, I waited all day and night, still nobody from Syljack came despite my 2 messages. I had to do it myself.it's been the third times this years and all my neighbors are done. Sorry but I'll have to change next year for someone more reliable
15 March 2020 1:52
Company thieves advise everyone not to subscribe with them this is the last time I sign up with them
08 October 2019 10:28
It is important to share how horrible their service was in 18-19. They outsource, do not answer the phone or offer any real in-time service and, as such, should not be chosen in your area.
15 May 2019 11:34
Do not use this service, service is not provided. I had to call their office many times to ask for them to clear my driveway.it was the first year and the last year that I used their service.
26 April 2019 1:11
Way to many negative reviews here.for 250$ a season my driveway is always cleaned ontime.if not done perfect the first time they always make sure to do a clean up pass after the snow has quit.keep up the good work! Satisfied customer for years on bluehaven ddo
21 April 2019 12:55
I live on Montford and it's been the same guy for years doing my front entrance and he's really good. He gets out of his truck and comes ring the doorbell to see if I want to move my car (when I don't hear the truck arrive)
18 April 2019 0:59
I don't know how this company is still in business with the service that they're providing. It's a miracle honestly. My first year trying them and definitely my last. What a horrible company. Even if they offer me free for next season, I will not sign. Avoid at all costs.
15 April 2019 21:35
I tell myself every year I need to change companies, but wait to the last minute and wind up stuck with Syljack for another year. I'm going to make myself a calendar event for September to make sure I use any other company that my neighbors use, because the're driveways are always done, and mine after the storm looks like this. They didn't even pass once, and I always have to call to get them to pass.
04 April 2019 10:57
Trės mauvaise expérience aujourd’hui le 13 février, jour de tempête. 30-40 cm de neige et Syljack n’est pas venu pour ouvrir la rentrée malgré nos appels répétés. Beaucoup de personnes ont vécus la même chose aujoud’hui. Le service a la clientèle est mauvais. Je ne retournerai plus jamais avec syljack dans le futur.
30 March 2019 23:24
Do not use this service, service is not provided. I had to call their office many times to ask for them to clear my driveway. Today their snow removal driver came to my door to confront me for calling their office again to ask them to come. I told him I expect to receive the service I am paying for, and he said that I was causing him issues that he has to explain. I fired them today. Please save your money and go with the competitor you will be more satisfied.
21 March 2019 17:33
Nearly useless. It's been snowing since yesterday afternoon and they haven't been by once yet. Driveway is completely impassable.
09 March 2019 15:50
Absolute garbage. They haven't passed in the last 36 hours, on the biggest snow fall of the year. The website says they will pass before 6am and 5pm. None of this happened.
28 February 2019 9:28
Worst customer service I’ve ever encountered! The call ended with the OWNER shouting at me. I also run a business and I have never talked to a client in the manor this lady has. When asked “what happened to the client’s always right” the OWNER replies “ that does not exist in the snow removal industry”.

The tractor came at 4 am on February 13th and when asked why the tractors didn’t come back she said “she doesn’t know”. I asked why she would take on more clients than she could handle. The tractor came back again at 10 pm, and cleaned 3 houses and left. When I asked her to explain that, she coulnd’t provide any answers.

My cars had to be parked over night on the street until 3 am on February 14th, when they FINALLY came. There is no overnight parking available therefor I risked getting parking tickets for my cars. She showed no empathy, nothing, and continued to show attitude and shout at me.

This company has no morals. They only care about the money that they ask upfront. I will not be renewing my contract with these ill-manered people that love to run this already low rated company.

I have never encountered such rude people in my life and career. My neighbour went to their office when they refused to pick up calls. He got also shouted at.

Do not recommend this company. Forget about saving money, pay a little more and hire a company that actually cares about your safety and values their business.

P.s. If i coukd give you 0 stars, i would. Don’t even feel comfortable giving 1 star.
19 February 2019 14:08
If I could I would give them 0 stars. It had been snowing all night and they had ALL day yesterday to clean our driveway. We gave up because we had to be able to get into our house somehow. We shoveled the snow ourselves and left the cars on the road. Couldn't park our cars on the road past 12 though, and they still hadn't come, so we had to shovel MORE to be able to get the cars back on the driveway. What a waste. Terrible company. When you know there's a 40cm snow storm, you should be doing each person's driveway AT LEAST twice!
We pay them our money, they should have the decency to at least answer our calls and do their job properly.

05 February 2019 1:09
Il s'agit d'une fraude.this bussinuss does not operate an ethical manner.they accepted my payement and contract and even after one month of calling, emailing and speaking with the "manger" Stephanie, they consistently refuse to provide service and provide only excuses that they are too busy to put the signs on my drive way or send the snow removers to my home.this bussinuss and it's representatives have no problem with causing their clients.you would be best served by choosing another vender

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