14 June 2023 9:44
Poor service! The lady who works on the cashier was rude. Even from the look you can see there is kind of resentment from her eyes. Although I salut her with soft and polite way. She gave me change with damage money! My bad for not checking it before I left. I came as a tourist to this country with the expectation that people would be nice as that what Canada well known for. But at the end you got your lesson that actually bad people are everywhere.
18 December 2022 5:05
Service médiocre. Une dame m'a insulté simplement car je ne suis pas de grande taille. Elle m'a dévisagé et son langage non-verbal en disait long sur sa pensée. Vraiment, le pire service client que je n'ai jamais vu, les employés sont ridiculement mauvais, ils ne mériteraient même pas d'avoir un salaire. Je déconseille fortement.
16 February 2022 19:59
Grande surface, beaucoup de produits pour tout vos besoins. Il y a un grand choix de denrées alimentaires. Facile d accès car proche des portes extérieures. Il a souvent une file de clients pour les caisses.
10 November 2020 19:19
Le magasin est un peu petit mais contient tout de même une bonne quantité d'article à des prix défiants toute concurrence. De plus, ce magasin est très bien situé (dans un centre commercial) et le personnel est très gentil, pas trop de temps d'attente en caisse
31 August 2020 13:23
This Dollarama always seems under staffed. The line ups are always long and they have self checkout that should make things go faster but it doesn't! That being said it's usually usually well stocked, which is nice.
16 April 2020 22:39
Horrible customer service. Store refused to service me at the cash and tried to send me to the self serve machine. I don't work for Dollarama so I'll never be back here due to the self serve machines. Time to buy online
23 March 2020 7:52
Selection is decent, I guess. Not in the top 5 but it isn't terrible. The display is a little all over the place, and the cashiers are in such a rush that they won't listen to you even when you're answering their questions.

Is it worth going? Sure but just be prepared that things might feel a little stressful.
16 February 2020 13:06
J y vais depuis longtemps sa dois faire plus 20 ans sont ouvert bravo mastercard interac, ect avant se magasin fonctionnais seulement avec des billet argent en papier.
12 September 2019 11:39
They need more products I don’t know why they don’t bring all the products you could find and other Dollarama. I’m like usual management sucks you don’t believe me just have a look around
09 August 2019 23:46
Dolarama classique.dans un centre d achat intéressant: Carrefour Angrignon.pratiquement collé au Métro Angrignon.
06 August 2019 19:27
Bien je crois que se faire servir en français serais un plus et l'idée de la file indienne j'aime pas vraiment
24 July 2019 19:34
We were buying plungers and the lady told us to get out because she thought we were messing around
14 April 2019 23:01
I had a bad experience, long line for cash, there was five cashier but only two of them work and three was talking.
13 April 2019 11:37
I always go to the dollar store trying to find small stuff but I try not to buy cheap stuff that will last for a couple of hours like today I bought some flowers and by the time I got to the cash they where shedding everywhere as the cashier was trying to pry them appart to scan them I realized how fragil they really where because when I was holding them I was super careful with them the cashier cared only about scanning and taking my money so I had her call a manager cancel the 5 baby breath completely destroyed the manager even though them in the garbage if I had payed for them it would have been 10$ thrown in the garbage

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