14 August 2023 14:34
Had a great experience with Dr. Hart. Very professional. After many years of knee injuries, he was able to correct so many issues. Pre-op and post-op were really professional. Thanks to the whole team. Dr. Hart's secretary at the follow-up appointment was awesome, too!
25 July 2023 2:15
I had a hip replacement 9 weeks ago with Dr. Adam Hart.
I'm feeling GREAT!
I highly recommend him. He is a very skilled surgeon, and very attentive person. His staff were pleasant and professional.
29 June 2023 22:41
Was quick recovery. Quick healing at the incision. Was able to walk immediately after surgery. I have only great things to say. Able to tie shoelaces exactly 6 weeks later. I'm very very happy that I can walk normally again. Dr Hart is one of a kind.may he be blessed.
16 June 2023 17:51
Dr. Hart is a superb and skilled surgeon, and somehow manages to be very present and attentive in any interactions even though he is extremely busy (for good reason). I am thrilled with the result of my hip replacement (one hip). I was fortunate to be able to opt for private surgery with him as I did not want to give up 2 years of active life waiting for hip surgery in the mess that is the public "death prevention" system now (impossible to call it a health system) and am so glad I did not wait. I am relatively young (61) and athletic, and found that the pain was substantially less the day after surgery than it was for several months before. 4 weeks out I am walking without support and essentially pain free with the exception of the usual stiffness and aches that accompany any rigorous physio program. Worst issue is learning how to sleep on your back, so not much to complain about! Also note that post surgery there is excellent support from both the private nurse available to patients as well as the CLSC, good to have the blend of services. This procedure is life changing, especially in the hands of an excellent, research-focused surgeon like Dr. Hart.
13 June 2023 7:39
MAY 2023.
Left Knee Partial Replacement by Dr. Adam Hart and his fantastic team.

I was in pain for many years, and sleeping was rough. Sitting too long hurt, and driving was getting increasingly difficult.

One by one, I had to stop many of the activities and sports I loved, and I couldn't walk more than 100m without my knee brace.

I was getting cortisone shots every 3 months, and the system in Ontario deemed my knee not bad enough yet to replace.

Combining this with Covid and the surgical backlog in our systems, I decided to research my options and found Ortho Westmount.

My initial inquiry was by email on a weekend. On Monday, Dr. Hart personally called me back, impressive.

Initial consult, assessment, and evaluation were very professional and informative.

I made my decision to move forward and haven't looked back.

The preparation process with Dr. Hart and his team was thorough. Nothing was left to question, and when it came time for the surgery, I was informed and ready.

Everything went very well. I am now 2 weeks post-op and mending nicely.

Thank you to everyone for making a hard day easy.

You are good people, and the work you do changes lives.

Thank you,

Best Regards, Imre
05 December 2022 9:35
Je me suis fait remplacer la hanche le 07 septembre 2022 par Dr Adam Hart. ça faisait 15 ans que j'avais mal, que j'avais des crises de douleur.le soir même je marchais sans béquille ni marchette! 2 semaines plus tard je marchais 21 kms, alors qu'avant l'opération j'avais peine à marcher 0.5 km.ma préparation physique avant l'opération a été de nager dans les lacs, faire du vélo afin d'être le plus apte à récupérer suite à la chirurgie d'un jour.aujourd'hui, 3 mois plus tard exactement, j'ai retrouvé 100% de mes activités, et je n'ai plus de douleur pendant mes exercices, ni ensuite! Fini les crises de douleur pendant la nuit.c'est une totale DÉLIVRANCE! Le professionnalisme et son équipe est inspirante et donne une totale confiance pour ce genre d'intervention.je recommande le dr Adam Hart, votre vie va changer après l'avoir rencontré! Christian Langlois architecte, cycliste et multi sportif, et artiste de 53 ans!
05 October 2022 4:21
Dr. Hart is a fantastic orthopedic surgeon, good listener for his patient, takes quality time to explain all the details about the surgery. Had a total hip replacement done at 54 years old end of July 2022 by Dr. Hart! Very successful hip surgery, 11 weeks later I am 100% back to a normal life. Seriously the last 4 weeks before my surgery was a total nightmare walking and sleeping. I've been following his rehabilitation plan at 100%, no surprises I am back doing every I want! Dr. Hart is extremely professional and efficient and also the Ortho Westmount team, THANK you! You are the best! I strongly recommend Dr. Adam Hart.

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