28 November 2023 20:37
Manque de professionalisme.
Attente de 1h sans voir quelqu'un. Se faire mettre dans une salle pendant 45min sans aucune nouvelle.
Ne donnez pas de RDV si vous avez de si grands retards.
27 November 2023 8:22
I am very happy with the result of my facelift, eyelids, browlift, chin implant and neck lift. I traveled from B. C.to Montreal, as her work is amazing! Well worth the travel, and staff and Dr. Amanda Fanous all speak good English, which was a concern for me at first, due to Montreal being mostly French. I would recommend Dr. Fanous for your procedure, she has a eye for detail
19 November 2023 11:17
Quel service incroyable. J'ai consulté initialement pour une intervention chirurgicale et en toute franchise Dr Fanous m'a recommandé une autre technique extrêmement moins invasive. Elle a fait de la magie en un claquement de doigt. J'ai senti que mes intérêts grandement priorisés (comparativement une premiere consultation avec un autre professionnel qui m'avait recommandé non pas une mais deux interventions). Les suivis et le personnel sont également impeccables. Merci, au plaisir de vous revoir à mes prochain rendez-vous.
09 November 2023 23:56
Je tiens à remercier Dre Amanda Fanous et son équipe pour leur professionnalisme et leur accueil chaleureux du début à la fin. C’est une chirurgienne exceptionnelle qui est là écoute de nos besoins et je n’aurais jamais laissé mon nez à personne d’autre qu’elle, l’attente en vaut clairement le coup! Merci d’avoir autant été attentionnée et rassurante lors de mon opération je n’aurais pas pu demander mieux. Je suis plus que satisfaite du résultat de ma rhinoplastie
17 October 2023 10:10
There is a reason why Dr Amanda Fanous essentially has perfect reviews. She is THAT good.

Dr. Fanous is absolutely brilliant, and won't recommend a procedure unless she is confident you can benefit from it. The entire team is incredibly attentive and sweet, especially Karine, who is such an amazing nurse injector!

I cannot say enough about my positive experience. To anyone considering going to Dr. Amanda Fanous and her team, you will be in the best of hands!
16 October 2023 2:21
She is very thorough and listens to my concerns. Very talented surgeon and She has a very kind heart
28 April 2023 9:11
Je n’ai que de bons mots à l’égard d’Amanda Fanous et son équipe. J’ai été traité aux petits oignons par le personnel et ce tout au long du processus. Je me suis sentie écoutée et compris. Dr. Amanda est extrêmement compétente, humaine et accessible. Son travail est impeccable et va au-delà de mes attentes. Je recommande chaleureusement!
14 April 2023 13:44
After being misdiagnosed for over 20 years, Dr. Fanous restored my faith in the medical system. She properly diagnosed me with a collapsed cartilage and a deviated septum and performed the 2.5hr procedure. Only two doctors in Quebec can do this surgery. I was told she was a top doctor - she really is - my nose looks better than before and the scar is hardly visible. It has been only a month. She takes the time to listen to your concerns and explain thoroughly like no other doctor will. She goes beyond her duty. I am forever grateful I found her and I am getting my health and energy back! She is truly the best!
10 April 2023 17:17
I had been thinking about getting a chin implant since my teenage years. I chose Amanda as my surgeron because she specialises in facial plastic surgery. I have always felt better and safer being around women's warmth and sensitivity. I also chose Amanda because she is a bit closer to my age range compared to other surgeons and I knew she would very much understand today's beauty standards and the goals i wanted to achieve. It also reassured me knowing she is sharing the clinic with another board certified surgeon. Everything went very smoothly. I was pretty much eating anything I wanted the next day. Easier than getting my wisdom teeth removed. I highly recommend!
28 March 2023 14:08
Excellent experience. I did a rhinoplasty and I couldn’t have asked for a better result. Dr. Amanda is very kind, she listened to what I needed, and showed me a simulation of how my nose should look after the surgery based on what we discussed so I can have an idea. Dr. Amanda gave me a very beautiful (and natural) nose that healed very well without any complication, it’s exactly what I asked for. It softened my middle eastern features and I look way better even in pictures which boosted my self-esteem. Everyone around me notices a positive change in my face but not everyone can spot what it is. The whole team is so sweet from the receptionists to Minerva the coordinator to the nurses and whole surgery team. They are friendly and make you feel comfortable. Don’t hesitate to book your appointment and see for yourself!
26 March 2023 5:46
Accueil chaleureux par tous! Je me suis sentie écoutée mais surtout comprise! Dr Amanda Fanous a fait un travail incroyable. Je recommande +
15 March 2023 10:39
Quelle magnifique clinique!

Une accueil chaleureuse et des employés hors pair vont vous offrir une expérience exemplaire. On y retrouve un professionnalisme qui correspondra à vos exigences. Je suis très ravi de mon resultat et je vous la recommande fortement! DrAmanda est perfectionniste et genereuse et vous donnera le meilleur conseil pour une meilleur resultat. Meecii!
14 March 2023 0:47
I had an incredible experience with Dr Amanda Fanous,

I needed a septorhinoplasty due to a nose trauma that left my nose crooked and obstructed my breathing. The surgery went amazingly well and my breathing has improved tremendously. Amanda was very kind during the process and she has a great personality. All in all, I am very satisfied with my experience!
13 March 2023 12:31
I chose Dr. Fanous to do my rhinoplasty after a friend of mine had had a surgery done by her father and highly recommended the clinic. I can honestly say the whole procedure from the initial consultation to the follow up appointments has been nothing but an A+. Dr. Fanous and her entire staff are so welcoming and go the extra mile to make sure everything is perfect for you. I had some complications after my surgery and they were always available to help 24/7 and she even saw me at a different clinic she was on-call at one day. It’s stressful to choose a surgeon for something involving a change to your face, but you will have no fears while in Dr. Fanous’ hands.
12 March 2023 7:46
Dr. Amanda Fanous and her team are amazing! I highly recommend her for rhinoplasty. She really listens to your wishes and the results are outstanding!
05 March 2023 0:04
Just had a rhinoplasty with Dr. Amanda Fanous about 10 days ago. Objectively speaking, she is by far the most skilled and talented surgeon in Montreal. I had done my research prior to a consult with her and her training in ultrasonic rhinoplasty is top tier. Where she talks the talk, she walks the walk. My nose is so cute and natural. She can preserve the natural essence of your nose as much as humanly possible. She is kind, confident and her work is nothing short of ART. My results have been amazing. She has exceeded my expectations.

I was so nervous about this procedure, having chickened out for MANY years. I have a deviated septum and have struggled to find a surgeon who i felt I could trust. I’ve had consults with many top doctors in montreal, some of whom have asked me to pick a celebrity whose nose i like? Many surgeons miss the point that every face is different and requires different attention. Dr. Fanous is not one of those surgeons. Look no further if you are considering a rhinoplasty/septoplasty. Her team is also incredibly professional and kind.
24 January 2023 0:32
Merci Dr. Amanda Fanous pour la chirurgie. Médecin très professionnel, attentionné et perfectionniste. Malgré que cela ne fait qu’une semaine, le résultat est déjà très bien.

Après maintenant 2 mois, wow, c’est magnifique. Un facelift tellement naturel, qui me ramène à 20 ans sans que cela ne paraisse. Je voulais quelque chose de naturel, c’est réalisé.

J’ajouterais que c’est une chirurgie sans douleur, moins confortable pour dormir mais sans douleur. Je le referais sans problème.

Merci Amanda
20 January 2023 23:53
Dre Fanous est une chirurgienne incroyable! Elle m’a permis de mieux respirer en agrandissant ma narine droite qui était beaucoup plus étroite que celle de gauche depuis ma naissance, et à 20 ans j’ai décidé qu’il était temps que je prenne la chance de mieux m’oxygéner! C’était risqué et peu probable que ça fonctionne à 100% mais maintenant ça fait 2 mois que c’est fait et c’est encore tout beau et parfait, je respire mieux que jamais et je ne regrette rien du tout! Merci beaucoup je suis tellement reconnaissante! Je vous la recommande grandement!
13 January 2023 15:57
Si vous envisagiez confier votre visage à Dre Amanda Fanous, n'hésitez surtout pas! Expérience parfaite de A à Z avec un résultat parfait. Tout simplement.
23 December 2022 0:31
I'm beyond happy I found Dr Amanda, it's the best decision I ever made in my life, she is extremely professional, friendly, and honest. She has a woman's touch and will set your expectations. I truly felt relieved after my first consultation and felt confident in my choice to book with her. I 1000% recommend anyone to go see Dr Amanda, she's amazing. Also her staff is incredible, every single one on her team, they put you at ease and make your life easier, they walk you through each step. My results are amazing, super discreet and I love that she follows up every few months! I've also gotten my lips touched up twice and I am incredibly impressed how natural my results are! Do not hesitate to book your consultation, it's worth the wait!
09 December 2022 19:41
Cela faisait quelques années que je prévoyais me faire une rhinoplastie. Après seulement une consultation, je savais automatiquement que je voulais que Dr Fanous me l'a fasse! Elle a eu su me mettre en confiance dès le début! J'ai finalement eu mon opération au mois de septembre et je suis très satisfaite! Le résultat est magnifique, et surtout très naturel.
07 December 2022 16:53
Je remercie du fond du coeur Dre Amanda Fanous d’avoir changé ma vie en réalisant un rêve que j’ai depuis mes 8 ans. Elle a fait un travail remarquable pour ma septorhinoplastie avec un résultat naturel qui va bien avec mon visage. Le résultat est pareille à la simulation! Et maintenant, je respire mieux! Merci infiniment.
30 November 2022 12:24
J'avais 3 fractures au nez.

Cela affectait ma respiration et la qualité de mon sommeil.

Suite à mon opération, ma respiration était beaucoup mieux et mes ronflements moins fréquents.

Merci à Dr. Amanda Fanous et son équipe pour l'aide que vous m'avez apporté.
16 November 2022 1:09
Durant deux ans, j'ai suivi plusieurs chirurgiens sur les réseaux sociaux avant de découvrir et d'arrêter mon choix sur Dr. Amanda Fanous.

Ma chirurgie a été une septorhinoplastie. J'avais une bosse sur le dessus du nez et comme les angles de celle-ci étaient asymétriques, mon nez semblait croche vu de face. Je voulais mieux respirer et modifier la pointe qui était pendante.

J'étais anxieuse avant la chirurgie et toute l'équipe a été adorable. Les membres du personnel m'ont expliqué les tâches qu'ils allaient effectuer avant de les commencer. Ils se sont assurés à plusieurs reprises que j'allais bien. J'avais peur d'avoir froid, mais de la chaleur était dirigée sous les couvertures de la civière. Un plus!

J'ai fait retirer mon plâtre cet après-midi (1 semaine suivant la chirurgie). Je n'ai pratiquement aucune ecchymose et je suis très peu enflée. Je ne pouvais pas être plus heureuse du résultat! Mon nez est exactement comme je le voulais. Il respecte les traits de mon visage. Je n'aurai plus à éviter de me positionner de profil en présence de nouvelles personnes. J'étais persuadée qu'elles jugeaient mon nez avant tout.

Je vous recommande fortement Dr. Amanda Fanous. Ses résultats sont très naturels; n'importe qui pourrait croire que je suis née avec ce nez!
06 January 2022 7:03
My experience with Dr. Amanda Fanous was truly amazing. I can't say enough positive things about Dr. Fanous and her team. From the initial consultation to my post-op experience, Dr. Amanda always took time to answer my concerns and made me feel very comfortable throughout the whole process, she really takes her time to listen to her patients and is extremely caring. I couldn’t be happier with my results! Dr. Amanda is amazing at what she does and I couldn’t recommend her more!
17 November 2021 18:19
Excellente expérience avec Dr. Amanda et son équipe. J’ai finalement le nez de mes rêves et j’ai pu me débarrasser de mon plus gros complexe. Mon nez est maintenant naturel avec une légère courbe c’est tellement beau! Même mes amies et mes parents sont étonnés à quel point le résultat est beau et harmonieux avec mon visage. Merci du fond du cœur.
06 November 2021 2:01
Rhinoplastie parfaite, service au top, une chirurgienne à l’écoute et très compétente. Mon nez est magnifique et respire finalement bien. Si vous considérez une rhinoplastie, allez rencontrer Dr. Amanda Fanous en consultation vous ne serez pas déçu!
20 August 2021 23:05
I totally recommend Dr Amanda Fanous for a rhinoplasty and/or septoplasty. First, she is very caring and close to the heart so you will feel very comfortable especially if you are like me scared of surgeries. Second, if you look at her before/after in Instagram, you will be shocked of how beautiful and yet natural all her results are. Honestly, I follow and look at a lot of other doctors but she is the best for nose surgeries.

For my rhinoplasty, I am more than happy. Words can’t describe how beautiful I feel after the rhinoplasty. It’s a big change and it boosted my confidence so much. The result is better than I ever expected. For my septoplasty, since the day of surgery when I left the clinic, I felt a difference in my breathing. I was very surprised because I had stents inside and tapes all over my nose but I still felt my breathing was 1000% better and imagine she said it will get even better with time? !? ! Wow!

Before going to Dr Amanda, I was with another surgeon but he was so not reassuring, he terrified me more than anything because he didn’t care of what I wanted, he said he will fix my breathing issues and remove my hump but without even showing me a picture of what I could expect, he said “he knows what he’s doing” but honestly I don’t think so. I was referred by my family doctor because they work in same private clinic but thank god I found Dr Amanda. It is important to go to a Doctor with who you feel comfortable and who is caring about what you want and gives you their professional opinion like Dr Amanda told me what she thinks fits me better and she explained why. And it was exactly what I wanted and even better. Plus since the first visit, she showed me pictures.

And finally, my surgery and 7 days recovery went super well and easy. Her team is lovely and very helpful. I could reach them very fast which is very important. What I also love about Dr Amanda is that I could reach her through Instagram without feeling like I was bothering her at all. She really cares and answers all my questions. This reassured me a lot thinking I can contact my surgeon if I have any questions although I didn’t need to contact her at all during recovery. Also, there is 24/7 phone line which is very reassuring. I could keep writing about how amazing Dr Amanda and her team is.

Thank you sooo much Dr Amanda.
13 August 2021 16:03

Wow wow wow, Amanda is such an amazing and caring doctor, she ALWAYS answered every concern and question I had. I got a rhinoplasty done, had a droopy nose, a big bump and very wide. She made it so natural and it looks amazing now couldn't ask for better. The technique she uses is exceptional and she is the only one is Quebec that does it this way. I barely got any bruising after the surgery and the recovery was not painful at all. I recommend her and couldn't thank her and all of her wonderful team enough.
12 August 2021 11:43
J’ai fait une mentoplastie avec Dr. Fanous au mois d’octobre et je n’ai que de bons mots pour elle et son équipe. J’avais plusieurs chirurgiens en tête mais j’ai finalement opté pour Amanda pour sa douceur et son côté humain qui a su me rassurer dès la première rencontre. L’équipe soignante est très attentionnée et à l’écoute des besoins des patients. Comme c’était ma première chirurgie, j’étais nerveuse et j’avais beaucoup de questions. Amanda a pris le temps de répondre à toutes mes craintes. Le suivi post-op a lui aussi été à la hauteur de mes attentes. Lorsque j’avais une inquiétude, je recevais réponse à mes questions dans un délai très rapide. Merci à Amanda et toute son équipe je suis plus que satisfaite du résultat de ma chirurgie et du service reçu.
02 August 2021 0:46
J’ai eu recours à une septorhinoplastie avec le Dr. Amanda Fanous et je suis plus que satisfaite du résultat. Une chirurgienne talentueuse et à l’écoute. Je vous la recommande à 110%!
20 July 2021 14:17
Amanda is absolutely talented. Her & her team are reliable, friendly, accommodating & professional. I’d do the procedure all over again. Easily the #1 plastic surgeon in Montreal for your nose.
Thank you Dr Amanda!
28 August 2020 23:06
I cannot be happier with my visit to Dr. Amanda. She is talented, kind and knowledgeable. I left her office looking and feeling great. I’m a women in my 60’s and I was looking for a treatment that would make me look “refreshed“ for an upcoming event.
Because this is my first experience with plastic surgery I didn’t want anything too radical. She carefully listened to my wishes and we discussed different options. What I liked most about her is that I genuinely felt like she had my best interest at heart. She’s not in it for the money and she didn’t make me feel rushed or pressured.
I opted for Botox to my forehead and filler to my laugh lines, cheeks and chin. The whole process took only around 30 minutes. I had no pain and only minor bruising. Since then my friends and family have been telling me that I look great but nobody can figure out why! Bottom line I am extremely pleased and will definitely be back. Thank you Dr. Amanda
16 August 2020 20:40
I went to Dr. Amanda for help with forehead lines that were becoming a prominent fixture. It was my first time getting any kind of injectables. She took the time to explain the procedure and to answer all my questions about Botox. I really value that she strives for the most natural results. I just look rested and refreshed!
Plus, the clinic is beautiful, the staff is friendly and helpful and all my appointments have been ultra ponctual.
09 August 2020 17:29
Dr. Amanda Fanous is truly very talented and knowledgeable. I’ve been seeing her for PRP treatments and she takes the time to explain everything and answer to all of my questions. She also made a “not so comfortable” procedure so much easier as she is very delicate and precise.
I would highly recommend her!
26 July 2020 2:02
Doctor Amanda Fanous is such a great surgeon! The service was fast, efficient and very well done. The consultation was great because she really takes the time to make sure that you're getting exactly what you want. Plus the place has a really nice view of the city and mountains from the window!
12 July 2020 16:49
Before you read my review - I'd recommend Dr. Amanda Fanous without hesitation to all of my friends!

I consulted Dr. Amanda Fanous for a rhinoplasty for cosmetic reasons. I had a bulbous tip and every since I was a little girl, I was very insecure about it. Prior to finding Dr. Fanous, I spent months doing research and I understood that my case was not an easy one. Doctors approach this kind of rhinoplasty in ways that can be disastrous - have you heard of pinched noses? Not cute!

Dr. Amanda Fanous has experience working with similar cases and I knew she was going to give me natural looking results. At my first consultation, she immediately understood my vision; she finished my sentence. Also, in my opinion, cosmetic surgeons can approach clients in a way that end up making you feel more insecure than when you first walked in, but Dr. Fanous made me feel beautiful regardless of my nose. She is kind, empathetic, and honest. I asked her about other procedures and she refused. She won't do procedures that she finds aren't necessary to make a buck. She is all about honesty and giving natural results.

Lastly, her team is amazing and super responsive; they're quick to reply and are happy to help in any way. I am more than pleased with the entire process and and of course the look of my nose. It's feminie, elegant, and exactly what I dreamed of. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
04 November 2019 14:15
I recently consulted Dr. Amanda Fanous for my eyebrows and couldn't be happier about the overall process. While my expectations where very high (I have been in the medical field for 35 years), her explanations were clear and she offered me several options to get my "droopy" eyes back to when I was younger. Loved the consulation and look forward to my surgery with her when she's back from her maternity leave!
29 September 2019 9:01


J'aimerais émettre un commentaire au sujet du Dr Amanda Fanous
cette spécialiste du nez. Croyez moi quand on la rencontre pour la 1er fois elle à le don de vous mettre en confiance, de vous faire sentir au bon endroit et les tensions qu'on pouvait avoir en entrant dans son bureau tombent comme un château de cartes. Elle vous dit ce qu'elle va faire et le pourquoi et vous parle de la réhabilitation. Elle ma prise en charge le vendredi 5 juillet à l'hôpital de Hawkesbury pour mon opération qui a duré 50 minutes pour réparé une fracture du nez, vieille de 42 ans qui avait été négligé. C'est une Mozart dans son domaine une magicienne pour le nez, et que dire de son personnel accueillant et agréable a écouté.
N'ayez plus aucune appréhension et laissé vous guidé par son savoir faire et ses connaissances dans le domaine. Sans aucune hésitation je vous la recommande et j'ai déjà commencé a en parlé à mon entourage et ma famille

Amanda Fanous un nom à retenir

Marc Simard

08 September 2019 23:54
Otoplastie de mon garçon de 7 ans complètement ratée. Ses oreilles étaient légèrement décollés mais après la chirurgie mon garçon vit un sérieux complexe qu’il n’avait pas avant, l’oreille droite est plus décollé qu’avant et la gauche est rester la meme malgrer les 2 heures de chirurgie. De plus il a beaucoup souffert de douleur. Ça fait maintenant 2 mois et les cicatrices sont encore flagrant. J’ai été très déçu! Je n’aime pas mettre des commentaires négatifs mais je ne souhaite a aucune maman et a aucun enfant de vivre ce que nous avons vécu.

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