11 September 2023 23:15
Ma rhinoplastie avec Dr Samaha a été la meilleure décision de ma vie! Un résultat naturel, au delà de mes attentes! Je n’ai eu aucune douleur et tout s’est super bien passé! Le personnel est incroyable, je ne pouvais pas demander mieux comme expérience! Un énorme merci à toute l’équipe!
11 September 2023 20:19
J’ai subi une opération lifting du cou et bas du visage il y a un mois avec Dr Samaha. Je suis plus que satisfaite. Le résultat est au dessus de mes attentes. Dès la première rencontre, il a été très patient répondant très bien à toutes nos questions. Il a aussi été très honnête sur le résultat sans nous faire croire à des miracles, ce que j’ai vraiment apprécié. Le personnel a toujours été très chaleureux et le service après est aussi très bien. J’ai dû y retourner 3 fois depuis et il n’y a aucun problème pour avoir un rendez-vous. Il est aussi très rassurant, toujours à l’écoute et on ne se sent pas pressé lors de nos rendez-vous. Je le recommande très fortement.
17 June 2023 11:16
Last October 2022 I went into Dr. Samaha’s office for a deep plane facelift + lip lift. As of my first consultation I already knew Dr. Samaha was the right surgeon for me. His compassion and respect towards his patients, his attention to detail, his years of experience and his overall energy are just a few of the many reasons Dr. Samaha is the best at what he does. Not to mention his wonderful team who are so helpful and supportive through the entire process. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience or better results. I am truly so thankful to everyone at the Dr. Samaha clinic and highly recommend his practice to anyone that is looking for natural, perfected results. If I could give him 10 stars I would.
29 May 2023 1:31
I got chin fillers (2ml) I saw 0 difference in fact i actually like my chin before better. I went somewhere else a year ago and got 1ml i saw such a big difference with half the amount. I spent almost 2 thousands. VERY disappointed…
06 May 2023 6:03
J’ai fais une rhinoplastie avec Dr. Samaha dans cette clinique très charmante et accueillante que je recommande fortement, très bonne expérience, résultat naturel, discret. Très satisfaite! Un grand merci à Dr. Samaha et toute son équipe.
29 April 2023 15:11
Une note parfaite pour le Dr Samaha et toute son équipe.

J'ai subi un lifting du bas du visage et du cou à la fin janvier 2023 après plusieurs années à y penser.
Lorsque j'ai rencontré le Dr Samaha, le choix c'est fait tout seul.

Son expertise, son expérience, sa confiance, son talent et sa compréhension de mes attentes ont été comprises et exécutées avec grand soin et brio.
Le résultat est exactement ce que je voulais et plus!
Il est vraiment le spécialiste du visage qui sait quoi faire pour donner le plus beau résultat et le plus naturel.

La procédure s'est fait en douceur, avec professionnalisme de la part du Dr Samaha et de toute son équipe. La guérison se fait très rapidement, et la douleur est très minime.

Quel service impeccable de tout le personnel attentionné et chaleureux qui nous prend en charge et nous met en confiance du début à la fin.
Je recommande haut la main le Dr Samaha et toute son équipe.
Un immense MERCI!
22 April 2023 12:03
I had an otoplasty a few years ago but my ear kind of went back to where it was before. There is a fold in the middle of my ear but besides that it looks the same. Now I have to get this done again and pay triple to get this fixed
22 April 2023 5:36
Rhinoplastie réussite et résultat au delà de mes attentes. L'opération est sans douleur et le nez n"était pratiquement plus enflé lors du retrait du plâtre. Merci à tout l'équipe!
31 March 2023 17:26
Le meilleur dr samaha! Sarah est la meilleure! ️️? ️
J'aime beaucoup toute l'équipe
Vraiment très satisfaite je recommande fortement!
Angie est tellement souriante et accueillante, gentille extraordinaire! ️️?
07 February 2023 20:59
Docteur Samaha EST le meilleur sans aucun
doute. Il respire la perfection, finesse et
délicatesse, on voit vite qu'il est animé par sa passion.
Humble, discrèt et rassurant, bref un tout!
Mentoplastie en 2022. Un
résultat archi naturel, j'ai retrouvé la sourie.
Encore merci Docteur, je n'ai pas pour habitude de laisser un avis (1ère fois)
Merci à Chafia et Sarah pour leur professionnalisme et de savoir être cette oreille attentive!
28 January 2023 8:07
My experience with the clinic was flawless from the first contact to the post-op meeting (removing my bandage after my rhinoplasty) - the whole process lasted ~2 months. I can tell it is run by professionals that have been doing this for a long time. Dr Samaha and his staff provided excellent care from the initial consultation to the post-op follow-up - he personally called me on a weekend to ensure my recovery was going well. This is my first surgery ever and I am delighted with the results. The pain was minimal and the recovery process went smooth, due to his skills and technique. I can finally breathe properly through my nose and he sculpted it to perfection. It paid off researching a top surgeon/clinic for my rhinoplasty and I recommend him for everyone looking for one.
28 January 2023 4:15
My rhinoplasty fixed my breathing and my confidence. I also did fillers and the result was natural and long lasting. Thank you so much
28 August 2022 1:10
J’ai appelé il y a de cela 1 mois pour rencontrer Dr Samaha suite au bons commentaires que j’ai reçu à son égard. On m’a dit qu’une assistante allait me rappeler d’ici 2 semaines pour qu’on puisse discuter de ce que je désire avoir comme chirurgie et fixer une date pour une consultation. 2 semaines ont passé et je n’ai reçu aucun retour d’appel. J’ai donc rappelé pour savoir si c’était toujours possible d’avoir une consultation et on m’a assuré que je serais sur la liste de rappels priorisés. Presque 2 semaines ont passé et je n’ai toujours pas reçu d’appel. Je ne recommande pas leur service à la clientèle du tout.
25 August 2022 7:08
My experience was great from pre consultation to post op. The administration answered fast and the clinic website itself is very informative. Dr Samaha and his team were absolutely lovely and more importantly, very knowledgeable and professional. I appreciate how they make sure you are a good candidate before going through with the procedure instead of rushing through it. I got buccal fat removal – the surgery was almost painless and my recovery is doing great. They also have great prices for botox and fillers compared to previous clinics I frequented. I am already recommending them to my friends and family!
13 July 2022 3:22
My rhinoplasty experience with Dr. Samaha was nothing short of extraordinaire. From the beginning of the process to the final results Dr. Samaha and his team were friendly, courteous and very professional. During our video interview he throughly explains the surgery outlining the potential risks and results I could achieve with the procedure. He strives for natural results tailoring a new nose that will truly fit your face. The day of the surgery the staff and nurses reassure you and take care of you very well. I am Beyond happy with my new nose. If you are contemplating getting a rhinoplasty with Dr. Samaha - I 100% recommend him.
10 July 2022 1:57
Such an artist! Finally I have opurtunite to live as my favorite actor David S. Batista! THANK YOU DOCTOR SAMALI! Below is a self-e of me!
09 June 2022 7:29
I wanted to get a rhinoplasty done for many years but fear hold me back. At Dr. Samaha’s clinic I felt immediately comfortable. My throughout perfect experience, starting by a phone conversation with Chaifa that was followed by a consultation with Dr. Samaha, made me feel confident and reassures to follow through with the surgery.

About the surgery: As promised by Dr. Samaha I had minimal swelling that went away within a week and I had no pain at any point. The result is exactly as promised and my nose looks beautiful. I couldn’t be happier and will for sure go back for more little improvements. Thank you Dr. Samaha and your wonderful team. A special thanks to all the nurses that took care of me in the most wonderful and warm way possible.
04 June 2022 2:35
Mon expérience a été A1! Toute l'équipe est à l'écoute.
J'ai fait confiance au meilleur chirurgien du visage et le seul regret c'est de ne pas l'avoir fait plus tôt.
20 May 2022 11:25
Dr. Samaha and his team were simply amazing from start to finish. I visited his clinic for a rhinoplasty and absolutely loved my experience. The team was always very professional, hands on and attentive to my needs. During our initial consultation, Dr. Samaha truly took the time to understand what I wanted and provided his expert opinion in order to make changes that would harmonize my overall appearance. I am only on my 5th day of recovery and have very minimal swelling and bruising. In addition, I did not even need to take any pain killers during the first days of recovery. A smooth experience from start to finish. I cannot wait to see the final results once all the swelling is gone. I highly recommend visiting his clinic if you’re thinking of a rhinoplasty surgery!
28 April 2022 20:35
Dr Samaha and his team are amazing! They made me feel super comfortable throughout my appointments.
11 April 2022 16:44
J'ai su tout de suite que j'avais trouvé le.bon chirurgien pour ma chirurgie qui était incertaine. Avec son professionnalisme, son écoute et son côté attentionné part rapport à sa cliente et à son métier, je me suis lancée! Je suis très satisfaite du résultat. Sans oublier son équipe incroyable et le service avant, pendant et après chirurgie. Je recommande sans hésiter Dr Samaha et son équipe à quiconque voudrait une chirurgie faciale.
10 April 2022 4:18
I contacted the clinic to get a consultation for a rhinoplasty. After sending them pictures by phone they told me I was not a good candidate and that they don't do consultations (They just book the surgery date and you show up).
I thought it was super unprofessional to make a judgement without even seeing me in person, absolutely confused as they seem to be the only clinic doing this. Mix that with the incredibly high price tag (I was quoted 16k before tax, highest Ive seen in MTL by a lot) and I was truly turned off from this clinic. They get 2 stars for being fast with the response time however.
24 March 2022 12:24
J’ai eu une rhinoplastie avec le Dr Samaha il y a 5 jours de cela et mon expérience du début à la fin a été été excellente! Prise en charge au début, photos fournies du nez que l’on peut avoir, la chirurgie en elle même avec la sédation (bcp moins invasive que l’anesthésie générale) et enfin le suivi avec les directives bien précises etc etc. Le résultat final ne sera visible que dans qqes mois mais je suis déjà super contente de la forme de mon nez qui est à la hauteur de mes attentes! Un grand merci au docteur et aux infirmières Sarah, Dalia et les autres qui ont pris un grand soin de moi!
04 January 2022 22:31
Thank you so much for everything. The staff is incredible and they really care about their clients.
18 December 2021 5:40
My experience with Dr. Samaha and his team has been flawless at every step of the process - from my very first call to the clinic to the follow-up appointment post-procedure.

From a process perspective:
- The team is dedicated to providing a professional service and is extremely reliable when it comes to the appointments.
- They were very accommodating in providing virtual pre-op meetings as I do live in a different province.

With regards to the results:
- The results exceeded my expectations
- Dr. Samaha is definitely an expert who has perfected his art!
- He took the time to understand my needs and to simulate what the result could realistically look like, greatly putting me at ease before the procedure

I am so happy I put my trust in Dr. Samaha’s team!
15 November 2021 1:35
J’ai adoré mon expérience avec Dr Samaha, toute l équipe est super professionnelle réceptionniste, cordo, infirmière, super courtoise et gentille ainsi que le Dr qui a pris le temps de m’écouter et m’offrir le meilleur résultat que je rêvais d’avoir, tout simplement NATUREL.
Sans oublier le suivi hors pair de toute l’équipe tout au long de mes démarches….
Merci infiniment
26 October 2021 4:39
J'ai beaucoup apprécié mon expérience avec Dr Samaha pour une aumentation du menton. L'équipe est à l'écoute des besoins, les employés sont professionnels et je me suis senti à l'aise dès le début. La chirurgie s'est très bien passé et j'ai bien hâte de voir le résultat final lorsque tout sera complètement guérit! Je recommande cette clinique sans hésiter:).
22 October 2021 18:17
The whole process has been pretty much flawless. From first evaluation to recovery, the team is very friendly and professional. Dr. Samaha is honest and will provide you with an accurate prediction of the end results. Very happy with the results so far and recovery is going well.
21 October 2021 13:21
Très belle expérience! Un bon médecin Mark Samaha est à l'écoute de ses patients. Honnêtre envers mes attentes qui peut être atteignable suite à la chirurgie.je suis très heureuse du résultat! Une belle équipe, le personnel est accueillant et soucieux.
16 October 2021 11:28
My experience at this clinic has been extremely positive. Every member of the team that I interacted with demonstrated an impressive level of knowledge, skill and professionalism which made me feel that I was in very competent hands.

The process - from initial contact all the way to post-op evaluation - was smooth and well-coordinated. I appreciated the detailed consultation with Dr. Samaha as he took the time to understand my objectives, explain options using patient-friendly language, and help me set realistic expectations. He was transparent throughout, made no false assurances, and answered all of my questions. Similarly, pre- and post-op communications with Sara were detailed, never rushed, and very clear.

The day of the surgery went extremely smoothly. The environment was calm, comfortable, and the sequence of events unfolded exactly as I had been told they would. The staff was reassuringly confident and consistently attentive. The facilities were impeccably clean and the everyone was very diligent about ensuring hygiene measures were respected

Recovery following the surgery was exactly as described in the ample documentation provided. Pain was less than anticipated — nothing that could not be managed with Tylenol.

I was told that the “final” result can only truly be appreciated once all inflammation has resolved, which can take some time. Though some swelling remains, I can honestly say I am thrilled with the preliminary outcome.

I would recommend Dr. Samaha without any hesitation!
25 September 2021 3:42
I got a rhinoplasty last April and I am so happy with the results. I can’t wait to see what it will look like once it’s fully healed. From the consultation, to the pre op appointment, to the surgery, Dr. Samaha and his team made me feel very confortable and were always there for my questions. Dr. Samaha is truly an artist! If you are looking for very natural results that will enhance your natural beauty he is the surgeon for you. The fact that he has so much experience and only focuses on facial plastic surgery was one of the reasons why I chose him as my surgeon. Probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. Thank you so much Dr. Samaha!
12 August 2021 18:12
Depuis la demande d'information jusqu'à la visite de suivi, tout à été parfait. Le personnel est très dévoué, gentil et professionnel. Le Dr. Samaha est extrêmement rassurant avant, pendant et après l'opération. Aucun reproche à leur faire, j'ai été plus que satisfaite et n'hésiterai pas du tout à le conseiller à mes proches.
01 August 2021 10:33
Very satisfied with my natural rhinoplasty results. I highly recommend Dr. Samaha to anyone looking for beautiful and natural facial plastic surgery results. I have nothing but positive things to say about my experience with him and his staff. They took amazing care of me throughout the entire process. Dr. Samaha is a real perfectionist and it shows in his work!
15 July 2021 2:47
Professional yet relaxed atmosphere, friendly staff who remembers your name and follows up regularly, and most importantly - natural results I feel confident about
26 June 2021 5:38
*UPDATED*: Dr. Samaha apologized for my experience and offered to see me himself to correct any issues free of charge. They also mentioned that they have made changes at their office. This is how a true professional handles their business and treats their clients. In addition, when I saw Dr. Samaha during my initial consultation I can say that his bedside manner is incredible and he is very friendly. Thank you again for reaching out.

- - -

(Previous review)
Please save your money and run out the door if you are left with nurse injector Jennifer for dermal fillers. Be aware she has less than a year of experience but somehow is left to inject people on her own.

I wish I would have done the same but I made the mistake to not only to trust her once but twice thinking she could correct the lumps from my tear trough filler.

Not only that but she tells me if I’m unsatisfied with the results (like I am right now because the lumps are STILL THERE), she tells me it will cost $300 to dissolve it. How unprofessional! Any normal injector would fix their mistakes to obtain a desirable result and a happy client, especially if you have barely any experience.
23 June 2021 22:09
J'aurais bien aimé rencontrer ce médecin. Malheureusement pas eu la chance et j'ai été déclaré pas bonne candidate juste sur un appel. J'ai trouvé la façon de répondre à la demande de consultation 0 professionnelle. A la demande de la secrétaire pourtant j'ai soumis ma requête ainsi que les photos requis par courriel. Enfin cherchez pas à savoir pourquoi vous n'êtes pas jugé bon candidat pour la chirurgie, c'est comme ça et c'est tout. Je croyais pourtant que c'est un domaine ou plasticité est le mot d'ordre. Pas intéressant!
10 April 2021 11:34
Super satisfaite. Résultat très naturel, procédure en tout confort avec beaucoup de sensibilité et de délicatesse.

Merci au docteur et toute son équipe, vraiment! Ça l'a changé ma vie!
09 April 2021 23:27
J’ai choisi Dr Samaha et son équipe pour une rhinoplastie. Voici pourquoi:
- Professionnalisme hors pair de toute l’équipe
- Aucune anesthésie générale
- Opération ‘fermée’, aucune cicatrice
- Récupération et convalescence rapide
Du début à la fin, on m’a pris en charge (point que j’apprécie énormément). Les suivis étaient assidus, le processus était clair, toutes les instructions étaient données verbalement et par écrit. Chaque personne impliquée dans le processus répondait à mes questions et rapidement. Aucun retard durant les rendez-vous virtuel/en personne. Le tout m’a vraiment mis en confiance. L’équipe était professionnelle et je me suis sentie privilégiée.
L’opération s’est bien déroulée. Dr Samaha est un artiste. J’ai récupéré rapidement après une semaine de convalescence seulement.
Je suis très heureuse du résultat, le résultat dépasse mes attentes et je vous recommande de le choisir. Faites vos recherches, c’est important, combien de personnes recommandent le docteur choisi, aussi assurez vous de comprendre comment l’opération se déroule, chaque docteur utilise des méthodes différentes. Jusqu'à date, tous mes proches me disent que le résultat est magnifique et naturel. Dr Samaha a eu l'oeil pour voir comment refaire le nez en fonction des traits de caractère de mon visage. Il n'est pas juste médecin, c'est artistique ce qu'il a fait.
03 April 2021 21:43
My experience with Dr. Samaha and his team has been very positive. They are truely skilled, professional and caring. Dr. Samaha is honest and tells you straight away what is feasible for your individual features and listens to your concerns Obviously, he is very good at what he does and it shows, the surgery went smoothly and my recovery was very quick as well. Only 7 days since my rhinoplasty and I already see a very nice result and feel almost fully recovered. The whole process was seamless, informative and fairly easy. I did a lot of research before calling Dr. Samaha's office for a consultation and I am glad I did. The shape of my nose is so much better already, it is proportional to my face and my breathing has improvement as well. Overall very satisfied and happy with my experience and result so far.
20 March 2021 17:48
J’ai récemment eu une rhinoplastie aux mains du Dr Samaha, une intervention que je considérais depuis plusieurs années. En résumé, ce fut une expérience gratifiante sur toute la ligne. Tout le personnel de la clinique est avenant, attentionné et compétent. L’intervention comme telle est sans douleur, tout comme la phase postopératoire. La technique du Dr Samaha est impeccable et le résultat final est impressionnant, en parfaite adéquation avec ce qui avait été convenu au préalable. Le Dr Samaha est un chirurgien plastique au sommet de son art.
15 March 2021 14:43
I will start by saying that I am not an easy person to please. I have very clear ideas and expectations. I am also not a neophyte in the area of cosmetic “enhancements” and the results have to be, above all, natural-looking. Dr Samaha and his staff have exceeded my expectations in every area. I am only 1 week post-op and I can already see the results, it’s going to be BEAUTIFUL! I can’t hide my excitement and enthusiasm. I would highly recommend this team to even the most discretionary clientele who are looking for beautiful, natural results.
06 March 2021 11:17
Il y a maintenant plus de deux ou trois ans que Je méditais sur la possibilité de faire une procédure au niveau de mon cou. J’ai fais plein de recherches sur des soins esthétiques qui pourrait prévenir l’affaissement de la peau de mon cou avant de faire une procédure plus sérieuse comme un lift. Et bien les soins pour le cou qui fonctionnent sont très rares et très dispendieux pour peu de résultat, et ils ne sont certainement pas du long terme. Alors je me mis à faire des recherches sur les meilleurs docteurs de lift à Montréal. Après quelques semaines d’avoir lu et étudier les différentes techniques qui s’offrent, j’ai choisi d’appelé la clinique du Dr. Samaha. Les témoignages et sa technique me semblait très convaincante. Mon appel avec Chafia qui s’occupe de nous partager sur l’expertise du Dr. Samaha, le processus des rdv, le coût etc.fut très clair et précis.
Après cet appel c’était à moi de ressentir si tout cela se balançait avec mes attentes.
Tout s’aligna et Je pris ma décision d’avancer avec l’intervention. J’étais un peu nerveuse mais déterminé! À mon premier rdv avec le Dr. Samaha à son bureau, je me suis senti très à l’aise et reçu avec beaucoup d’attention. Mon premier ressentiment avec le Dr. Samaha à été son énergie bienveillante, son écoute attentionnée et son authenticité. Une approche naturelle, sans pression et humaine. Cela m’a mise en confiance et prête pour la continuité du processus. À chaque appel que je faisais à la clinique pour poser des questions et/ou quand la secrétaire Karine ou l’infirmière Sara m’appelaient c’était toujours avec patience, respect, considération et gentillesse! Tout mes rdv se sont déroulés avec Grâce et déploiement. Le matin de mon opération, j’ai été accueilli avec une infirmière (je ne me souviens pas de son nom) mais elle s’est merveilleusement occupé de moi avec douceur, sachant que l’on peut être très nerveuse à ce moment.et après tout est allé très vite. Je Suis ressortie de la clinique en fin d’après-midi, sans ressentir de malaise. J’ai dormi profondément et le lendemain déjà on élevait mon bandage. J’ai été tellement surprise de voir mon visage et cou.juste un peu enflée sur les côtés.et vraiment aucune douleur. Les jours après je me suis reposée, reposée, reposée. Une semaine plus tard on enlève les fils de sutures, avec douceur et la belle énergie de Jennifer. Et une autre semaine passe, je me repose tout autant car Je sais que plus je me repose plus la guérison se fera harmonieusement. Je retourne pour mon autre rdv pour que le médecin voit le progrès et si tout va bien. Toujours aussi Royalement accueilli par Karine et les membres de l’équipe, c’est la norme et pas qu’occasionnel! Le Dr. Samaha me partage que la guérison va très bien! J’en suis plus que ravie!
Ceci est un long témoignage mais Je sais que le plus de détails on a pour choisir un docteur pour une chirurgie esthétique du visage, plus c’est réconfortant et sécurisant. L’esprit méticuleux, la délicatesse, les connaissances, la technique, le raffinements et l’accueil du Dr. Samaha est remplie d’une Grâce Divine qui est humble et extrêmement professionnel. 100% à tout les niveaux. C’est certain que si je choisis une autre chirurgie esthétique, ce sera avec le Dr. Samaha. J’ai été guidé vers lui et j’en remercie la Vie, et j’en remercie de tout mon Cœur le Dr. Samaha pour être un homme bienveillant qui s’entoure d’une merveilleuse équipe avec des valeurs à son image.
Avec mes recherches j’ai su que Samaha veut dire “Miséricorde et Générosité” c’est avec honneur que j’ai eu la chance d’être opéré par une telle Âme. Un de mes souhait a été réalisé, mon cou et le bas de mon visage est comme il y a plusieurs année, tout est superbement magnifique, je vous en suis éternellement reconnaissante, merci merci merci ️
05 March 2021 21:29
Dr Samaha et son équipe sont incroyables. Des gens chaleureux, méticuleux et professionnels. Je recommande Dr. Samaha sans hésitation!
03 March 2021 11:57
Très bonne experience et pleinement satisfait du résultat. Merci au Dr. Samaha et à son assistante Sarah
05 February 2021 19:29
J'ai rencontré Dr Samaha pour une rhinoplastie le 7 janvier 2021 dernier. Il est EXTRAORDINAIRE. Le résultat est incroyable, le service était impeccable et la récupération était super rapide et non-douloureuse. Je vous recommande à 100%. Merci beaucoup!
04 February 2021 4:34
I saw Dr. Samaha for a rhinoplasty last week and I am thrilled about the results. He is an outstanding doctor. My nose looks better than I expected, it's natural and proportional to my face. This is the best decision I have made. Thank you Dr. Samaha and team!
18 January 2021 21:48
I recently saw Dr. Samaha for a rhinoplasty and the results are better than anything I could have expected! The whole process was very pleasant, easy and comfortable. The entire staff is very friendly and attentive. Communication was great and they had my trust from the very beginning. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I would highly recommend Dr. Samaha to anyone looking into these services.
14 January 2021 14:15
My experience was amazing. The technique he uses to do the rhinoplasty makes the recovery fast and painless. The results are what I hoped for and I could not be happier. Thank you!
09 January 2021 1:11
I had my rhinoplasty last week with Dr. Samaha & his team. I was lucky enough to grab a last minute appointment slot that someone else had cancelled. Despite a two week window from my initial consultation to the actual surgery, the entire process was extremely smooth and I was provided with thorough documentation before & after surgery. Dr. Samaha was very professional and answered every single question in great detail. The staff at the clinic are welcoming and always pleasant to speak to.

I've gone for a few consultations over the years with different doctors but was always felt uncertain. I know I made the right choice, Dr. Samaha and his staff made me feel comfortable and at ease from initial point of contact. The entire experience was very positive and I cannot recommend his clinic enough. Most importantly, I couldn't be happier with my results. My nose looks better than I could have ever expected!
28 December 2020 0:23
As everyone here has expressed, the level of patient care by Dr Samaha and his entire team are outstanding, truly second to none. You have their full attention and they answer all of your questions and concerns with the utmost respect and professionalism. My end result was also very good, it turned out just as Dr. Samaha had indicated it would - I have a great looking nose now that truly suits my face, with one unexpected 'exception' - indicated farther below. My only comment at that time was that with a rhinoplasty, more follow ups closer together would be appreciated. Since I don't see any feedback with respect to the recovery process itself, I decided to wait with my review to address that for those who would be interested. Please note that this is my own personal experience and that being older (I'm 50 now) my recovery time is slower. My rhinoplasty surgery was 2 years ago (August 2018) and the recovery has been uncomfortable in general. I always 'know' I had the surgery because I can always 'feel' it. The tip of my nose still has numbness and the bridge of my nose is still sensitive; I have to remove my reading glasses from time to time while I'm working for some relief. I also still get mild throbbing from time to time. I've read that it can take up to 3 years to fully recover from this type of procedure, so I hope in another year I won't 'feel' it anymore and it'll be as though this has always been my nose. The unexpected 'exception' with my overall perfect result is that the left side lateral osteotomy bone now protrudes my face following the surgery. It's very obvious, there's no hiding it. That wasn't 'there' before my rhinoplasty surgery. It was apparent upon the removal of my cast, Dr Samaha and the head nurse had commented on it. I had expressed to Dr Samaha that I don't like how that looks, but Dr Samaha did not suggest trying to fix it because he said it's a complicated area (near the tear duct, etc.). I don’t know if this could have been prevented with an open rhinoplasty surgery.some of the articles I’ve read suggests it. Now that some time has passed and that line of bone is still very prominent on my face, I will seek a second opinion. However, I would definitely recommend Dr Samaha, in general, he's an exceptional surgeon and a gifted artist. And he has a terrific team.
26 December 2020 9:11
I had a rhinoplasty last year in july and it was the best decision I have ever made! The staff is very professional and kind, Dr. Samaha is very talented as well. No bruising at all and perfect natural results!
25 December 2020 22:38
Professional, attentive and efficient. I loved my experience with Dr. Samaha and his dedicated staff. The entire staff was well informed and implicated with regards to my proceedure every step of the way. I was greeted warmly and I felt like one of the family. Dr. Samaha is an outstanding physician. I am very happy with the results and the restored symmetry to my face. It looks natural and fresh with minimal swelling. I could not have picked a better team to guide me through this positive experience. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart.
21 December 2020 16:33
Dr. Samaha is an outstanding surgeon with the professionalism, attentiveness and kindness to match. The staff is equally attentive, friendly and knowledgeable. The preparation and supporting documentation for my surgical procedure was clear and thorough. All my questions were answered. Throughout the whole process, I felt like I was well taken care of and I could not have been in better hands. The outcome far exceeded my expectations. This was the best experience ever.
07 December 2020 23:34
I got a rhinoplasty done. The result is exactly how we discussed prior the surgery and looks very natural. Recovery was extremely quick I was very surprised on how little swelling I had and little to no bruising. Dr. Samaha and his whole team were extremely understanding and attentive. They gave me multiple occasions to express my questions throughout the whole process. Its a huge decision to select a surgeon, but I am glad that I made an excellent choice.
04 December 2020 19:14
I couldn’t even imagine that the surgery experience can be that comfortable and easy. I had my rhinoseptoplasty with Dr. Samaha about week ago and on the first day I already could fully breathe with my nose, and now I’m enjoying the beautiful visual result. My nose looks fantastic! Separate thanks to the friendly staff and nurses who were so calming and professional.
03 December 2020 0:31
I went to see Dr. Samaha for a rhinoplasty and it was the best decision of my life. He and all of his staff are extremely friendly and professional, and made me feel super comfortable, even on the day of the surgery. Dr. Samaha really listened to me and gave me exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to remove the hump I had on the bridge of my nose and my results are very subtle and beautiful. The recovery was surprisingly easy. Even though I was told ahead of time I was still surprised by how painless it was and how little bruising I had. It has only been a week since I had my surgery and it is already impossible to tell that I had one unless you know. I highly recommend Dr. Samaha because he is very experiences, listens to what you want, and makes you feel at ease.
17 November 2020 22:52
I had an otoplasty surgery a week ago and I absolutely loved my experience with Sara the nurse and Dr. Samaha. I had a 0 to a little knowledge about the procedure but Dr. Samaha explained it very well. They were open to answer all my questions and concerns until the day of the surgery. Sara made sure that I was comfortable and she took really good care from the beginning till the end of the surgery. The surgery went super well and I'm healing perfectly fine. I'm in love with the results and I'm very happy that I heard about Dr. Samaha at the right time. They were amazing and I would 100% recommend Dr. Mark Samaha to all your facial surgery needs.
08 November 2020 19:19
Dr. Samaha et toute son équipe font preuve d'un professionnalisme hors pair! Je suis extrêmement satisfait des résultats et je conseillerais à tous ceux qui veulent l'entendre! Vous allez pas regretter votre choix!
27 October 2020 7:18
Had such a wonderful experience. Everyone from nurses to reception is so kind, comforting, and informed. Dr. Samaha cuts no corners, taking every important detail into account to ensure that you are safe, comfortable, and are feeling supported. Highly recommended!
20 October 2020 21:34
Le Dr. Samaha et son équipe, ont contribué à transformer une expérience qq peu stressante en une expérience heureuse et sereine. Grand professionnalisme et compétence pour toute l'équipe et un service personnalisé très agréable et rassurant. Je recommande grandement.
19 October 2020 7:52
Dr Samaha est un excellent chirurgien. J’ai eu une très belle expérience en rhinoplastie qui surpasse mon attente. Très belle équipe d’ailleurs que je remercie infiniment en particulier mon infirmière. Je recommande à tous ceux qui cherchent encore de ne pas hésiter vous avez une belle équipe et un chirurgien spécialiste en savoir-faire.
17 September 2020 12:34
J'ai une merveilleuse expérience à la clinique du Dr Samaha. J'ai subi une rhinoplastie, ma première chirurgie à vie et tout s'est passé sans problèmes. La communication était claire, je me sentais écouté dans mes demandes pour mon nouveau nez.

Après la chirurgie, il y'a eu très peu de douleur et aucune complication. J'avais des instructions claires à suivre et je me sentais soutenue dans le processus.

Je suis extrêmement heureuse avec mon nez. J'ai veaucoup plus de confiance et je referais cette expérience sans hésitation.
12 August 2020 8:52
I'm very please with my experience with Dr Samaha and his whole team! Very professional and kind people. The results of my operation are wonderful!
26 July 2020 15:26
Do not hesitate.very good doctor, pro follow-up, no need to worry he’s here to explain anything.anything with an answer!
Clinic is clean, staff are warmly welcoming.prices is average plus, but worth it.

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