28 October 2023 22:23
Do not go there! He gave me a PAP exam without me knowing and without my consent. I’ll be filing a complaint.
N’allez pas là! Il m’a donner un examen PAP sans mon consentement. Je ferai une plainte
29 September 2023 2:05
This Doctor is not even human. He is abusive. He is unprofessional. And most of all he is DANGEROUS. Get another doc. Don’t bother with him.

-pelvic examination without consent
-severed artery in surgery
-abandoned in ICU caused clotting
-assaulted post OP
-cranky receptionist
-prescribed out of date medications
-angry demeanour

29 May 2023 19:05
Lack of empathy and compassion. Doesn't listen to concerns and visits are never pleasant.
27 May 2023 1:24
Very unprofessional, don't seem to like his job since he was already in a bad mood when the consultation started. Also, gives non-asked advices about other issues that are not related.
23 May 2023 23:47
Extended unprofessional and overall rude. It was my first time going with a gynecologist and he treated me badly. I went there for an IUD and I was nervous, so when the process started it was painful and I told him, but he didn't care, he told me that of course it hurts but to not move. He made me feel very uncomfortable so I told him to stop and that I didn't want to do it anymore. He was irritated and told me that I was a waste of time. Even in the previous consultation he was very irritated he didn't really answered my questions and when he asked for my medication list and I told him that I was taking 30mg of citalopram wich is an antidepressant, he made the comment that that was a lot for someone like me as if he was my family doctor or as if he had been treating me for a long time (it was my first time going with him)
Unprofessional, mean and overall insensitive.
13 May 2023 14:54
I've never met a doctor as unprofessional as him. First of all, the material wasn't sanitized since he only opened the drawer and took some clips that weren't wrapped in plastic bags but just landing there. He also was very rude, he gave me opinions that I didn't asked for about my medication as if I was there for that, but when I asked questions about the actual process for the IUD, he was mean and didn't answer my questions.
02 April 2023 21:56
Impossible de joindre ce médecin par téléphone. Plusieurs appels, aucun réponse! Dès que tu arrives au bureau, il y a une manque de politesse épouvantable chez les secrétaires. Les secrétaires vont te traiter comme une ordure. Difficile de juger le médecin quand le bureau ne fonction pas.
26 February 2023 4:25
Impossible de joindre ce médecin par téléphone. Après la pose de mon stérilet, depuis plus d'un an, je n'arrive pas à les joindre pour prendre rdv pour contrôle.

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