25 October 2023 22:01
I had the best experience with Dr. Papanastasiou and his staff about 10 years ago. They are friendly, helpful and professional.

Dr. Papanastasiou as a gentle touch and a very caring personality, I felt very safe and cared for in his hands and have since referred two of my friends for procedures as well. He is know for his natural, quality work.

Always do your research and go with who you feel is best but I personally highly recommend Dr. Papanastasiou and his staff and even though I have since moved to Toronto, I will go back to Montreal for any future procedures.
21 September 2023 15:40
Only the best surgeon ever!

Had my breasts and nose done 7 years ago and still couldn’t be happier. Thank you Dr. P!
22 August 2023 2:10
Great experience, Dr. P
Knows what he's doing. I wouldn't leave my eyes to just anyone. My friends cannot get over my results. Now she wants to go as well
13 July 2023 21:11
Excellent care and follow up. Very professional and knowledgeable. Friendly staff and beautiful facility.
26 June 2023 21:05
From the first time I met Dr. P, I knew he was the one I can trust. Contrary to the other consultations I had, Dr P listened to me
first, and with much attention. Never did he try to sell me more than I asked for. In fact, he discouraged me from a doing another area I wanted to correct. I must have asked 50 questions and he answered them all, allocating me the time I needed and not feeling rushed to leave his office. I was explained every step that would be taken throughout this journey; both by Dr. P and his staff. The staff and nurses took care of me pre-and post Op. I never felt any abandonment after the surgeries. I could reach them very easily when I needed to. I am extremely happy to have chosen Dr P; no regrets.
I had two surgeries within a three month period. He most definitely delivered what he said he would and in both surgeries. Two of my friends have already consulted him and were very impressed with him as well.
I strongly recommend him!
29 March 2023 15:31
Dr. Papanastasiou ainsi que son équipe sont extrêmement disponibles et professionnels. J’ai eu des réactions allergiques médicamenteuses suite à l’opération et Dr. Papanastasiou était toujours disponible. Je suis très heureuse de ma chirurgie et je recommande ses services.
24 October 2022 10:04
Dr Papanastasiou and his team are absolutely phenomenal. They are attentive, professional and there for you every step of the way. I couldn’t have chosen a better clinic for my surgery.
Would definitely recommend ️
11 August 2022 3:53
Dr. Papanastasiou and his staff were extremely professional and patient in their care of me.
They answered all of my questions and really spent time covering all aspects of the surgery.
Dr. P is extremely skilled at what he does.
I did a tummy tuck, and was extremely impressed with the results and it’s only been a week! My stomach is a still swollen but completely flat!
His staff was super caring and supportive throughout the surgery and recovery.
I highly recommend him, you will feel confident choosing him as your surgeon!
15 December 2021 7:48
Que ce soit Dr. Papanastasiou lui même, ou les gens fessant partie de son équipe, ils/elles sont tous exceptionnels/exceptionnelles. Catherine offre un très bon service et réponds adéquatement à toutes nos questions. Les infirmières, anesthésistes ainsi que tout le personnel sont attentionnés et sympathiques. Dr. P prends le temps de bien écoutés nos besoins et est d’excellent conseil. Il est respectueux et honnête, attentionné et précis. Il a le soucis du détails. Deplus, sont travail est tout simplement parfait, magnifique, merveilleux. Il nous met en confiance et prends le temps nécessaire avec nous. Stephanie, l’infirmière chirurgicale est si gentille également, elle réponds à nos appels et texto en tout temps et ce même en dehors des heures ouvrables. Bref, j’ai adoré mon expérience et je le recommande sincèrement!
12 December 2021 5:03
I recently had a breast augmentation done in September and i had such a good experience with Dr. Papanastasiou and his wonderful staff! They made me feel comfortable through every step of the way. You truly will be in good hands here. Thank you to Dr. P, the amazing nurses and Catherine for making this a great experience!
08 August 2021 23:09
Dr. P is a true professional. Very respectful and attentive to the client's questions, concerns and goals throughout the whole process. He exudes confidence and experience and that felt right to me as of the very first meeting. I’m one month postop (breast lift + augmentation) and extremely satisfied with the results (succeeding my expectations even) and I can’t say enough about the service. His whole team is prizeworthy, from the surgical coordinator (Cathy, so sweet, helpful and quick to respond), to the operating room nurses (Janie and others, one patted me gently on the forehead until I fell asleep, calming my nerves), to the anesthesiologist (very personable and gave ample information and explanations prior to the surgery), to the recovery room nurse (so caring, hopefully I didn't say to many embarrassing things! We did have a few laughs.), to the postop and on call nurse (Stephanie is amazing, knowledgeable and really quick and available to answer questions by texts/phone). EVERYONE is customer focus, reassuring, caring, available and genuinely… really nice. I had been recommended to Dr. P by several people (some having dealt with with over 15 years ago) and all had praised his work and practice. I’m glad I followed their recommendations and can now attest that not only has his technical surgical skills impressed and wowed clients throughout the years but the level of service and professionalism of his whole team has lived up to it’s reputation as well. Clearly not the least expensive $$$ surgeon on the market but you pay for what you get and I have absolutely no buyers remorse.best investment!
05 July 2021 14:16
Tres mauvaise expérience! J'ai ete pour une blepharoplastie, le resultat est catastrophique, apres 3 retouches des paupieres toujours tombantes et asymétriques, j ai été le revoir, il m a fait attendre 39 mns ds la salle d'examen et il ne s'st pas présenté par contre c'est la secretaite qui es venue me dire qu"il ne peut plus rien faire.
Je suis très déçue aujourd'hui et triste par le résultat
15 June 2021 14:53
I loved my experience with Dr. Papanastasiou! Dr. Papanastasiou and his staff treated me very well and I felt so comforted throughout it all. The surgery went smoothly and everyone made me feel very comfortable. I am so so happy with my results and I would highly recommend.
10 June 2021 0:34
Très mauvais expérience. Le résultat est décevant. Mes cicatrices sont toujours visibles même après la retouche qui a du être payée alors que je n'aurais jamais eu besoin de subir une deuxième chirurgie si la première aurais été bien faite.
03 June 2021 19:48
I was recommended to Dr. Papanastasiou by a few people and he did not disappoint! I am very happy with my results. The staff is super friendly and welcoming, and Dr. Papanastasiou makes you feel very comfortable. The whole surgery went over very easily and they were able to help with any questions and concerns I had. Highly recommend!
14 January 2021 4:23
I had such a positive experience with not only Dr. Papanastasiou but with his entire team. They are all so kind, comforting and warm (shoutout to Catherine and the nurses especially!) I felt so safe and well cared for. They are very professional and provide the human touch that makes the experience that much better. 10/10 would recommend.
27 November 2020 21:01
I called to see if the Doctor was performing a certain kind of otoplasty. The lady in charge wrote me that Dr Papanastasiou was familiar with that technique and I should come for an appointment.
When I met the doctor he was not performing such procedure. I still had to pay the 100$ fee for this first meeting.
22 October 2020 11:56
Je voudrais souligner l'incroyable travail du Dr. Papanastasiou qui s'est occupé de ma rhinoplastie au mois de mars dernier. Après avoir longtemps été complexée par mon nez, je suis vraiment très contente du résultat! J'ai longtemps cherché un chirurgien capable de comprendre mes préoccupations et j'ai tout de suite été à l'aise avec le Dr Papanastasiou! Il est rassurant et à l'écoute en plus d'être un excellent chirurgien. L'équipe au complet est professionnelle et accueillante:) je ne pouvais pas rêver d'une meilleure équipe pour m'accompagner dans ce processus. Merci Docteur et merci équipe de rêve!

I would like to recognize the wonderful work Dr. Papanastasiou has done with my rhinoplasty. I was very self-conscious about my nose and I am very happy with the result! I have been looking for a surgeon who would understand my concerns and I felt instantly comfortable with Dr. Papanastasiou! He listens and understands his patients needs and he is very reassuring, in addition to being an excellent surgeon. The entire team is professional and welcoming:) I could not have asked for a better team to support me in this process. Thank you Dr. Papanastasiou and thank you DreamTeam!
15 October 2020 17:42
Very professional doctor. Listens to patients and makes you feel very comfortable.
Unfortunately I had a rhinoplasty.after 1 year I was not at all satisfied with the result and he agreed to do a correction. However I had to have 3 corrections (3 other surgeries) each with a one year wait between each.and my nose actually looks worse now. I changed surgeons in order to see if a correction can be made and the new surgeon confirmed that after 4 rhinoplasties there is so much work that needs to be done and that my nose is very asymmetrical And not flattering at all. He is a great doctor for certain types of cosmetic surgeries.but I would not recommend for rhinoplasties.
05 October 2020 1:57

When I decided to go ahead and get plastic surgery I knew finding a good doctor would be the hard part. After searching all over Montreal for one of the best, I found the number #1! Dr. Papanastasiou!

I knew from my first consultation that I would be choosing him and infact booked the surgery on that first meeting with his lovely surgical coordinator Catherine.

I had no idea how any of this worked so two very sweet nurses explained how the consultation would go, took pictures so I could see a 3D model of what my post op could look like (extremely useful technology), and most importantly made me feel safe and comfortable.

In order to do my surgery, of course, I had to remove clothing. This is something all the nurses and the doctor himself acknowledge is delicate and can make people feel vulnerable. I always felt extremely comfortable despite being a very shy person!

On the days leading up to the surgery, I was not even nervous because of how confident I was in the doctor and his staff. ALSO! The surgery was performed in the same building as they have a private OR room. This was such a great plus and I can't see a better way to have an operation.

The day of the surgery was great. When I got home I was raving to my mother and friend (who took care of me while healing) how happy i was. From the second I arrived, I had clear explanations of how the surgery would go. The anesthesiologist and nurses helped me to sleep and when I woke up, the nurse made sure to tend to me right away!

The doctor called me the same night to make sure I was okay. I then had a two day post op check up and then a two week one.

All to say I felt extremely taken care of at every point and am so grateful to Dr. Papanastasiou and his sweet & excellent staff!

05 August 2020 9:23
I Highly recommend Dr. Papanastasiou and his team. He listened to me and helped me achieve the results i wanted. Very professional and respectful. Nurse Michelle is very talented and one of my favorites
05 August 2020 6:26
Always a great service. Everyone in a team is increasingly nice and friendly. I had few operations done and shopped around before I made my choice to do it with dr. Papanastasiou. And I’m happy I choose him!
22 July 2020 5:15
J’ai eu la procédure d’augmentation mammaire il y a 2 semaines et pour ma part j’ai eu une très belle expérience à la clinique du Dr. Papanastasiou. Mes rendez-vous avant/après la chirurgie se sont bien passé. Le Dr.m’a bien conseillé et a prit le temps de répondre à mes questions. Ils se sont aussi bien adapté aux mesures concernant le virus (COVID) je me sentais à l’aise et en confiance d’aller à la clinique. J’ai eu une belle expérience avec tout le personnel très aimable, bien organisé et attentionné. Je recommende fortement le Dr. Papanastasiou autant pour l’excellent travaille qu’il a fait, mais aussi pour toute son équipe formidable et pour la magnifique clinique. Merci encore!
16 April 2020 14:17
J'ai eu une augmentation mammaire il y a un mois, et d'abord, je trouve que la rencontre avec Dr. Papanastasiou est trop brève et il n'est pas très bavard! Il ne te montre pas ce que ça donne avec des implants différentes grosseurs et formes de soutien gorge.leur logiciel ça ne donne pas une très bonne idée. De plus, j'ai encore de gros elancements au sein droit, parfois fulgurants, et mes cicatrices sont comme avec des petites bosses.et j'ai des veines enflammées (maladie de Mondor). Pourtant, je suis retournée me faire examiner et on me dit de prendre des Advil, et de faire des compresses chaudes. Les cicatrices sont pareilles.la douleur demeure. Je suis inquiète pour mes cicatrices. Je devrai y retourner. Le personnel est gentil, mais ils ont toujours l'air pressées d'en finir avec vous. Il n'y a pas assez de précisions: à quelle fréquence les Advil, sur quelle durée les prendre, à quelle fréquence les compresses chaudes, et sur de nombreux sites et forums on recommande les massages.ils n'en parlent jamais.
08 April 2020 20:58
Je me suis fais operer le 18 avril 2019. Je ne suis pas satisfaite entièrement de mon opération. Il ne pose pas assez de question par rapport à nos attentes et n'écoute pas ce que vous dites. Au moment de mon opération, je lui ais dis que je voulais rapetiser mon areole en meme temps que ma corriger pour mes seins tubereux. Il as dit okay mais ne las jamais fais. Quand je lui en ais fais par 5 mois plus tard, il as accepter de reprendre son travail pour me donner satisfaction. Javais prevu une augmentation mammaire par la suite. N'ayant plus trop confiance, jai décidé de changé de chirurgien pour mon augmentation. Jai commencé à avoir des douleurs au sein droit 1 mois avant mon augmentation mammaire chez mon autre chirurgien. Jai décidé que je ne voulais pas aller plus loin finalement et de ne pas faire daugmentation mammaire de peur davoir plus de problème. Apres avoir ete voir un medecin en clinique, pris des anti-inflammatoire et des relaxants musculaire, la douleur est partie. Jai donc décidé de faire la correction que dr.papanastasiou mavais offert et ne plus faire de chirurgie par la suite. Jai été il y a 2 semaines faire une consultation et tout dun coup, il voulait que je paye parce quil dit que corriger mes seins tubereux avait été fait et que la reduction de lareole etait un extra.jetais vraiment facher car javais deja payer 7000$ et javais mentionner que je voulais reduire lareole juste avant de me faire operer et quil avait dit oui et nas rien fais. On mas dis quon me rappellerai pour voir ce quon peut faire. On ne mas jamais appeler.alors si vous n'êtes pas satisfaite, il ne reprendra pas son travail même si vous lui avez demander certaines choses. Il écoute à moitier et se rappel pas ses dossiers. Si vous ne lui rapporter plus d'argent comme moi qui ne voulais plus mon augmentation mais seulement une correction de ma chirurgie, il ne le fera pas non plus. Il doit etre à largent.très decu car j'ai énormément attendu et mis de coter pour faire cette operation et je me retrouve decu. Oui le tubereux à ete corriger mais l'aspect en general pour ameliorer mon esthetique aurait pu etre beaucoup mieux sil aurait reduit lareole. Jaurais enormement apprecier être appeler aussi et non ignorer. Aucune reponses de mes courriels non plus par ses 2 secrétaires pour essayer de discuter et en venir à une entente.
21 March 2020 18:58
Très belle expérience à cette clinique! C'était ma première chirurgie esthétique et du début à la fin j'ai été accompagnée de manière professionnelle et complète! J'ai adoré l'équipe, Dr Papanastasiou qui a compris mon besoin dès le début et qui m'a écouté à travers le processus en me donnant exactement ce que j'avais besoin, l'infirmière Stéphanie qui offre des suivis humains et parfaits autant du début qu'à la fin, Francoise Foster qui est très chaleureuse et qui explique vraiment bien et qui est toujours disponible pour répondre à nos questions! Je recommande à 200% vous ne serez pas déçus! Le résultat est très naturel et magnifique, très belle expérience!
13 January 2020 3:22
Great doctor, great staff, couldn't have been more pleased with the caring staff and doctor. Procedure went so much better than I could have imagined. Thank you everyone! Lisa
22 December 2019 12:02
Dr. Papanastasiou and his team, are truly the best. I had implants done twice with him, 10 years apart, the team is professional and very caring. I felt safe and well taken care of. I would highly recommend him. He is really great at what he does, achieving a really natural result. He is honest and the whole team is really helpful.
17 November 2019 18:41
Dr Papanastasiou and his staff were so caring and attentive, you are in good hands from the entire team! I am happy to see that the result looks natural.
28 September 2019 15:21
I have had BLEPHAROPLASTY by Dr Papanastasiou, needless to say the CONFIDENCE he exudes and his expertise is beyond my expectations. I felt safe and in the best hands ever since our first consultation. His staff is like family, felt loved and well embraced. If in future need to work on any part of my body ONLY Dr Papanastasiou can work on me. He is GOD sent for us women. DO NOT HESITATE if your intending to treat yourself to a BETTER YOU.
19 September 2019 16:49
I had breast implant replacement surgery this summer (an informed personal decision) and the service at this clinic is excellent. Having had my first surgery there 8 years ago (as an out of province patient) and visiting for follow ups, I have always been treated with the utmost respect and kindness. Dr. Papanastasiou is a highly experienced, knowledgeable and skilled surgeon. He is detail oriented, has decades of experience and has often mentored some of the other plastic surgeons in the Montreal area. He takes his profession seriously, is very direct about the process of surgery (risks and rewards) and strives to give balanced, natural results. For these reasons, I trusted him with both of my surgeries and in selecting an appropriate size that would compliment my frame. When I have questions or concerns, he is always available to see me, and I leave feeling reassured and supported. Also, his pre-op and post-op instructions and care is superior to that of other surgeons, and this ultimately enhances recovery and the aesthetical outcome.
The staff at this clinic are wonderful, particularly Frankie (his administrative assistant) and one of the lead nurses, Stephanie. Frankie is accessible, extremely pleasant and organized. She has been at this clinic for years which demonstrates loyalty and a continuity of quality customer service. It is always a pleasure to speak to her. Stephanie is a lovely, warm nurse who sincerely cares about her patients. She is never too busy to answer a query post-op and is positive, encouraging and kind. The surgical team as well as the recovery nurse on the day of my surgery were absolutely wonderful. They explained every step to me and ensured I was comfortable and cared for. I am very grateful for the positive experiences I have always had at this clinic -thank you Dr. Papanastasiou and your brilliant team.
02 February 2019 6:29
I don’t recommand for PRP treatments which is done by the clinic’s nurse but dr. Papanastasiou is fantastic.
22 January 2019 9:28
Amazing team! From day1 of my consultation to my post op appointment everybody made me feel so comfortable and answered all of my questions! Dr. Papanastasiou is so kind and caring and makes you feel so at ease throughout the whole process. Stephanie is great and so knowledgeable any questions or concerns that I had were answered. I had a couple concerns before surgery and Frankie was able to to reassure me in my choice! This team is absolutely amazing and my results are gorgeous. Their care is absolutely exceptional and so personal. Thank you all!
05 July 2018 6:48
I had a breast augmentation surgery, and got a horrible result! A side high and the other very low! Asked for repairing surgery, they want me to pay for the anesthesia! Hell no! Thank you

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