11 January 2022 17:41
Update: This experience just happened AGAIN 1 week later. No knocking or ringing, left my package on busy street sidewalk.

I live downtown, my front door touches the side walk.
Didn't ring buzzer once. Multiple people were here to answer door.
Driver marked as delivered so he must have just left my package ON THE SIDEWALK.

I never received it, stolen by the company or some one on the street.
15 December 2021 20:58
My amazon package never arrived. This is my first time with this company and it is the first time that my package has been lost. Worst service ever
07 December 2021 1:13
I, ve got notification that my Amazon package was delivered and within 1 minute I was at the entrance door to the appartment building. No package. I was waitinf there for the package for about 10 minutes - no, nobody showed up. This happens not for the first time.
13 October 2021 1:04
Each time I order Amazon, I pray I will not be ''served'' by this trash company.even Purolator does better, that says it all. One more time today, they missed my delivery. Garbage company.
08 October 2021 14:33
These guys pretend they tried to deliver, but no one ever comes to your door. Not sure how Amazon can justify using these clowns.
06 October 2021 0:26
Ils ne sonnent pas. Ils ne cognent pas non plus. Ils laissent le colis devant la porte dans des température de 35°C et +. Et pire encore, ils laissent les colis en plein soleil, pourtant, ils savent que c'est de la nourriture qu'il y a dans la boite! Ça fait des mois que je me plains contre eux, mais y'a rien qui se passe, ils (Amazon en particulier) continuent d'utiliser ce service de livraison pourrit. J'en ai plus que marre. Ils ne méritent même pas 1 étoiles, mais ZERO et moins.
02 October 2021 2:01
@Dynamex ; Please stop delivering for amazon, if dynamex was in the food industry it would be an instant diarreah. There is no words to explain how bad this service is.
13 September 2021 2:44
This is NOT how you should deliver a valuable package. I have my phone number attached on top of the box and I asked to be called. My package was left at the entrance hall just to be stolen. I am sorry for my words but Amazon should eliminate these losers. They are nothing else just trouble makers. I hope I was clear, if a could place a NEGATIVE rating, I would place it. No more these jokers, PLEASE!
08 August 2021 19:58
My wife and I were carrying a heavy book case up our front steps when a Dynamex delivery guy showed up with an Amazon delivery. I told him to leave the parcel at the front and he said that he would give me a hand with the book case. He grabbed the bottom, I grabbed the top, and up we went, 3 flights of stairs. I tried to get some change to tip him, but before I could he just took off. I see all of the other experiences that people had with Dynamex but our experience was fantastic. Thanks so much to our delivery guy! I wish I knew his name so that we could thank him.
07 August 2021 10:17
Each time I order Amazon, I pray I will not be ''served'' by this trash company.even Purolator does better, that says it all. One more time today, they missed my delivery. Garbage company.
10 June 2021 17:09
Colis indiqué comme livré mais aucune trace du colis. Service à la clientèle médiocre. J'espère qu'Amazon trouve une autre compagnie de livraison.
09 March 2021 12:41
Colis marqué livré le 1ermars 2021aujourd'hui le 09 mars je viens de voir sur amazon que le colis a été livré il y a une semaine, je n'ai pas reçu le colis,
05 January 2021 4:26
Never showed up, they said that it was unsafe to deliver.is an office building. They doesnt answer the calls.awfull service.i dont know why amazon ships with this kind of company
29 December 2020 0:55
I swear this company is the worst delivery service out there.i was supposed to get my package yesterday by 9pm, then around 8: 43pm I got a notification from Amazon that there was a delivery attempt made. Problem is I was home all day and did not hear my doorbell ring or anything. I contacted Amazon customer service and they said that they would try delivering the package by the end of the 25th. Then the next day I got another notice saying my package was delivered at 4: 13pm. I go to my door to see if it's there and there was absolutely nothing.so once again they did not ring my doorbell.idk if they actually delivered it and it got stolen or what but this is ridiculous.
09 December 2020 11:46
Paid for next day delivery on amazon and got a tracking number. The tracking details never updated all day that it was supposed to be delivered, and they never showed up. Later that day, Amazon lists the delivery as delayed, but should come in the next day. Next day comes around, and Dynamex marks it as undeliverable and returning to Amazon, no calls or anything, while my roommate was home all day.

Throughout all this, the tracking number never updated past "expected delivery today".
05 December 2020 9:14
Le pire service de livraison disponible. Livreurs trop pressés et tellement mal payés qu'ils laissent les colis placés n'importe comment avec une photo pour se "protéger". Service au mieux, pathétique.
16 November 2020 1:33
Ne sonne pas. Ne cogne pas. Laisse le colis devant la porte sur la rue Hochelaga et pi9. Il est bien inscrit sur ma porte, coller en gros. Je ne suis pas la laisser le colis au dessus (cher la voisine de 81ans qui est très heureuse de recevoir mon colis car elle pourras me jaser 2h a mon retour) sur 10 livraison elle a reçu 1 seul colis.
07 November 2020 1:55
They left my package from Amazon today in an unsafe place where anyone could steal it. They didn’t buzz my unit number or tried to call me. There’s no contact information whatsoever. No Facebook or any way to contact them. I’d give zero starts if I could.
17 October 2020 20:34
This service is unreliable, and they will lie about "attempting to deliver" in order to cover for their late deliveries.
Verified the claimed time of delivery with camera system, in case their staff didn't know what a doorbell was and it's activation mechanism as we were present, no one showed up.

I rather be told "the delivery was delayed, expet it by next day" than dishonest people covering their backs.
17 October 2020 5:19
Colis laissé dans l'entrée sans aviser personne que la livraison se faisait. Un édifice de 48 condos et plusieurs personnes pouvaient s'approprier le colis qui était à la vue de tout ceux qui entraient ou sortaient. Je me demande bien ce qu'une compagnie aussi médiocre fait au service d'Amazon. Regardez les autres commentaires. Épouvantable de voir à quel point ça presse qu'Amazon laisse aller une compagnie de livraison. Je suis tellement déçu de leur service et, croyez-moi, je suis loin d'être le seul.
06 October 2020 17:55
Why should i pay a 1 day service if they are not able honor it? Amazon shouldn't deal with this company, instead: Intelcom Express doing a great job
17 September 2020 17:41
I'm pretty sure that dropping packages in an unsecured entrance lobby without even bothering ringing my appartement does not constitute a completed delivery.

The worst part is that the delivery guy took the time to take a picture of the package to prove it was "delivered" but couldn't take 5 seconds to buzz my appartement to tell me to come get it.

I wish Amazon would not do business with this carrier.
29 August 2020 21:55
C'est quoi cette compagnie qui ne respecte personne. 2 jours que j'attends mon colis. OÙ EST IL?
29 August 2020 20:22
J'ai reçu un avis sur mon compte Amazon comme de quoi ca été livré devant ma porte à 2h21. Je suis sorti vers 2h40 et je n'ai rien reçu. Ca l'Air dur de lire un numéro devant une porte!? ! Grace à cette incompétence la fin de semaine de mes enfants est ruiné!
10 August 2020 15:37
Livraison faite, mais personne n’a sonné. Le colis laissé à la vue devant la porte de façade. Deux personnes était dans la maison au moment de la livraison. Pas d’avis de livraison. Le carillon peut être utilisé! Ce n’est pas difficile de sonné! Ça prend pas beaucoup de temps sonné!
24 May 2020 7:35
Hier Intelcom Express: à 14: 03 a livré ma commande, voici le courriel: Bonjour Carlos: "Votre colis INTLCMA693997199 a été livrée avec signature aujourd’hui à 14: 03.
Nous avons mis la preuve de livraison en pièce jointe. "
Comment évaluez-vous votre expérience de livraison aujourd’hui? Cliquez sur l’étoile! J'ai donné 4 étoiles.
Le courriel de Amazon: Amazon.ca <[email protected]>
jeu. 14 mai 15: 20 "Bonjour, Carlos.
Nous sommes désolés de ne pas vous avoir croisé. Dynamex a tenté de livrer votre colis aujourd'hui, mais n'a pas voulu le laisser sans surveillance. "
"Veuillez vérifier si un avis de non-livraison vous a été laissé ou communiquez avec Dynamex pour les prochaines étapes.
22 April 2020 4:04
My dog started to bark as something was thrown over my gate, I thought it was the flyers that come once a week. No, the delivery guy had thrown with some force my parcel from Amazon prime over the gate and onto my front door. He could not have known what was inside the box, luckily all was okay but seriously?
18 April 2020 0:52
I was at home all day today. They said they attempted a delivery but no bell was rung nor any car stopped by to deliver my package. This isn't the first time. Every time I see Dynamex has a delivery service I know that they don't care. Worst delivery service. 1 star is too much.
07 April 2020 0:36
Lying disshonest delivery guys! Claimed that he rang the bell, but did not and left our package in the snow. It was a high tech expensive package. I will be complaining directly to amazon.
01 April 2020 7:59
Lying delivery guys. Claims couldn’t reach front door or drive way. I live in a condo and there are sidewalks right up to the door. Convenient put that as the status under an hour before the scheduled latest delivery time. Item arrived next day, I buzzed the delivery guy in, and the lazy guy leaves the item in the building lobby where anyone could take it, instead of taking the extra minute to bring it up. Will be contacting Amazon.
05 March 2020 23:19
Au lieu de sonner à la porte, il met le paquet trop gros dans notre boîte aux lettres, où les passants peuvent le voler.
25 February 2020 12:00
If you are having issues with Amazon Prime related, 3 days or less deliveries, you can contact Amazon Customer Service to have them remove Dynamex / TForce for any future deliveries for your account.

Enough people doing this should get the message across.
14 January 2020 7:49
Il est indiqué livré, samedi dernier, mais nous ne sommes pas ouvert (entreprise) le week-end et aucune façon de les contacter.
08 November 2019 2:23
My package was supposed to be delivered 3 days ago with prime. They never rang and 3 times they put delivery attempts. Today they finally rang. The package was wide opened and the seal of the box inside was broken. I refused it.
07 November 2019 12:47
Un colis est marqué "livré" sur le traçage de ma commande, mais demeure introuvable. Aucune notification à ma boîte aux lettres.
De la belle ouvrage.
09 October 2019 16:55
This company “Dynamex Shipping” has failed to deliver my products (which were ready) two days in a row now. I would like to add that my company is within a 20 minute drive of the warehouse. I highly recommend Amazon to drop this company as a shipping and distribution partner. After this failure to deliver, I read reviews online and it looked like others had same if not worse experiences as me. I’ll definitely avoid this company next time I order anything (for personal or business).
02 October 2019 3:20
J'ai perdu et/ou je me suis fais voler 8 livraisons d'Amazon cette année, et comme par le plus grand des hasards, elles étaient toutes livrés par la compagnie Dynamex. Mon voisin a filmé un de leurs brillants livreurs déposant un packet Amazon contenant un kit de caméras de sécurité d'une valeur de 480$ CAN sur les marches devant mon immeuble (je précise: à l'extérieur à 14 pieds du trottoir).
19 August 2019 13:44
The driver threw the package from the sidewalk almost breaking my door window. He has no clue what's in the package on top of that. I have a security camera and captured the whole delivery. I saved it but too bad we cannot add it to this link (only photos).

I reported the incident to Amazon and downloaded the video footage to them. They have to know about the choices they make!
02 August 2019 7:23
Terrible. They attempted to deliver the package three times at 9pm to a business address and then on the 4th day they "supposedly attemped" a delivery at 1pm while everyone was here but didn't even bother ringing the doorbell. I never received the package.
10 July 2019 16:18
Horrible customer service, they also don't respect the delivery dates and/or simply don't care.

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