16 January 2024 4:20
Fantastic, fully renovated, perfectly sized zoo with a wide variety of animals that will fascinate adults and kids alike. Owls, ravens, eagles, foxes, adorable arctic foxes (snow white in the winter), bear, Lynxes, plauful otters, wolves, and so many more. Plus an aquarium room. And a playground for kids. Bring your own lunch and make a great half a day out of it. Or just pop in for a couple of hours. I have been to this zoo many times in all types of weather (including pouring rain in the winter). Every time it was a delight.
04 January 2024 7:52
Très sympa à faire en famille, avec des animaux du Québec très variés, avec de grands espaces pour leur bien-être.
15 October 2023 10:26
We had a great time and relax there. It is small but a lots of animals and infotmation can be checked out.
Plus of the Halloween activities, we spent 4 hours in the zoo. The maze and the playground were fun.
We can see the staffs are happy to work there as well.
We recommend here, it is close to Montreal and not so crowdy.

Small tips, don't forget to bring your snacks or lunch there, because there only two vending machines (one for drinks, obe for snacks, chips, chocolate),
No hamburgers, sandwichs, fries.
11 October 2023 0:37
Si vous voulez aider la nature et sauver des animaux sauvages payer son entrée c'est s'engager à faire travailler des gens dévoués à prendre soins de nos amis les animaux. Super lynx du Canada.
10 October 2023 20:46
Très beau parc à visiter. Nous avons pu observer presque tous les animaux. Le site est bien adapté pour les familles: 2 petits parcs, un labyrinthe et une aire de repas intérieure et extérieure. Nous avons le tour du parc en 2h environ. Je recommande à tous!
31 August 2023 10:25
Zero Star! Most of the cages were empty. Saw some eagle and couple of animals. The places is big but there's literally nothing i was impressed by. Waste of money & time!
30 August 2023 21:08
Great experience for our family! We went on a warm afternoon, most animals were out and playing so we were able to see them! Staff is courteous but I'd recommend bring your own snacks since there's only one food stand outside.
30 August 2023 0:37
Unfortunately there were few animals, empty spaces, only at the entrance there is a drinking fountain with ice water, frustrating especially the empty place for otters.
16 July 2023 21:02
A great ethical zoo for all ages. What I love about this place is that the enclosures are built for the animals to give them a comfortable life.
06 February 2022 6:59
I only went here once when they were located on Nassr at Pine St, this would have been in '89. I remember the 2 porcupines that were in a cage, they were very friendly and would push their head against the cage so you could pet them, they also had vultures that loved to be petted as well. How I'd love to see the new location.
05 February 2022 3:24
- Should be good during the summer. Not in Christmas holiday. It was too empty during the winter as most animals are hibernated or gone.
+ The staff were so friendly, indeed. Also they have a free charging station ;)
02 February 2022 3:46
Very nice, even during the winter season. Can not wait until spring. I will give more stars indeed.
30 January 2022 5:25
Excellent place to go to admire wild creatures outdoors. My favourite were the eagles, owls, ravens, lynx, wolves, and arctic foxes. Kids and adults will love it.
09 January 2022 20:00
Such a biiig waste of time and money to go to this place during the cold season!
Half of the animals are hibernating.
Some birds are said to have flown south for the winter.
So, honestly, why on earth should one waste their money on seeing a couple of caged motionless & depressed eagles, lynxes, and foxes.: (: (

On the other hand, staff members are NOT very kind or friendly, either.

Sure, I won't ever get back to this place. Such a big waste of time and money to go to this place during ANY season!
07 January 2022 11:44
Perfect time of the year to go in at winter start since we can see all animals! It was great for young kids. Approx 2hr to visit the site.
04 January 2022 17:53
I visited this zoo in the winter. Probably the worst zoo I have ever visited. The admission fee shouldn’t be more than $5 considering what animals they have in the zoo. Lots of Animals missing from their inclosure. Just visit some parks where you can see the deer, birds and some rodent and you will thank me then.
01 January 2022 7:52
Definitely worth a visit. Easily spend over 1.5h here, nice walk and signs with information. Staff is friendly too. Support the animals!
30 December 2021 22:37
Excellent and high entertaining experience. Talk to the staff, they have great background on the animals. Otters and foxes and bears, oh my!
25 December 2021 0:57
We love the ecomuseum. It is a beautiful sanctuary in the west island for animals to go through rehab in an environment made for them. They are so well cared for.
The park when you visit is lovely - big trails, variety of animals, learning plaques teaching you about our local Quebec fauna.
Please go, support the museum, and be respectful of the animals! It's an amazing visit every time
06 December 2021 19:48
The zoo is lovely. We went during the animals lunch time at about 1pm and saw some animals eating. Our favorites are the American porcupine, and the reptile/amphibian room.
02 December 2021 5:26
2 heure de route pour me faire dire que j’ai besoin d’un passeport vaccinal? Un zoo à l’extérieur? Personne me la mentionné au téléphone! Ouff plus aucune liberté ici je veux me sauve du Québec sa presse?
28 November 2021 15:54
My guide answered all quesiton and was super nice. Believer her name was Justine. Very good visit.
06 November 2021 5:58
We love visiting here! It's such a nice day out with the family. The kids always have a blast, and there's just enough to see without the kids getting tired and cranky by the end. Wonderful place.
31 October 2021 15:47
Très propre, très intéressant. Les animaux sont relativement faciles à trouver dans les différents enclos et sont équipés de bonnes fiches signalétiques. Très apprécié des enfants!
30 October 2021 17:09
L'endroit est super bien aménagé, on se croirait vraiment ailleurs, loin dans la forêt. Les animaux sont faciles à voir, je crois qu'il y a seulement le renard que nous n'avons pas vu. Belle aire de pique-nique et activités pour les enfants partout sur le site.
08 October 2021 11:57
On a récemment découvert ce zoo et nous avons été agréablement surpris. Bien aménagé et pas de fla-fla, les animaux sont bien traités. La grandeur du site et la durée du parcours sont parfaites pour une petite sortie en famille avec les jeunes enfants.
08 October 2021 10:44
Very few animals in this zoo, and the living condition there for animal is horrible. You can see tall weeds everywhere in animal area, and river is quite polluted as well. Condition is even worse than most public parks, and they actually charge for almost 20$ for each visitor. Looks like a lot of corruption going on here. No one is really maintaining this place. Not recommended.
07 October 2021 3:06
Peu des animaux étaient au rendez-vous en cette journée chaude et humide. Nous avons pu voir malgré tout les tortues, les pékans, les cerfs de Virginie (chevreuils) et quelques oiseaux. Heureusement, les tarifs d'accès à ce zoo sont très raisonnables et le site semble très bien entretenu.
07 October 2021 0:14
Great zoo, spacious enclosures and animals that look well taken care of. I especially enjoyed when we could learn more about the animals and their situation, and wish there had been more instances where their name and story was shared.
05 October 2021 6:21
J’adore le fait que ça soit des animaux provenant de sauvetages.
Par contre, je m’attendais a beaucoup plus pour le frais d’entrée.
29 September 2021 11:48
Bien que l'enclos serpents/amphibien/poisson soit fermer, la variété des autres animaux et la boutique souvenir était géniale!
29 September 2021 3:46
They closed their indoor exhibits 'because of covid' lol. Literally every indoor amenity (restaurants, gyms, theaters) have reopened but not ecomuseum. Yet their prices are the same so you're paying full price for fewer exhibits, funny how that works. Covid is just an excuse for them to make and save more money.
25 September 2021 16:36
Came here to see the animals but the location is very odd, and not enough space for people to walk through. You can barely see the animals in their habitats since they are hiding, and the space to view the animals is so small and very cramped.
23 September 2021 2:35
Un zoo incontournable pour les montréalais! Le parcours est très agréable et axé nature. On peut y voir des animaux qui vivent au Québec, et ces derniers semblent bien traités et à l'aise dans leurs enclos! Belle journée!
21 September 2021 17:18
Great place to bring the little ones for a fun afternoon. There are a variety of animals and even a playground towards the ends. A bistro or restaurant on site would be perfect
21 September 2021 0:29
I've been going there almost every year, at least once a year and sometimes twice a year. The zoo itself is very small, takes about 45 mins to 1h and you have seen it all, but kids really enjoy it. You get to see the animals up close, except the elusive Fox. I haven't seen that one - ever. Can't wait to hear what the fox says whenever I get to see him. What's also interesting is that a lot of the animals are actual rescue animals. The zoo has also been in renovations for at least two years now (some parts). There was a section in the basement you could visit to see more animals, but it's been closed off - could also be due to COVID. They will check for vaccination passport, however, seeing as the zoo is outside, you can remove your mask as you walk around. There are two small Parcs for kids to do something else than walk, one has two slides only and the other has some parcours éléments. Again, small. Perfect Zoo for a day off to bring your kids, it's rarely packed. There are some vending machines for some food, but no restaurants. Bring your own food if you plan to stay for lunch, they do have exterior picnic tables (off site) for you to use to eat there if you wish. I will definitely be returning again next year with my kids.
20 September 2021 2:42
We only saw two animals out of the c. 20 animals at the zoo - grass/bushes and hills inside the animals’ confinement were too high to have a view.
10 September 2021 12:00
Within island of Montreal, reasonable price. Handful of local animals. Dont visit during hot days early afternoon as most animals will hide in the shade.
08 September 2021 12:53
Zoo très petit, une mince variété d'animaux, vous faites le tour du zoo en moins de 45 minutes, 0 animation à l'intérieur, j'ai regretté ma visite c'était mieux de payer plus et allez à granby.
27 August 2021 3:46
This is far more natural than a zoo. Love seeing Quebec animals in a refuge setting. The animators are particularly well-informed and the programming top-notch.
24 August 2021 11:04
We haven't been here since 5 years ago and they've really stepped it up. The facilities are great, clean and well kept. We went early and saw everything but the red fox and the interior reptiles were closed. Plan to spend at least 2 hours here.
17 August 2021 21:37
Fun for the whole family. Entry fee is low and the animals are well taken care of. They get really close and aren't afraid of visitors. The enclosures are spacious and replicate well the natural habitats.
14 August 2021 0:55
Belle place mais beaucoup de section fermer pour le même prix complet. De plus, aucun sentier ni direction donc ses facile de se perdre ou passer à côté d'un ou plusieurs animaux. Mais sinon ses superbe, vraiment une belle expérience
05 August 2021 17:35
Tout les animaux "cool" sont caché, cest dommage on a pas vu grand chose. Le parc est propre mais pas trop bien amménager pour voir les animaux. Mon fils et mon sommes assez déçu je doit dire. Une visite étais suffisante et prend environ 1h
02 August 2021 7:34
Makes for an excellent stroll through the park and there are great views of the wildlife.

The Ravens in particular were decently interactive and would respond to calls.

Very pretty wolf and coyote as well!

The park is not huge and doesn't take long to visit.
19 July 2021 4:14
It was a very nice place to visit, granted it was really hot and alot of the animals were sleeping, I did however get so e great shots of the cutest otter ever. Peace out and pay it forward everyone.
16 July 2021 0:29
Fun experience with friends or family, the diversity of animals is slightly limited which is understandable, would have liked to see a bigger enclosure for the bear, all the animals appear happy and healthy, bilingual info plaques for each enclosure is nice to learn something new about the animals, the staff was very friendly and I will return again hopefully when the underground/nocturnal animals and lizard section is open (closed due to covid 19). Overall a fun experience.
15 July 2021 2:46
Jai ete decu on a pas vue bcp d'animaux yavais bcp que les enclo etais vide ou quil dormais on a juste vue les chevreuil pis les canard mes enfant on aimer quand meme
04 July 2021 5:01
J'ai passé un bon moment en famille. Dommage que les jeux pour enfants étaient fermés (pandémie)
02 July 2021 1:30
Super fun place to learn about Canadian wild life animals. Staff is super friendly and talk to you on the trails! Had a great time learning about the Lynx.
18 June 2021 12:59
Je pense qu'en été cette visite serait mieux. Les animaux sont encore en hibernation en action. On n'a pas vu beaucoup d'animaux
02 June 2021 17:20
One of Montréal hidden gem. Great outdoor activity, fair price (better if you take a season pass). Great proximity with the animals, much closer than the average zoo
01 June 2021 3:54
Tres déçue de la visite. Pas seulement parce qu'on a pas eu la chance de voir les animaux (ils faisaient la sieste je crois) mais, parce que on voit pas des efforts pour rendre la visite agréable. Aucune activité pour les enfants. C'est une place ordonaore qui manque d'investissement au niveau du divertissement. Cero amusement. Jai déjà visité ce musée il y a quelques années et rien à change depuis. Pourtant il pourrait y avoir des tones des activités extérieures. Des photos, une place pour l'apprentissage. Bref. Je ne le conseille pas.
07 May 2021 15:12
It's a nice place. The animals are beautiful. There are some animals that are in smaller spaces than you'd like to see them in. But they seem well cared for
20 January 2019 3:36
Our son loves it. None of the guilt that comes with bigger zoos. It can get crazy busy at times. Best to go on a cold gray day.
16 January 2019 2:10
What an amazing place! Great variety of local fauna. Everyone who likes animals must visit the Ecomuseum.
Staff is extremely dedicated which makes for a unique educational experience!
06 January 2019 9:45
Quelle magnifique initiative et quel beau parc. Je ne me lasse pas d'aller observer tous ces animaux secourus par l'équipe de l'Écomuseum, été comme hiver.
Si vous voulez observer des animaux du Québec, c'est la meilleure destination. Accès toute l'année, équipe + bénévoles fantastiques.
04 January 2019 17:04
A great place to take children for a walk and fresh air! Stroller friendly. Not too long and tiring for little ones and so much to see! The playful fishers, the dancing barn owl, the lynx which are so like our housecat in the way they move but way bigger, the adorable otters, the turkeys that gobble at you at the fence. Open every day except Christmas.
06 December 2018 4:28
Nice zoo. I have been there in November and I think it must be much more better in a summer. Although the cold weather there were nice animals.
13 November 2018 12:52
We truly loved the place! We went early in the morning during the summer to make sure we will be able to see animals. We spent a good 30 mins asking questions to one of the head being outside that day and this guy really knew what he was talking about. All people were pleased to share with us their knowledge and are very kids friendly.
13 November 2018 8:58
Très beau petit zoo sauvage, en pleine nature tout près de Montréal. Sentiers très accessibles, pas trop grand à marcher, grande variété d'animaux. Pas de restauration sur place, prévoir un lunch.
06 November 2018 15:47
L'habitat pour les animaux est superbe et impressionnant. Les guides sont très gentils parfait bilingue et semble tres passionner.
30 October 2018 2:56
It's ok for the kids, there are a few hurt animals that were rescued from the wildlife. I totally support this place for that reason. Now it's a small zoo with not too many species. But I guarantee you that you will learn something new about them with their informative descriptive signs. However If you are out of town or are here for a visit I'm not that sure that the detour, time and money invested will be worth it. But if you are a local and have nothing to do on a Sunday with your kids, this place is a fit. Also you can organize birthday parties so that's definitely a plus.
25 October 2018 1:28
Nous avons fait un tour, avec les enfants et évidemment, ils ont adoré. Belle ambiance familiale, bonne organisation. Un grand parking gratuit, une salle pour diner et des toilettes, même si un peu petites pour les les jours de grande affluence. Les animaux quand à eux semblent en bonne santé, il n'y a que des espèces qu'on trouve au Canada. Un petit bémol, ils ont joué à cache-cache tout le temps de notre passage. Il faut dire qu'il faisait un peu chaud! Bonne sieste à eux!
21 October 2018 14:30
A beautiful and peaceful destination for kids and adults alike. Lots of animals in a lovely wooded setting, including wolves, caribou, porcupines, turtles and snakes. All native to Canada.

The walking path is generally stroller and wheelchair friendly. But bring water and make sure kids use the bathrooms at the entrance because there are no facilities for either past the entrance, at least none that I could find.
16 October 2018 12:55
Les enfants et moi avons adoré la sortir à l'économuseum. Le personnel est adorable le zoo est bien entretenue les animaux on l'air heureux. L'endroit est agréable franchement nous y retournerons.
15 October 2018 8:59
An absolutely lovely zoo displaying a variety of local fauna, many of which are rescues. I simply can't give them enough praise for the fantastic work they do. The zoo has remodeled and expanded beautifully since my last visit. Well worth a visit every time.
06 October 2018 13:11
Went with the family nearly half the animals were missing in action nowhere to be seen, complete disappointment will not be returning and they were painting or stripping paint with heavy chemicals in the basement I felt like I needed an organic vapor mask it was quite a strong odor didn't seem so safe for all the kids to be down there looking at the reptiles and aquatic life. You would think work like that would be done out of there business hours.
05 October 2018 7:53
Great place to go with kids. We loved the different animals, the signs are very helpful and instructive (please check the one in the raccoons' habitat, is great!). The kids loved the reptile section, there is a white turtle there that my daughter will never forget.
05 October 2018 2:23
What a fun visit. My family and I spent about 4 hours slowly making our way around the park and had an absolute blast. The full variety of animals that Quebec has to offer are all on display and it's worth noting that they're all rescues or rehabs in the park. It was a rainy fall day so many of the animals were a little more docile than usual (lynxes, fisher and bear were all sleeping and the otters sadly were huddling under a rock). Highlights for sure were the arctic foxes, ravens, albino snapping turtle, wolves and racoons. I'll be sure to stop back in here again sometime and help support them because it is one of the most clean, accessible and interesting 'zoo/nature preserve' type places I've visited.
29 September 2018 23:10
Didnt find moose, beaver etc.but my daughter (4yo) had lots of fun especially when the river otter came very close to her. Will go there again.
28 September 2018 20:31
Jolie balade avec pas mal d annimaux de sortie bien qu'il fasse très chaud. Particulièrement apprécié les loutre avec le tunnel pour les voir de dessous et les aquariums de serpents grenouilles tortues et autres
26 September 2018 13:32
Beau, beau et beau. Vraiment beau comme endroit! Les animaux sont vraiment bien traités et semblent heureux!
Adapté pour les personnes en chaise roulante!

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