26 November 2023 21:56
J'étais membre depuis 2 années, mais j’ai résilié mon abonnement récemment principalement à cause de la propreté.

Depuis le début de 2023, j'ai remarqué que la propreté a diminué rapidement (vraiment downhill) et il y a une mauvaise odeur particulièrement à l'entrée (aucune ventilation trouvée) et aux vestiaires. La saleté des toilettes est vraiment dégoûtante et excessive que ça pourrait être un risque pour la santé. Il semble aussi que le gym n’ait plus de concierge. Il y avait un moment dont il n’y avait plus de savon à mains et la climatisation a cessé de fonctionner pour quelques jours durant l’été. Aussi, quand une machine est en panne, ça reste en panne pour plusieurs mois.

C’est généralement occupé durant le soir dont on doit attendre souvent pour utiliser une machine. Les poids et les attaches du câbles ne sont pas arrangés à leur propre place (ils sont mis partout au gym).

Je te recommande de trouver un autre gym (ex: Nautilus, Gold’s Gym etc.) ou si c'est Éconofitness: utilisez une autre surcassale (par exemple, à Laval c'est super propre et il y a un concierge).
04 October 2023 18:55
Très sale, malpropre, insalubre. Les employés ne font rien malgré les multiples plaintes. Le pire econofitness en ville. C’est dommage que la bannière tolère ça
02 October 2023 10:27
Une place très sale, les usagers sont irrespectueux comparé à plusieurs autres éconofitness
Aussi à l'entrée tu ne te sens pas accueillis par les employés de la place
Je recommande d'aller ailleurs
01 September 2023 6:47
Le plus sale econo, s’il ya un test sanitaire ils échouent surement, ses commis sont toujours assis, sans nettoyer ni arranger les poids, il faut souvent aller chercher son poids partout, plus que 25% des cables et machines sont cassées et en pannes!
30 August 2023 12:36
Needs a deep clean and a regular one.
Nice variety of machines! The lack of care when you need help from the staff is quite repulsive. A person stole my AirPods and used it for months. I called the front desk and told them to contact the person in order to return my belonging since I have his address plus the school he attends and their response was: “ We are not responsible for lost items”. I ended up following the thief around town until I confronted him at the gym in order to recuperate my AirPods. I guess they wouldn’t be responsible if that confrontation ended up a blood bath right next to the squat rack.
22 August 2023 2:08
Des frais de $60 pour mettre fin à l’abonnement sans vous mentionner et le personnel sont occupé avec leurs téléphone.
21 August 2023 16:07
No comments x attention service and private treatment with cardio in office friends and workers no comments broken and dirty equipment
19 August 2023 23:07
This gym goes downhill during the night once the staff shift is over. It had become a hangout spot for kids, most of which I'm pretty sure didn't even pay the extra fees to enter after hours. Weight are never re racked, stations are never cleaned once finished. If you can afford the high monthly fees, just go to Gold's Gym.
08 August 2023 3:08
Great gym! I love the layout, and that it wasn’t too crowded when I went and all machines were available without having to wait. Definitely going to come here more often even though it’s not the closest to me.
07 August 2023 7:15
Id like to state that after speaking to Dom the manager, He seems to have corrected this and last time I went to the gym, the employee was seen going around and cleaning and the gym was much MUCH cleaner. I can only hope that this continues.thanks Dom and staff and please keep it up!

*****I wanted to be nice with my previous post. Hoping management would use this advice and take action. I WAS WRONG.
The gym has become so dirty that im sure its a health hazard. My throat is irritated after 30 min of training. Accumulation of dust has now become DIRT. Bathrooms: tampons and sanitary pads spewing out of bin. Toilets and water fountain clearly havent been washed in who knows how long. I am disgisted and disapponted as this is the gym which is convenient in my travels.
Staff do nothing but sit in office and chat. They dont even greet you anymore. Or fill up paper towels. Clients are young and use up machines to sit instead of workout and the others dont even clean their area or have towels.

This place is becoming more and more dirty. Either lack of staff or bad scheduling as there seems to always be only one person working even during peak hours. They definitely need to look into this for sanitary purposes. Also machine seem to need some maintenance/ oiling not sure. Cables are becoming rigid. And there is no longer a smooth pull.
Otherwise they have good Friendly people.
I'm sure they will work on this and improve what's missing.
21 July 2023 12:30
Since the management changed it became a health hazard going there. Apparently they fired the cleaning team.so more money in the pocket, why not? Very hasty washrooms with poop inside, dust on the windows, super dirty. This location needs to be shut down.
17 July 2023 20:13
I rate this gym 5 stars before i even visit because i thought it’s thesame quality of gym like the others in terms of cleanliness It’s my first time visiting this econo fitness gym.
It’s very disappointing to see how dirty this place, from entrance to bathroom and all places. It is a very large place but it’s just so dirty. I don’t even want to come back here.
14 July 2023 3:27
Machines to walk or elliptic almost never works. Need to plus and unplug yourself I order to reset. It is not clean, and smell horrible.
02 July 2023 17:35
Aujourd'hui, 11 juillet 2023, un message écrit à l'entrée sur un tableau blanc: "Please wear deodorant" en anglais seulement. On ne s'adresse donc pas aux francophones et j'en déduit que seul les anglophones ont des problèmes de transpiration!
02 July 2023 16:04
Legit le gym le plus malpropre en ville. Je vais là, depuis un an et définitivement je ne vais pas m’y réinscrire. Je pense legit c’est illégal tellement il y a de la moisissure partout!
02 July 2023 2:12
Belle grande place lumineuse avec de grandes fenêtres, personnel toujours très gentil et courtois. Seul bémol: musique d'ambiance ennuyeuse et souvent trop forte.

Aujourd'hui, 11 juillet 2023, à l'entrée, un tableau blanc sur lequel il est écrit: "Please wear deodorant", en anglais seulement. Le message ne s'adresse donc pas aux francophones et j'en déduit que seul les anglophones ont des problèmes de transpiration!

De plus, les toilettes sont vraiment souvent très sales, je vois de temps à autre des employées qui lavent le plancher mais ils devraient aussi laver les toilettes à chaque jour!
30 June 2023 1:50
Under every bad review, management writes "Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. We are sorry for the inconvenience. ". These reviews are going back more than 6 months. Yet, I am a new member and I notice the same problems. Cleanliness is mediocre, weights are literally all over the place (you find dumbbells by the vending machine), people leave their weights on, cushions are chewed up. This place needs to tidy up ASAP. Staff is very friendly and helpful (that is the 1 star), but unfortunately it does not make up for the rest. I am finishing my month and if the experience does not improve I will go back to paying more money at the Y but get more bang for my buck.
19 June 2023 19:25
Pretty ok gym for the price i’m paying for. The facility is dirty and it feels like it’s never really cleaned. Plus weights and equipment are left in random places most of the time. Even if the staff are nice, it’s the crowd that i’m not really a fan of. They almost never clean their stations after finishing and like mentioned earlier, don’t rerack weights or put the equipment away after use. Also lots of young teens, some even vaping while working out. Like damn, it’s basically a hangout spot for them during rush hours. Overall, it just feels pretty ghetto. I was with them for 4 months but decided to revoke my membership and drive and extra 15 min to go to Fit Forme instead. Way better crowd and cleaner.
12 June 2023 15:59
This is by far the DIRTIEST Econo location I've ever been to. The only reason I go to this location is because of convenience. They need to hire cleaning staff asap.
09 June 2023 0:09
Points fort: Prix abordable, ouverture 24h/24. Acces à tous les salles avec abonnement Platine et extra.
Point négatifs: arrêt temporaire d'abonnement impossible, transfert d'abonnement impossible. Retard dans la réparation des défauts ou des bris des machines.
07 June 2023 3:12
Had to leave this gym. Its not only always dirty, but their machins are always broken. Theres also not that many equipment. For the price its better to go to another gym
08 May 2023 17:31
Came here for my first time to get a membership. The girl working at the desk was very unhelpful. I was seated at the desk to get my membership and had to ask the girl for help but every time I came up to her, she was on her phone. And when she did answer my questions, she was not helpful, Un informative, judgmental, and clearly didn’t care about my service. Overall, the gym itself is fine but the staff is immature and unpleasant. I almost canceled my membership because of how poorly treated I was by the staff.
23 March 2023 3:15
Pire econo toujours sale
J’avais besoin d’assistance pour une machine en mauvais état personne sue le plancher pour répondre au client
Toilette toujours sale
30 October 2022 23:34
Personnel polie, un peu de poussière par terre, toilettes hommes parfois sale,

accès difficile aux bench et aux équipements pour les jambes
Toujours occupé et certains usagers occupes équipements sans les utiliser
Et ne veulent pas alterné
Y’a un gars qui a laissé da serviette et sa bouteille d’eau sur un bench plusieurs minutes
J’aimerais avoir un meilleur accès au équipements sans attendre plusieurs minutes

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