17 January 2024 2:07
Ive been working out for a decade and never have I ever denied the chance to workout until today just because Im wearing crocs. The lady told me that weight could fall on my feet and hurt me lol what a weakling. So I told her that even with shoes on with you could hurt yourself. And she just stand with her point which I totally respect but found very irrelevant because that chance of injury is bigger when you're lifting weights and not because a weight drops on your foot which RARELY happens. So I threw my pass and decided that I will never ever comeback with Econofitness. Plus hire real TRAINERS because thats where the biggest injuries happen when someone doesn’t lift properly and you don't have legit/certified trainers working for you.
03 January 2024 1:58
I had bought the platinum pass for econofitness on the 30th of december. The week following on Wenesday I had found that my account had been charged $34.85 on January 3rd for a month that i had not even trained for. There is going to be the same bot that replies to this review saying that they are sorry for the inconvenience but this is blatant fraud & i’m sure others have the same experience. This isn’t even mentioning the $60 cancellation fee. I will find a way to contact management directly about this $30 charge being added. The only reason to buy a econofitness membership is because of the scarcity of other options in montreal.
07 November 2023 9:58
L'éconofitness le plus organisé que j'ai connu jusqu'à présent. Je suis venu une fois un samedi matin et la réceptionniste était en train d'organiser et de tout nettoyer.
31 October 2023 5:22
The WORST gym you will ever find. It is a combination of discourteous, ignorant beginners (that crearly 'learned' how to work out from instagram or tik tok) that believe they need to do 3 exercises at once (tying up 3 pieces of equipment), the state of disrepair of the gym and lack of equipment.

The members are some of the worst you'll ever find. In this tiny, packed gym, women will take 2-3 machines at the same time, keep their towel on the other so you don't use it. 1 woman keeps the squat rack for her entire workout. Another one keeps the smith machine for her entire workout (1 hour plus). 2 women using 2 benches, working out together doing the same exercise (keeping one leg on the bench to do lunges) instead of just alternating and sharing a bench. It seems like everyone there watched tik-tok videos to learn how to work out because they are doing the silliest, most ineffective stuff while taking multiple pieces of equipment at the same time. Many members just keep a bench tied up to keep their towels on while not using them to exercise at all. People will tie up the squat rack to do exercises that do not require the squat rack at all (deadlifts, hip thrusts) instead of simply taking the bar to another spot in the gym. None of these people are getting any results, which makes all of this ignorance for nothing. The men are no better, standing directly in front of the dumbell rack, preventing others from even being able to ick up their weights, instead of simply taking 2 steps back.

The floors are warped from rain damage and dangerous.

The equipment is constantly broken. When something needs to be fixed it takes 6-8 weeks to get repaired. There is one set of twin cables and 1 of the 2 have been broken for a combined 2 months plus. Many benches missing the knob to adjust them. Rubber is missing from handles on the cable equipment. The benches are crumbling because members keep their weights on a bench, tearing the vinyl.

They have maintenance people come in to do useless tasks like remove stripes from the windows but these people NEVER fix the equipment.

I would suggest ANY other gym that you can find would be a better option. I've been to other econfitness gyms as well and it has an unmistakable culture of ignorance and selfishness, combined with a total lack of understanding of exercise methodology, or form.
28 October 2023 16:21
The space is way too small, and the weights plus equipment are incredibly limited. Not bad overall. Quite clean and even during the peak it's not too busy. I hope saying it's not too busy doesn't jinx it though.
23 October 2023 15:49
Considering to cancel my membership, so are my friends/sister. It was a mistake changing this from women-only to co-ed.
23 October 2023 10:24
Used to be a women’s only gym and I loved it, I went multiple times per week. I’ve gone less than five times since they switched to a co-ed gym. The space is SO small, it doesn’t even make sense, it was already crowded when it was women only. There’s only two women’s only gyms left in the city and they’re both far away from downtown. Really such a shame. Corporate greed wins again, I guess. Women truly can’t have anything. I won’t be renewing my membership.
11 October 2023 15:15
Petite communauté. Abordable. En dehors de pointe pour un solitaire qui aime avoir sa bulle ce gym est parfait.
24 September 2023 11:07
Bon Gym a fréquenté, belle ambiance le personnel toujours prêt à aider, et depuis une semaines qu'ils ont mis une membrane dans les vitres la température est tellement mieux contrôler! Bravo! Belle initiative écoresponsable!
06 September 2023 10:02
Good little gym with all your basic necessities and extra goodies if u a platinum member BUT prepare to sweat! Air conditioning is RARELY on or barely working

oh and please stop showing douchebag hunters killing innocent animals on your televisions.not cool.not relevant.show retro fitness videos from the 80s, now thats waaaaaaay cooler and more motivating!
21 August 2023 20:28
Salle à prix correct et personnel très agréable.
Le problème est plutôt le comportement des membres: très peu de membres ont des serviettes ou nettoient les machines. De même, certains téléphonent au milieu de la séance et parfois en haut parleur.
14 August 2023 0:37
The combination of inadequate climatisation, excessive crowding, and limited space has made my recent visits to the gym extremely unpleasant. It's frustrating that I not only struggle to find room to exercise but also find it hard to breathe comfortably due to poor ventilation. Despite the welcoming and helpful staff, these factors have made it nearly impossible to enjoy a productive workout.
13 August 2023 11:25
Are you seriously turning off the ventilation at night? I'm not sure what those low iq managers/staff are trying to save money or sofficate us? !
12 August 2023 18:44
I was going to this gym for 2-3 months. I loved it.
The gym is clean, the staff is welcoming and available.
In the morning/afternoon (when I went) mostly not crowded.
Good vibe.
31 July 2023 7:42
Cest rendu jy vais a chaque semaine.tantot quand chu aller chu rentrer la fille ma devisager ma demande ma carte 2 fois! Habituellement jai jaimais de probleme.jme suis dit surement a cause quelle ma jamais vu.bref jme suis senti vraiment gêné! Chu quand meme aller. Jespere quelle me fera pas ça a chaque foie
21 July 2023 1:37
The gym itself is not bad. Good equipment.
Sometimes when there are a lot of people it smells like sweaty armpits. The receptionists/cleaners there are rude and unhelpful.
04 July 2023 12:11
Use to go there because it was women only. I did try to go after their change but unfortunately I'm not ready to go to an mixed gym (because of past bad experience not this gym fault) I just think that they have alot of econofitness mixed, I mean they have mixed econos all over Montréal, they could've left this one for women only now I think there's only 2 left women only gym in Montréal from them which is incredibly sad, I really hope they will open new one for women and more accessible. The staff was amazing, always smiling and the equipment is nicely maintain.
23 June 2023 20:03
It's not awful. If you really need to work out and it's close by, then go. But it's very small and a lot of the machines are wobbly and feel a bit unsafe.
13 June 2023 18:12
Je vois plusieurs mauvais commentaires sur ce gym et malheureusement, beaucoup d'entres eux semblent être de la part des femmes, car le gym n'est plus seulement pour les femmes.

Je peux vous rassurer que, malgré que ce gym est petit, la communauté est excellente et s'entraide. Le gym est propre. Les employés sont excellents et souriants. Il faut également comprendre que si vous allez dans un gym petit entre 16h et 20h, bien évidemment que ça sera rempli et il faudra être patient. C'est le cas dans tous les gyms étant donné que la plus part des êtres humains dans le monde finissent de travailler ou faire ce qu'ils ont à faire dans la journée dans ces heures. Même dans les grands gyms.

Également, les commentaires où vous mentionnez que des équipements sont brisés.vous seriez surpris de savoir à quel point dans les grands Econofitness (entre autre celle de la Promenade Cathédrale & Ville Saint-Laurent), 80% des équipements sont défectueux pendant des semaines et des semaines. Au moins, dans ce gym, je ne les ai jamais vu être non-disponible pour plus d'une semaine. La réparation est généralement rapide. De plus, il y a toujours des alternatives.

Je vais à ce gym depuis maintenant janvier 2023 et je n'ai aucun commentaire négatif à dire. Je suis allé aux deux autres econofitness que j'ai mentionné plus haut et honnêtement, le plus grand c'est, le plus chaotique c'est: des poids qui trainent partout, des poids qui ne sont pas bien placés, des équipements pour les machines avec câble parterre, des machines défectueuses, etc. Un vrai chaos. Et ils sont sales en plus. Extrêmement poussiéreux.

Tout cela pour dire que Econofitness Av. Des Pins est bien. J'adore les employés et les gens qui le fréquentent. Si vous avez la chance, essayez de ne pas y aller durant les heures de pointe et je suis presque sur que vous changerez votre avis.
10 June 2023 4:53
I used to recommend this gym to every single one of my friends since it was women only. Making it co-ed got to me to cancel my membership due to its major setbacks:

1) small gym - makes it very uncomfortable working out and trying to work around sharing équipement. Especially during even the slightest crowd - makes me and several other friends not want to even come to the gym certain days and times of the week which leaves no point in having the membership.

2) half the equipment doesn’t operate - broken treadmills for example. You want to run and not right next to guy? Good luck waiting 30 mins to finally get on one with some space in between or next to a woman.

These factors add up more than you think: you cant come and go on a flexible schedule since now you’re thinking about certain times to come where it is less crowded or when it’s safer for you to work out in peace. Later in the night? Not very safe considering the small size and a co-Ed environment.
With work or school it becomes so inconvenient tryna fit in a comfortable and safe workout that I would rather find a place that’s further or even pricier in-order to get my workout in and feel good throughout it.

Very disappointed in the choice honestly - given the lack of équipement and space, it made most sense to have a women only gym. Centre-ville location is less than a 20 min walk away too and has always been co-Ed. So many locations around the downtown area that I really think this would have been just fine being women-only. Nothing to any of the guys that workout there, I’m just speaking along the general experience of women working out comfortably (just ask your sisters or mothers).

Only two locations left are women-only around Montreal - both on opposite ends of town, which is disappointing since it leaves not even a single small tiny gym serving the downtown core.

Maybe the first tactic should’ve been to market it to more women which would’ve resolved the issue of lower turnout in all honesty, instead of adding to the existing 92% of co-Ed gyms they have (25 out of 27 gyms are co-Ed in mtl).

Hope the admin team takes this into consideration into restoring the women-only regulation.
16 April 2023 3:12
Overcrowded, a lot of machines doesn’t work anymore, was better when it was women only! I won’t renew my membership
01 April 2023 17:27
Usually crowded
Attentive personnel
Clean environment
Good enough equipment for everyday workout
20 March 2023 15:26
Everything gone downhill since this gym became mixed and 24/7. Was a member there for over a year when it was a women’s gym and it was one of the nicest, cleanest econo gyms with very friendly staff and community but now it’s just overcrowded all the time, the machines are broken or always busy, and genuinely the place just smells and isn’t kept well…seriously disappointed in this change would not recommend to anyone
08 March 2023 19:26
As a visitor, I was looking for a cheap gym and decided to cancel 1 week before leaving Montréal (a sensible thing to do, especially since most gyms require you to cancel in advance). When I canceled, I lost access to the gym despite having paid for an entire month. I then asked the front desk worker and unempathetic manager who told me "that's the way it is".

There was no warning I'd lose access, and since my receipt shows I paid an entire month, I thought I'd be able to go. The gym itself is functional but limited and crowded. I normally avoid leaving bad reviews, but the response of the staff left a bad taste.

TL;DR: Avoid if you're a visitor, or at least be extremely diligent about canceling
27 February 2023 22:33
Cela fait quelques temps que ce me réjouis moins d'y aller pour plusieurs raisons:
vestiaires top petits on est les uns sur les autres pour changer nos chaussures
appareils cassés ou hors service: tapis, vélos, rameur.
Finalement ou est le plaisir,
Je donne encore une chance ce mois de mars mais si ca continue eh ben too bad je préfère payer plus ailleurs et avoir un meilleur service après tout c'est un investissement pour ma santé mais la ca devient stressant.

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