02 November 2023 22:09
Good for the price. Best to go early in the morning as there is only 1 real squat rack and 2 bench press stations
20 September 2023 3:59
Malheureusement gym et toilette pas souvent propre, plancher avec plein de bosse et dénivelé dans la section poids libre (difficulté à pousser égale ou dangereux pour torde la cheville). Le PIRE-> Beaucoup de groupes de clients entre 14ans et 18ans avec aucun respect pour les autres clientes qui s'entraîner sérieusement (ils ce chamaillent sans ce soucier des vous accrocher pendant votre entraînement) 90% ne nettoie pas leur machine après utilisation, 99% des clients n'ont pas leur serviette personnel, personne remplace leur poids, machine souvent brisé, employés et gérant tres non chaland. Je fréquente les gym depuis plus de 10ans et après presque 1ans au econo lasalle je peu vous confirmer que je vais changer de gym. Alors je voua déconseille vraiment ce gym peu chaleureux et peu professionnel!
02 September 2023 22:37
Good gym, staff keep cleaning the gym, love the hydro beds, the massage seats.

The only problem, the customers.

A lot of f.ers not using towels, staying on machines for hours, not cleaning the machines, starring at you like crackhead.

But you have to get used to it when you wanna train in a gym in Quebec.

Not my first gym in Montreal and people always behave strangely. So I cannot really blame this gym.

Oh and I would like to get more machines for obliques but that is not a big deal.
08 August 2023 0:26
Bonjour et merci
Membre du gym rueChamplain à La Salle j’ai déjà mentionné mon désaccord sur le déplacement des appareils Express
Merci j’ai remarqué que vous avez résolu nos attentes en plaçant 2 autres moniteurs pour nous aider à observer l’express en une minute d’exercices et 30 secondes de délai
Odile Bélanger
01 August 2023 8:31
Les installations sont impeccables et bien entretenues, créant une ambiance agréable. Le personnel, bien que limité en français, compense avec leur gentillesse et leur volonté de servir. Leur dévouement est admirable, rendant l'expérience globale très satisfaisante.
29 July 2023 14:23
I've been going to Econofitness on and off for the past 6 years. It is unbearably crowded in the evenings, so I would suggest going before work if you work an 8-4 or a 9-5. Also, equipment is incredibly limited for lifters. There is only one squat rack and TWO Smith Machines? Only two benches for benchpressing and sometimes you have to wait several minutes before you can use it, even during the quiet hours.

Forget the wait time for the ONE proper squat rack in this gym. Always busy and you have to make sure that you secure your spot in "line" or else someone is going to slip in before you even though you were waiting for 20+ minutes. People who are only interested in cardio will be pleased though since there are a ton of treadmills and stationary bikes.

The people at this gym are varied. Many of them are respectful of the rules and are quite friendly. However, you will occasionally meet the obnoxious gymgoer who poses and takes selfies in the mirror in front of you when you are trying to check your form. Really nothing staff can do about that I suppose. This is really just a comment on the culture of the gym. I exercise with my music on full-blast for my whole workout, so I try to avoid interactions when I'm there. The regulars that I've recognized are, for the most part, neutral. They mind their business.

Lockers are extremely narrow, so prepare for that. Don't bring anything too wide. I used to skateboard to the gym and my board barely fit in there. For the love of god, BRING A LOCK. Do not leave your stuff unattended because someone will steal it. I fear my boots will be stolen every winter because of the high traffic.

Staff was friendly whenever I interacted with them. Again, I try to avoid any and all interactions when I go there, so I have rarely spoken with them. The times I have, however, they were nice. Even when I (stupidly) walked in with outdoor shoes and someone complained, the staff kindly corrected me.

For the cyclists out there, there is a bike rack outside, but it can fill up quickly during the busy hours.

Price has really skyrocketed since I first started. I remember paying roughly $11/month when I first signed up, but now it's $20 ($10 biweekly) for a regular membership. I'm not sure if the gym reflects that value for someone who lifts free weights due to how underequipped they are. For this reason, I will be trying Buzzfit to compare since it's cheaper ($14/month) and they actually have more than one squat rack.
27 July 2023 23:29
Place is clean, frendly.
The reception today was very slow in decision making. The hydromassage Nr2 broke after 2 min of use, I've asked to start the hydromassage Nr1 for me. The person at the reception told me he can try to fix the hydromass. Nr2. I've repeatedly told it has an error on the screen, asking for technician. While I was discussing with the reception smb else entered in the hydromasage nr1, and starded to use it, so for the next 10 min I should wait? Because I must convince the reception?
Prioritize the client time!
Why should I wait for the reception to try to fix nr2 while nr 1 is available?
Launch the hydromassNr1 the go and see what's happening with Nr2.
Unpleasant experience at the end.
09 May 2023 17:24
Les gens qui y vont sont terriblement désagréables. Personne ne range ses poids, on ne peut pas s’entraîner en paix
27 April 2023 3:39
The person name carlos, racist, rude - doesn’t know how to talk with clients, except carlos everyone is nice, but he is the worst employee you can ever have.
22 April 2023 10:15
I was a member of this gym for over 3 years.
Until One day, I forgot my lock and decided to leave my stuff in the locker anyways. That’s the day someone stole my wallet.

I went to seek the help of manager (Carlos) and asked if they could look at the recordings. (There are clearly cameras pointing at the lockers…)

His answer? ” We can’t do that because then I need to file a report to econofitness. ”

Wait what? You don’t want to help me because that necessitates filling a report? !

Look, I’m not saying that this is econofitnesse’s fault but the least I expect is that they help just a bit. There are people getting their stuff stolen in your gym and you don’t even care? ! What the heck are those cameras for if you’re not going to use them!?

Never stepping a foot in that place again. Cancelled my membership and so are many other people.
15 February 2023 2:08
This gym supposedly has rules but aren't enforced, people without towels. It's not ideal for weights, 1 squat rack and 2 bench presses, they let in way too many people for there to be room. Broken things from urinals to machines take forever to be fixed, not very clean in the lockers and carpets. Lockers are tiny, staff is friendly but service is poor. Lots of cardio equipment so ideal for that but that's about it. Update: still no confirmation of my cancellation unless I call them to ask, the email address is right, this is the quality of service to expect.
14 February 2023 17:54
J'y vais très tot le matin, c'est propre, assez de machines.
J'aime bien le fais d'être saluer quand j'arrive et de recevoir un gentile " au revoir" en partant. Le personnel est sympathique.
07 February 2023 13:51
Going there every day
Not very clean always busy
But it's 24 h
The cheapest price. And I can go whenever I feel ready
30 January 2023 15:13
Great place, low price, always clean, nice people, mostly a quiet atmosphere, the stuff at the front desk are very knowledgeable. Great to have a 24 hours gym in place lasalle.
20 January 2023 22:17
This gym does not enforce any rules. People are constantly working out barefoot, taking shirtless selfies, screaming and actually chasing each other around. I have spoken with the front desk staff and management however nothing changes.

I have now requested to have my gym membership cancelled as nothing has changed. Your manager Carlos is refusing to cancel my membership unless I pay cancellation fees. I DO NOT ACCEPT.

Enforce your own rules!

Here is a photo of a man doing back rows with no shoes. This was taken less than 10 minutes after I complained to management
19 January 2023 8:40
1 velo sur 4 fonctionne correctement. Pas d’eau chaude dans les douches. Trop de monde pour le nombre d’équipements.
12 January 2023 21:00
What you expect from $24/month for Gym? Econofitness give a loooot for real! And this branch is less crowded, the people are decent, the equipments are clean, and has great customer service. We love the hydro massage and the chair massage for sure.
02 January 2023 19:29
There is WAY too many people at this gym, it’s ridiculous that they don’t put a limit on the amount of people that can be there at the same time!
Morning or evening, it’s just as bad
02 November 2022 12:20
It's ok. Definitely not the best gym around. Very small, always full, lacking equipment. Half the time you just wait in line for your turn. However it's pretty clean which is appreciated. A decent option in the area
13 October 2022 0:22
Im a big fan of these gym but…
Well this is the first time I showered at this location and while the shower stall itself was clean… the changing room was not really clean, all around the side wall the floor was really gross and the room drain was blocked and dirty, this is an easy fix if an attendant had been present at the time I would have pointed it out to them.
05 October 2022 8:22
Friendly staff. A good place to workout if you are a beginner or need 24/7 access due to your schedule. The place has served me well but I now feel like I need to move on. Equipment is limited and takes a long time to fix (corporate structure I imagine), and now the one water fountain only pours hot water. It’s been at least 2 weeks and I’m sure it will be at least another 2 before it is fixed.
30 August 2022 10:16
De LOIN le meilleur Econofitness auquel je me suis entraînée! Les équipements ne sont jamais hors d’usage, d’une propreté impeccable et très diversifiés. On s’y sent vraiment bien et à l’aise, entre autre grâce à ZEE! Qui s’occupe super bien de tout le monde, s’assure que tout le monde est confortable et que tout fonctionne comme il se devrait.
Bravo à là gang du EconoLasalle, vous êtes top!
28 August 2022 21:48
Très bon gym. Prix avantageux, parking disponible. Et l’employée Zee est la meilleure, toujours souriante et de bonne humeur.
25 August 2022 13:14
Just signed a membership now, am taking my health very serious and I hope econofitness will help me in this journey. I will give more reviews soon, but for now, the customer service was on point
12 August 2022 2:56
What can a say, it’s a pretty good deal for the machines available but the service is the WORST! Bad management, the employees are always rude and treat the clients really badly, specially the girls on the morning shift!
21 July 2022 4:27
Zee pis gabriela for real les meilleur maman du monde si tu veux quelquun pour illuminer ta journée vas leur parler!
13 July 2022 2:00
Le personnel est chaleureux. L'. équipement est généralement en bonne condition. Le seul problème est au niveau de la propreté. C'est accepté de ne pas utiliser les serviettes pendant les entrainements et de ne pas nettoyer après le passage. J'ai rapporté par écrit ce manque de rigueur au niveau de la propreté à la direction et jamais aucun retour. J'y suis retourné cette semaine et c'est toujours le même constat. Je devais essuyer la sueur des autres avant d'utiliser les appareils.
29 June 2022 10:18
Zee et gabriela sont vraiment les meilleures! Elles m’ont offert un excellent service à la clientèle!
Merci les filles!
28 June 2022 9:49
Very rude manager, she needs a lot of work of her customer service. Honestly the worst customers service I have received from her. As mentioned, she is rude, condescending, belittles everyone she talks to. All the other employees are very nice. If she hates her job so much she should leave instead of making everyone's life miserable. Econofitness should look into this manner and fire her. Please get a new manager for this location as she is very bad
19 June 2022 19:56
L’employée Zee est formidable, est toujours énergique et répond a nos besoins! Merci d’être toi!
07 June 2022 23:08
Le gym est bien. Mais le circuit 30 minutes n’est aucunement respecté. Je me suis inscrit a ce gym justement pour ce circuit, mais impossible de le faire. Les gens du gym vont monopoliser les machines même s’il ne font pas le circuit et ne respecte pas le temps affiché sur l’écran. Il est juste à côté d’où les employés sont et ils ne disent jamais rien pour faire respecter le circuit… jai un mois pout annuler mon inscription et je crois bien le faire. Depuis mon inscription il y a deux semaines j’ai réussi a faire le circuit qu’une seule fois sans interruption.
13 December 2019 13:38
There is always a problem with the stationary bikes. There is also only 5 bikes and for every time that I went, 3 out of 5 were badly working. For every time I left a comment about the bikes not working, it took at least 2 weeks to fix them (IF they fixed them).
Overall it's a good gym considering the cheap prices, but honestly I'd rather go to a gym where there are more bikes as that is almost the only thing I do there.
05 November 2019 6:19
Gym is ok for price but equipment that are broken take time to fix.it's been a week and the tv to screen the classes are still not working.
26 October 2019 1:56
Vraiment bon gym pour le prix, mais s’il y avait une option pour payer en plus un entraîneur ou une nutritionniste, ça serait vraiment pratique. Sur leur site web ils ont des programmes déjà faits pour le mois et ils offrent des rabais pour certaines compagnies. Ils ont commencé à ouvrir 24h. Le trajet se fait facilement en bus.
24 September 2019 4:37
OK gym. Showers are frequently broken so be prepared to leave the gym with your workout sweat on! They never leave any note letting you know the showers are broken before you start your workout. Definitely avoid if you workout before heading to work!
27 July 2019 21:34
-A quoi bon de mettre un circuit alors que le monde ne respecte pas l'ordre des machines, c'est vraiment écoeurant.pour ceux qui essayent de respecter l'ordre.

-Le wifi n'est pas de bonne qualité

+le personnel est vraiment sympa et a l'écoute, la propreté aussi est au rendez-vous.
21 July 2019 8:00
Je garde la conviction qu'il existe des robots plus souriants et plus humains que la blonde corpulente à la réception!
Sinon, vivement les centres Énergie Cardio qui restent en ville!
05 July 2019 14:51
I just signed for another year and all i can say is i'm happy with this place, great job, thank you!
05 July 2019 7:31
C'est un bon rapport qualité prix. Par contre, il faut à tout prix améliorer la connexion internet. J'ai dû aviser le personnel de l'instabilité du réseau depuis plus de 6 semaines, malheureusement, le problème persiste. Pour cette raison, je décide de fréquenter un autre écono fitness
02 May 2019 17:39
Great gym. I'm no athlete, but it has everything I need and want. Great staff. Always friendly, they work hard to keep the place clean and well functioning, but still find the time to listen and answer with a friendly or helpful word. Great prices. Costs break down to less than 50 cents a day for a basic membership, to less than a dollar for the high end membership. What more can you ask.
25 March 2019 19:54
Our favorite family gym. Good variety of equipment, bright and spacious. Shower after is very convenient.

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