29 December 2023 15:20
Big & nice gym at low price. However, DISGUSTINGLY humid in winter. Terrible to get a good workout in.
27 December 2023 22:54
Dumbells are always in complete disorder, which was not the case before the renovations. I don't think it's only the gym's fault tho. People don't make the effort to put things back where they should be often times. Also, they advertised that by september, the gym would be open 24/7, but that still has not happened. Perhaps, they have their reasons, but at the end of the day, they didn't deliver on their promise.
09 October 2023 6:34
Gym was decent, machine were broken sometimes.

Most important, I have to leave MTL for work; cancelled my membership and they charged $68 just to leave because I didn't stay a whole year. Absolute joke.
Wanted to make sure to leave 1 star.
26 August 2023 23:48
It would be nice if everyone would have a towel, wear their shoes, and remove their weight plates after they are done.
Unfortunately, the majority doesn't
09 August 2023 4:32
Moved here from NYC 1 year ago. Joined Econofitness about à month ago & I’m VERY HAPPY that I joined. The staff is great- very helpful & friendly. It’s clean & well-maintained. All the equipment works well, and the other members are terrific - courteous, friendly & helpful if you need to see how something works etc. Highly recommend THIS Econofitness.
02 August 2023 9:36
Pour une annulation d’une contrat tu doit payer 10% de prix de ton abonnement
J’ai demandé une explication au réceptionniste il m’a appelé son responsable
Le responsable était vraiment agressive il m’a dit va appeler le service clientèle
26 July 2023 21:54
After putting up with months and months of a small temporary room to train in while the gym was being renovated (while being charged full price) we now get a new location with machines that have been broken for months in a over crowded gym. What are we paying for?
02 June 2023 23:15
This gym has a very manipulative pricing scheme and I cannot recommend it to anyone trying to find a gym
22 May 2023 7:21
Not usually one to write reviews, but something needs to be done about the ventilation. A staff member has just told me it has been "fixed and that tonight's temperature was an improvement". It's a literal sweat sauna in there.it smells horrendous. I feel bad for those who have a 1-gym membership.
19 April 2023 5:20
Less equipment compared to the previous layout, now they have as well a "platinum zone" with some exclusive equipment there, which you have to pay extra, not cool at all.
15 March 2023 17:53
This place should be closed! It is literally a construction site with gym equipment. The “gym” has no working toilets. Members have to use the toilets in the mall. The are plastic drop cloths hanging from the ceiling and the ventilation is questionable!
28 February 2023 4:00
I agree with the other recent comment. This gym should be temporarily closed instead of staying open and misleading people paying 40$ a month to a gym split in half with no washrooms, and limited equipment having to walk outside of one construction room for weights to another inside the mall just to go on the treadmill not to mention the two showers that I found full of hair. I understand that the original gym is under construction but then just temporarily shut it down rather than have customers having to deal w these conditions?
07 February 2023 8:12
Actually it s under construction, and split in 2 parts. You have actually only 1 room to change yourself (girls or men). Your shoes and coat are 30cm next to elliptical bike, and just next treadmills, without air and NO WATER. And there is NO TOILETTES! Even for employees…
14 December 2022 19:17
Very functional and convenient. I usually go to Econo in Berri uqam but I saw this one is expanding! I wonder when it will be completed and I will be there permanently:)
28 October 2022 4:33
I work in the mall! Some kid (I think he's like 16yrs old) told me I couldn't work out with outside shoes. I WORK IN THE MALL! My gym shoes are for the gym. Do yourself a favor and pay a little extra for a real gym with friendlier staff.
11 June 2022 8:17
I found gym good, obtainable machines and i liked the layout of place and people who work there so friendly.
02 June 2022 8:13
Pro: Great Location. Con: toilets and lockers should get cleaned more frequently. Very crowded. I wish they would extend the opening hours.
28 May 2022 15:15
Salle de sport bien organisée, même quand il y a du monde on a rapidement une machine ou un coin pour travailler! Les casiers sont pratiques, les vestiaires bien propres.
Le personnel est vraiment sympathique.
Ne pas hésiter et en plus econofitness c'est pas cher pour un très bon service, je recommande!
24 May 2022 1:05
Gym exceptionnel, belle vue, très lumineux. Le staff est hyyyyyper gentil! Le seul problème c'est. Qu'es qui c'est passé avec la musique. On dirait la playlist d'un club Med sur les plages de la Jamaïque pas super motivant comme beat
21 May 2022 7:22
Très déçue par ce gym et par le service d'econofitness en général. À la base, je suis une cliente du econofitness de Square Victoria et aucun message n'a été envoyé annonçant le déménagement pour celui qui se trouve aux Promenades Cathédrales. Bref, j'ai décidé quand même de donner la chance à ce gym mais rien avoir avec la qualité offerte chez la succursale de Square Victoria. Cet endroit est mal géré, sal et toujours toujours rempli, et ce même à 8h du matin. Cherchez vous un autre gym, celui-là ne vaut pas la peine
09 April 2022 0:08
La pire succursale du réseau. Le gym est sombre, mal ventilé, et la clientèle a tendance à passer beaucoup de temps sur une même machine, ce qui force à attendre constamment pour faire son entraînement. La salle sur Viger était de loin supérieure. En espérant qu'une nouvelle succursale ouvrira dans le secteur.
04 April 2022 18:58
Gyms finally reopened and Econofitness welcomes all their clients with taking all COVID-19 precautions. Also, maintaining the hygiene environment necessary and 6-feet social distancing with hand sanitizers all over the gym.
23 August 2021 20:34
Gym mal geré ne gaspillez pas votre argent des machines qui restent 10 jours pas fonctionnels sans les réparer y a une seule machine pour beaucoup de monde et du monde qui jouent au téléphone sur les machines je regrette vraiment mon argent gaspillé chez econo
15 August 2021 15:09
Ce serait bien de pouvoir essayer le gym pour une première fois pour un prix raisonnable. Les autres gyms offrent un essai gratuit. Éconofitness charge 23$:/
09 May 2021 13:40
Good gym. During this difficult time, perfect place to nourish your body & soul. No need to walk outside if you're taking the metro. Well located.
23 April 2021 1:31
Great atmosphere and welcoming staff with a lot of available machines, meaning no need to wait for one machine in particular, as there are always another one available elsewhere
17 April 2021 3:03
It's a very good gym, all good equipment, the prices are very cheap, massage chairs, locker rooms, the standard gym for like waay cheaper.
25 January 2021 18:28
Quand la commis te dit que tu peux annuler ton abonnement quand tu veux, mais qu'elle mentionne pas que ça coûte de quoi pour le faire et aussi que tu signes un contrat que t'as jamais vu ni signé et qu'elle a mal tapé ton adresse email fek tu le reçoit pas. ET aussi que ces crosseurs te chargent même quand leur service n'est pas disponible à cause de la pandémie. Oubliez le remboursement, leur boss leur a dit que non ils ne feront pas de remboursement, il t'offre seulement des mois "gratuits" que si tu te réabonne pour un autre contrat de 1 an. J'ai été donc contraint de perdre mon argent. Et de ce que j'ai lu, c'est dans les cadres de la loi. Légal, mais crosseur pareil.
18 April 2020 15:14
I work in the mall! Some kid (I think he's like 16yrs old) told me I couldn't work out with outside shoes. I WORK IN THE MALL! My gym shoes are for the gym. Do yourself a favor and pay a little extra for a real gym with friendlier staff. Steven, you're an embarrassment!
04 April 2020 17:57
I usually don't take time from my schedule to write a review unless it's really necessary.

Several times after leaving the gym, I noticed clients arguing and sometimes insulting a staff of the gym; I assumed the gym member forgot his towel or got his stuff stolen, was furious and decided to lash out on the staff.

After entering the gym today, I was rudely interrupted by a staff member and was told to remove my shoes before going into the locker room. I tried to explain to him that I wasn't wearing my winter boots, as i'd understand why he'd want me to remove them, rather I was wearing my work shoes since my work is directly connected to the gym through the metro. He made little effort to listen and repeatedly said "this is MY gym! Outside MY gym is considered outside boots". After 3 attempts of trying to explain to him that I wasn't wearing my winter boots, i suddenly remembered that he was the staff member that got into several arguments with other gym members; so I understood that it was pointless to argue and escalate the matter.

I do however felt the need to write this review given the way he handled the situation. Hopefully, this gets the attention of his superiors as poor little Julio, the manager, thinks he owns the gym and forgets a key point; customer service isn't about having a big ego/head when you're appointed as manager but rather try to the best of your abilities to handle/assist gym members/staffs, and also gym members are the reason he has a job (something to keep in mind).

When encountering this bald little man, keep in mind not to waste your breath as he's not receptive to a conversation.
30 March 2020 11:51
This the worst branch ever. A lot of broken machines, always crowded. Edited: Luckily they're fixing at least on of these machines.
04 March 2020 16:07
Overall, I like this gym. Lots of cardio equipment and weight machines. I do hate that econofitness as a franchise does not supply wipes or other products. People bring towels to try to create a barrier with the machine. However, they are small towels and there is still skin contact and sweat transfer.
The lack of sanitary products is unsafe, and many other users have already complained. Its time for econofitness to change it's policy.
10 February 2020 20:04
Decent place to work out at a low price, can get very very crowded during peak hours, only has 2 squat racks, can take a while for leg days
08 January 2020 5:44
Very good price for the gym, you really have all the equipment you need to have great workouts. Shutout to the receptionist, great customer service and finally its directly through McGill metro no need to step outside.
07 January 2020 16:20
C’est quoi ça politique bizarre? ! Je ne peux pas oublier ma carte plus que deux fois dans un an sinon je ne peux pas m’entraîner! Dans un an, c’est sûr que ça peut arrive!
31 December 2019 10:23
I lost 38 pounds in this gym. The best part about the gym is everybody just minds their own business. Even though the lifting section isn't the best, the cardio section is amazing and just got about everything you need to lose weight in large number. However, the place can be super busy depending on the hour or day. But I'd still recommend the place as it's cheap and in an amazing spot.
12 December 2019 1:21
I love this gym because it's convenient and the staff has always been nice to me, but it's so dirty. Cobwebs, dust bunnies, and hair (on the floor and clogging the sinks) are all over the women's change room. I bring my own disinfectant wipes for the machines because people use their sweaty towels to wipe down the machines, which is disgusting.

I continue to go cuz I'm in and out and shower at home, but the change rooms really need to be vacuumed daily. Please!
29 October 2019 17:07
I’m not gonna be mean but the staff is yikes and only 1 Smith machine also why is everything so close why so many cardio machine? Anyways not the best
28 October 2019 12:49
Do not recommend. The information desk officer is impatient for every questions and customer. And the place is not same with pics shown.
25 September 2019 21:55
Dirtiest gym I have ever been too. I know the prices are low but it's not worth the poor standards of hygiene. Wouldn't recommend.
17 September 2019 3:03
Do not join this gym. They do not clean the showers and the equipment is often dirty. They also just charged me 75$ to cancel a membership I used 6 times.save up your money and go to a respectable establishment!
13 September 2019 22:57
Typical econofitness - too many cardio machines and not enough bench presses or squat racks. Still a good price for what it is but it definitely leaves something to be desired.
10 September 2019 6:08
One of the worst gyms in the city. Even with a platinum membership that provides one with access to all of the gyms across the city, I have yet to find one that isn’t full at its capacity and with some sort of a ventilation system. The smell of BO is revolting.
07 September 2019 3:33
Endroit très sale, trop de monde, l'endroit sent mauvais et en période de canicule pas d'air climatisé! Les gens s’entraînent sans serviette, les toilettes des femmes sont vrm dégueulasses! Beaucoup d'équipements mais les tous les autres pour faire des squats, bench press sont toujours prit et il faut attendre. Impossible de faire sa routine normale. Je quitte tjrs après 30 min car trop de monde et ça m'énerve. Je ne reviendrai plus. Voilà!
26 July 2019 6:13
Decent, spacious gym to work out at but located in the basement (promenade cathedrale) so you don't get any natural light from the outside.
02 May 2019 9:23
Gym. Bel endroit avec tout ce qu'il faut pour s'entraîner. Forfaits très abordables. Possibilité d'avoir la douche, le bronzage et le lit/ le fauteuil de massage illimité avec certains forfaits. Par contre, Il n 'y a pas d'entraîneurs personnels et ils ne sont pas bienvenus sur place. Le personnel est réduit au minimum, mais se montre sympathique. Endroit relativement propre et bien tenu. Accessible en transports en commun, mais peu de stationnement disponible. Heures d'ouverture ordinaires. Endroit agréable et accueillant. Situé dans le Montréal sous-terrain. Parfois très achalandé. Les casiers sont petits, mais nombreux.
14 April 2019 2:59
PIRE ECONOFITNESS du Québec! Les machines sont rarement lavées.et l'air climatisé ne fonctionne pas bien. Par conséquent, la mauvaise odeur court les murs. De plus, les employés sont payés pour être assis. NE MÉRITE MEME PAS D'ETOILE - DÉCEPTION
23 January 2019 13:29
I went today to ask about subscriptions details, so I can be a member, first if all I waited 15 min because there was a young girl on the front desk speaking to a guy and she didn’t even say hi or anything, and after finishing the long precious conversation, she came to me and asked if I need anything, after seeing me waiting for at least 15 min.

I asked her to get into the gym to take a look at the equipments and the showers area and she refused.

I absolutely changing my mind about beginning a member and I definitely won’t recommend to anyone.
20 January 2019 8:43
Each time I come, the showers get worse. I'm told that the showers are cleaner everyday but the buildup of mildew/mold is getting bad.
13 January 2019 19:34
You wont find a better deal! Gym + Tanning + Massage Chairs + Yoga Studio + Showers & a Water Pressure massage! Incredible
16 December 2018 2:21
First off if it was possible to give 0 stars I would have.

This review has been long overdue.
Now I don’t know about other econo fitness as I only ever went to the downtown location. But this was easily the worst gym experience I’ve ever had.

Yes the location is practical and the size is quite large. What’s bad is that it’s extremely unsanitary. No cleaning products to clean sweat, garbage is left in the shower rooms. Things like used tampons, used qtips, used dental floss etc.the ground itself in the shower even gave me a foot rash.
I once asked for soap to clean my sweat. They said use water.and your towel!? !? !? (That’s gross consider hundreds of people are doing this)
Since so many people go to this gym even myself being a platinum member would have to wait between 10-15 min just to take a shower. If you’re in a rush this is a practical gym anymore. There were even multiple times were platinum card members couldn’t even use the showers causing me to go back to work all sweaty.

Lots of stuff nobody needs or uses. Most useful gym equipment is either not there or broken. Broken equipment takes between 2-4x weeks to get fixed which is ridiculous. I once waited 5x weeks to get 1 screw put in to fix a machine.let alone waiting a month to have their water fountain repaired. The basic need of water couldn’t be fulfilled here.

Didn’t have many issues with the staff. Aside from them being extremely junior with regards to fitness and health. Don’t expect anyone to help you since they lack the experience and knowledge. They tend to put your equipment away without even asking you. But my biggest issue was with the manager ‘Julio’. This man was beyond rude and the main reason I will never come back to econofitness. He has no business working with clients face to face as most words that exit his mouth are rude and disrespectful. Almost every single interaction with this man has been less than desirable. Attempting to charge me for additional fees or simply being rude. Sadly I’m one of many people who’ve had the same thoughts about him. He showed up about 6 months into my membership and ever since his arrival I’ve been looking forward to the end of my subscription

As someone who used to go to econofitness for 6/7 days a week and more than happy to say I now go 0/7.
I hope this review helps others
Good luck and happy training.

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