09 January 2024 23:05
Update: It has been approximately two weeks, and there has been no improvement or repair. Furthermore, two other gym equipment pieces are defective and unusable. Econofitness has not addressed customer concerns and seems solely focused on increasing monthly subscriptions. Nobody is satisfied with the service and customer care.

I've noticed several defective devices at the gym, and it's disappointing that they haven't been attended to. It would greatly improve the gym experience if Éconofitness could prioritize repairing these devices instead of raising the monthly fees. I value being a customer, and I believe better maintenance would show respect for the clients.
28 December 2023 1:40
Maintenance is horrible takes way to long to get equipment fix the lack of basic maintenance is incredible I think to date there 8 to 12 broken machine do your self a favour find another gym
03 December 2023 13:30
The workers really keep the place clean, it’s great! Girl bathrooms are quite big and there’s change rooms. There’s good amount of machines, could use more, but it doesn’t get too busy so it’s great
23 November 2023 7:02
Avec l abonnement a tous les gyms.je tiens à donner un A+ pour la propreté des douches et lieux. ça donne le goût d aller au gym de Dorval.bravo.lâchez pas l équipe.
02 October 2023 9:56
I renewed my membership one week ago. 3 times already the key fob didn’t allow me to use the gym after hours. What is the point of paying for the platine membership if i can’t even use the gym when i prefer to?
23 September 2023 4:38
MAJ oct 2023. Perte d'une autre étoile, je vais sérieusement penser a mon renouvellement, si je renouvelle, ce sera sans service "premium" ca fait plus de six moi qu'une des machine à massage n'a plus de pression et l'autre, depuis plus de deux mois, est rarement fonctionnelle. Voir photos, elles ont été prises dans les dernières semaines. J'ai écrit sur leur site, aucune réponse. Je viens de m'inscrire à ce gym et pour l'instant c'est un 5 étoiles. Je m'attendais à un gym ''de base'' avec peu de machine et poids libres. A ma grande surprise, c'est un gym avec une grande surface, équipé au max avec des machines récentes. Beaucoup de poids libres, bench et autres. Aussi j'ai pris l'abonnement ''tout inclus'' et je dois avouer que je prends un malin plaisir à utiliser les tables et chaises de massage. Membre a dorval.
Il vient de perdre une étoile il y a vraiment trop souvent d'équipements brisés et trop longtemps.
19 June 2023 19:56
Let people know that when you register it’s for a full year minimum.
They tell you to do register by yourself on their website. After, they ask for a small fee of 69$ to cancel the subscription.
10 April 2023 19:06
Bon service, mais la propreté des lieux et salles de bains est de pire en pire, le toit coule presque toujours à une ou plusieurs place dans le gym depuis des années.alors je ne peux que donner 3 étoiles max
30 March 2023 7:29
Propre, personnel gentil, mais pas assez de machine pour musclé les fesses malheureusement. Quand il a un machine de brisée long à réparer. Si non belle ambiance tout le monde est respectueux.
25 August 2022 23:14
Worse manager i have ever seen. Never at the gym and when she is, she hides in her office with the door closed. Inhuman to her own employees. Makes them climb up the lockers to dust the vents. Instead of hiring a professional to do so, she rathers force her employees and put them in a unsafe work enviroment with no safety equipement than finding another alternative. Arent they supposed to be a front desk clerk? Absolutly disgusting from her part.
12 August 2022 11:54
Équipements médiocre, pas vite remplacé. Mal organisation des stations. Fait pour les personnes débutantes et âgées. J'ai attendu multiples mois avant de pouvoir accéder au gym de nuit et cela sans remboursement de ma passe platine 0_0
Bref, pas de qualité
04 July 2022 16:29
I've been going to my local Econofitness for years, and for the most part it's quite good. The equipment is decent, but they refuse the get heavier dumbbells because apparently that would encourage the "wrong type" of people to workout in their gyms, which is a bit ridiculous.

They also can't be bothered to answer any emails, apparently customer service is of no importance to them. So if you need to contact the main office, good luck! The multiple emails I've sent over the past 6 weeks or so obviously weren't worth their time despite being a paying customer since my local branch opened.

The staff thankfully are very nice, and are very accommodating. The main office could learn a thing or two from them.
17 December 2021 5:50
Pire gérante que j’ai rencontré de ma vie elle est irrespectueuse, aucunement professionnelle et ne comprend pas lorsque quelqu’un lui parle elle devrait aller au primaire pour comprendre le français et l’anglais plusieurs clients partagent le même avis personne l’aime
10 December 2021 6:49
Great Equipments and environment. And the price is quite reasonable for your fitness. So, alteast try for a month and believe me you will never quit after that.
15 November 2021 17:38
Clean, functional equipment, friendly and respectful staff and strict adherence to covid safety protocols.
07 November 2021 21:06
J'aimerais bien mettre 0 étoile mais il ne me laisse pas. Ce gymnase est le pire que j'ai fréquenté depuis que j'ai déménagé à Montréal. La gérante n'est jamais présente pour aider avec les clients qui en ont besoin. De plus, quand elle est là, elle n'est pas très accueillante et reste toujours dans son bureau à parler au téléphone. Je trouve que c'est un manque de professionnalisme de sa part. Je ne recommande pas ce gymnase.
26 October 2021 8:34
Un des plus petites aires si on regarde la superficie (comparé aux autres visités, les 2 de Stleo, Mtl-Nord, Alexis-Nihon, Cosmodome de laval etc) mais, bien divisé et bien pensée.

Relativement propre.
Quoique près des urinoirs, 2 réparations de gypse rock resteraient à faire. ça enlève le sérieux à la place et ça fait négligé.
Regles de distanciations respectée et les regles etablis aussi semble toutesnpas mal respectée.
Pour un lundi de fête, après passeport sanitaire, pas mal d achalandage comparée aux premiers jours ailleurs.
Grand parking.
Commis polis et demandent passeports etc.
Bonne place en générale.
12 August 2021 0:32
Facility is decent, staff is nice, however the gym environment can be quite toxic, not friendly for beginners who need time to learn and being pressured by others to hurry up and finish with their machine
22 July 2021 4:07
Wow, pendant un an que je ne suis pas allé à la salle de sport dorval, car à mon avis ce n'était pas une salle de sport très propre, aujourd'hui j'ai visité la salle de sport, des employés courtois et prêt à me montrer mon nouvel espace membre, la propreté a changé 90% y compris les mesures de sécurité, la musique en peu fort mais rien et parfait, 24h fermé aussi, mais la fille en charge en tant que gérante, elle m'a laissé visiter la salle et m'a convaincu du changement et je suis à nouveau membre

s'entraîner à 100%
08 March 2021 10:13
I am going to this gym for over 1 year and lately it starts to disappoint me. The WiFi is absolutely terrible. In the last month or so it almost never works or it works so bad that you can't use.
Since bad weather came, it is always dirty especially in the men locker. People are entering with their outside shoes and I haven't seen anybody asking them to change their shoes or at least clean after them.
03 February 2021 9:50
Lots of equipment and open 24/7. Also since the Covid19 situation they now use a reservation system. This means that the gym is never over crowded. And by being a platinum member I can go into any of their gyms and there is one close to my house and another one close to where I work and I can also share my pass with family members when I don't go to the gym myself.
02 February 2021 18:25
People are not wearing masks or properly fitted. Either they refuse to wear masks because of ignorance or have the ill conceived idea that are immune to the virus. Sadly this increases the risk of Covid and shutdown of the gym.
Does Econofitness have hepa filters in their air conditioning systems?
01 December 2020 4:59
BEFORE COVID-19: Their price is great and decent equipments. However, it's the least hygienic gym that I have been to in the last 15 years. Often no soap in washrooms, no ventilation system and small changing room. The machines and equipment are not cleaned often; you feel a sticky surface on everything you touch. There is no hand sanitizer and no paper towel/soap to wipe the machines clean after use. I cannot prove this, but I believe that I caught the flu twice form that gym - hence I stopped going to the gym during the coronavirus spread.

AFTER COVID-19: they’ve refused to cancel my membership - hence deducting money from my account when I don’t go to the gym. No curtesy in their respond to their client. They based their response on a legal argument that I have signed a contract for a year. It’s a tough time for gyms and the general public and they should refund people with limitations/restrictions due to COVID-19.
21 November 2020 18:47
I have been going to the Dorval joint for the past 3-4 years and I've never had any complaints until recently; the new manager is very very cold, and lacks basic greeting skills. At first I thought it was towards me, but after discussing with other regular gym members, I came to the conclusion that she is just rude and cold in general, which is somewhat unprofessional? Obviously I'm not trying to say that she has to have full on conversations with her clients, but not being able to reply to a simple ''hello'' is questionable. Also I can understand having a bad day, etc. But if 5/7 days is a bad day, maybe it's time to try to work on yourself? As a loyal member to econofitness I'm somewhat disappointed of this behavior.
20 November 2020 6:03
Every time I see the manager, for some odd reason I feel very uncomfortable around her. She is not very welcoming towards me and I personally believe that I'm not the only who feels this way. For instance, I heard other customers say that she is very rude and uncivil towards them. I pray that this gym goes back to its amazing environment that it once was, Thank You.
20 October 2020 21:36
Poor management,

Few members and myself having issue with the reservation online, this problem has been going on since the reopening.very annoying.

We were told to try booking 15min, 30min before
and now 1hour before, still having issues.

System needs to be updated.instead of harassing memebers

Having the staff wash down "sanitize "the machines during ther shift " middle of day " not best protocol
28 September 2020 21:18
Mon expérience dans ce gym a été très désagréable, particulièrement à cause de la nouvelle gérante qui m'a parlé comme si je ne payais pour ce service. Je ne suis pas le seul client qui se sent comme ça et c'est dommage puisque le staff a toujours été accueillant et chaleureux. Comment est-ce possible pour la franchise de supporter une telle conduite! Je considère sérieusement à changer de salle de musculation.
10 December 2019 13:32
Great gym for the price; However 1 squat rack is really not enough.
It's one of the most important pieces of gym equipment, and is often used for longer periods of time per person than other pieces of equipment.
25 November 2019 22:25
Love the gym. However the front end Manager is a major B#$@. And needs to be replaced.otherwise the remaining stuff is great and the gym is alway clean and well kept
10 October 2019 14:56
Machines are starting to break down often, and repairs are fixing the problem because they break again.
23 August 2019 21:24
Attentive staff with a great selection of machines & free weights. The place is really clean & a cool crowd of people go there. Stop in, have a great workout & join the family.
13 July 2019 16:51
Very friendly staff, super clean place, the equipment all works perfectly and feels like new, the 30 minute circuit is awesome if you're just not feeling a full on workout that day and want a bit of everything just to get that once-over. The other clients all seem very respectful too, and keep to themselves, which is nice considering how in other gyms there's usually a lot of "bro" types who will be loud, obnoxious, and needlessly hit on women. Also it seems that even if someone were to act like that, the staff would react swiftly to rectify it.
04 July 2019 6:54
Great gym and friendly staff. Although, need spray bottles as mats, benches and machines are sticky and smelly from dry sweat and residue. Personal towels are not enough. Simple fix would be having a few spray bottles in the gym.
22 June 2019 23:50
Meilleur gym pour quelqu'un qui est souvent sur la route et doit avoir accès au gym à plusieurs endroits (villes)!
18 May 2019 16:13
Super! I recently change my subscription to this gym. I really think was the right thing to do. The price and the plans are more than worthy. The 30 minutes circuit is very good (just need to be change "repos" by "move to the next" to avoid confusion). Staff is super kind mostly. To share the subscription is the best feature. And of course, the platinum area (I love the hydromassage).
16 May 2019 4:11
Si on évite les heures de haute affluence, c'est un excellent endroit pour s'entraîner. Même si beaucoup d'usagers n'ont pas une grande éthique de gym c'est quand même très agréable.
Deux suggestions: baisser la musique, ce n'est pas un bar mais un gym; et monter l'écran dans la zone vélos car si quelqu'un s'installe en avant il bolque l'écran.
17 February 2019 16:04
Récemment inscrit dans ce gym avec un forfait platine
Wow super propre.
Seul chose que j’ai pas aimé sont les tapis roulant qui sont pas programmé pour interval/cardio training.
Le personnel est super sympathique.
L’emplacement est vraiment idéal plein de place pour stationner
J’adore ce succursale.
08 February 2019 23:22
This location is ok. Small and some equipment is old. Peak hours (night time) gets very crowded so try going outside those times or possibly to another Econofitness instead.
06 February 2019 12:45
Nice cheap gym with lots of exercise machines. They have a weight area, small mat area, 30 minute quick cardio area, and a room with virtual classes on tvs. They have tvs playing with an econofitness channel, tva and ctv. They often have contests and promotions. If you get a platinum pass you can get 10 free guest passes
10 January 2019 3:34
They charge for use of their showers (not just a little) unless you take a deluxe plan that costs about 2.5 times as much as basic. They have needle disposition system (so they encourage drug use) and they have a resiliation fee.
They have no guided course, only recorded programs ran in a loop.
This is hands down the worst gym I have ever had the displeasure to deal with. I only went there for the convenience but in the future will happily take a detour to avoid using any of their facilities.
It is cheaply run and steep to use
29 December 2018 14:40
Excellent Gym and friendly staff in a clean environment! Found my favorite gym to train for my "Great Cycle Challenge" to ride 1000km in the month of June for the SickKids Foundation. These kids are fighting Cancer. So you'll see me in this gym on the bike a lot! Thanks!

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