10 April 2023 21:20
Je fais ce review très honnête: Notre laveuse s'est brisé après 8 mois après avoir acheté chez eux. Service téléphonique vraiment compliqué. Nous avons appelé pour réparation de laveuse. La personne est venu 3 minutes nous disant que la pompe était brisée. Le réparateur était supposé revenir une deuxième fois mais n'est pas venu au rendez-vous sans aviser. Il est venu 2 semaines après. Ce n'était plus la pompe, c'était le filtre. Lorsqu'il est parti, la laveuse faisait un bruit d'enfer. Nous avons dépensé 135$ pour un service de réparation dans le vide. Nous avons refait un suivi avec eux. Il ne veulent rien faire. Service désolant. C'est dommage, mais je ne vous le recommande pas!
30 March 2023 16:58
Un des pires commerces avec qui j'ai fait affaire. Si ce n'est pas du temps d'attente irrésonnable et peu professionnel, c'est la qualité de leur produit. N'allez pas dépenser dans ce commerce. J'ai acheté une laveuse et elle n'a même pas durée 7 mois. Aucun moyen d'avoir un remplacement puisque leur garantie est seulement pour 6 mois. Une belle affaire. Bref, si vous voulez bien perdre votre temps et votre argent, faites affaire avec Électroménagers Outremont.
26 August 2022 2:08
This is the first time I have ever written a review.

I bought a fridge on the grounds they would fix the handle of the fridge we bought. On the delivery day we waited around all day and they then called at 5pm saying their delivery truck was broken and that they also couldn't fix the handle. I said I didn't want the fridge if it wasn't fixed and that I would prefer a refund.

Every time I go there to get my refund the shop person says only the owner - Mohammed, can do refunds and that he's 'in 'Egypt'. When I threatened to call the cops, Mohammed suddenly appeared from outside (he was hiding)

Well it's been almost three weeks, no fridge, and they refuse to give me my money back. They stole $700.
They are the most despicable people I have ever dealt with. Thieves. I don't know if I'll ever get my money back.
26 March 2022 20:03
Do not deal with them. I
have planned a moving of appliances from my friend house to mine (I want to make her a favour without creating a mess in my place, for this reason I hired them).
They made a quote of 215 dollars. They where 2 days late (I booked the move for Monday and they finally arrived on Wednesday), did scratch my new chicken table, the dishwasher (almost new, Bosh), and did install completely the washer, without verifying if it worked (did not attach it to water and make it run).
The installer of the new dishwasher even cut the extension cord of my (still perfectly working) dishwasher, so now it it hard for me to sell it on marketplace. During the installation they complained that my (old) appliances where bigger and heavier than expected and asked me more money. I installed anti-slipper protections on the staircase for the security of the workers, and they still did not come back to move away my old appliances. In the middle of the confusion, they raised the price and asked me to pay in advance 150 $ (something that I did) and then to pay other 65 (upon the menace of not finishing the job). I asked them to finalize the work and they did not.
Now, after two weeks, they haven't yet terminate the installation, they did not take out the old appliances and left me with rude and unpleasant exchanges. You can see directly from the mail exchange (in the picture) how they promise you a work and they change the price in the middle and leave you in a mess of not completed work.
- left with my old appliances in my place (dishwasher in the bedroom and washer and dryer on the balcony)
- damages to my old dishwasher (cut the cord)
- damages to my new dishwasher
- damages to my table
- unfinished installation of the washer (still not working)
- asked me money in advance upon the promise to terminate the work (if you send me 150 I will send you the worker)
- second request of payment upon menace of not sending me back the installed (if you really want the worker, send me other 65).

No work ethic in this place. Did not give me any receipt. Not responsable for damages. Rude and extremely unpleasant to deal with.
21 July 2021 18:50
Purchased a fridge that was supposed to come with a 6 month warranty.it broke in 3 months.we called and asked for a repair, they said they would call us back to book an appointment. 2 weeks later, they called but did not leave a message.without a voicemail, we missed the calls.we tried calling them a few times around this time but could not reach them, so we made do with a small fridge and waited for them to call back or at least leave a voicemail with a better number to reach them.

5 months after that, we were wondering why we still hadn't heard from them, so we called again to explain that we tried reaching them during the warranty period but could not.they claimed that since they made a total of 3 phone calls in 2 days, they had fulfilled their warranty obligations and it was our fault for not getting in touch with them more forcibly.they told us if we wanted the fridge to work at this point, we would have to pay them.so we did, $60 for a repair.the fridge broke again within a week.we called for a second repair, $65 this time.the fridge broke yet again!
we've now paid $125 in repairs that did not work.the worst part is, during all of this, they were actively combative.they would constantly blame us for the fridge not working (oddly enough, the spare one we thankfully had -purchased elsewhere- worked fine this whole time under our care).
when the repair guy came over, he refused to wear a mask and physically forced his way in!
he would shout and become angry with us very easily.it was honestly distressing.at this point, we've paid a total of $525 for a giant brick that's been sitting in our kitchen for 10 months.i wonder how much they'll charge us for the next repair.
21 July 2021 15:04
There crooks the dont tell you how much is for the inspection and when the finish withiut fixing anythingn the tell you 65$ for doing nothing stay away this comoany is useless
18 March 2021 13:52
Let’s start by saying this is my first review ever.

Even one star is a lot of this unreliable store. They sold me a machine that wasn’t working. They tried to fix it twice and were supposed to replace it if I encounter other issues with the machine. Well the machine stopped working for the 3rd time in a week and they never replaced it.
Bunch of liars working together because finally they never changed it.

Customer service over the phone 0/10
Technician 0/10
Management 0/10

I’m even ready to share my email for possible future clients to tell them what happened with me exactly.

If there’s an owner or a manager who has some ethics in life. Well I’m expecting a call from him or her.
12 March 2021 12:02
They make an appointment and come when they say. Service is top notch, and they only charge what they replace. Very honest people.
23 February 2021 1:24
Notice that owners only respond to the positive reviews.of which there are not many. Better off buying from a reputable store even if you have to pay a bit more!
22 February 2021 12:05
**Buyer beware** They sold me a machine which smelled of burnt wires four days after purchase and three loads of laundry. The machine came with a six month warranty. They sent a technician who ran an empty machine for 2 minutes and claimed there was no issue. Didn't even bother to open up the back panel on the machine. I asked them to buy it back from me, fully willing to take a loss on the price, and they refused. This is how much faith they have in their own products. So now I'm stuck with a fire hazard which I can't sell and no longer want. Stay clear from this place.
11 November 2020 18:25
Took months to finally repair the machine and even after this much time the owner spoke with bad bad attitude.
They are not the service or people you want to deal with.
Owner Mohammed was very not professional and just rude with the situation.
26 October 2020 22:34
Overpriced, unreliable and unprofessional

The title says it all. The staff /management  is not punctual, rude and utterly unorganized. They sell « repaired » appliances but for the price I would advise to buy new ones or just go on kijiji to save half of the cost and also the trouble of dealing with those people.

I couldn't find a single reason to buy from this place.
21 September 2020 23:07
This is the worst store / technicians to deal with, they dont respect time and the one who answers phone calls doesn't dispatch at all and just forget what she tells you.

Dont deal with this store they sell you stuff that doesnt last and will break down very fast and then you have bad customer service and need to fight to get the least what you paid for.
11 September 2020 2:00
Salut avant d'acheter dans ce magasin j'ai vu d'excellent avis des autres acheteurs c'est cela qui m'a encouragé à acheter chez eux.oh la la mauvaise idée service apres vente nul nul nul. Un mois après avoir acheté ma laveuse elle est tombée en panne problème d'essorage on m'envoie un technicien 3 jours après avoir appelé il regarde il me dit on va commander la pièce on vous appelle ok pas de problème c'est normale je comprends. 15 jours plus tard aucun appel alors j'ai appelé pour me renseigner est ce que ça va être long avant l'arrivée de la pièce la fille m'a répondu comme ci c'était la première fois que j'ai appelé donc aucun suivi. Le technicien revient la encore comme ci c'était la première fois qu'il venait.j'ai donc lui réexplique le problème et partir sans que la laveuse soit réparée avec la commande de la pièce.voilà un mois et demi et laveuse pas réparée en me laissant on va vous appeler madame ces modèles sont problématiques. Laveuse Maytag.
11 March 2020 7:57
I called them a last week to have a technician come and verify my fridge (that isn't working) and when the day came they told me that they didn't have anyone to come on that day. The only free time they now had was a week later. It's as if the date we agreed on last week didn't matter to the person I was talking to on the phone. I would not recommend them for refrigerator repairs.
13 February 2020 16:23
Super service! Je suis passée les voir car ma laveuse était brisée, 2h plus tard, un technicien était à la maison pour la regarder. Comme c’était la fin de la journée, il me propose de passer le lendemain matin la prendre, la réparer au magasin et me la ramener en PM. Elle est comme neuve. Merci!
20 January 2020 0:06
J'y ai acheté une cuisinière et un frigo pour 500$ au total. Ça fait 4 ans que je les ai et ils fonctionnent encore très bien.
Je dois dire que le frigo faisait du bruit alors ils me l'ont échangé sans aucun frais. Excellent service.
20 December 2019 20:11
What makes this littlel gem in the middle of park avenue so amazing is the service and the courtesy they offer to me and my family, we're more than pleased with the appliances we bought, the owner and the staff made the purchase and the installation process seamless and we will look forward to do business with this company again, they truly stand behind their word and put their customers first.
18 September 2019 13:59
Cette avis porte sur le service de réparation pour une laveuse à chargement supérieur.
La coordonnatrice des rendez-vous a été exemplaire – aimable et serviable, en plus de fournir d’emblée toutes les informations dont nous avions besoin.
Rafael, le réparateur, a été courtois, rapide et très professionnel.
En somme, nous sommes plus qu’entièrement satisfaits et n’hésiterons pas à les recommander et, au besoin, à faire appel de nouveau à leurs services.
27 August 2019 8:58
Fortement déconseillé 0/5.2/3 des appareils ont ete a faire réparer dont un qui était “réparer” avec des Tie-rap et du Duck tape par le magasin! Pas fiable du tout pour la prise de rdv attente de journées completes jusqu’a 17h pour avoir quelqu’un qui passe alors qu’il nous avait dit passer en AM, propriétaire impoli et arrogant lorsque nous avons fait une plainte. Livreurs ne semblaient pas avoir d’experience, aucune couverture sur les électroménagers donc égratignures sur tout les côtés et les poignées. Nous aurions fait affaire ailleurs avoir su. Fortement déconseillé!
22 April 2019 19:09
Wat a scam of a place this is, the owner should simply close this business. Rude and dismissive owner.
14 March 2019 20:30
Le gars est sympathique et fiable! Excellent service à la clientèle. Cependant, notre secheuse a brisé après 1 an et demi. J'ai demandé un réparateur. Ça l'a coûté 60$ simplement pour qu'il la regarde sans pouvoir rien faire et en disant qu'il allait nous rappeler. Nous attendons encore l'appel après 2 mois.finalement j'aurais dû aller ailleurs.
27 February 2019 22:18
Why can I not put zero stars? Do yourself a favour and avoid this place like the plague. From beginning to end, my experience here was awful. Customer service is non existent, their warranties are bogus, they sell faulty products and have zero respect for their clients. I lost over 500$ in food products from malfunctioning fridges which were not being replaced in any timely manner. The company claims they will remove your old fridge, the delivery men said they would do so but after taking the fridge down the stairs, left it in front of the building. It took a week of pleading phone calls (which they seemed to screen and ignore) to finally get them to agree to move it before I received a fine. I regret my decision to buy a fridge here and hope you will not make the same mistake.
If you like to live on the edge and take risks. Make sure at least you test the fridge in store before taking it home! Because likely it will not work.godspeed.
01 November 2018 15:41
Mon réfrigérateur est tombé en panne un samedi. Personne n'est venu en urgence pour me dépanner. Ca tombe en plus sur un long weekend J, ai perdu quasiment toute la nourriture de mon congélateur/frigo.
Le service après-vente est catastrophique, inexistant. C'est inadmissible et honteux, une réparation comme ça devrait passer prioritaire. Nous sommes samedi, toute ma bouffe est foutue, et ils me rappellent juste mardi de la semaine prochaine pour me donner un rdv. FUYEZ CE MAGASIN ils sont incompétents!

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