28 January 2024 3:55
Triste achat. Il aura fallu retourner ce divan parce qu'il avait un problème de rembourrage. Il est revenu avec meilleure apparence mais toujours inconfortable. Très inconfortable. Dans le dos on sent la barre de support lombaire. On s'est fait avoir pas à peu près $$$
01 January 2024 18:02
Fantastic quality. It's nice to see a company that takes pride in the production process.
26 October 2023 1:02
Amazing quality and so comfortable. I’ve spent hours in their sectionals and they are fantastic.
19 October 2023 1:41
Amazing Furniture made with Italian leather. I love my recliner so much! I really cannot say enough about their amazing quality and comfort.
09 August 2023 6:30
My Elran chair is the bomb! Wether I'm watching the game or eating a pipping hot plate of spaghetti. There is no word to describe the level of comfort I experience when sitting in my elran chair!
Great customer service also.
05 August 2023 21:34
Les delais discutés à l’achat ne sont malheureusement pas respectés. Très décevant pour les gens qui ont déjà tout planifié! Le retard n’est pas seulement de quelques jours mais de deux mois et encore plus. Personne ne sera capable de vous répondre sur la raison de ce retard. Bravo! Pourtant à la vente, l’espoir donné est à son maximum
02 June 2023 21:47
J'ai acheté un divan et un chaise Elran il y a 6 mois. Malgré un usage tout à fait normal, le tissus est déjà grandement abimé. Ce matériel ne devrait pas être utilisé car une usure prématurée est inévitable. Malgré mon insatisfaction, Elran refuse d'honorer sa garantie et de prendre entente sur quoi que ce soit. Je suis réellement déçue, je croyais avoir acheté un produit de qualité d'une compagnie rigoureuse, mais ce n'est pas le cas.
19 April 2023 8:51
Save your hard earned $$$. Broken springs, ripped seams, customer service is non existent. No return calls or emails. Better off buying from 2nd hand store then from these clowns, seriously! Furniture store said they've gone way down hill and a lot of stores have stopped dealing with them, huh, wonder why?
01 April 2023 8:04
My wife and I purchased an El Ray recliner from a local store. Delivery took several months longer than expected and the quality is very poor. At first glance, the chair didn’t look right. Upon closer inspection, we found that the arms, foot piece and back are misaligned. To make matters worse, the angle of the entire chair changes as it is rotated on the base. The chair also appears to have an extra piece of padding in the right arm which makes it look lumpy. The store we purchased the chair from replaced the base which did nothing to correct the problem. Recommend staying away from this brand.
29 March 2023 11:55
My Elran chair is the bomb! Wether I'm watching the game or eating a pipping hot plate of spaghett. There is no word to describe the level of comfort I experience when sitting in my elran chair!
Great customer service also.
16 March 2023 2:01
I have 2 Elran couches and looking to add some chairs. My family loves them and we haven’t had any issues at all. The leather still seems brand new.
Thank you for the great quality and providing a top notch Made in Canada product.
08 March 2023 19:24
Definitely do not buy this couch sectional. I agree that with the person that said, I should’ve read the reviews before I bought. Again, if I could do 0 stars I would. We tried in the store and it was very comfortable definitely not the same. It took 14 months to receive our couch and the seat cushion is only 19 inches. So not comfortable to lay on. A standard cushion is 21 to 24 inches. When you recline your feet hang off, I am only 5‘2“ and my feet hang off that is crazy. I contacted customer service and went back-and-forth and apparently there’s nothing they can do about it spent over 5000 on this couch and now we are stuck with it
05 January 2023 6:29
We have ordered a pair of recliners 13 months ago and have yet to see it. I sincerely regret buying Elran product and reading the reviews, I am really worried about the quality of the product we will get. STAY AWAY FROM ELRAN PRODUCTS!
11 December 2022 8:16
Extremely disappointed with the quality of our new sectional recliner couch. We ordered it October 2022 and it delivered one year later. The fabric and color was great unfortunately the fit not so good. This is 'C' shaped recliner sectional and as delivered, there were 7 locations where the feet did not contact the floor, so when sitting on the couch, it would twist and creak. It took 2 service calls and one month to get resolved. A month later, one of the electric reclining motors failed. At time of this writing, the unit is 2 months old and still waiting on Elran to respond regarding the electric motor problem. We paid > $5,000 for this couch and I would not buy an Elran again.
25 October 2022 22:33
If you take a look to between 4,5 years ago reviews on ELRAN you will find out they have had good reviews before.
I was facing with many high quality and expensive brands.
Its not only ELRAN.
After Covid many things changed and one of them was qualities.
I never saw any sofas from Natuzzi with low qualities.but they have the same issue as ELRAN after COVID!
if they increase the price, they will take less clients.if they reduce prices, they can not survive! If they start build up lower quality with lower prices, they can not make competition with china on those prices range! So they should hold the old shape, no changes on prices but lower quality materials!
Some luxcury branfs they were build up for high prices before covid.
So less sell high prices with high qialities. So they don't have to much expences as ELRAN.they can survive after covid because of lower expenses and high prices with still high qualities.like NICOLETTI, MAURICE TUNGEY SIGNATURE, JAYMAR etc.
But ELRAN prces wasn't high for made in Canada.was normal.and normal after covid means low!
I guess they should increase the prices and qualities as before and ask financial institues to help clients to pay them extra by some points.
It should be almost double on prices to see the same qualities that it had before!
22 October 2022 0:07
Elran has over a 50 year history of making quality furniture that won't break the bank. Awesome styles.wonderful covers. The factory is very responsive whenever an issue arrises. You too will be pleased.
17 October 2022 17:30
Your chairs are a piece of shit never never buy Elian furniture again. My guess it’s made in China
05 June 2022 8:38
Furniture looks good but is built poorly. After 2 years of light use recliner ($1700) fell apart. Dealing with company was a waste of time. Had it disassembled and rebuilt the frame myself On their website they brag about using manufactured wood. It is OSB that does not hold a screw.
Frame was basically held together with staples because the joints were so poorly made the glue was not effective.
I can see why they only have a one year warranty. Don’t deal with this company.
04 May 2022 15:01
Very disappointed. After waiting over 6 months, we received a sectional that looked like something we could have purchased at the Brick for 1/5 the price. We specifically stated we did not want overstuffed "Euro" cushions and that is exactly what we got - it looked like bean bag chairs sewn onto the seat backs. Every cushion was different from the next in size, shape and stitching. It took several calls and email to get a response from "Customer Service" and then it was "too bad", we make what we make. The unit is going back to the dealer who sold it to us. Now we can look forward to sitting on camp chairs until we find a replacement.
22 April 2022 8:10

Bon, est-ce la faute de Domon ou Elran? Pas mal les 2. En tous, ça fait ticoune en ta. Bien sûr, je ne peux pas parler de leur service client/après vente, puisque c’est la partie à Domon, mais pour ce qui est du reste….

Mon conjoint et moi nous nous sommes dirigés vers Domon, car nous voulions un divan sur mesure! Belle affaire, Elran offre ce service via Domon! On passe la commande. On nous fait valser sur la date de livraison qui passe de 3 à 7 mois. Mais bon, mon conjoint et moi étions prêts à attendre pour du sur mesure et de la qualité et bon, avec le Covid et tout, ok jusque là pas trop pire.

On reçoit enfin les divans alors plus qu’heureux nous les installons! Oupsi, sur un divan de 4 places dont 3 places devaient avoir un système électriques, 2 sont mécaniques! Alors là, ça ça fait suer après 7 mois et près de 7000$ de divan plus tard!

Démêler l’histoire avec Domon fut un calvaire et comme le vendeur n’avait pas bien rempli la fiche de commande, aucun moyen de savoir si c’est l’erreur de Domon ou Elran.

Le temps passe, on nous donne enfin une date où ils viendraient chercher les modules à refaire (je pense que c’était un mois plus tard). On vient les chercher, on nous dit que ça prendra environ 3 mois. 3 mois plus tard on reçoit nos modules (donc une attente totale de 11 mois lol) ….

Il manque un bloc et son fil
Encore une fois, est-ce Domon ou Elran?

Je rappelle Domon (parce que je « n’ai pas le droit » de traiter directement avec Elran), la demande se fait. On me dit que la pièce devrait être livrée dans environ 1 semaine.

Voilà que le colis arrive, j’ai le fil, pas le bloc

1 fois de plus, à qui la faute? ‍️

Alors je viens de rappeler. Peut-être aurons-nous un divan complet un jour
04 April 2022 1:25
Bough an Elran from a local furniture store about a year ago. A part broke last year and still waiting for the piece to fix it. I'm getting very frustrated and annoyed as this was a $5000 couch! Oh and it's not even that comfortable anymore! Don't waste your money. Terrible customer service!
25 March 2022 21:32
Nous avons acheté une causeuse qui après 1 an 1/2 chez Brault et Martinault, est toute croche et mène du bruit, apres la visite de 2 supposement spécialistes de réparations (resserrer les vis et mis du gigolo) et quasi rire de nous en pleine face, nous avons été obligé de mettre un bout de planche sous les ressorts afin de mettre la causeuse droite, ils ne veulent rien faire pour nous, donc plus jamais Elran, alors que j'achetais cette marque depuis un minimum de 30 ans, et Brault Martinault quand à eux ne donne aucun mais aucun service après vente, donc plus jamais de stock de ce marchand non plus.
07 March 2022 3:14
Nous avons commandé un sofa condo inclinable électrique et un deux places en cuir grade 300 à la fin mars 2021 et on nous avait dit 6 à 8 mois de délais, mais selon le vendeur c’était uniquement pour se protéger, que le délai était si long. Malheureusement à la fin décembre, soit 9 mois après l’achat, on ne pouvait pas nous dire quand nos achats seraient disponibles, on parle ici d’un montant de 7500$! Nous avons réussi à annuler notre commande après une négociation auprès du magasin où nous les avions commandés. Nous avons beaucoup apprécié leur coopération, mais sommes extrêmement déçus des délais inacceptables de cette compagnie. La Covid a le dos large!
06 March 2022 19:43
Sofa Elran acheté chez Ameublement Tanguay en août 2021. Devait être livré dans la première semaine de janvier 2022. Déjà qu’on trouvait que c’était long! Livraison reportée au mois d’avril. Rien n’est assuré! Vous avez un problème! Il faudrait arrêter d’en vendre. On n’appelle plus çà des délais normaux!
01 March 2022 5:26
J'ai acheté un divan chez Maison Bureau et Bureau en mai 2021. Elran disait 24 semaines pour le délai de livraison. Donc, je devais l'avoir en octobre 2021. Après on m'a dit en décembre 2021 et au plus tard janvier 2022. Et, la on me dit en mars 2022. Vous faites de la mauvaise représentation. J'ai toujours eu du Elran et je priorise toujours l'achat local, mais quand on rit de moi, j'apprécie un peu moins la compagnie. Je paie plus cher pour vous encourager.arrêtez de vendre et remplissez vos commandes. C'est un minimum de respect.
08 February 2022 14:47
J'ai toujours acheté du Elran depuis un bon bout de temps. La qualité a toujours été très bonne. Mais là depuis mon dernier achat chez Brault et Martineau en 1920 je suis très déçue le divan inclinable en matériel n'a jamais bien fonctionné et le matériel puissant partout, premier technicien n'a rien vu le 2ieme lui a vu que le frame était cassé et que le matériel du divan n'était pas ok alors on a changé. Le 2ieme divan inclinable en cuir, quand tu es assis là tête (ma tête à moi) est toujours incliné vers l'avant alors j'ai toujours le clou plié autrement dit on n'est pas bien incliné surtout la nôtre tête est toujours très incliné. Donc je vous assure que le prochain ne sera pas un Elran. Réellement déçue
02 February 2022 6:42
J'ai acheté un fauteuil et un divant en mars 2021 chez Tanguay et à ce jour, soit apès 8 long mois, je ne les ai toujours pas eu et là on me parle de fin décembre pour le peu de valeur que les délais ont car ils les repoussent sans cesse.on me disait 3-4 mois à l'achat, après on a repoussé, puis repoussé encore et encore. Dernière fois de ma vie que j'achète du Erlan. Si vous ne pouvez pas produire dans un délai raisonnable, ne vendez plus. Vous n'êtes pas digne de recevoir des commandes de gens qui veulent encourager local. Vous aurez la publicité que vous méritez.
29 December 2021 9:16
Nous avons acheté un sofa condo et une chaise très déçu de la qualité reçu les appuie-tête était cousu Croche très mal assis dedans loin d'être comme le modèle en magasin il est arrivé pratiquement trois mois en retard ils vont le reprendre mais je vais être trois semaines à un mois et demi à attendre de le recevoir à nouveau je trouve ça très dommage j'ai voulu encourager local ️️️
09 December 2021 20:01
Acheter local mais à quel prix, la piètre qualités des produits et le service après vente ne sont pas gage de réussite, très déçu et je ne recommande pas cette entreprise
04 December 2021 6:15
J’ai déjà travaillé la dernièrement, il y a beaucoup d’erreurs de fabrication et les matériels sont moyen comme qualité, je conseille à personne d’acheter leur produits sa vaut vraiment pas le prix
27 October 2021 11:55
We purchased a recliner after 5 months it discoloured. We called several times a technician came to the house said the sofa has a default and has turned black. He said they would call us back after 3 weeks and we are still waiting. Companies like this should man up and take responsibility for their mistakes. Next move is global.
27 September 2021 12:41
Divan modulaire n’as que trois ans et complètement fini! Les coussins sont tous déformés et la structure craque sans bon sens. Le tissu est plein de mouton depuis la première année d’usage. Elran ne veut pas appliquer aucune garantie a part les pieces. Pourtant on ai loin de la garantie de durée de vie raisonnable que exige la lois.
07 September 2021 6:19
Last year we purchased (2) recliners from Leather Avenue distributors of Elran Furniture. We loved the design and leather of the recliners **BUT** unfortunately we have had and still have problems with the mechanisms. Leather Avenue has been most helpful to us, their customers; they’re trying. They however have had to wait for the mechanics for **months** at a time. So we had to wait ***months***; it’s been very frustrating for us. We plan on visiting Leather Avenue and speak to the owner to see what can be done. While we’re there, we will tell our issues and advise any potential buyers to look at any other manufacturer with the exception of Elran.
23 August 2021 13:09
We bought a leather sectional! It is AMAZING! You can "create" the sofa of your dreams! They have options for everything and will make it the way you want it, color, size, height, stitching, armrests, manual vs power recliner, adjustable headrests and lower back adjustments too! Quality is exceptional! Customer service is amazing! And the most comfortable sofa ever! We enjoyed the most during the confinement, sat on it for hourssss and it was always super comfy!
18 August 2021 14:51
Très déçu par la fabrication de ma causeuse. Le technicien est venu 2 fois et reparti avec un morceau à chaque fois. Il y a des gros plis partout et les lignes de tête ne sont même pas égales. Il n'y a rien de bien fait dans cette causeuse qui a coûté très cher. Extrêmement déçue et je pense qu'un produit asiatique 3 fois moins cher aurait été mieux fabriqué.
28 July 2021 11:34
My husband and I ordered a leather sectional and 2 chairs in December 2020 to be delivered in March. After multiple delays we finally received one chair in May. We were told the other pieces were on the truck.it is now July and they still are not here. Maybe they fell off the back of that truck? Because they are apparently "in production" again.
This company has had so many excuses we are about to cancel. 7 months delay. I can't believe they are still in business.
07 July 2021 10:28
Cela fait minimum 4 fois que j’appel depuis un an, pour obtenir des Pièces sous garantie. Mais, la personne qui s’occupe des pièces, ne me rappel jamais! Elle n’est jamais là, je tombe sur la messagerie à chaque fois, et je laisse un message un chaque fois. Mais pas de réponse. Le service après vente est vraiment pourrie.
Plus jamais j’achète un elran. Même les chinois ont un meilleur service. C’est pitoyable venant d’une compagnie Québécoise. Pas étonnant que les chinois vendent de plus en plus chez nous. Ils vendent de la mauvaise qualité, mais ils l’assument eux!
21 June 2021 9:33
We were very excited to purchase our first Elran recliner with power headrest. Less than 18 months later, the control panel has failed. We ordered and paid for the replacement part back in February and still no part almost 3 months later. It was disappointing when the furniture failed so quickly, especially with only two adults in the home using the recliner carefully but not receiving parts to try and make the chair usable again is ridiculous. What a total waste of money. Do NOT expect high quality furniture from Elran and know up front that they will not even send replacement parts that were paid for. Choose another furniture company if you are buying a power recliner. Update 5/24- We have tried replacing the battery pack and the control panel with no resolution, a new motor is on the way from Amazon. Stay tuned to see if that works and meanwhile, buy something else.
24 May 2021 7:31
Tres decu un resort est brise communiquer avec ellaran il transfere mon email au pièces jamais eu de reponse eloignier vous de cette conpagnier
il dise acheter au quebec mon oeil
02 May 2021 5:30
I’m extremely disappointed in my recent Elran delivery. We waited four months for this to be delivered and received it with numerous flaws, it seems to have missed quality control inspection completely. I’m also extremely disappointed in Elran as a company, we immediately contacted the dealer after the delivery, delivered them pictures and they contacted Elran who “should call us back within a couple of weeks” we’re still waiting for a call and I don’t see why we should have to sit and wait for them to call and tell us what they’re going to do about it. We certainly won’t be ordering anything from Elran ever again. So much for buy Canadian and shop locally. - Update, Finally got a call from Elran It’s Wednesday, March 17 and they’re going to send someone to look at it and determine what Has to be done on April 19. I just can’t believe how poor the customer service is.
14 April 2021 7:40
We bought two leather recliners and two love seats. Cost was over $10k. We have really bad squeaking noises on both recliners. Dealer said to use dryer sheets and baby powder. Still squeaking! El Ran website has no customer service number listed.
23 March 2021 4:08
Pire service après vente de l’histoire. Il me font attendre 1mois pour venir changer une pièce pis rendu chez moi le technicien me dit qu’il n’a pas la pièce en question alors que j’avais été très claire sur la pièce qui était brisé. Il me dit que ça va prendre 2 semaines pour la commander et puis la pu de réponse ça fait 1mois depuis la visite du technicien pis a chaque fois que j’appelle on me transfère sur un boite vocale avec un message en anglais et personne ne me rappelle.
15 March 2021 1:07
Husband purchased a $1700 leather electronic rocker/recliner. One month later rocker assembly quit working and it no longer Rocks. We reached out to the local store we purchased it from. They can not help snd we have been waiting 3 months (due to Covid, they cannot guarantee delivery) for a “shipment” of parts on a truck! No response from the Elran, and we were told from the furniture store that Elran cannot help us further.even though the chair is under warranty. Buyer beware, not good customer service from Elran and chances are good you will have issues.
23 February 2021 19:39
Sofa de mauvaise qualité et service à la clientèle très décevant!
J'ai acheté un sofa et un fauteuil il y a moins d'un an et demi et le tissu du sofa paraît déjà usé et le mécanisme du sofa inclinable est brisé.
J'ai choisi d'acheter ces produits (bien que TRÈS dispendieux) pensant acheter des produits de bonne qualité et avec un bon service à la clientèle. J'ai contacté le service à la clientèle afin de leur faire part de mes insatisfactions et la dame au téléphone était bête et méprisante. Elle m'a simplement dit que si je voulais profiter de la garantie à vie pour les pièces, je devais payer des frais de 95$ et payer le taux horaire du technicien qui est de 80$/l'heure.
Avoir su, j'aurais payé moins du tiers du prix que j'ai payé et j'aurais acheté un sofa fait en Chine!
27 March 2020 1:04
Our recliner was defective on delivery. Reported the defect over a month ago, and have had NO RESPONSE. There is no way to talk directly to anyone in the company. We tried leaving messages, just a waste of time.no one returns the calls. We tried to get some action through the retailer and all they do is pass the buck to Elran. It is a vicious circle of inaction with total disrespect for the customer. So much for the "Caring Canadian Family business" BS that our retailer used as a selling feature.
27 February 2020 17:36
Très déçue de mon achat. 2300$ pour un 3 places, acheté il y a seulement 4 mois et déjà 2e visite d'un technicien.techniciens qui n'ont aucune écoutes, lui explique le problème il te coupe la parole constamment en justifiant chaque problème en te disant que c'est normal. Première fois que j'achète un Elran et c'est la dernière fois.plus jamais!
05 January 2020 3:15
Purchased sofa and chair from Accent meuble in Gaspe 3 years ago. The sales person told me it was good quality and I believed them. Less then 3 years the fabric looks like and old sofa. It has fabric piles and is wearing a lot. I called accent meuble and then called Elran. The man named Jean was very uncaring and didn't seem to care about my problem. He told me it was from wear and where I place my legs and feet. I think a sofa is made to sit on and the arms are the same. When I told Jean that Elran customer service was poor, he told me that the customer service was for the furniture stores and that I should contact them. Don't buy Elran for quality or customer service it is awful.
04 September 2019 11:34
J ai acheté deux fauteuils inclinables lorsqu il m ont été livrés le mécanisme manuel d un des fauteuils était défectueux. C est impardonnable avant de l emballer il ne vérifie pas si tout est conforme. Donc retour chez meuble Duboisé (accent meuble), on nous dit que c est garantie et que ça vas prendre 2 a 3 semaines. Moi j ai déjà payé et je ne profite pas de mon fauteuil. Ça fait maintenant 5 semaines et je n ai toujours pas reçu mon fauteuil. Pour moi Elran c est n importe quoi, zéro qualité zéro service.
14 August 2019 20:29
Hello to everyone reading this review. This is from Montreal. I do not work for Elran and I'm not an Elran client yet. Maybe prospective.

This is principally a reply to Dals Furn's review from 2 years ago. Like I said, I'm not an Elran client yet. But after reading what all of Elran clients' reviews and what they have to say about the product and after sale service, I will wisely and non-prejudicially take all reviews into just and reasonable consideration.

What I want to explain about Dals Furn's review is that lack of understanding about marketing language, principles, and understanding in retailing, wholesaling, promotion, and advertising functions; and examining their societal client interplay and how they positively propel or negatively impact a business.

If we consider how consumers' feelings and impressions reflect on a company's product or service, you would have one of two emotions or reactions happen. 1 - Dissatisfaction, where the client regrets having purchased a product or service. 2 - Client gratification, where the client is satisfied with the purchase of a product or service.

It is also very well known in researched studies in marketing that have shown that a gratified and happy client will tell 4 - 6 other persons about their satisfactory experience. Whereas a regretful and dissatisfied client will, on average, tell 9 -15, yes, that's 15, and in about 10 % of cases, they will tell as many as 26 other persons about their regrets and dissatisfactions they had for having made that purchase and perhaps dealt with poor follow-up customer service. That's potentially 26 anti-referrals for each unhappy client! As if the company agreed to make negative advertising against itself! Hence, it makes perfect sense that in a company's' review rating you will find majoritarily negative reviews. Mathematically, it just makes sense.

Negative review ratings are actually meant to be an eye-opener and head knocker to an opportunity for the manufacturer, retailer, supplier or distributor, etc, to see and be aware that their clientele is expressing a problem with their product or service and that some, or a lot, of effort ought to be put internally towards addressing or redressing those client dissatisfaction issues.

Some companies address the client dissatisfaction issues promptly and others pretend that it doesn't exist. To those who promptly correct and address the issues, good for them. They will see improvements in their good reputation, growing client base and bottom line. To those that could care less about their inconsistencies, they will consistently get negative reviews and see their bottom line erode.

As to the MADE IN CANADA representation, let's not forget about the 51 % law. If 51 % of the direct cost of producing, manufacturing or assembling a product is done in CANADA - in this case -, then that company can claim that their product was "MADE IN CANADA". Even if 49 % of the materials or sub-assemblies were made in another country with lower labour or material costing, such as in China. Many companies do business this way in order to extract and improve profits.

This is not a review of Elran, but a commentary on the understanding of why Dals Furn review didn't understand why 98 % of satisfied clients don't post good reviews and that 98 % of dissatisfied clients do post negative reviews. Because, those negative reviews ARE from clients who feel they got had of their hard-earned money on an inferior and lower than stated or expected quality of a product or service.

As a P. S. I also want to say that I have a friend who very recently (less than a month ago since this post) made a purchase of a custom-made 3 piece leather motorized sectional as well as a reclining chair from Elran. The price range of close to 9 000. CDN $ and my friend had them shipped very far away up in northern Quebec in one of those remote communities. So far, they've just received their purchase and I'm waiting to find how much they appreciates Elran Furniture.

Without prejudice, thank you all readers.
11 July 2019 8:33
I don't know about their products, but this place looks like a prison from outside, and people inside don't look happy. I had an encounter with the owner. He is a psychopath. He has tattooed his company logo on his wrist, and he aggressively attacks people around. I have heard rumors of abuse of employees. I hope CSST does an excessive inspection on their facilities.
08 June 2019 2:33
Cheap products, they use wood from china and other furniture components that are low quality, their production facility has the worst human resources, dont buy or work for them.
06 May 2019 4:34
Le divan a acheté! Pour une qualité et confort et rapport prix. Wow j'approuve! Bonne continuité a l'entreprise! Dominik xxx
15 April 2019 0:21
Sofa inclinable électrique qui craque dès le premier essai.structure en bois de mauvaise qualité et mal assemblé. Le technicien vient faire son rapport, il s'en retourne avec une partie de la structure. Il revient 2 semaines plus tard pour installer le tout. ça craque autant et le sofa semble plus fragile qu'avant.vraiment, pensez-y 2 fois avant d'acheter Elran!
18 March 2019 14:50
I do not recommend this company or its products. My1300 chair bought 4 years ago is ready for the dumpster. I you wsntvmore infovcan give it.
10 December 2018 9:14
We have purchased two recliners from Elran at Breault Martineault in Gatineau. Within 3 months of the purchase we reported several defects in these chairs to the retailer who told us to go directly to Elran because Elran handles all Warranty issues. That was this past June.

Since then we have been given the runaround to various Elran workers, had our phone and email messages go unanswered, been misled told the excessive wear and tear is our fault and treated like thieves. These chairs have sagging material, stretched material, compressed foam, and one tilts to the right so far it can't be used.

And Elran's response is that all of these problems are normal wear or were caused during delivery!

So here we are, stuck with what are supposed to be two well-made chairs from a reputable manufacturer. These chairs are anyrhing but we'll made. Elran has blamed us and the retailers for these defects.

So much for a good reputation.

Norm Hotchkiss
09 October 2018 15:15
I purchased a leather sofa, love seat and chair with powered recline from a reputable local furniture store in June of 2017. Within just a few weeks of normal use in my home, the leather was scratched. As time has gone on, the finish is wearing poorly leaving permanent speckled wear marks. I filed my first request for a leather warranty claim in December 2017. It was denied. ElRan claimed I abused my furniture or used chemicals to clean. This is so untrue! They never even sent anyone to look at my furniture in person! I tried again in June of 2018 as more pieces and places on my furniture were wearing quickly. Denied again with the same reasoning as the first time. This company does not honor their warranty. They claim to sell furniture to last a lifetime, but it barely made it 3 months. I certainly have buyer’s remorse!
21 June 2018 4:48
Non seulement on c'est fait avoir avec un saufa modulaire 6 places qui n'était finalement même pas en véritable cuir mais en plus, les springs n'ont durer que 12 mois. Nous sommes 4 dans la famille et le plus pesant pèse 140 livres alors on peut dire que la qualité des springs était vraiment ordinaire. Bien sure il y a une garantie à vie mais pas sur le service alors on m'a envoyé une caisse de springs pour que je les change moi-même.un seul fauteuil nous a pris 2heures à changer les spring alors j'ai crisser le reste de la caisse au poubelle et le saufa aussi. Bravo Elran!
12 June 2018 9:18
I have a sofa from Elran. It looks awesome, but for me, I like more how comfortable it is. I find it easy to clean. The leather is at the same time soft but also very durable.
On the bottom of the feet it has some plastic buffers to protect the floor, which makes the sofa easy to slide when you need to cleanup under, but which also allow the kids to move it, which I do not like that much. However I prefer like this.
The recline mechanism is doing a great job as adult, but it is not designed to work for kids. It is hard for them to push the back with their weight to keep it reclined.

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