01 September 2022 7:00
Ceci est mon premier review que je laisse et cela se devait d’être fait! Équinoxe est la pire compagnie de logement que j’ai jamais vu, que ce soit dans les logements ou le service tout est nul. J’ai signé un bail pour une unité 3 1/2 qui devait être prêt le 22 août, 3 semaines avant d’entré dans mon unité j’envoyais des mails à la courtière (MEGAN ET SON ÉQUIPE) pour avoir des directives sur les manières dont les choses devait se passer et quand j’aurais les clés. Elle ne m’a jamais répondu et même le jour du déménagement j’avais toujours aucune réponse de personne. J’ai décidé de me présenter sur les lieux pour avoir plus d’information et directive. Quand nous sommes rentré dans l’unité, nous étions stupéfaits par l’état nauséabond, l’odeur de cigarette, les murs jaunes (qu’ils affirmaient avoir repeints), baignoire de douche avec tache de brûlure (qu’ils ne voulaient pas changer car cela coûterais trop cher), tuyau de douche casser complètement, électroménager pas sur place en sachant qu’ils étaient inclus au bail. Cette compagnie est un désastre et des voleurs. Ils ont voulu me faire rentrer dans cette état dans l’unité et me faisaient savoir comme quoi ils allaient ramené les electro mais le reste allaient être fait au fur et à mesure et que l’odeur de cigarette sachant que ma copine est allergique allait partir après un moment. ÉTANT STUPÉFAIT PAR SES PROPOS, J’AI CANCELER MON BAIL MAIS ILS NE VOULAIENT PAS ME REMETTRE MON DÉPÔT DE PREMIER MOIS! N’HABITEZ JAMAIS LABAS ET NE PAYER RIEN À L’AVANCE! CE SONT DES VOLEURS ET DES ARNAQUEURS. HEUREUSEMENT QUE NOUS AVONS DE LA FAMILLE SINON NOUS SERIONS À LA RUE. NOUS AVIONS JAMAIS PASSER UNE NUIT DANS CETTE UNITÉ INHABITABLE ET ILS NE VEULENT PAS NOUS REMETTRE NOTRE ARGENT! HONTEUX! JE VOUS RACONTE TOUS CELA MAIS MÊME À CE MOMENT LÀ LA GESTIONNAIRE QUI S’OCCUPAIT DE NOTRE LOCATION AVAIT TOUJOURS PAS RÉPONDU! HONTEUX! N’HABITER JAMAIS LABAS! ILS VOUS REÇOIVENT TRÈS MAL APRÈS QUE AYEZ SIGNÉ VOTRE BAIL! LES AVIS DE LA COMPAGNIE A LAVAL ÉTAIT TRÈS MAUVAISE MAIS JAI VOULU FAIRE CONFIANCE À CETTE ÉTABLISSEMENT EN PENSANT QUE LE PERSONNEL ÉTAIT DIFFÉRENT MAIS EN RELISANT LES COMMENTAIRES C’EST PAREIL VOIR PIRE! TOUTE PERSONNE VOULANT DES INFORMATIONS OU DES PHOTOS A L’APPUIE SA ME FERAIT PLAISIR JUSTE ME CONTACTER. JE VOUS FERAI TOUT PARVENIR! AYEZ UN PEU DE RESPECT POUR VOS CLIENTS ET RENDEZ LARGENT QUI NE VOUS APPARTIENT PAS!
12 August 2022 11:18
The staff is not qualified, the pool stinks of chlorine, there were a lot of bloody marks during our visit. Realtors hide the true number of apartments and their prices.
08 June 2022 18:50
I have been so pleased with my experience at Equinoxe. From clean, modern and new units, to amazing common facilities. The staff there is amazing and always willing to help. A special thank you to the building manager Nathalie for her outstanding work and dedication to every tenant.
07 June 2022 23:47
Having recently moved here from New York, our new building is the perfect blend of luxury city-living in a suburban surrounding— at a fraction of the cost! Nathalie and the staff have been incredibly accommodating, making my wife and toddler feel quickly at home. Having used the party room 3+ times already to host our extended family for events and dinners, the building has become a second home for our loved ones as well (and the kids can safely sneak out to the lounge to play pool or watch TV!)
07 June 2022 11:24
Un grand merci à Nathalie pour son professionnalisme et sa courtoisie. Merci aussi à tout le personnel.
08 April 2022 9:08
Je donne 5* pour la disponibilté de l'équipe de gestion et le privilège qu'on a eu ici.
Un grand Merci à Madame Nathalie pour son grand professionnalisme, sa courtoisie exemplaire et sa disponibilité.
L’immeuble est magnifique et très bien situé. Le logement est vraiment beau, vous avez tout pour ne pas vous ennuyer.
26 March 2022 14:53
Je souhaite ce genre d’expérience des plus hautement recommandée tant pour le lieu physique et surtout et avant tout par le personnel professionnel et humain en place en l’occurrence Nathalie sachant écouter le client afin que ce dernier puisse saisir toute l’information requise et finalement obtenir une décision éclairée et un choix judicieux dans un climat de confiance, d’harmonie évoluant dans un havre de paix où il y fait bon vivre. Merci à Michel pour ses mots de bienvenus si chaleureux qui vient cimenter le mieux être. MERCI DE TOUT CŒUR…
24 March 2022 1:12
Not worth the price
- the neighbours are loud: from screaming parents to children playing in the hall, the walls of this "concrete" building are not soundproof at all
- the balcony door does not fit its frame and the unit is poorly isolated from the weather
- the pool is often under maintenance and most tenants do not respect the masks nor booking rules at the gym
- elevators can take up to 20 minutes to provide service
- appliances are faulty and the electric work is poorly done
- tenants leave their trash infront of the garbage chute
- silverfish in bathroom for over a year
- i'm only giving 1 star because the janitor does a good job, otherwise nathalie and michel have not been useful
06 March 2022 15:45
We have been at the Equinoxe for just over a month and have been thrilled with everything. Nathalie made the move in process so easy and has gone above and beyond our expectations for any small and large asks. Our unit is modern and clean, and we are very comfortable in a 3 bedroom with 2 young children. The building facilities have been great for our children too. We can picture staying here for a while!
15 February 2022 13:40
Wonderful building. The staff has been super helpful in providing all the information for me to get settled. The move in process was very smooth. Looking forward to enjoying all the building has to offer!
28 January 2022 9:48
"I wanted to add a review here as we head in to 2022. Michel Ohayon our new manager CARES! I am happy that we have someone like Michel to go to! "
My original review was.
"From the day I moved in Nathalie has been amazing and continues to be amazing! It is because of her that we have someone to go to and get answers".

Thank you to Nathalie and Michel! You help us to have peace of mind going into 2022!
23 January 2022 21:57
A beautiful environment to live in. Michel, our new manager, is always ready to help and the building is looking clean and organized. Thank you Michel and Nathalie, you make a great team!
25 November 2021 23:26
This is a very nice place to live. We got tired of owning a home so we moved here. Terrific place and it kinda looks like the Beverly Hilton. I'll have to talk to Nathalie about adding "Room Service" {hahaha} 5 Stars
23 November 2021 19:43
My mother just moved in a few weeks ago and we are very happy with the place. Nathalie has been most helpful and patient with us as my mother adjusts to her new surroundings. The maintenance staff have fixed minor problems quickly. The building is welcoming, clean and well maintained. The views are spectacular! The location of the building is well situated for seniors with many facilities close by. Mum is looking forward to the next chapter in her life in her beautiful new home.
19 November 2021 0:22
Great, efficient, courteous response to all requests! Nathalie is great! Every building would be fortunate to have her on their team! It’s a real pleasure living at The Equinoxe! T
18 November 2021 5:12
Je ne laisse jamais de commentaires negatives, Cependant, il y a une mauvais gestion:
Aucune réponses à mes courriels ni mes messages vocaux. Ils ont un tres fort roulement de personnel, précisément en gestionnaire d’immeubles. Les matériaux utilisés semble tres <cheap>>. Plusieurs problèmes au niveau de la tuyauterie, nous avons vécu 2 à 4 jours sans eau chaude ou simplement sans eau, la piscine n’a pas été fonctionnel plusieurs semaines/mois. Plusieurs panne de courant, Ascenseur plusieurs fois bloqué, cela m’est arrive a être coincé environ 45 min avec mon enfant de 18mois. Mon loyer m’a été perçus en trop depuis 3 mois et aucune nouvelles de leur part suite a mes nombreux courriels et messages. D’autre souci vécu dont je m’abstiendrais. Je suis très déçu, moi qui voulait vivre dans un bel immeuble et payer un prix plus élevé afin d’avoir une certaine tranquillité d’esprit. Malheureusement cela n’a pas été le cas.
26 October 2021 18:31
I just had a very pleasant experience. FedEx delivered a huge box weighing 35kg and left it in the mailroom. I went to the front desk where the young man there said he would be happy to take it upstairs for me. When I offered him a tip he absolutely refused.
I wish to acknowledge when nice things happen.
12 October 2021 22:13
Where do I start? From electrical issues, to defective appliances, living in this building is like winning the lottery of unfortunate circumstances. Don’t get me started on the annoyingly loud neighbours who bang on the walls all day and grind their furniture across the floor every 5 minutes. The website says concrete walls. Yeah, that’s a joke. The staff is always unavailable, the automatic rent payments never go through. People will shout and slam their doors out in the hallway in the middle of the night. If this is supposed to be a luxury condo, I think someone forgot to add the luxury part. Living here is not worth the price. If I could pay to end my lease right now, I would. The only good thing about living here is that everyone owns a dog and they are all adorable.
1/10 I should have stayed in the ghetto
19 September 2021 5:43
After being here 3 years, going trough numerous problems electrical and water shortage, elevators that you wait sometimes 20 minutes, we got to this week to have a shortage of water, they told us is going to be only the hot water, 2 hours later we got an email that the water is cut off completely with no advance information, last night they were handing bottles of water, the manager purchased 4 gallon water bottles many older people living here and they had to carry water upstairs, this situation will carry for 3 days.
Paying more than $27.000 a year they offer a lousy compensation of $100.00, this an insult and a disgrace.
This building is completely out of control, do not let them impress you with a 5 stars lobby, the only AC is in the living room, during the summer the bedrooms can go up too 27 degrees.
If you want to come to a building like this.be my guest!
05 September 2021 14:02
It’s been almost 2 weeks since we’ve moved and we love our new appartement. A very nice environment, very helpful staff and great management. Nathalie is a sweetheart, she really does her best so you feel home here.
03 September 2021 6:38
I went to visit the place last week and it looks beautiful! However, the agent was not professional. For starters, there are no appointments, you call the agent, tell them you are here and you wait. I had to wait over 30 mins. I could’ve left if I wanted to but I stayed because I loved the place and I really wanted to visit the unit. 2nd, when we were going to visit the model, the agent walks inside the unit with my cousins and just closed the door. She should’ve told us to wait outside but no, the door gets slammed. 3rd, she was speaking way too fast and seemed to be in a hurry. All I want to say is, just treat everybody equally! I’m giving 2 stars because it is a beautiful place, but beware of the service you will be given. I will definitely look somewhere else.
22 August 2021 18:29
Très très très mauvaise expérience, je m, en souviens bien, été 2018, c'était un chantier plein de poussière toxiques et problèmes d'eau, électricité, ascenseur, parking, pollution etc.cependant ils m'avaient dit que tout était parfait et prêt, jai déménagé et c'était catastrophe, jai quitté 2 mois après et on m'a obligé de payer un mois de plus.
03 August 2021 14:17
My husband and me were extremely satisfied by the professionalism of Nathalie Pariente.
She took such good care of us during the transition. Everything was impeccable. We love the building which is maintained very clean.
25 July 2021 22:50
Looking for a rental for my client at the Marc Chagall Equinox was an enjoyable experience. Mrs. Nathalie Pariente customer service was impeccable. She is professional, pleasant and customer oriented. An asset to the administration.
24 July 2021 7:16
I only have good things to say about this building. The management team is exceptional (Both Nathalie & Oren) and the other tenants are very kind and helpful. They take the pandemic very seriously and make sure the Public Health rules are followed. The move-in was a breeze.
19 July 2021 11:04
My boyfriend and I just moved in and we could not be happier. The building is beautiful, the services are top notch and most importantly, the personnel has been helpful and effective at every step. In particular, Nathalie Pariente is not only kind but extremely professional and helpful. Because of covid, we had our appliances and furnitures delivered on various different days with little notice and Nathalie made sure that everything went smoothly, even when we couldn’t be there to receive the deliveries! Can’t say enough good things - highly recommended for any young couple who aren’t ready to buy just yet, but want a comfortable and high end lifestyle!
10 July 2021 19:18
On a fait affaire Nathalie pour la location, elle est extraordinaire. Elle est toujours disponible et toujours accueillante. Le logement est vraiment beau, vous avez tout pour ne pas vous ennuyer. Perso je recommande.
30 August 2020 2:03
My name is Gregory Kirzner and I moved in on November 27/2019. I have been dealing with Nathalie Pariente since early September and I am so delighted to have an individual that was great to work with. Everyone I met so far in the Equinox has been very happy living in this beautiful building.
27 August 2020 23:25
We moved in last month and so far everything is absolutely fantastic. Right from the first meeting with Nathalie to see an apartment, she has been terrific.efficient, knowledgeable and friendly. And everything that she promised she delivered on. And Oren as well, of course! We love it here.
Because we moved in right in the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic, we were super pleased and relieved to see how the building complies scrupulously with all the required preventative measures and how all the tenants do so as well.
We couldn't be happier!
10 July 2020 9:39
I moved to my new apartment Sep 26, I feel like I am in a 5 star hotel! The facilities are beautiful and the staff is always accommodating and very pleasant. Natalie, the rental agent, has been extremely helpful and kind and I hope to spend many more years in my beautiful apartment!
08 July 2020 9:46
Natalie and Oren are great. Benny is amazing.
Everyone in the building is friendly and the Friday night dinners are great. And of course there is Cooper and Portia who love getting together all the time to play.

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