06 January 2024 16:45
Evo is just okay. I appreciated the beds being full size instead of twin like my main campus housing and the fact that the bathroom was right inside my room. Its amenities are…well…let’s just say I have some mixed feelings:

The pool: I was the only one out of my whole group that used it and I enjoyed it. The water is so warm to the point where it actually feels nice when you’re in there swimming. My only complaint is the sheer amount of chlorine in there. I understand why, but you’ll feel it on your skin for the next 3 days at least and of course you’ll smell like it as well. So, just be prepared for that if you’re considering using it.

The kitchens: REALLY NEED SOME WORK! I had to deal with roaches in mine for a little while and it took them forever to fix the problem. What infuriated me more was the fact that I thought I was completely locked out of my only kitchen, but turns out, I had access to two other kitchens on other floors and none of the staff even told me! It would’ve been nice to know that at the beginning of the semester instead of like the third-to-last week. Even the other kitchens weren’t that clean either, but they were better than having to cook with roaches…

The laundry: To start, getting to the laundry room is like taking a trip through the backrooms. Then, you have to get really lucky to get working machines because most of them are either flooded, waterlog your clothes, or just don’t dry your clothes. The machines that are working are in use (of course) so the strategy that I used to get my laundry done was to wake up early or just stay up really late (like 3-4 A. M.late). They really gotta upgrade some of the machines or just do maintenance more consistently.

The store: I personally had no issues with it, but I think they should put some hours near it or something. Sometimes when I’ve wanted something, I’ll go down and it’ll be closed. It’d just be nicer to know their hours and if they’re consistent or not.

So…that was my experience. Evo is only getting three stars because the rooms are actually not bad at all, although my toilet was leaking when I moved in and it took them 8 weeks to come and fix it. The location is also convenient being right over the Square-Victoria-OACI Metro station.
01 October 2023 9:09
DO NOT even think of it. Out of the 15 dryers and washers they have, only 3 are working for the WHOLE building.old gym and game room equipment. Some rooms have broken lights and arent ready when you move in. You can find cheaper places with a way better experience somewhere else because management wont even do anything to help. Again DO NOT. Only think of it after they fix everything
06 September 2023 21:40
Franchement l’endroit n’est pas terrible pour le prix.
La salle de bain n’est pas rénové et donc de la rouille sur le robinet et la baignoire. Le bâtiment est recouvert de moquette ce qui n’est pas du tout hygiénique. Et pour couronner le tout une sorte d’odeur d’égout se dégage des toilettes durant la nuit.
La cuisine est toujours sale ce qui me donne même pas l’envie de cuisiner. Le personnel quant à eux ne sont pas du tout professionnel souvent ils n’ont pas réponse à ta question ce qui est inadmissible.
Dans la buanderie une machine sur deux fonctionne ce qui est synonyme de perte d’argent car on se retrouve à payer une machine pour qu’au final elle ne démarre pas.
L’agent de sécurité Alex est TRÈS DÉSAGRÉABLE et IRRESPECTUEUX il faudrait une formation supplémentaire.

Je vous déconseillerais d’y séjourner pour une longue période. Vous ne vous sentirez pas comme chez vous. Cependant le bâtiment est sympa et joli.
28 August 2023 18:16
Un service d'accueil au top prêt à prendre de son temps perso pour aller chercher un colis perdu à l'autre bout de la ville! Merci de votre gentillesse, de votre professionnalisme et de votre disponibilité.
14 August 2023 3:52
The price is too high for the bad facilities it has, the elevators are always broken, during the 3 months I was there they never repaired machines in the gym, we complained multiple times about the neighbors who were smoking marijuana on our floor and they never did anything
13 August 2023 15:24
J'y ai habité pendant 4 mois d'été de Mai à Aout, en reprise de bail. Ce qui m'a convaincu c'est le gym accessible 24/7 et la piscine. Les appartements sont très corrects, climatisés, et si pépin mécanique (porte, robinet.) juste en parler à la réception et le réparateur vient gratuitement généralement le jour même. 28 étages, beaucoup de locataires mais tout de même 6 ascenseurs c'est assez fluide dans l'ensemble. Je retire une étoile: la cuisine commune à chaque étage, certains locataires ne nettoient pas après utilisation ; aussi aucune fenêtre n'ouvre ça m'a beaucoup manqué de ne pas pouvoir respirer l'air extérieur. Niveau prix c'est vrai que si on compare avec une colocation de 3 ou 4 personnes ça revient cher pour les étudiants mais avec une telle localisation plein centre-ville (quartier des spectacles/vieux port 5 minutes à pied) et tous services inclus (dont réception de colis) je trouve l'offre Evo intéressante. Les réceptionnistes très serviables. C'est la gestionnaire Mlle Saoussan Houali qui s'occupait toujours de moi. Elle prenait toujours le temps de m'écouter me comprendre et faisait plus que son maximum pour répondre à mes besoins. Un service au top! De quoi se sentir privilégié. Je la recommande personnellement.
25 July 2023 8:01
Service isn't good. First of all they didn't tell me the check in time so i didn't know when I should go. So i went there in the morning with all my stuff and they said the room wasn't ready and to come back later so I did. This happened 3 times.they keep telling me the room isn't ready and it needed to be cleaned and everything. I came back the Fourth time and I finally got in. The room wasn't even completely clean there was dirt on the carpet as well as water on it somehow and just overall first impressions of the room was trash. Then when I went to complain they told me it was a "favour" that they gave me a room? I mean what favour I paid the money. Anyway the rooms are average I guess depending on ur expectations but I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone.
18 July 2023 21:31
I could not have dreamed for better! Saoussan welcomed me with professionality, the utmost hospitality, understanding, sincerity, amd friendliness. She deserves an award. My room is excellent with regards to cleanliness, functionality, and prosperity. I'm looking forward to my upcoming year here at Evo.
13 July 2023 21:49
Currently 2023 I don't like it so much, 6 years ago I came to this residence for the first time and everything was incredible. Today it may be that I see it with different eyes but, I don't like it very much
09 July 2023 18:48
Un bon endroit pour les étudiants à cause du staff bien organisé et très serviable surtout de la part de saoussan qui m’a beaucoup aidé.
04 July 2023 2:10
Bonne expérience le bâtiment est propre et le personnel est très efficace notamment Mme Saoussan Houali qui facilite grandement la gestion et les procédures de location.
29 June 2023 20:50
I liked the welcome I was offered and the good communication that I noticed, the assistance was continuous. If I have to do it again, I will come back to live the same experience.it was wow. I will recommend others to discover it.
26 June 2023 21:28
The staff is so unorganized I lived here for my first semester and just ONE incident was that they had a male roommate sent up to my room at 2 in the morning because they couldn’t figure out how to check their records and thought based on my name I was male. I would recommend finding literally anywhere else to live when moving to Montreal
20 June 2023 7:30
Want the WORST of a hotel and a dorm combined for 3x the cost of an apartment? Then you found the right place.
Others will be disappointed by the often rude, rarely available staff, barely furnished and deteriorating rooms, mold on the ceilings and curtains, disgusting mattresses, insecure and slow internet, broken bathrooms, and near-total lack of amenities. Further, they will find the location rather isolated, being down a steep hill from town, blocked from underground metro access on weekends, nights, and some days, and far far away from affordable food or essentials. Almost everything advertised on the EVO website is at best, neglected and disappointing, but most often totally nonexistent–including the kitchens. The mail does exist.but they refused to give me a key after I requested one 5 separate times.

I believe one or two floors are maintained and actually renovated, hence the 5 star reviews—all others have clearly been neglected since the 1970's.

Only pro is that the dep isn't bad, and I guess the elevators are fast once you can get to them.

If you come, expect to spend a minimum 150-300 on basic household essentials, 120-200 on cooking supplies, and 20-40/month on laundry.

If you do come or are stuck here, good luck! I hope you can make it work!
26 May 2023 9:20
Je me suis dit pour ne pas y passer l'été juste pour m crée une histoire. Et j'y suis allé. Je ne vous parlerai pas du prix mais c'est quand même bien situé, en plein centre ville
24 May 2023 1:50
Rooms were portrayed to be “luxury. ”
Reality is quite the opposite. The building is dated and the rooms are poorly renovated hotel rooms turned into doubles or if you’re lucky, a single.
The WiFi network might be the worst part though. The entire network is unsecure and accessible from even down the block. An absolute playground for anyone with even basic cybersecurity knowledge.
07 May 2023 2:21
Raby Pene simply shouted (used caps lock) in an email that she should just do her job and answer the questions, she indicated that she was out of patience when answering the questions that were asked.
02 May 2023 6:21
Visited here for potential student housing. Parents: please visit and make your own assessment. We found it to be in a desolate place, the front desk is gloomy. There is an escalator that takes you to the elevator but it seems anyone can go in and out. I did not see any security.

1. They do host 2 floors to homeless people, i did see a few families or refugees without a home and people homeless with mental health conditions. I asked the manager directly for these details. She said, “full disclosure, yes. Do you still want to see the room? ”
2. The communal kitchens are filthy as in FILTHY. Dirt and food crumbs etc on stove, table and counters. The manager said it’s up to residents to clean as the housekeeping has enough work to do.
3. Everything is carpeted and this includes the rooms, not hygienic, and one vacuum to rent.
4. Location is far enough to feel isolated from local cafes etc.
23 March 2023 5:21
I don’t like the staff. They are rude. One of them pulled me by had to prevent me to enter to the guest hall with my coat in hands. They wanted to made us to give our coats to the coat check while it costs $3 for each coat. In the bar also, they didn’t accepted credit card, just cash!
07 March 2023 4:58
I lived there for a month and even though the facilities are a little old, it is a great place to live especially if you are a student. The pool and gym are very good
19 December 2022 2:19
I stayed there for 3 months and the initial experience was already bad, they don't welcome you well, I was welcomed by a person who spoke only French and didn't even bother to try to explain how I could get into the building. The windows are screened even in the kitchen. The fire alarm goes off at any time of the day and night (I had the bad experience of ringing it 3 days in a row several times) and they don't explain what the procedure is. In the gym there are missing weights, the treadmills are always broken and the elliptical is bouncing loose on the floor. There are a lot of things broken or dirty which is annoying considering the price you pay! The laundry room always has many 'out of service' machines, and many times they broke right when I went to use it (the washing machine fills with water and does not turn, so you need to take your soaked clothes out of the machine, the dryer only heats up and does not run) and you lose money to keep redoing the process. If you're lucky you'll have a kitchen on your floor, otherwise you'll have to go to the 5th floor to find a dirty kitchen with dirty equipment. Kitchen without pots, spoons and cutlery. The only good point is the location.
28 November 2022 12:06
Absolument surréaliste! Même en faisant exprès, je ne parviendrais pas à être aussi mauvais qu'eux! MA carte a été bloquée à cause de mon roommate (donc absolument aucun rapport avec moi) à une heure du matin; on m'assure (à une heure du matin) que le problème sera réglé (automatiquement, sans mon intervention) dès le matin. On vient me réveiller à 8h30 pour absolument aucune raison, pour s'assurer que tout va bien et, le pompom, ma carte n'a absolument pas été réparée. Un manque de professionnalisme surréaliste! Quand on est une résidence ÉTUDIANTE, on ne vient pas toquer à 8h30, sinon on ouvre un ibis hotel.
Il y a 6 ascenseurs, mais seulement deux ou trois marchent; il ne faudrait pas non plus faire gagner du temps aux résidents étant donné qu'ils ne payent SEULEMENT qu'un rein chaque mois.
Presque mille dollars pour avoir été mis à un étage avec des gens de culture complètement différente, alors que des places pourraient être disponibles avec des gens plus adaptés.
Cuisine à partager immonde. Service d'hygiène qui vient tous les 29 février. Prises électriques et électroménager qui marchent une fois sur douze.
Lorsque je viens pour me plaindre (ce qui est le minimum au vu de ces prestations), on me dit "Tu veux que je résilie ton bail et que t'ailles dans une autre résidence? "; cela s'est passé il y a moins de dix minutes. On croirait à une mauvaise blague.
Même en faisant exprès, je ne sais pas si je parviendrais à être aussi à proposer un service tant déplorable et non-professionnel.
Comment ne pas parler des alarmes incendies complètement aléatoires du jour et de la nuit. Ne vous étonnez pas de l'entendre à 4h du matin le samedi ou le dimanche, ça fait parti de la politique de la maison.
Une entrée directe au métro est très pratique, malheureusement celle-ci ferme dès 20h. Pour toutes les personnes actives (ayant un travail), vous l'avez dans le baba (pur rester courtois, même si j'en perds mon yoga).
On nous vend une piscine lorsqu'on réserve; sur le papier, cela paraît génial, mais bin bam elle n'est pas chauffée. Pratique pour un pays où il fait -25°C. On saluera les ingénieurs!
Si vous avez le sommeil léger, bingo vous êtes au mauvaise endroit. Je pense que les stores sont faits de papier-mâché ou bien de papier A4 d'imprimante. Dès 7h30, vous aurez la chance d'assister au levé de soleil en live depuis la fenêtre; avantage: pas besoin de se lever pour ouvrir les stores.
Il est vrai qu'evo dispose d'un bel équipage de machines à laver; cependant, il est vrai que c'est plus pratique lorsqu'elles marchent n'est-ce pas? Il y a en permanence deux à trois machines inutilisables. Pratique pour une résidence de 600 personnes.
L'homme à la sécurité ne mange pas assez de carottes (connues pour améliorer son taux de sympathie). Cet homme se prend pour Dieu car il a le bip, alors que ce n'est juste qu'un fainéant. Il m'a fait atteindre 25 minutes en bas lorsque j'avais oublie ma carte car "il ne faut pas laisser le lobby tout seul" u jeudi 1h30 du matin. Pendant ces vingts minutes, je vous laisse deviner le nombre de passages: zéro.
Trouvez une autre résidence!

PS: pour les amateurs de cafards, vous allez être ravis par les toilettes

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