04 December 2023 9:30
Nick delivers fantastic results and helps you develop a connected relationship with your dog! He is an incredible e-collar trainer (please don't try DIY e-collar training). I hired him for his six 1: 1 training sessions plus the e-collar add-on and it changed my daily life for the better. Here's my story:

My australian shepherd Heidi was rarely engaged with me and had developed violent aggressive behaviour towards dogs at age 2. She is the cutest ever, and sweet as pie when we're alone inside the house, but walking her caused my family and I so much discomfort stress that I was mentally preparing myself to give my dear friend away. Although I learned so much and felt great about my consultation with Nick, I couldn't afford to work with him at the time. It was obvious that Nick could help me, but I opted to meet with two cheaper trainers.only to waste my time and money.

Eventually, I got the money together and took the leap!
**It has been so, so worth it**
My dog Heidi and I are living our fantasy. We are connected, happy and peaceful together. Instead of suffering through tense walks (or I should say pulls instead of walks) and tracking her down in the car after one of her runaways: now we walk on leash around the village for fun, and she comes back to me when I call her in from the field, even if she is on something's trail.

I didn't think it was possible to feel so relaxed with my dog. I'm forever grateful

Note: I don't believe I would have reached my goals as quickly and easily without the e-collar add-on. And, please don't try to train your dog yourself on the e-collar; you can really mess up your relationship and your dog's personality.
29 October 2023 5:47
After having tried another dog trainer and gotten nowhere I really hesitated to try working with someone else. I was so pleasantly surprised and impressed with Nick and the results that he got from our puppy. He really cares about the dogs and understands how they think and how to get the most from them. He sets up realistic goals and teaches the owners how to use his training in every day situations and they have made the biggest difference to the way that we feel when we are with our dog.
We gave Nick a puppy that we were having a lot of trouble with and we picked up a dog that was so well behaved and pleasant to be around. He’s a completely different dog…. Its incredible that Nick was able to achieve this in a few weeks!
We are enjoying and loving every second with our dog and owe this completely to the time that he spent with Nick.
Nick truly is wonderful and was a real life saver for us:)
25 October 2023 4:41
Max, our 3.5-year-old, 70-pound golden doodle, is a gentle giant who's wonderful with kids and not at all aggressive. However, his needy behavior when people come over, his penchant for pulling during walks due to his incredible strength, and his selective hearing when it comes to commands without food were starting to pose some challenges. That's when we decided to seek the expertise of Max Dog Trainer Nick. After a three-week training program, Max returned as a completely transformed dog. While he's still very needy, we now have the tools to correct this behavior. Walking with him has become much more manageable, and when he gets hyper, we can put him in his designated "place. " We've heard great things about Nick from friends who've used his services, and the hype is real! We're thrilled with Max's progress, though the real work is ongoing once you're back home. Nonetheless, Nick has armed us with all the right tools, and he's been incredibly responsive via email for any questions or concerns. We couldn't be happier with the results.
07 September 2023 2:31
Nick is amazing. So knowledgeable, compassionate, and perceptive. I brought him my nutty 8-month-old Aussidoodle (Tig), thinking there was no hope that my pup would ever listen / cooperate. Yesterday we brought home a new and improved pup. He listens and understands four invaluable commands: Heel, Place, Leave it, and Off. It has been transformative. I feel so much closer to Tig now. Thank you, Nick!
18 August 2023 1:26
Nick is incredible! Maya my high drive doberman loved him and her training. Onnthe other hand we learned new tricks and tips on how to best work and help her. I highly recommend!
05 June 2023 8:03
Nick is simply the best in the business. Don't waste your time looking at other dog trainers. His knowledge and expertise was immediately apparent during our consultation and working with him was a pleasure.
30 May 2023 17:06
I recently decided to enroll my four-legged companion, Kay-O, in a 3-week obedience training program. I am thrilled to share my experience and express my utmost satisfaction with the results.

Kay-O, a spirited and playful German Shepherd, has always been eager to learn but struggled with some behavioral challenges. I was apprehensive about leaving him for an extended period, but upon picking him up from Nick's boarding program, I was ecstatic to see the remarkable progress he had made.

Nick took the time to understand Kay-O's personality and needs, and he used positive reinforcement techniques to shape his behavior. He worked on basic commands, leash walking, and addressing his specific issues, such as jumping on people. I was provided with regular updates and reports on Kay-O's progress, which kept me informed and reassured that he was in capable hands.

Upon Kay-O's return, I was astounded by the transformation. His obedience and manners had improved significantly. He was calmer, more focused, and responded promptly to commands. His leash walking now are an absolute pleasure, and he had learned to greet people politely without jumping. His barking had reduced significantly, and he seemed more confident and well-behaved overall.

Nick also provided valuable guidance and training tips for me to continue reinforcing Kay-O's training at home. He took the time to explain the techniques he used and provided me with a detailed training plan tailored to Kay-O's needs. This support has been invaluable in maintaining Kay-O's progress and strengthening our bond.

I am overjoyed with the results of Kay-O's obedience training and immensely grateful to Nick as a skilled trainer. The level of professionalism, care, and expertise he demonstrated was exceptional, and it is evident that he genuinely care about the well-being and development of the dogs in their care. I highly recommend Nick's 3 week obedience training program to any dog owner seeking to improve their dog's behavior and strengthen their bond. Thank you Nick for providing top-notch training and helping Kay-O become a well-behaved and obedient companion!
08 March 2023 22:03
Nick is an absolutely incredible dog trainer! We came to him looking for help to crate train our 2 French bulldogs (aged 4 and 5) to prepare them for a long flight. One of them has broken out of multiple crates in the past and the other just completely refused since we got her so it was no easy task to say the least. Not only did Nick help us with the crates, he also trained them to stop pulling on the leash, jumping on people when they came in and to go to their “place”. Even after their stay at the kennel he was always there for additional help whenever we needed him. I do not have the words to express how grateful we are for the work he put in and could not have asked for a better outcome. Thank you Nick!
27 February 2023 15:54
I can’t thank you enough for training my beautiful German shepherd. Two different training schools, two different trainers (in school and private) with limited results addressing his behaviour. You understood him in a way no one else could. I had a dog I could barely take out of the house, could no longer walk him because of his reactivity to people, cars and other dogs. You gave me my dog back. Far exceeded my expectations. With your training he now walks without pulling and controls his emotions. Thank you again. You are a miracle worker
22 February 2023 8:06
We were looking for a hero to help us with Indy, our collie/lab puppy. We were at the point of thinking we would have to re home her because of her extreme reaction to cars, bicycles, dogs etc. After meeting Nick for a consultation, it was clear, he was the hero we were looking for. Nick's customer service, professionalism, dog training knowledge, passion, and his commitment to getting it right and getting results, was all beyond our expectations! Indy did the 3 week in kennel training and we couldn't be happier with the results. He helped us to understand what drives our puppy and how to have a successful relationship with her. We are grateful and thankful to have found Nick and have recommended him with out hesitation to friends and family. Once again, thank you Nick.
04 December 2022 1:29
Our dog Charlie was very agressive with other dogs when on a leash. We tried many trainers before but nothing worked until we met Nick.

Nick really understands what drives a dog’s behaviors and he helped us navigate that through the training.

Thank you Nick for all your help with Charlie!
29 November 2022 8:25
We have a 1.5 year old goldendoodle named Saint who has a lot of adrenaline and was incredibly difficult to deal with. We were unable to walk him without him dragging us down, and his reactiveness to other animals (dogs, cats, squirrels) was very high. He spent 3 weeks with Nick and came back with a whole new set of fundamentals that have allowed us to gain his focus and manage his behaviour. It was absolutely incredible the change we saw in the dog, and the respect our dog had for Nick. During our transfer session, Nick showed us everything, and it felt like a tv show seeing how well trained and behaved our dog was.

Nick is a true professional in every single interaction you will ever have with him. He is diligent in his responses, he is always on time, he takes as long as needed to train your dog (and you) and he genuinely cares about your objectives for your dog. He gave me regular updates while my dog was gone, and he spent hours with us for transfer training over several sessions to make sure we had continuity.

What's most important above all else is that Nick is an absolute wealth of knowledge. Speaking with Nick for a few weeks, and watching him engage with dogs taught me SO much that I never would have learned from any other source. He is an A+ teacher (both for dogs and humans) and I can't imagine what more he could have done to help us.
20 November 2022 0:49
Archie est un goldendoodle extrêmement anxieux et réactif qui avait besoin d'un entraîneur canin hors-pair pour mieux encadrer ses comportements, et c'est exactement ce que nous avons trouvé en Nick, qui l'a entraîné pendant 3 semaines. Non seulement Nick a-t-il pu nous aider à mieux contrôler les réactions d'Archie, il a aussi pu nous aider à être de meilleurs maîtres pour lui (et à mieux comprendre notre chien). Nick a principalement travaillé 3 commandes avec Archie, soit 'au pieds', 'place' et 'laisse', 3 commandes qui nous sont fort utiles lorsqu'Archie vit un épisode stressant. Du travail reste à être accompli avec notre chien, mais nous sommes définitivement mieux outillés pour l'accomplir, et nous gardons en Nick une ressource à vie pour nous accompagner dans ce travail. Chapeau Nick!
18 October 2022 3:09
Our extremely reactive doberman, Bailey, has been such a joy on walks ever since she did the 3 week train and board program. Taking her outside was once such a nightmare. I would get stressed thinking about the upcoming walk and tried to adapt by taking her out during unusual hours. We live in a neighborhood full of dogs so severe reactions were more likely to occur than not. Now I can’t wait to get outside with her. We can enjoy long walks without worrying about the other dogs around us. She walks in a perfect heel and it is much easier to manage her reactivity. Everyone that has seen her before and after Nick’s training is shocked at how well-behaved she is. Thanks to Nick, Bailey is happier and less anxious - and so are we! He’s also been incredibly supportive via email whenever we have questions.
10 October 2022 5:28
Nick is indeed amazing! My dog Ben he just came back 2 days ago from in kennel training, he was overexcited and sometimes hard to handle Dalmatian. I had before few training sessions with another trainer but I was still struggling with his level of energy in everyday situations. It occurred that he is in fact really keen to get trained, he just needed a good hand there which Nick definitely knew how to work with him. It has been only 2 days but I have a dog who listens now, reacts to commends, I have tools to manage him better and you could see during transfer session how he loves Nick! Nick is also very responsive, makes sure after transfer all is going good, there is also follow up session if needed. On top of that he made me see in my dog what I didn’t see before, that he is not just sweet but overexcited, sometimes hard to handle big pup but very keen to learn, smart and sensitive for training dog. So happy I reached out to Nick.
27 September 2022 2:27
Our dog was a "nordic dog" of mixed breed (husky, german shepherd.). After a meeting in person, we agreed to do the board and train program plus the agression special program. He was 5 month old. We also agreed to use the "shock collar" method that was proposed to us, not realy knowing what it involved but really reasured by the trainer. He came back a couple of weeks later.transformed. 3 month passed and the dog (that now was hitting puberty), became more and more agressive with us. When the big collapse happened, we contacted many time the owner of Family K9, we received no calls back, email. We had the dog seen by a dog behaviorist. Result: He was only agressive with us and particularly after his castration, and not with stangers. He assimilated us with the shock collar. We had to surrender him to a good family. We paid about 5000$ to have our relationship with our dog destoyed. We are responsable ultimatly to have used such a device. We learned after this experience that shock collar is NOT a good way to train a pet and particularly a juvenile. But the responsability is also on Family K9. No supports, no explaination, no corrective behaviour. Shock collar "train" fast.very fast, 2/3 weeks in board training. Interestingly, there is no mention or no pictures on Family K9 website revealing the use of such device. I do not recommande this trainer AT ALL as a boarding training center.
28 August 2022 18:47
My 1 year old Portuguese Water Dog is an energetic, silly and smart dog. We were having issues with her behaviour, she jumps on people and sometimes this can be scary or annoying for guests, now we are working on “place” until she settles down. She is very mouthy and this can be very annoying especially for my daughter. After 3 weeks with Nick she is much better. She is still her silly self but we have to maintain her training. Thank you Nick!
18 August 2022 15:21
Excellente première rencontre! Nick est à l'écoute et connaît son domaine c'est clair! J'ai pas encore fait le training complet mais clairement Nick sera la bonne personne pour accomplir cette tâche. J'ai juste hâte de commencer!
03 January 2022 23:29
My year old German Shepherd, Jessie, has always been an extremely alert and anxious dog even as a puppy. Her fearfulness (to people, dogs, or anything that spooked her) would often lead to reactivity, which made her incredibly difficult to control especially in busy streets downtown. Walks had become stressful not only for her, but also for the handler because you never knew what might trigger her and when.
Thanks to Nick's Board & Train program, Jessie is now so much more manageable and responsive to her commands, walks at our side with a completely loose leash, and clearly knows her rights from wrongs. Nick also helped me better understand that Jessie will always have that "alert" personality and her doubts on things. Training won't exactly change that. Certain situations will still be very stressful for her, and that's okay, because now we have the right knowledge and techniques to guide her, and to prevent those high stress occurrences in the first place.
Thank you Nick for giving our dog a solid foundation to build on, and for teaching me how to be a more effective leader for her too.
20 December 2021 4:16
Our dog Toro was 11 months old when we went to Nick for help. Toro isn't a bad dog, but we didn't know how to bring him from always being at 100 to a 1 when needed. Place training was like a game for Toro because we didn't have the proper tools. Just after 1 day of having Toro back home, I was able to eat my lunch while Toro stayed in his place and didn't beg for food. I'm amazed! As I'm writing this, Toro went to take a nap on his own which he would never do unless I put him in his crate. We love Toro being on the couch with us but when guests come over we would want him in his place and it was such a struggle. Two days after having Toro back, he went straight to his place from the couch without any issues! Walking is fun again and not a struggle. And now I know how to correrct Toro when he needs a little reminder from a heal. We're very grateful for the work Nick did with Toro and see such an improvement in who Toro is as a dog. It's made our bonds stronger and we're able to understand each other now. Thank you for everything you've done and for answering ALL my questions:) Can't wait to show the progress during our next transfer session. Not only did you teach Toro but you also taught us, making us more confident with Toro!
-Jess & Ben
18 December 2021 20:42
My 1.5 year old Cockapoo has anxiety aggression. He started to snap at visitors in my house and most dogs he would meet on our walks. Nick explained that everything is a threat to Harley and we need to provide him with the structure and leadership he needs to feel safe. Harley worked so hard for Nick to learn the commands he needs. Nick showed us how to use them and practice. We are only a few days back home but Harley is a much calmer dog and therefore happier. It’s now up to us to keep this structure in place! Thank you Nick! You’re a dog genius!
17 December 2021 1:13
Nick has clearly devoted his life to the understanding of dog psychology. Analytical at every level with superior approaches that provide results.
We have two Huskadors and were basically in despair with their excessive energy levels and raw behaviour.
Nick has provided us a rather large windows of hope for these wonderful creatures to better assimilate with human expectations.
Keep up this amazing work.
07 December 2021 5:38
I sent my dog Wilson for 3 weeks at family k9 where he was trained by Nick. My dog is a 9month old golden retreiver, who was always tugging me around and jumping on me and wrestling with me whenever we would go on walks. I dreaded taking him for walks or just playing in the park. He is One very intense dog! Sending him to family k9 was the best decision ever, my dog now heels and walks great on the leash. Nick gave me some very important advice and training techniques to use with my dog. The difference before and after is just amazing! I have a much better relationship with my dog now, and going for walks are now very much different than before. I recommend highly. I would not hesitate, the difference is night and day.
01 December 2021 1:54
Nous étions un peu pour ne pas dire beaucoup! Désespérés avec nos deux husky d'un an.heureusement on a été référés à Nick. C est un êntraineur exceptionnel avec les animaux.il a une très bonne connaissance et une approche incroyable, aucune maltraitance ni force abusive, ça paraît qu'il est passionné par son métier.tout ce qu'il fait comme technique il prend le temps de nous l' expliquer pourquoi il le fait. ça nous aide grandement à mieux comprendre nos chiens. Les prochaines années seront beaucoup plus agréables avec nos deux amours grâce à Nick!
05 November 2021 13:23
Nick taught both our dog and us (as the owners) the necessary tools and groundwork to instill obedience in our puppy. We were so impressed to learn what our puppy is capable of with Nick’s skills and expertise after spending three-weeks with Nick. Our puppy is much more attentive and responsive to our commands and as owners, we feel as though we have much more control over our dog’s behaviors.
01 November 2021 0:07
I have a small dog named Milo who has been living in constant fear of the world around him. Every daily activity became a nightmare. I had messaged with a few trainers, and I immediately felt a connection with Nick. He really took all of our story and circumstances into account and listened with respect and empathy.

Milo's transformation after taking part in the 3 week boarding program is incredible. His whole demeanor is already completely relaxed compared to who he was before. And now I have all the tools I need to properly correct his behaviour, and understand how and when to correct, so that my own behaviour doesn't negatively affect his growth and obedience.

Before this program, I had no idea how I was going to continue a life with milo, and now I truly feel we have a fresh start and that I have the proper tools to move forward.

Thanks again so much to Nick for making this possible!
30 October 2021 2:42
Nick gave me the tools I needed to be a more confident pet parent. He tweaked some everyday commands we were having trouble with, and we have been seeing so much progress.
09 October 2021 19:42
Our dog Rambo was 8 months when we had decided to begin the obedience training with Nick. We were having on going issues that were worsening with his biting. Walking him outside was risky as we would never know when he would decide to randomly jump up and start biting. Nick right away helped us understand how to change our habits and give us different tools to help him be the best dog he can.

After each session we would see very good improvements. Continuing the training at home and staying consistent has changed Rambo to a whole different dog than when we first brought him. Playing and walks have since become a much more enjoyable activity. He listens to commands and understands right from wrong.

When I began looking for trainers I stumbled upon Nick. I read the reviews and saw very good ones. I right away knew that we were going to go through with Family K9. In each session you can see how passionate and knowledgeable he is about his work. I would recommend family K9 to anyone who is in need of a trainer. My family and I are very happy and thankful for the help Nick has given us. Rambo has turned into such a fun-loving dog.
29 August 2021 12:36
Nick from Family K9 is the place to go for dog training. I scoured endlessly for reliable and professional dog training for my 1 year old, 70 pound Boxer Labrador and came across Family K9. Now, after picking my dog up a week ago from the 3 week in-kennel training program with Nick, I can say that all reviews are definitely accurate, very true and this experience was worth every penny.

To say that so much can be improved on in 3 weeks is crazy. Before bringing Kobe to see Nick, he would take me for walks and would not listen to commands without having treats present at all times. With his hyper and high energy personality, it was very difficult to keep him focussed around distractions, let alone get his attention. After 3 weeks, it is as if Kobe has come back a new dog. His treat driven mindset has completely disappeared. His walking, obedience, focus, attention, capabilities and the list goes on is impeccable.

Nick constantly kept me updated with emails, pictures and videos on how my dog was doing and seemed as if Kobe was having a blast. I could not be happier with how everything turned out!

Thank you very much Nick!
09 August 2021 17:46
If we could give nick 10 stars we would. We brought in our 5 month old pitbull Lola and he guided us in teaching her how to heel and not pull on the leash, how to sit, stay, come and so much more. His experience and vast knowledge of breeds is such a plus and we would 100% recommend him to anyone who wants to train their dog. We finished our course with a deeper understanding of our dog, what goes into training a dog and most importantly how to maintain everything she learned in the long run. If you are reading through reviews like I did when I was searching for a good experienced dog trainer, look no further because nick is the real deal! Thanks again Nick!
13 June 2021 18:16
We just picked up our dog, Peppino from his 3 week in kennel program. At first, we hesitated doing an in kennel program just because the thought of being away from our dog for that period of time worried us, but we are SO glad we did. It was the best thing we could have done for our dog.

Nick kept us up to date weekly, sent us pictures and videos and it was so clear Peppino was literally having the time of his life!

Nick is amazing to work with and his passion shines through in his work. At our transfer lesson, Nick took the time to show us how to continue the training at home and gave us the opportunity to ask all the questions we had. We left there feeling so positive about Peppino's transition back home. He made it clear that even though Peppino completed his three weeks, we were free to ask him questions any time, and he'd be there for us.

Thank you so much Nick!

Vanessa, David and of course your buddy Pepster
12 February 2021 14:09
Nick is a true professional. I've worked with Nick for my last 4 dogs, from complete training to an hour long session for something specific. Nick listens and easily solves any problems. In just 30 minutes he had Bailey heeling perfectly. I recommend Nick without hesitation.
04 January 2021 12:11
Having Nick train our dog has been life-changing - and I’m not saying that lightly. Our husky mix, Fruit, is an anxious, reactive dog. He would pull a lot when we were walking him- especially if he saw another dog or even just a person walking towards us.
Nick not only did an amazing job training Fruit, he also helped me understand what I needed to do to help ease Fruit’s anxiety. I am more confident because I am in control. Fruit senses that and this allows him to relax.
There is such a difference in his behaviour, that I have actually looked down a few times to make sure he was still there!
Fruit’s attention is on me now, so he is less concerned with other dogs and people. The odd time he does start to react, I use the “leave it” command that Nick taught him and Fruit snaps back into place. Frankly, we are BOTH less anxious now on our walks!
I highly recommend Family K9. If you’re on the fence about it, just do it. You won’t regret it.
07 December 2020 8:40
We got in touch with Nick through a client of his.
Nick came and did 3 puppy sessions with us when our puppy was 3 months old.
He has incredible patience - both with the dog and with our endless questions!
He taught us how to make sure our dog was a polite member of the household (no bite, down and crate training). But the most valuable lesson he gave us was how to enjoy her and let her be a puppy, how to play with her on her level (and not be manipulated) as well as to understand that there is time in the future to train the ABCs and now is the time to get to know her and enjoy her "puppy time".
We so enjoyed working with Nick, that she is now with him for a 3 week intensive course!
01 June 2019 2:27
My husband and I are truly thrilled and impressed with the training that our dog has received. I have a large labradoodle (75 to 80 lbs) whose energy level is through the roof. I had tried 2 different trainers in my area with no success. One of the trainers told me it was the breed and that I would have no luck before he turns at least 5 years old! I then got on the computer and searched. I found the family K9 website and as I watched the videos and read the testimonials I realized that this had to be it. I was impressed when my husband and I first met with Nick, with his professionalism, his love of dogs, and the attention he paid to my list of complaints.

I walk with a cane at a slow pace and Nick was able to take my extremely rambuctious dog and in-kennel train him to heel and walk at my pace. The dog also now respects place and I am no longer fighting him at the door when I need to open the door for guests. Miracle of miracles he is no longer jumping on guests or stealing food. Jackson (my labradoodle) is so much better behaved and he has learned, and is continuing, to self manage his excitement level. Of course, we continue to work with him at home, but he is already trained and I am able to follow-up on that.

I would recommend Nick Zevgolis to anyone that I meet that is looking for a serious dog trainer with a love of dogs. My dog`s behavour is so vastly improved, that I cannot thank Nick enough. The in-kennel training was worth every penny.

Thanks so very much Nick,

Shirley and Ranny
02 April 2019 19:00
I am really grateful for Nick and Family K9.
He was able to work magic with my young male Lab mix, Parker who is a very high energy and happy dog.
Everyone loves his enthusiasm and energy but his ability to understand and obey commands were practically non existent.
Biting, however playful became a nuisance as he would ruin sweaters and jackets.
Chewing and frequent accidents were really starting to become unbearable.
Nick was able to train in a very humane and caring way and show me and explain why and what I needed to do as well.
In a very short time Parker is still a very happy dog and now his owner is as well:)
Chewing, accidents, biting and such are in control now and I’m looking forward to many great years with Parker.
Thank you Nick!
14 December 2018 23:14
Bringing our German Shepherd to Nick’s 3-week board-and-train was the best decision we could have made for our dog and our relationship with him. Before training, it had gotten to a point where it was extremely difficult (almost impossible) to walk him; he constantly lunged and barked at cars, squirrels, birds, bikes.and basically everything that moved. After training, we noticed a huge different immediately - our GSD listened to us, focused on us, and all of a sudden we were able to do so much more with him! Another change we hadn’t anticipated, is that upon returning home with us he was suddenly able to relax and chill indoors, and we didn’t have to watch him like a hawk as we always had before. Walking with him is easy and enjoyable now, and our relationship has become so much better and stronger! We continue to do more advanced training with Nick, and our GSD continues to excel. We get so many compliments on how well behaved our dog is now from friends and strangers, and he just keeps getting better!
10 December 2018 9:09
In 2 short weeks Nick was able to teach our anxious, spoiled, destructive and stubborn 10 month old puggle how to be calm and self controlled. At the same time he works with the family, teaching us the skills we need to continue correcting our dog’s behaviour. Kenzo now knows his ‘’place’’, allowing for stress free family mealtimes. He responds to a firm ‘’leave it’’ so we no longer chase him wildly round the house trying to remove shoes and other objects from his mouth. Nick is an extremely knowledgeable professional and very pleasant to work with. Thanks again and we will keep you updated!
19 September 2018 22:21
Without exaggeration, hiring Nick was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. As a first time dog owner (of an energetic German Shepherd puppy), I was having a lot of trouble in many elements of my day to day life with my dog. As he grew larger, it became more and more of a problem. I had trouble walking him, I could never let him out of my sight when indoors, and his outbursts of energy became uncontrollable.

After going through the two week training with Nick, it’s like having a different dog. I am now able to work on my computer while he sits quietly next to me, I am able to walk him without being dragged around or having him bark at every dog or squirrel that comes by, and I am able to make him wait on his bed, even when the doorbell rings and his emotions are hightened. More importantly though, Cooper is a much happier dog in general. He enjoys his training and our relationship has gotten infinitely better now that he understands what I’m asking of him. Instead of his outbursts of energy being negative and destructive, they are now channeled into playtime and/or training.

As for Nick, he is a kind, punctual, and thorough person. He is always happy to answer any questions or concerns, he takes the time to explain how and why certain things are done the way they are, and he is loving towards my dog. He is a true professional. The most obvious indicator to me that Nick is great at what he does, besides how happy and obedient
Cooper is during his training, is how much Cooper loves him.

I never imagined I would see this much improvement in just a couple of weeks. If I ever have another dog, I will most definitely be calling Nick again, and I don’t hesitate to strongly recommend him to anyone I know that has a dog (of any age).
29 August 2018 17:18
Our long hair GSD, Gustav, spend 3 weeks at Nick's bootcamp. He was agressive towards other dogs and had other behavioural issues to correct. It was a tough decision to send him but it was worth every penny. It has now been a couple of months since he has come back and he is happy, well behaved and is calm and controlled around other dogs. We do need to continue the training and never let him slip back into his bad habits, but we now have the tools and understanding to do it and so does Gustav! I highly recommend Nick as a professional, conscientious, straight forward and responsible dog trainer.
27 August 2018 17:24
Hi Nick!

I thought I'd write and tell you how well Aza is doing

It's been almost a year since you've trained her. She will be 2 years old in October.

She is doing so good! Her confidence is great. She walks without pulling my arm off. On our walks, we see cats, squirrels and dogs tied up to balcony railings that run towards us. Aza sees it all, but ignores it. Just keeps walking. Sometimes, she'll make a scooby doo sound, but she listens to my 'leave it' command 100% of the time.

She is able to hold her 'place' as well. She doesn't show that fear/aggressive thing she used to do. Of course she will tell me when someone's at the door (she's my doorbell) but she doesn't act like a psycho dog. She's alert, but as soon as I tell her to leave it, she leaves it.

I can now sign for a parcel, she sits beside me and doesn't move.

She is now much more cuddly than she used to be. She lets me hug and kiss her. Last year, she would growl at me if she felt trapped.

She's a super good big sister with little Ruby, always has her back. She's also a good teacher.

Aza has become a calm dog, I feel she trusts me and my decisions now, more than ever.

Recall is SUPER AWESOME. When we go to the dog park, I don't have to run after her and catch her when it's time to go home. I just call her and in a split second, she's beside me, no fuss.

Because I got her at almost 8 months, it took awhile for both of us to get to know each other.

She is now my shadow, always by my side. I will never pee alone. Ever. Again. LOLLL

Nick, I am beyond grateful for the work you did with her. I wanted her to have the best possible trainer/training.and that's what she got with you!

Oh and BTW, I only put her training collar on in very rare occasions. But I never have to press the button. She knows

Thank you on behalf of Aza, I know for a fact she is happier being so confident.and a bit cheeky at times, but in a good way

Wishing you a wonderful week!

06 May 2018 10:37
I can only say good things about my experience.
Nick is very Professionel and really knows what he is doing. He’s very patient, gives great advice and always takes the extra time with the owner and the dog.
I have a very big German shepherd and i now feel more than ever in control. My dog also feel very much more confident. There is no better felling then walking your dog no leash (I still don’t do it very much just as precaution).
No more of pulling on the leash, that’s also a very very good thing!
I recommend Nick’s training at 110%
29 April 2018 1:39
When I adopted my 3 year old retired racing greyhound he had never experienced stairs. I had to teach him how to go up them. He figured out how to go down them by himself - for about 6 months. Then winter came and the salt bins were moved beside door to go outside. Goblin perceived they were in his way. He stumbled and cut his hocks. From there, over 2 months period, it developed into a full out phobia of the stairs. It got so bad, my neighbour was carrying my 75 lb dog down the stairs. I hired a trainer from another company. I realized after one session that she didn’t have a clue of how to deal with his intense fear. If I didn’t find a solution fast, I would have to give up my dog. I was terrified and devastated. Then I contacted Nick. He was a God send. He worked with Goblin to help him get past his fear and regain his confidence. Then he did the same for me. Without his teaching, I would have had to give up my dog. I’m forever grateful for all he taught us both.

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