13 November 2023 22:21
J'ai commandé un iPhone chez Apple, livraison via Fedex Dorval, après chargement il est écrit dans la voiture, la date de livraison est inconnue et le téléphone a disparu.volé dans ce fedex, n'attendez pas votre commande, annulez immédiatement
12 October 2023 8:20
After reading some of the scary reviews, I didn't have high hopes to get my parcel. But I was surprised how easy it was! The person at the entrance was nice, and I only had to wait 10 minutes for my package to show up. I will not be using FedEx again in the future because their call service is absolutely useless and their tracking system is completely off, but the interactions and service that I got from the people working here was all positive. Thank you!
11 October 2023 7:28
Je n'ai jamais reçu ma commande. Depuis qu'il est arrivé dans ce centre, il est resté coincé. J'ai reçu un courriel me disant que mon envoyé ne peut être localisé. D'après moi, un employé FedEx a sûrement volé le paquet. Éviter FedEx. Le service à la clientèle n'est pas très bon, j'ai dû rappeler plusieurs fois pour qu'il se rende compte qu'il y avait un problème avec mon colis. Il faut leur rappeler. Ce point de service ne devrait même pas avoir le droit d'exister.
28 July 2023 10:33
I have yet to recieved a paycheck, a full month after leaving, and There is no way I could talk to anyone about it. You guys are bad!
20 July 2023 3:19
Horrible service. J'attends mon colis depuis plus d'une semaine. Lorsque je téléphone afin de confirmer mon adresse, on me dit qu'ils ne peuvent pas divulguer l'adresse du récipendiaire. C'est ridicule. Et là, on me donne l'option de ramasser mon colis chez Fedex à Dorval, ce que je refuse car la livraison était incluse lors de l'achat. Pourriture de service!
16 March 2023 14:44
Incompetent, bad customer service, asked me to come pickup my 24kg package myself at their warehouse. 5 days attempted delivery, called, escalated, waited. Very typical from what I read in the comments. How are they still in business? The pinnacle of what a bad company is like, from my experience.
06 July 2022 18:57
J'ai détesté faire affaire avec eux. C'est la première fois que j'écris un commentaire tellement le service est mauvais. J'attend depuis 3 semaines mon colis qui est supposé se faire livré chez moi, pendant une semaine il me disait que je n'avais pas répondu quand j'étais présente toute la journée (ils ne sont jamais venu sonner). Ensuite, j'ai mis a un point de dépot je me suis dit que sa serait moins compliqué pour eux.deux semaines plus tard il me dise que je peut aller le chercher, pour me faire dire que ce point de dépot est fermé depuis plusieurs mois, voyons donc! Ensuite il me dise d'aller le chercher a Fedex ground, sans adresse précise, je n'ai jamais vue un tel service.
02 July 2022 8:04
If I could give 0 stars I would. Packages always say out for delivery all day and they’re never delivered. Drivers are always lying about making delivery attempts when I have cameras that show they didn’t come up my street at all. Horrible service.
24 May 2022 14:46
J'ai placé ma commande à une compagnie X dimanche. Lundi, la compagnie me dit que c'est ramassé par FedEx. Selon le tracking, je devrais recevoir mon colis le mardi. Mardi soir, toujours pas reçu mon colis et selon le tracking, mon colis était sorti pour la livraison et pour une raison que j'ignore, est retourner à Dorval. Même manège pour mardi et mercredi. Mercredi soir, je reçois un appel de fedex ground à Dorval pour me dire qu'ils veulent confirmer mon adresse. Service en anglais seulement. Super! Jeudi, "colis sorti pour livraison " et savez-vous quoi? Pas reçu non plus! Dites moi qu'on a des recours!? Épouvantable comme service de livraison!
19 December 2021 1:28
I have never seen a post service this bad, and I have lived 30 yrs in middle east! Such a shame to see such a poor service inside the Canada. And I wonder why big names like best buy working with these people. Truly disappointing
12 November 2021 17:51
Worst service ever. Nobody can get into contact with the driver. Always an ooops, sorry, can't deliver today.maybe tomorrow. But tomorrow NEVER comes.
22 April 2021 15:28
This facility's management are the product of inbred breeding. Every package I receive that goes through this facility is broken or mishandled. Several packages. Horrible customer service, no accountability, should be closed, permanently.
06 April 2021 5:10
Ma livraison censée être dans un centre fedex en ville n’arrête pas d’être repoussée sans aucune raison alors que celle-ci ne bouge jamais de DORVAL! Service nullissime!
08 March 2021 4:20
Colis jamais reçu malgré que selon le #tracking c’était livré. Contact avec le service à la clientèle. Me dise que le tout sera réglée de 1 à 3 jours ouvrables. Pas de nouvelles le 3e jours. J’ai téléphoné à nouveau et finalement je dois contacté le shipper pour avoir une nouvelle commande. FedEx s’organise avec le shipper pour le retour.
J’ai été chercher mon colis directement chez le shipper finalement.
12 February 2021 3:37
Horrible! Ça fait 4 jours sans nouvelle de mon colis! J'apelle FedEx et ils disent que dorval ne répond pas! Très mauvais service. Je ne sais pas où est mon colis ou comment l'avoir.
14 January 2021 9:18
The delivery person could take 2 seconds of their life to read delivery instructions that I leave in my mailing address on the package AND on my mailbox.but nope.
29 November 2020 4:18
Great place, actually I am a worker and I like it here. Flexible hours and great managers, staff and employees. I love this place.
30 October 2020 6:28
DECEPTION.the company did not deliver the package to me while I was at home waiting for it been monitoring tracking on the website. After a while, it appeared on the website that "the package was not delivered because the client was not there to receive the package. " Therefore, delivery is redirected to the next day. Although I did not receive any notification from the delivery man. I HAD TO GO TO THE WAREHOUSE FOR THE PARCEL.
24 September 2020 0:55
J'ai pris la peine d'appeler pour faire changer ma date de livraison et de confirmer trois fois que c'était fait, ils ont quand même livré la seule journée ou je n'était pas là. Et ce n'est pas la première fois que j'ai un aussi mauvais service.
17 August 2020 7:10
I actually hate going to this place. I usually don’t write reviews unless I really love or really hate a place especially when it’s easy fix to hire someone to grab deliveries or not make this place a pick up for customers all together. I’ve never waited so long for my package, every time it’s about 20+ mins. Even the person working in the front is frustrated that no one answers his/her calls that customers are here to pick up packages. This place needs to be more efficient.
09 August 2020 0:49
Worst courier ever! I was waiting nobody rang the bell.what they do, they will just put the notice and let you pick up the package. I hate it when the seller offer free delivery, they choose unreliable courier!
15 April 2020 4:27
Je viens de recevoir mon colis provenant de fedex Dorval. Il m'a été livré à la porte dans un état désastreux. La boîte était très lourde et il est évident que le livreur l'a traînée sur le jusqu'à ma porte. Un article dans la boîte a été sévèrement abîmé. Maintenant je dois faire des démarches pour faire remplacer cet article. Génial. Dommage que je ne puisse pas mettre une seule étoile.
12 April 2020 20:07
Extremely RUDE while delivering, if I would give 0 star, I definitely would. Picked up a phone call and rushed downstairs, the delivery person DISAPPEARED! Only 2 minutes passed. You woke me up and required me to wait for you from 7am till the end of day at the door and can’t leave?
27 March 2020 14:35
Tant l'employé de la sécurité à l'entrée que l'employé qui m'a donner mon colis, ils étaient fort dévoué à leur emploi. Je n'ai rien à dire pour le service que j'ai eu! Tout était conforme! Continuez votre bon travail.
07 February 2020 9:50
I went there to pick up my package which was so said to be attempted to be delivered 3 times, but only once in reality. The staff is helpful and quickly helped me to get my delivery. The problem is not the place but the home delivery service of Fedex.
20 January 2020 0:58
Pire compagnie de livraison! Il passe a 12h les deux premiers jours, of course je ne suis pas à la maison, je travail. Ensuite la dernière journée de tentative je reste à la maison toute la journée, et finalement je reçoit un appel à 8h le soir me disant que le colis à été livré au Ground Terminal dans le West Island.j’habites à ahuntsic. Je me rends au ground terminal c’est même pas un comptoir c’est genre l’usine FedEx on me dit d’attendre dans mon auto et me dit aucune autre information, ça fait 20 minutes que j’attends dans l’auto et personne améne mon colis, une vraie joke cette compagnie!
03 January 2020 5:11
Made us wait for 2 hours before delivering the package!
Receptionist was very rude and not helpful at all!
The home delivery of Fedex is the worst!
05 December 2019 7:06
Worst service ever. The two delivery attempts I was at work. The third attempt I was at home and no one rang the or knocked the door. However, I received a phone call telling me they made a third attempt. The delivery person completely lied about their attempt. Telling me my delivery will be back out NEXT WEEK. When I called customer service my package was in DORVAL an hour drive away from my home. I don't understand why they don't just drop it off at the nearest Terminal for pick up? I rearranged my pick up site for a terminal clearer, THANK GOD.

04 January 2019 19:04
I was home looking out the window for 3 days and their drivers claim to have come by when they never did, then they forced me to come pick up the package here where they made me wait for two hours for them to find the package at this warehouse facility. The package was severely damaged ontop of that. Terrible and rude customer service. I'll never deal with them again.
28 December 2018 6:05
I will not waist my time repeating everything everyone has been saying because we've all had the same experience. You've been warned
15 December 2018 22:55
Worst company on the planet. Their phone customer service is just useless, whatever they tell is not true and they do not know what they are doing, incompetent staff, they have no knowledge or control on anything about the process. They tell you oh once the package arrives at this fedex center, they will call you. Hell no! They do not notice you when the delievery is unsuccessful or returned nothing they do not leave a notice at your appartment when you are not there. No Communication or respect for their customers packages. HORRIBLE! I have never encountered such incompetency in my life!
29 November 2018 14:34
Terrible customer service, what incompetence. Driver pulls up to the door and asks when someone (other than me) will be home so they can take the package out of the truck? !? ! Left with my package, saying no one was home and that a signature is required. When I called the Fedex office they said the driver showed up 4 times (when it was only twice) and that I now have to pick up my own package (a bed set!) from their office as I missed all deliveries. For a lack of better words, what a garbage operation, never again.
28 November 2018 18:44
Unconceivable how a huge entreprise like Fedex gives the worst service possible. Will do everything to avoid business activity with them. FEDEX DOES NOT DELIVER 0/10
30 October 2018 3:46
Reçu mon produit très vite et en parfait état. Difficile de signer pour mon colis de 9a5 je travail:/ Bon service:)
18 August 2018 18:40
Every package I've ever had shipped through this location I've called every day to make sure it is delivered on Friday, the day I am home, only to come home Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday to a "sorry we missed you" doortag. Yeah you did miss me, that's why I called explicitly saying to please deliver on Friday. Every time I call I get a "yes ma'am no problem" but evidently it is a problem. I genuinely wonder if anybody working here knows what the days of the week are.

To top it off the people working here then have the audacity to return my packages to their senders after three delivery attempts on days they were not supposed to make a delivery attempt on, making their mistakes my problem.

Thanks to this location alone whenever an online retailer says they ship with FedEx I immediately take my business elsewhere.

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