24 October 2023 13:43
No one brought the package or anything. Got an automated call to pick up parcel 40 minutes from my residence! Makes no sense!
26 September 2023 20:21
Suppose to be open on saturday, i went there and there was a paper in the window saying that it's close today saturday sept 30 60km 120 km back and forth decided to take off today guy'sno pick up available from friday to tuesdaythanks again
16 June 2023 23:39
We had the best service today. We tried to send an awkward package. We did not expect the kind assistance we received from Mariana. Exceptional! Thank you!
11 June 2023 20:45
J’ai attendu toute la journée et personne n’est venu! J’ai perdu mon samedi quand j’ai appelé ils disent qu’ils sont venu vers 14h mais c’est complètement faux! Je dois aller courir à VSL mardi après le travail! Wow
05 June 2023 21:02
Je suis chez moi je ne bouge pas, personne n’est venue et on me laisse un message vocal comme quoi tentation de livraison et si impossible de livrer, ils vont retourner le colis alors j’attends ce colis depuis des semaines. Sérieusement, pourquoi cette compagnie existe encore. Je n’ai même pas reçu un appel d’un livreur ou un avis de récupération. Le colis est un outil de travail dont j’ai vraiment besoin, c’est irresponsable.
11 May 2023 16:26
Would give 0 if I can.

Literally the second worse delivery service in all the area.

Everyday it's supose to be delivered only to be delayed again and again. Not put on a truck. Call you and promise you a delivery by the next day then doesn't deliver.

They force you to stay at home to sign the delivery but then never show up. Horrible but horrible service.

The only redeaming thing is the people on the phone are sweet at least. Though the company they work for doesn't deliver. Which is ironic for a DELIVERY company.
30 March 2023 7:36
They have worst service. Everyday it shows me out for delivery for my order, but at the end of day it shows delay, reached at local faculty. One day I went in front of the building; delivery guy remain sit in the truck and he went away.when I tracked my order, it shows customer was unavailable.lol.same thing happened second day!
Last day, It again shows out for delivery, I was keeping an eye again on truck.suddenly I saw truck 2 buildings behind. I was just in front of our building. Delivery guy updated customer not available.he didn't even come in front of our building.then I run and ask driver he said it might be in another truck.but when he checked my parcel was in his hands. How unprofessional they are! If you don't like your job, just quit it instead of making panic among customers. How lazy they are!
02 March 2023 14:50
They really need a dedicated position for pick-ups. Waited forever for the 2 agents to finish up with unprepared customers trying to send stuff.
17 February 2023 3:54
30 January 2023 16:33
Bad service.
I was supposed to receive a parcel.
They simply stick a notification paper on the front door of the house and left.
I went to FedEx center at Saint laurant to receive the parcel the next day.
Notofocation.paper date and time 07.02.2023,11.35 am.
16 January 2023 5:43
EDIT2: bought a 200$ used cellphone, which I've had to return, Fedex is asking me 115$ for tax, obviously taking MSRP price of a sold out product circa 2020. How absurd is it? Obviously I would not buy such a thing with 60% shipping fees. I have contacted seller but I'm afraid it will be pita.

EDIT: got called by fedex agent, it is going for a local delivery pickup. That's better

It is extremely difficult to contact a real human by calling. Terrible integration with amazon. Probably data got corrupted and driver had no time to fix. Parcel has been requested for another pickup. But all the fedex robots have followed the robot script. Why would a client take a 100$ uber ride to pickup a parcel at dorval after paying 40$ for delivery? Client is waiting for delivery deadline to get a refund. Package will get incinerated, good job guys.
07 January 2023 22:47
Mon colis dit être en cours de livraison en camion dans la journée, je ne le reçois pas. Ensuite le lendemain, je ne le reçois toujours pas.l'impression de me faire niaiser. 6 jours de retard et de fausse information d'estimation du colis en constance. Toujours rien reçu, en espérant le recevoir "demain". Faic 4fois qu’on me dit je vais le recevoir.
04 January 2023 11:22
Just a bunch of liars. Promise to deliver, then they say no delivery. But I can pick it up 45 mins away from my place. Asking to speak to a supervisor, you are denied or put on wait for 60 mins then disconnected. No reasons give for delay, no expected delivery date either, no way to complain or do anything. This is by far the worst company to deal with. SHAME!
30 December 2022 22:08
Worst service ever. Terrible drivers. They scan to show that they’re on the road but they never actually leave anywhere
15 December 2022 11:25
À tous les jours c'est écrit "Dans le camion pour livraison" et personne vient livrer mon colis depuis 3 jours ça arrive trop souvent ce genre de situation.
08 December 2022 5:13
Mon colis bloqué à l’entrepôt pendant des jours. Aucune aide sur le site. J’appelle, on me réponds « oh! Cet entrepôt a beaucoup de difficulté, impossible de prévoir la date ». Ils livrent toujours en retard! Fedex peux-tu juste faire faillite et donner ses contrats à Amazon.
03 December 2022 23:49

03 December 2022 12:29
Multiples appels au service à la clientèle, aucun retour, impossible de savoir où en est mon colis après avoir expliqué à de multiples occasions que je ne peux être chez-moi avant 17h et que le centre de St-Laurent est trop loin. Semble avoir aucune considération pour les gens qui ne font pas de télétravail est qui n"ont pas de voiture. Une blague.une très mauvaise blague.
22 September 2022 19:15
Attention! Attention! Attention!
Fedex trade network c'est compagnie s'organise avec fedex express pour faire des escrocs, il profitel'occasion lors d'une livraison fedex, fedex t'en un facture de douane et tu paie la facture l'argent est partie chez fedex trade networks, et fedex express envoie ton nom au recouvrement pour repayer cette même facture.et fedex trade à chaque fois tu les appelle pour le remboursement les agents vous raccrochent au nos.c'est incroyable.c'est un organisation mafia, vol qualifié fédex avec ses multiples sous fedex plus jamais si j'achèterais quelque chose que ce serait fedex qui va venir me livrer ça chez moi.
Depuis 2018 ils ont volé plus de 2000 dollars pour moi.
18 September 2022 7:29
C’est la 4ieme fois cette semaine que mon colis n’a pas été livré, j’ai fournis le code de la porte d’entrée et mon numéro de téléphone. Les livreurs sont pas capable de faire une simple livraison
16 September 2022 15:27
Picked up items here a bunch of times over the years from the size of a lamp to a lawn mower.
Service was always as good as it gets, even during the years of covid.
20 August 2022 8:48
I bought some vitamins from USA, the total price was 200$, the FedEx again charged me 49.8 $ for taxes! It’s too much
12 August 2022 14:36
Literally the same complaint as every other victim in the comments. Comparing to the logistics we do at my company, this is as if they literally try their best to disappoint their customers: D I have seen people on minimum wage do wonders, if thats the problem. I can’t even imagine how shameful it must be to be a part of this company… I would personally resign if I was the manager behind this operation.
10 August 2022 20:50
Whenever you receive notice that your carrier will be fedex, know that you will go through a hassle like no other to receive it.
Every single shipment from fedex, and I mean every single one, whether at home or not will be delayed due to “customer not present or business closed”. One of the times I was actually at my front door waiting and I got a notification of attempted delivery failed.
Dont even bother calling customer service as they will tell you yes we will reattempt delivery (they wont), yes we will keep your package at fedex facility for pickup (next morning you get a notification the package is out for delivery) and its a loop all over again.
I barely write negative reviews but this company is a disaster and needs to be exposed with this trick of theirs.
05 August 2022 22:57
Horrible company they says they came to your house and no one was there when they never came because i was at home all day and never heard the doorbell i went to st -laurent to pick up my package I had to wait about 1h30 before receiving it
18 July 2022 14:39
Terrible company. Paid overnight delivery and it's been 5 days and the package is completely lost. They have no idea where it is
15 June 2022 14:59
Fedex, when you decide de retourn back the product, give a note to your clients before you send it! This call bad service!
05 June 2022 15:10
Service client nul, suivi des colis nul, retard d’au moins 2-3jours de maniere systematique… A fuir!
06 May 2022 2:42
The driver came to my door and didn’t rang, he just put a paper and gone.
When I went to fedex center after 5 the package was not there…. Just disgusting
26 March 2022 18:23
Had to call 5 times and pick up the package myself. The driver wouldn't dial our code at the front door and gave up three times. I'm pretty sure he just never got the code from the dispatch. Awful logistics for a logistics company.
03 March 2022 3:04
Worst courier company ever! Not only did they delay my shipment but they also attempted to deliver my very urgent package twice without enabling the tracking system for me! They neither called nor emailed me! After so many calls, I finally had to pick it up myself from the center! Would never in a million years recommend this shameful company!
06 February 2022 12:10
Worst experience ever! There delivery guy didn't even contracted me or knocked or anything but still has tendency to say that he did amd customer is not available. I had a very important package and they didn't even tried to deliver it. Worsted experience.
25 January 2022 7:20
Not the best customer service
Called and they said that
I COULD pay my custom fees at the St Laurent office I got there the counter agent said no the package has to arrive first. She did not even checked the where the goods were. They had arrived and were out for delivery. Before its time this was Friday and was supposed to be out for delivery on upcoming Monday. Not Impressed.
12 January 2022 4:50
It was a quick in and out to pick up a package.
Like all things service will depend on time of day and how busy they are.
If you are wondering are they are.they on the south side of the 40 across from the giant Canada Post facility.
08 July 2021 22:26
I cleared the tax and duty of the package myself and paid the tax directly to CBSA.
I have emailed my receipt to Fedex office and they have approved to clear the package.
The employees here at Saint-Laurent branch have never seen such receipt, and have to talk with the manager. The whole process took about an hour and half.
At the end, the manager insists that I must pay again and refuse to acknowledge the fact that the main office have left a note which stated that I have already paid all the taxes and should release the package to me.
To be clear, the staff at the front are friendly and helpful, and I do not blame them for lack of experience, but as a manager, you would expect a manager to know what is CBSA and what is self clearing. Clearly the manager there not only lack experience but also lack the ability to process such simple information with his brain if he has one.

At the end, I had to leave without my package and emailed the main office and spoke with them on the phone and they told me that they did everything they could already and do not quite understand what the local branch is doing. They emailed the local branch again to explain that I have paid all taxes again, hopefully this time the manager at the saint-laurent will finally use his brain this time to process the information
30 June 2021 9:13
Sur 4 colis, aucun n'ont pu être livrés. Le livreur n'est pas capable de déposé le colis, il est toujours reportés plusieurs fois de suite.

Je dois passé des heures au téléphone pour savoir comment récupérer le colis à chaque fois. C'est frustrant et pas très professionnel.
17 May 2021 8:15
The handling is fine of this place (my packages have always arrived perfectly) but you might sometimes land on really nice and efficient employees or sometimes ones that look judgementally at you for some reason.
03 May 2021 13:50
Our fedex driver, Anthony, went above and beyond for us tonight. We couldn’t be more grateful. I hope FedEx management appreciates their drivers as much as we do. Thank you for the great service and making it happen for our small business during these trying times!
03 May 2021 6:03
The staff is efficient, professional and welcoming. Though came almost at closing time. I loved my experience!
09 September 2020 12:43
You pay for your delivery, then you go pick it up, no effort to enter the building and leave the package there even though it's safe.
15 March 2020 10:53
Very polite! Even though they didn’t deliver it to my place and i had to go and pick it but they were nice in person and on the phone.
24 February 2020 19:36
Put the tag saying nobody was home, obviously was at home. He never tried to deliver my package. Your delivery men are lazy.
14 September 2019 12:41
I’ve had several deliveries lately and the service has been exceptional. The staff is friendly and reliable
29 August 2019 17:15
They cant even get their job straight.which is delivering package.very confusing service and tracking. Last time
26 August 2019 12:46
Service très aimable et pratique pour retrouver un colis. Attention à ne pas confondre avec un point de livraison sur le bd St Laurent.
08 July 2019 15:32
Good service at this location, along with the app for tracking and customer call centre for info on cut-off time.
07 July 2019 6:54
I've been using FedEx for both my business and for personal use. Very satisfied with their service. A big plus is they can be reached 24/7 for information or to make requests. I have been using FedEx for over thirty years!

The only downside is I intensely dislike their automated crude AI (Artificial Intelligence) computer system that handles their phone calls. I lose my patients at this thing. It is like this computer wants to do everything. I feel like I have a difficult time to speak to a human.
17 June 2019 12:49
I just discovered the FedEx guy arrived with my two boxes. He didn't rang the bell, he only let the boxes felt from his high on the floor one under the other, I heard a BANG outside, so I went to see what it was and surprise I saw the guy walking to his truck. He didn't gave a rip if the things in the boxes were let like that outside, let alone the fact of damaging the items. I should add the boxes were already quite deformed. It arrived fast but I didn't appreciate the rest and the fact that he let the boxes at the view of everyone outside, NOT BRILLIANT! FedEx will be my last choice from now on.
02 June 2019 19:13
Came here on a Saturday to pick up an item that was left for me. Was served by a very kind young lady who was professional and efficient. I had forgotten my wallet so I didn't have any identification on me, but she let me confirm it's me by asking me what my name and address was.
30 April 2019 18:51
Best location FedEx has.
The person in charge of this location deserves to be commended.
Stuff is always cordial and helpful.
20 March 2019 0:47
The worst experience I'v ever had. At the time of writing this review I am still waiting to receive my item. That's an express mail from USA. It is about 4 days that my item is here in Montreal but still I am waiting to get that. I set a scheduled with them to deliver my item, they told me the bring that between 12: 00 - 5: 00Pm. I did not go to university and stay whole day at home, from 7: 00Am I left the entrance to my apartment completely open and wait for them. But until 5: 00 PM no body showed up. Then I called them. First they said we came at 10: 48 Am and you were not at home (while they expect to deliver that between 12: 00-5: 00 PM and in addition I was at home whole day), Then they said: no we came but we didn't have buzz number while my apartment has no buzz number and the entrance is open all the time. That is my passport, I have to renew my status in Canada and I don't know why they are doing that with me. I am really unhappy with their service. Hopefully I receive my item on Monday.
25 January 2019 18:07
Super nice customer service! Had to call them couple of times and every time they were doing everything to help me. I’m from Vaudreuil and the driver was also very helpful.
15 January 2019 5:28
Most unprofessional and unhelpful FedEx branch ive ever dealt with, some of the worst workers in the city, period, especially the truck drivers
25 November 2018 10:08
Delivery to-door fails second time. But cline center is good: helped to locate and pick up parcel same day afternoon
08 November 2018 2:14
FedEx screwed me again
I was home all day again and no delivery
I live middle of downtown and this delivery guy did not pass really?
Driver on this route in downtown Should fire him!
21 October 2018 23:07

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